Simon MayoRoyal Botanic Gardens, Kew · Herbarium
Simon Mayo
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Publications (228)
Coastal vegetation will be the first areas to be directly affected by rising sea levels as a result of climate change. Thus, it is urgent to know and disseminate information about their plant diversity, especially those that are already known to be impacted by other threat factors. Here we present two new critically endangered Anthurium sect. Urosp...
Cryptic species are organisms that look identical but represent distinct evolutionary lineages. They are an emerging trend in organismal biology across all groups, from flatworms, insects, amphibians, and primates, to vascular plants. This book critically evaluates the phenomenon of cryptic species and demonstrates how they can play a valuable role...
A new theoretical model of phyllotactic patterns is presented in this book, based on the geometry of two oppositely twisted spirals or helices. Many of the models previously proposed to explain observations of phyllotactic patterns are thus explained mathematically. The book is abundantly illustrated with computer graphics and supplemented by hyper...
Differences resulting from the passage of migrating dunes in coastal restinga vegetation in Ilha Grande, Piauí, Brazil were quantified, especially differential survival of tree species (wild Anacardium occidentale, cajuí; Byrsonima crassifolia, muricí) and successional floristic reestablishment. A phytosociological study totalling 108 quadrats (1.0...
Citation: de Castro Camelo M, Temponi LG, Mayo SJ, Coelho MAN, Baumgratz JFA (2021) Typifications of some species names in Anthurium section Pachyneurium (Araceae). PhytoKeys 178: 95-109. https://doi. Abstract During a taxonomic study of Anthurium sect. Pachyneurium, it was found that the names of four species required typification. Verification of...
Wild cashew Anacardium occidentale L., used locally for food and medicinals, occurs in coastal restinga vegetation in northeastern Brazil. Leaf and bark hydroethanolic extracts from four populations in Piauí state were studied for secondary metabolites, estimation of total phenolics and flavonoids (UV‐Vis spectrophotometry), identification of the s...
The present study is a taxonomic treatment of Bignoniaceae from the four municipalities of the coastal region of Piauí state (Cajueiro da Praia, Ilha Grande, Luís Correia, Parnaíba) in Northeast Brazil, based on morphological study of newly collected and existing herbarium material. The study recorded 26 species in 12 genera: Adenocalymma, Anemopae...
The urge to organise the world around us is an essential part of human nature. Naming and categorising enable us to store and access information ef ciently. The need to name and categorise extends to the natural world and, in particular, to living organisms. The science underpinning this area of knowledge is called Taxonomy, and is as old as humani...
Anthurium sterilispadix (previously A. bromelicola subsp. bahiense) is recognized as a new species, closely related to A. bromelicola and representing a third species of Araceae exhibiting commensalism with Bromeliaceae. The two species share the same highly unusual slender twining habit but differ markedly in inflorescence morphology, each exhibit...
The diagnostic value of leaf shape for mangrove species Avicennia germinans and A. schaueriana was examined in four areas within the Rio Parnaíba delta, Maranhão, Brazil. Elliptic Fourier analysis of 627 leaves, followed by principal component analysis, provided shape and size data; the first seven principal component shape variables expressed 99.2...
The infraspecific taxon Anthurium willdenowii Kunth var. pohlii Engl. is elevated to the rank of species and is given the new name Anthurium maxakali Theófilo, Sakur. & Mayo. Comments about its taxonomy, ecology, and geographic distribution are discussed.
Introdução O estado do Piauí compreende uma área de 251.529,86 km², representando L6,2o/o do Nordeste e 2,95 oÁ do território brasileiro (CEPRO, 2003). O Estado ocupa uma posição marginal em relação ao conjunto do Nordeste, sendo que quase sua totalidade e metade do Maranhão formam um conjunto denominado de Meio Norte ou Nordeste Ocidental, marcand...
Phytosociological analysis was used to quantify the structure of a disturbed mangrove next to a tidal creek of the Rio Igaraçu, Piauí, northeast Brazil, and comparison was made with a survey made fourteen years earlier. Thirty 10×10 m plots were demarcated in three areas of ten plots each. Height and circumference of trees of circumference at breas...
Philodendron subgenus Meconostigma has been a well-circumscribed group since 1829. Members of this group are easily distinguished by diagnostic morphological characters as well as by a distinct ecology and geographical distribution. Based on molecular, morphological and cytological evidence, we propose the recognition of P. subg. Meconostigma as a...
Taxon sampling, voucher information and GenBank
Marine angiosperms are submerged marine plants with a wide global distribution, occurring in temperate and tropical areas where they form meadows that harbour algae and marine fauna that are important for the functioning of the coastal ecosystem. This study is a floristic survey of the seagrasses occurring in the coastal region of the State of Piau...
This is the first taxonomic study of the family Araceae in the state of Piauí, Northeast Brazil. The survey was conducted in four coastal municipalities (Ilha Grande, Luiz Correia, Cajueiro da Praia and Parnaíba) of the state. Eight species were recorded in six genera: Lemna aequinoctialis Welw., L. valdiviana Phil., Montrichardia linifera (Arruda)...
In the Introduction (Chap. 1) an account was given of the rationale for using the morphology of leaves as the source of raw material for automatic systems for the identification of plant species. In this chapter we focus on how morphological features have been used in statistical analysis to define taxa like species, test pre-existing species class...
One of the key challenges for automated analysis of plant leaves lies in the range of variation presented by a species and even by a single plant (Fig. 2. 1). As well as the natural variation to be expected from any organic object, the variation of a leaf can arise from a number of sources, for example, its age and developmental stage. Shape varies...
As discussed in Chap. 2, plant leaves contain many different morphological components (characters) that can be used in analysis for identification, such as outline shape, margin details and venation type. It is important to extract these components accurately from the leaves and generate appropriate descriptors for them.
First-rate botanists have accumulated extensive experience in studying and identifying plants and this forms the foundation for their greater intuitive powers of species recognition. This suggests that it may be possible to improve on computational methods by investigating how botanists gather classificatory information from visual scanning of leav...
One of the most immediately obvious features of organic life is its extraordinary diversity — Charles Darwin’s “endless forms” (Darwin 1859). Evolutionary biology attempts to understand how nature’s diversity arose and the sciences of ecology, genetics and physiology investigate the interactions of organisms and seek to understand how they function...
A new species of Philodendron in central Amazonia, Manaus-AM, Brazil, is described and illustrated. Philodendron melloi belongs to the subgenus Philodendron and is possibly a representative of the section Tritomophyllum. This newly described species is similar to P. barrosoanum and P. hyleae, but differs Its preference for terrestrial habitats, per...
Plant identification systems developed by computer vision researchers have helped botanists to recognize and identify unknown plant species more rapidly. Hitherto, numerous studies have focused on procedures or algorithms that maximize the use of leaf databases for plant predictive modeling, but this results in leaf features which are liable to cha...
Pilocarpus microphyllus Stapf ex Wardlew (Rutaceae), popularly known as jaborandi, is a plant native to the northern and northeastern macroregions of Brazil. Several alkaloids from this species have been isolated. There are few reports of antibacterial and anthelmintic activities for these compounds. In this work, we report the antibacterial and an...
This book discusses innovative methods for mining information from images of plants, especially leaves, and highlights the diagnostic features that can be implemented in fully automatic systems for identifying plant species. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, it explores the problem of plant species identification, covering both the concepts of...
The 558 km range extension of the Amazonian aroid Dracontium nivosum (Lem.) G.H.Zhu into semiarid Northeast Brazil is confirmed. This species occurs in Ceará in threatened fragments of brejo forest at ca. 580–870 m elevation. An illustrated taxonomic description is provided. The species’ Extent of Occurrence (EOO) is estimated as 356,392 km2 (meets...
The itinerary of the German botanist and explorer Ernst Heinrich Georg Ule (1854–1915) in central Bahia state, Brazil, is reconstructed from published records, specimen label data and unpublished correspondence. Emphasis is given to his collecting localities in November 1906 in the campo rupestre of the Serra do Sincorá, Chapada Diamantina, where h...
An updated inventory of Brazilian seed plants is presented and offers important insights into the country’s biodiversity. This work started in 2010, with the publication of the Plants and Fungi Catalogue, and has been updated since by more than 430 specialists working online. Brazil is home to 32,086 native Angiosperms and 23 native Gymnosperms, sh...
An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used by the Sobradinho community, Luís Correia, Piauí, Brazil was undertaken to recover and document traditional knowledge with the aim of supporting chemical, biological, agronomic, pharmaceutical and socioeconomic studies related to the region's biodiversity. Fifteen research visits to the community we...
The genus Crenea consists of two species, Crenea maritima and C. patentinervis, restricted to the coasts and estuaries of northern South America from Colombia to Pará in Brazil. Taxonomic studies dealing exclusively Crenea are few. This study reports a new record for Crenea maritima in the Delta of the Rio Parnaíba (Piauí and Maranhão states, Brazi...
RESUMO O uso de plantas medicinais no tratamento de doenças é uma estratégia antiga utilizada por praticamente todas as populações do mundo, e, embora novos antibióticos tenham sido desenvolvidos para o controle de micro-organismos infecciosos, às vezes são ineficazes. Diversos extratos de plantas medicinais têm efeitos antimicrobianos, principalme...
In this paper we present new synonyms and typifications in Erythroxylum sect. Rhabdophyllum: four taxa are synonymized, three of which at the specific level and one at the infraspecific one, and fourteen lectotypifications are made.
Relative flower size (RFS) was studied quantitatively in natural populations of Anthurium erskinei (one population) and A. talmonii (two populations) to investigate its potential as a taxonomic descriptor. RFS is defined as the ratio of spadix diam-eter and transverse floral width in the same region of the spadix. Variation was examined within and...
Anacardium microcarpum (cajuí) differs from A. occidentale (cashew) by its smaller drupe and hypocarp and more restricted range in cerrados and coastal plateaux of Brazil’s Pará, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte states. Taxonomists treat A. microcarpum as conspecific with A. occidentale, but many agronomists treat it as distinct. This...
The genus Philodendron is a highly diverse Neotropical group of the monocot family Araceae. Despite chromosome counts being relatively abundant for the family, information on the karyotype evolution within the genus is still scarce and very confusing. Therefore, we report diploid numbers and additional cytological features for 43 species of Philode...
The Anthurium augustinum (Araceae) complex (including A. augustinum K. Koch & Lauche, A. hatschbachii E. G. Gonç., A. jureianum Cath. & Olaio, A. laucheanum K. Koch, A. lhotzkyanum Schott, A. lucidum Kunth, A. maximiliani Schott and A. parvum N.E.Br.) is endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Some of these taxa are strictly endemic, with only th...
Due to its wide distribution covering three of the largest Neotropical biomes, Philodendron subgenus Meconostigma is an interesting model to discuss the diversification of Neotropical plants. The aim of this study was to test a previous hypothesis that the Eastern and Southern species of P. subg. Meconostigma have plesiomorphic gynoecial structure...
Elucidating the evolutionary patterns of flower and inflorescence structure is pivotal to understanding the phylogenetic relationships of Angiosperms as a whole. The inflorescence morphology and anatomy of Philodendron subgenus Meconostigma, belonging to the monocot family Araceae, has been widely studied but the evolutionary relationships of subge...
A preliminary taxonomic revision is presented of the Neotropical genus Heteropsis, widely known as the source of a regionally important non-timber forest product; a tough resistant root fiber used in craftware and furniture making. Eighteen species
and one variety are recognized, including two new species,
Heteropsis reticulata
The study consists of a taxonomic treatment of the Araceae of Ceará, a state lying within Brazil's semi-arid region. The aroid flora shows greater similarity to those of central Brazil and Amazonia than to the Atlantic forest. Most species occur in humid forest fragments - the "florestas serranas". Geophytes are also found in caatinga and dry fores...
The aim of this paper is to review progress in phylogenetic research of Araceae during the period since publication of the first major molecular study by French et al. (1995). This, the first cladogram of the whole family inferred from DNA molecular data (Fig 9.1), resulting from research by J.C. French, M. Chung and Y. Hur, was based on chloroplas...
A revision of the nomenclature of this group of species is presented as part of a wider taxonomic revision.
Six teen neotypifications, three lectotypifications, six epitypifications and one new combination [Anthurium
ian thi nopodum (Schott ex Engl.) Nadruz & Mayo, comb. et stat. nov.] are proposed, based largely on the
coloured and black and white...
Flora of the Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais: Araceae). The study of the familiy Araceae is part of the "Flora of Serra do Cipó" project. In the area the family is represented by eight species belonging to three genera: Anthurium (A. aff. intermedium, A. megapetiolatum, A. minarum, A. scandens), Philodendron (P. cipoense, P. minarum, P. rhizomatosum, P...
A taxonomic revision is presented of the three taxa of Monstera (Araceae) recognized for Bahia State, Brazil:– M. adansonii subsp. blanchetii (stat. nov.), M. adansonii subsp. klotzschiana (stat. nov.) and M. praetermissa; a fourth taxon, not so far recorded from the state, M. adansonii subsp. laniata (stat. nov.), is distinguished from subsp. blan...
Leaf characters of populations of the aquatic macrophyte Montrichardia linifera were studied using geometric morphometrics to compare variation with traditional circumscriptions of the two recognized species. Two hundred and ten individuals were sampled from seven populations in the delta region of the Rio Parnaíba, north‐east Brazil. Six landmarks...
Stromanthe idroboi Yoshida-Arns, Mayo & J. M. A. Braga, a new species from the montane forests of Colombia and Venezuela, is described and illustrated. Its morphological relationship with S. jacquinii (Roemer & Schultes) Kennedy & Nicolson is discussed. The description, distribution and a detailed illustration of the new species are provided.
The name Philodendron imbe has been used for at least three species of hemi-epiphytic Philodendron species of medium stature with cordate to cordate-sagittate leaves occurring in the Atlantic Forest region of Brazil. Many specimens so determined are found throughout the world's herbaria, especially in Brazil, North America, and Europe. This investi...
A pilot study of leaf outline morphometrics was carried out on populations of five species of Heteropsis located in the Reserva Florestal Adolpho Ducke near Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil: H. flexuosa (Kunth) G. S. Bunting, H. macrophylla A. C. Sm., H. spruceana Schott, H. steyermarkii G. S. Bunting and H. tenuispadix G. S. Bunting. The aim of the study...
Stromanthe bahiensis Yoshida-Arns, Mayo & J. M. A. Braga sp. nov. (Marantaceae) is described as an endemic to the Atlantic Forest coast of southern Bahia State in Brazil. It is similar to S. hjalmarssonii (Körn.) Petersen, which is restricted to Central America, but differs from it by the following characteristics: petiole 14–70 cm long, leaf blade...
The first family-wide molecular phylogeny of the Araceae, a family of about 3800 published species in 120 genera, became available in 1995, followed by a cladistic analysis of morpho-anatomical data in 1997. The most recent and comprehensive family-wide molecular phylogeny was published in 2008 and included species from 102 genera. We reanalyzed th...
Anthurium morii, A. raimundii, A. talmonii and A. zappiae are proposed as new species from the state of Bahia in north-eastern Brazil. A. raimundii occurs in the restinga vegetation of the Bahian Atlantic Forest region, while the other three species are from the seasonally
dry campo rupestre vegetation of the interior of the state. Descriptions, il...
to investigate quantitative methods for discriminating species within a local area based on veget-ative morphology in a genus where fertile parts are often difficult to find in the field; this study focussed on leaf outline shape. Using digital images of 347 leaves, outlines were captured as coordinates using the TpsDig software and analysed using...
Adolf Engler’s scientific interest in Araceae began when he worked at the Munich Botanical Institute between 1871 and 1878 and remained strong throughout his life (Diels, 1931; Lack, 2000). Besides many subsidiary papers, he published three major taxonomic monographs of the family, in A. and C. de Candolle’s series Monographiae Phanerogamarum (Engl...
Tracing the evolution of one of the most ancient major branches of flowering plants, this is a wide-ranging survey of state-of-the-art research on the early clades of the monocot phylogenetic tree. It explores a series of broad but linked themes, providing for the first time a detailed and coherent view of the taxa of the early monocot lineages, ho...