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Publications (28)
Potassium-rich magmatism represents subordinate magma volumes worldwide but has been observed in many geodynamic settings. Most potassic magmas are thought to derive from very-low degrees of melting of metasomatized mantle lithologies. We performed piston-cylinder experiments to determine trace element partition coefficients between incipient potas...
It is well-acknowledged that the northern margin of the Gondwana supercontinent was affected by a major magmatic event at late Cambrian (Furongian) to early Ordovician (Tremadocian) times. However, an accurate assessment of its extent, origin, and significance is partly hampered by the incomplete characterization of the numerous gneiss massifs expo...
Keywords: UHT metamorphism partial melting crustal differentiation granulite zircon Variscan orogeny Lower crustal ultra-high temperature (UHT) metamorphism and the resulting production and transfer of granitic magmas represent key processes of intracrustal differentiation. The timescales of these phenomena are debated, due to the complexity of the...
The Velay anatectic dome in the Variscan French Massif Central exposes a low-pressure–high-temperature metamorphic sequence, which represents an ideal natural laboratory for documenting the behavior of rare-metals and fluxing elements during crustal melting. We investigated the silicate and bulk-rock geochemistry of sub- to suprasolidus metapelites...
The identification of oceanic sutures is key to understanding the evolution of the Paleozoic Variscan belt and the structure of the West European lithosphere. In the French Massif Central, the suture of the ‘Mid-Variscan’ ocean would be stamped by distinctive lithological formations known as ’Leptynite–Amphibolite Complexes’ (LACs). These formation...
We provide a thorough review of the literature on peraluminous magmatism of Late Neoproterozoic and Early Palaeozoic (mostly Late Cambrian-Middle Ordovician) age cropping out in many places around the world (SW South Africa, NE Patagonia, NW Argentina, Colombia, SE Mexico and Guatemala, the European Variscan Massifs and from Turkey to northern Burm...
La chaîne varisque en France 2 traite de l’histoire géologique et de l’évolution des idées concernant la chaîne varisque en France.Cet ouvrage propose une analyse des évènements magmatiques, métamorphiques et tectoniques tardifs ainsi que des archives sédimentaires, documentant ainsi le démantèlement de la chaîne varisque au Carbonifère supérieur.L...
Unravelling the pre-Variscan evolution of the French Massif Central (FMC) demands an accurate assessment of the origin and emplacement age of the numerous meta-igneous rocks present throughout the metamorphic nappe pile. Among those, the Montredon–Labessonnié orthogneiss is a metagranite body exposed in the low-grade domain of the northern Montagne...
Zircon U-Pb geochronology is routinely performed to unravel the timing and duration of melting events within the continental crust. A comprehensive understanding of the zircon behavior during anatexis is therefore paramount to accurately assess the impact of crustal melting on orogenic processes. We report on an anatectic system from the southern p...
The structure and evolution of the continental crust in the southern part of the Saharan Metacraton (central Africa) is poorly known due to extensive laterite and sediment cover as well as geographic isolation. We report on a series of five crystalline inliers newly discovered near Lake Iro (south-eastern Chad) that offered the opportunity to unrav...
We present here a tectonic-geodynamic model for the generation and flow of partially molten rocks and magmatism during the Variscan orogenic evolution from the Silurian to the late Carboniferous based on a synthesis of geological data from the French Massif Central. Eclogite facies metamorphism of mafic and ultramafic rocks records the subduction o...
Combining U–Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic data of detrital zircon grains has proven a powerful tool to unravel the provenance of sediments and address continental crust evolution. In this study, we explore the origin of thick siliciclastic metasedimentary units from the high-grade internal domains of the Variscan belt of Europe and examine their significan...
This study presents the first geochronological results on basement rocks from the Penguin-Bage-Webb (PBW) domain located east of the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic Terre Adélie craton, Antarctica. Investigated samples are paragneiss xenoliths hosted within early
Paleozoic granitoids, which were emplaced during the Ross orogeny. Zircon U-Pb dating yiel...
Anatectic magmas form plutons or accumulate in the core of anatectic domes. Both scenarios have distinct implications on the behaviour of the continental crust during orogenic evolution from collision to collapse. Considering a stepwise extraction of melt, we simulate the evolution of anatectic melt and of solid residues produced in the crust from...
The formation of the continental crust is a major consequence of Earth differentiation. Understanding how the crust formed and evolved through time is paramount to locate the vast mineral deposits hosted therein and address its influence on the global climate, ultimately affecting the development of terrestrial life. Recent advances on the topic of...
Geodynamics of crustal growth and evolution consist in one of the thorniest questions of the early Earth. In order to solve it, Archean cratons are intensively studied through geophysical, geochemical and geochronological investigations. However, timing and mechanisms leading to accretion and stabilization of crustal blocks are still under question...
From the Neoproterozoic to the early Paleozoic, the northern Gondwana margin was sequentially shaped by the Cadomian accretionary and the Variscan collisional orogens which offers the opportunity to investigate the relative extent of crust production/reworking in both geodynamic settings. In the eastern part of the Variscan French Massif Central (F...
The East Massif Central (EMC), France, is part of the internal zone of the Variscan belt where late Carboniferous crustal melting and orogenic collapse have largely obliterated the pre- to early-Variscan geological record. Nevertheless, parts of this history can be reconstructed by using in-situ U-Th-Pb-Lu-Hf isotopic data of texturally well-define...
The late stages of the Variscan orogeny are characterized by middle to lower crustal melting and intrusion of voluminous granitoids throughout the belt, which makes it akin to “hot” orogens. These processes resulted in the development of large granite–migmatite complexes, the largest of which being the 305–300-Ma-old Velay dome in the eastern Frenc...
Earth's continental crust is dominantly made of buoyant, felsic igneous material (granitoids), that were ultimately extracted from the mantle as a result of Earth's differentiation. Since felsic melts are not in chemical equilibrium with the mantle, they can originate either from melting of older crustal lithologies, or from differentiation of a pr...
Mg-K mafic intrusive rocks are commonly observed during the late stages of the evolution of orogenic belts. The Variscan French Massif Central has many outcrops of these rocks, locally called vaugnerites. Such magmas have a mantle-derived origin and therefore allow discussion of the role of mantle melting and crust-mantle interactions during late-o...