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Skills and Expertise
Publications (31)
Il contributo prende in considerazione i nomi commerciali dei formaggi italiani, con l’obiettivo di individuare elementi linguistici e culturali che possano essere integrati nella progettazione e realizzazione di percorsi didattici per l’insegnamento e l’apprendimento dell’italiano come lingua seconda e straniera. I nomi commerciali, evocando la qu...
This APATCHE Descriptive Scale of Plurilingual Teacher Competence in Higher Education describes:
(1) What HE teachers need to know and understand about plurilingualism and linguistic diversity;
(2) Why they need this knowledge, and which attitudes and values should be fostered;
(3) How they can bring about plurilingual approaches in their teaching,...
In this third module, further training is provided into how you can bring about plurilingual approaches to your teaching, and the skills needed to do so. Although this module can be taken separately, it is advisable that you first acquaint yourself with Modules 1 and 2 in the APATCHE course.
APATCHE was funded by the European Union, under the Eras...
This is part 1 in the APATCHE course on how to become a plurilingual HE teacher.
APATCHE - Adding Plurilingual Approaches to language Teacher Competence in Higher Education is an Erasmus+ project funded by the European Union, under Key Action 220 (2021-1-LT01-KA220-HED 000030285)
Digital Learning of Italian as a Foreign Language: A Playful Approach. Foreign language teaching has been more challenging than ever since the beginning of the Covid-19 health emergency. The transition from face-to-face to remote teaching has raised a series of problems for all stakeholders involved in foreign language teaching training, with parti...
The volume collects the contributions of academics from various Italian universities who have worked with Carmel Mary Coonan throughout her career at Ca’ Foscari University. Starting from the themes that have characterised Carmel’s research interests, including Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), professional development for language t...
The volume contains the works selected by the Scientific Committee of the Italian Association for Terminology (Ass.I.Term), presented at the 2019 Annual Conference, hosted at the Accademia della Crusca. Italian lexicography has long been influenced by the masterpieces of literature, especially the oldest, and it is therefore in this perspective tha...
Atti del IV Congresso della società di Didattica delle Lingue e Linguistica Educativa DILLE (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia, 2-4 febbraio 2017). Il fenomeno dell’internazionalizzazione è sempre più presente in ogni sfera della vita economica, sociale e culturale del paese. In ambito educativo, l’internazionalizzazione è associata a nuove condizioni...
Le Cadre europeen pour la formation des enseignants a l’EMILE (Enseignement d’une matiere par l’integration d’une langue etrangere) met en relief les competences necessaires pour l’enseignement d’une discipline en langue seconde ou etrangere. Le Cadre, publie en 2011 suite a une enquete sur les besoins didactiques des enseignants dans ce contexte,...
The European framework for CLIL teacher education, published in 2011 following a survey on the didactic needs in this context, highlights the required skills to teach a subject in a second language - by proposing a list of professional target competences to develop in a trainee teacher. In our study, we will focus on the role of ethics in this docu...