Sigurd M. N. Oppegaard

Sigurd M. N. Oppegaard
Fafo Foundation


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Publications (43)
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Kontrollsamfunnet og nyliberalismen Makt og samtidsdiagnoser hos Deleuze og Foucault Innledning I siste del av Seksualitetens historie I: Viljen til viten skisserer Michel Foucault en inndeling av historiske perioder med utgangspunkt i de maktformene som i størst grad preget dem. 1 Den eneveldige herskeren utøvet en form for makt som ifølge Foucaul...
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The article problematises the assumption that modern society is characterised by institutional differentiation as a unidirectional process. Inspired by Deleuze’s sketch of the ‘society of control’, in this article the authors explore institutional de-differentiation in contemporary society. They illustrate the process of de-differentiation by devel...
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Based on a case study of taxi platforms in Oslo, Norway comprised of interviews with drivers and an ethnographic fieldwork working a driver, this article explores the platformization of the Norwegian taxi industry and the drivers’ working conditions through Marx’s concept of subsumption. In Norway, taxi platforms emerged in an already formally subs...
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Working conditions on digital platforms are generally found to be precarious. This article explores why drivers working for taxi platforms in Oslo, Norway nonetheless take the "gig." It draws on an extensive fieldwork in the industry and shows that the drivers see driving as not only one of very few available opportunities in the Norwegian labor ma...
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While the Nordic labor market model is renowned for providing ‘good’ jobs, we have over the last decade nonetheless seen the rise of platform-mediated gig work, associated with relatively precarious working conditions, in the Nordic countries. Analyzing the emergence and development of platform-mediated gig work in the taxi and food delivery indust...
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Sondre Thorbjørnsen (Fafo) and Sigurd M. N. Oppegaard (Fafo) 7.1 Introduction The aim of this research project and report has been twofold: First, we have sought to advance the empirical understanding of occupational safety and health (OSH) risk factors related to different forms of non-standard employment and digitalization, such as ield technolog...
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While work is key to good health and well-being (ILO, n.d.; WHO, 2017), it can also be dangerous. According to the ILO's estimates, work-related factors led to the death of 2.93 million workers and non-fatal injuries in 395 million workers across the world in 2019 (ILO, 2023; Takala et al., 2023). Regulating how work is conducted is therefore essen...
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At least since Esping-Andersen's (1990) typology of welfare state regimes began to permeate the social sciences, significant scholarly attention has been devoted to the 'Nordic model' and its putatively signal institutional feature, namely de-commodification. The decoupling of human welfare from individualised market performance by way of well-deve...
Technical Report
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The report presents trends in the Norwegian taxi market from the deregulation in November 2020 to March 2023. The period has been characterized by major changes, caused by changes in regulations and the impact of the pandemic. There has been a rapid establishment of new businesses, particularly in and around Oslo, resulting in an increase in the nu...
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Begrepet om den «norske arbeidslivsmodellen» utgjør ofte utgangspunktet for beskrivelsen av det norske arbeidslivet. Modellen framstilles gjerne som et institusjonelt rammeverk for regulering og organisering av arbeidsmarkedet som skal beskytte arbeidere mot å måtte akseptere dårlige lønns- og arbeidsvilkår. Modellen regulerer lønns- og arbeidsvilk...
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Employers rely on having a variety of non-standard contracts at their disposal. Combined with digitalization, we also see new types of companies and new forms of work emerging. Platform work is the latest development, and can be defined as work that is mediated, coordinated, organized and/or controlled by a digital platform (Jesnes, 2020). The work...
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When initiating its Norwegian operations, the transportation platform Uber adjusted its business model to the Norwegian regulation of the taxi market by focusing on its high-end offering, Uber Black, organized through limousine companies who employ the drivers and own the cars. The Uber Black drivers in Oslo are classified as employees and endowed...
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Gig- og plattformøkonomi utgjør et relativt marginalt fenomen i Norge, og Norden for øvrig, men har likevel funnet fotfeste i deler av arbeidslivet som kan karakteriseres som den nordiske arbeidslivsmodellens «randsoner». I denne artikkelen drøfter jeg årsakene til at disse forretningsmodellene har etablert seg i et velregulert arbeidsliv som det n...
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In this report, we have seen that platform work in the Nordic countries is still a marginal phenomenon. The platform-based business models for mediation of work have been established in particular industries providing favourable conditions for such arrangements. We have studied cases of platform work in the cleaning (Hilfr), personal transportation...
Technical Report
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Erna Solbergs regjering foreslo i 2014 å innføre det den kalte en avbyråkratiserings- og effektiviseringsreform (ABE-reformen). Den ble innført fra og med budsjettåret 2015. I proposisjonen uttalte regjeringen at den la til grunn en årlig produktivitetsvekst på 0,5 prosent i staten, og forutsatte at alle statlige virksomheter gjennomfører årlige ti...
Technical Report
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Erna Solbergs regjering foreslo i 2014 å innføre det den kalte en avbyråkratiserings-og effektiviseringsreform (ABE-reformen). Den ble innført fra og med budsjettåret 2015. I proposisjonen uttalte regjeringen at den la til grunn en årlig produktivitetsvekst på 0,5 prosent i staten, og forutsatte at alle statlige virksomheter gjennomfører årlige til...
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The so-called sharing economy is often framed as an adept system for taking advantage of underutilized assets and, through digital technology, establishing a community of strangers trusting, interacting and exchanging with each other. In this thesis, I explore one of the companies often associated with the sharing economy, Uber, investigating the w...
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Gilles Deleuze’s sketch of what he called «control societies» describes a historical period defined by control as the dominant form of power. Control is characterized by the depletion of boundaries between institutions, a continuous adjustment of the techniques of power based on given circumstances at any given moment, and the partitioning of peopl...
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This chapter analyses the power and techniques for rehabilitation employed in the alternative penal sanction «Drug program with court control» (the ND program). The study investigates strategies for coping and overcoming addiction that are practiced within the ND program and how these are experienced by and affect the convicts. The analysis is base...


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