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Publications (66)
Outcome selection underpins clinical trial interpretation. Inconsistency in outcome selection and reporting hinders comparison of different trials' results, reducing the utility of research findings.
We conducted an iterative consensus process to develop a set of Core Outcome Measures for Perioperative and Anaesthetic Care (COMP...
Background: Adverse cardiovascular events are a leading cause of perioperative morbidity and mortality. The definitions of perioperative cardiovascular adverse events are heterogeneous. As part of the international Standardized Endpoints in Perioperative Medicine initiative, this study aimed to find consensus amongst clinical trialists on a set of...
Comment on Sahlins, Marshall. 2017. “The original political society.” Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 7 (2): 91–128.
Sustainability was effectively put on the map in the Brundtland Report, Our Common Future (1987). According to the report ‘sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’. Further, it is argued that the environment is ‘something beyond physica...
I argue that anthropology and ethnography are two sides of the same coin. Anthropology is nothing without ethnography and ethnography is just an empty practice without a concern for the disciplinary debates in anthropology departments. A number of other disciplines have taken to use “ethnographic” or “ethnographic fieldwork” as their method. Most s...
Based on ethnography from Lio, Indonesia, I explore effects on values, categories, and practices that followed the introduction of Catholicism to the area. Hierarchy is treated both as a model of value, conveyed through asymmetrical relations, and as a system of social organization. Hierarchy is employed as a way to order elements of value, to incl...
Drawing on ethnographic material from Chewong, a hunter-gathering group of people in the Malaysian rain forest, I discuss how Chewong ontology and cosmology conflate with a comprehensive understanding of causal processes in “nature” in which every object is a potential subject. Identity is a question of the particular physicality–interiority relati...
REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) started as a global project aimed at reducing CO2 emissions by protecting tropical forests. At the same time, several so-called co-benefits were listed in the original documents, such as biodiversity and other environmental services, poverty reduction and sustainable livelihoods,...
REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries) is a new and very ambitious global programme which seeks to create a financial value for the carbon stored in forests, offering performance-based payment to reduce CO2 emissions from forested lands. From an initial perception of REDDF+ as a relatively strai...
In the absence of concepts that correspond to those of chance, luck, or fortune, how do people account for seemingly random desirable or undesirable events that occur? In this article, an examination is made of the Chewong—a hunting, gathering, shifting, and cultivating group
of people in the Malaysian rain forest—and their theory of causality. It...
There is a long-standing tradition among social anthropologists in Norwegian universities of participation in debates about current social, cultural, and political issues. I shall examine some of the background to why anthropologists have chosen to play this role and consider some of the practical, professional, and ethical aspects of "engaged anth...
PREAMBLE In 52 b.c., Cicero proclaimed that “those who share Law must also share Justice; and those who share these are to be regarded as members of the same commonwealth” (1997: 24). This statement will form the backdrop to my presentation, which deals with international conventions about children and their rights and, more specifically, how they...
Adoption of children born by others is practiced in some form or another in all known societies. Although ethnographic monographs from all over the world have made numerous brief references to local adoption and/or fostering practices, very little sustained interpretative interest has, until recently, been directed at this social phenomenon. With t...
Blood and Race : Unresolved metaphors in Norwegian discourses of biology and culture
The statement “blood is thicker than water” is found in many European languages, including Norwegian. Descent predicated upon blood has been, and continues to be, an important marker for inclusion and exclusion – on a personal, ethnic and national level. I compare...
It is argued that multiple discourses and discursive practices pertaining to similar topics co-exist within any one society and that these may be constituted through symmetrical or asymmetrical relations. Drawing upon some ideas by Alfred Gell about the nature of relations, I use the concept of androgyny. By this is meant that certain persons (but...
Legislation about personal behavior, such as family law, clearly manifests concerns about individual and relational rights and duties. With a focus on adoption laws in Norway and the US and on two international conventions (the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption), I examine different cultural...
Transnational adoption has become a major means for involuntarily childless people to become a family, and for people who do not want to go through the ‘normal’ procedures to obtain a child. In this paper we present a comparative analysis of some pertinent features pertaining to the understanding of kinship that arise out of the practice of transna...
Since the late nineteen sixties, transnational adoption has emerged as a global phenomenon. Due to a sharp decline in infants being made available for adoption locally, involuntarily childless couples in Western Europe and North America who wish to create a family, have to look to look to countries in the poor South and Eastern Europe. The purpose...
With empirical material obtained from a study of transnational adoption in Norway, an argument is made for the concept of kinning. By this is meant a process by which a foetus, new-born child, or any previously unconnected person, is brought into a significant and permanent relationship that is expressed in a kin idiom. Through a focus on adoption...
Some recent anthropological work on gender seeks to argue for a multiplicity of gender attributes, qualities and associated values in any given socio-cultural setting. Drawing on ethnographic material from the Lio people of eastern Indonesia, I seek to apply and test these theories empirically. Contexts may be constituted in a male or female mode o...
The domestic unit is inseparable from its homestead, and the 'house', at once a physical place and a social unit, is often also a unit of production and consumption, a cult group, and even a political faction. Inspired by Lévi-Strauss's suggestion that the multi-functional noble houses of medieval Europe were simply the best-known examples of a wid...
L'A. se demande a propos de l'interlocution dans les invocations des Chewong de la peninsule malaise et des Lio du centre de l'ile de Flores (Indonesie) s'il existe un lien - causal ou d'un autre ordre - entre les pratiques sociales et culturelles et la nature des communications verbales entre les humains et les supra-humains, autrement dit peut-on...
Societies that adhere to a patrilineal ideology of asymmetric prescriptive cross‐cousin marriage are usually analysed in terms of the affinal relationship. Women are interpreted in their roles as wives. Taking the Lio of eastern Indonesia as an ethnographic example, it is argued that consanguinity may represent a higher ideal than affinity, that wi...
Mauss suggested that in total prestations the things given are related to the person of the giver and that the gift is in some way animated-thereby enforcing a return gift. In this article, these ideas, which anthopologists have found problematic, are examined, using field material from the Lio of Eastern Indonesia, where asymmetric matrilateral cr...
Unlike the situation in America where the proponents of ethnography of speaking (or performative folklore) have revitalised the study of the roles of formalised speech in society, British anthropologists have shown little interest in this area. This article attempts to develop the ideas generated by the ethnographers of speaking. Based on data coll...
- J. Angerler, Jýrg Schneider, From upland to irrigated rice; The development of wet-rice agriculture in Rejang Musi, Southwest Sumatra. Berlin: Reimer, 1995, 214 pp. [Berner Sumatra-Forschungen.] - R.H. Barnes, Janet Hoskins, The play of time; Kodi perspectives on calendars, history, and exchange. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993, xx...
- Jet Bakels, Robert Layton, The anthropology of art. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, 258 pp. - J.M.S. Baljon, Herman Leonard Beck, De Islam in Nederland: Romancing religion? [Inaugurele rede theologische faculteit Tilburg 14.2.1992.] Tilburg: Tilburg University Press 1992. - R.H. Barnes, J.D.M. Platenkamp, North Halmahera: Non-Austron...
- G.J. Abbink, Serena Nanda, Cultural anthropology, Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company (second edition), 1985, 398 pp. - H.J.M. Claessen, Patrick Vinton Kirch, The evolution of the Polynesian Chiefdoms, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge etc. Series: New Studies in Archaeology, edited by Colin Renfrew and Jeremy Sabloff, 1984. 314 pp., index,...
Questions (2)
I am a social anthropologist. My slot used to be just for my own publications. For about one year several unknown people from the medical science have been included in my slot. Please remove them.
Hi. Just came across you article "Ancestors and Visions" . Very interesting. Would like to communicate with you. I can send my articles from Liioland
Signe Howell