Shukri I Al-Hassen

Shukri I Al-Hassen
University of Basrah · Department of Geography

My research focuses on environmental pollution, analysis of environmental issues, environmental impact assessment


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I'm Dr. Shukri I Al-Hassen, I'm professor at the Department of Geography, University of Basrah. My research focus on Geography, Ecology, Waste Management, Environmental Awareness. My current project is 'Environmental Pollution'.


Publications (69)
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تهدف الدراسة الحالية الى قياس رغبة افراد العينة المستهدفين في تغيير البيئة الطبيعية من حولهم لأجل مصلحة البشر من خلال الاستجابة البيئية وفق مؤشر التكّيف البيئي, وما مدى ادراكهم في ظل وجود التقدم التكنولوجي والتطور الحضاري, والتعرف على آرائهم في تغيير البيئة لتصبح اكثر اكتظاظاً بالسكان في زمن تزداد بهِ اعداد السكان بشكل انفجاري مع زيادة متطلباتهم من...
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This study aims to calculate the size of the ecological footprint in Basra Governorate in the terms of the consumption index, which is one of the bases for measuring the ecological footprint.
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تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن وجود وتراكيز بعض المعادن الثقيلة في عينات لترب ملوثة بالألغام والمخلفات الحربية في محافظة البصرة. وتقييم نمط التباين المكاني لتراكيزها ومدى مساهمة بقايا الألغام والمخلفات الحربية في تلويث التربة بهذه العناصر السامة.
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تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى الكشف عن مستويات التلوث الكهرومغناطيسي المتمثل بالإشعاع غير المؤين في مدينة البصرة، المنبعث من أبراج الهواتف المحمولة وبث الأنترنيت والبث الإذاعي ومن خطوط نقل الطاقة الكهربائية فائق القدرة، ودراسة الآثار المتولدة على صحة السكان المجاورين لهذه المصادر المشعة.
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تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تحديد مستويات التلوث الكهرومغناطيسي المنبعث من أبراج بث الأنترنت في مدينة البصرة. إذ تمت الدراسة الميدانية من خلال أخذ بعض العينات من مواقع مختلفة، باستخدام جهاز (EMF-810)، وتم قياس نحو (178) عينة من أبراج البث الأنترنت في منطقة الدراسة، بواقع خمس قراءات لكل حي سكني ضمن منطقة الدراسة، ومن ثم تمثيل النتائج خرائطياً لبيان مستوى ا...
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دراسة حول كميات النفايات الصلبة حسب المحافظات العراقية للمدة 2010 - 2020
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بحث حول الدلالات البيئية والإحصائية لحرق الغاز في العراق
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فلم وثائقي اعدته قناة بي بي سي البريطانية، يتناول قضية حرق الغاز من الصناعة النفطية في العراق وبخاصة من شركات النفط الأجنبية العملاقة، وكيف تؤثر هذه الانبعاثات السامة في تلويث الهواء وتهدد حياة الأطفال بالسرطان
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تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى فحص علمي دقيق لأثر التلوث الضوضائي في عينة من العاملين في ورش صناعية بمدينة البصرة. أجريت الدراسة خلال المدة من كانون أول 2020 ولغاية نيسان 2021، واستخدم فيها مقياس الصوت نوع Lutron SL-4013 لقياس الضوضاء البيئية، وأجهزة فحص طبي مثل جهاز العصب نوع Pureton Audio Metry وجهاز Typon Metry. وأجريت الفحوصات الطبية السريرية على عينة مت...
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light pollution
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This study amid to show the spatial pattern of the concentrations of some heavy metals in the waters of the Chibayish marshes and the pollution sources that cause them. As well, it aims to conduct to an environmental assessment of pollution with these elements and their impact on the aquatic and plant life in the study area. 25 water samples were c...
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كتاب ثري بالمعلومات يتناول مبادئ علم البيئة
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This study captured a rare opportunity to prove its hypothesis. This coincides with the imposition of a full ban on traffic in Basra City during March 2020 as a measure to prevent the Coronavirus pandemic that has recently spread throughout the country. Accordingly, measurements of traffic noise and noise dose during the referred period were made a...
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التقطت هذه الدراسة فرصة مناسبة ونادرة لتثبت فرضيتها؛ وذلك بالتزامن مع فرض منع تام لحركة المرور في مدينة البصرة في آذار 2020 بوصفه تدبيرا احترازياً للوقاية من جائحة كورونا التي تفشت في عموم البلاد مؤخراً. وعليه، أجريت قياسات لضوضاء المرور وللجرعة الضوضائية خلال المدة المشار إليها ومقارنة النتائج مع دراسة مرجعية سابقة نفذت في المنطقة نفسها في العام 2...
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This study aims to assess the environmental risk of contamination with nutrients in the Shatt al-Arab River and its canals within Basra City, and to identity the possibility of benefiting from the technique of factor analysis in determining the nature of the factors affecting these pollutants and the degree of their relationship to the environmenta...
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This study aims to investigate the index of microbial contamination in water samples of Basra City. The study hypotheses that microbial contaminates in the water may be a significant reason for the health damage. The study used the advanced FilmArray Analysis Technology to detect microbial contamination in the studied water samples. Six samples of...
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This study chose to detect some of the hazardous chemical pollutants that had not been dealt with before. It aims to conduct a geographical analysis and environmental assessment of these pollutants in terms of their presence and anticipated impact on the environment and public health. During the year 2018, 20 water samples were collected from diffe...
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مقال صحفي يتحدث عن مشكلة التلوث الغازي في البصرة
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مقال صحفي يتحدث عن تلوث أنهر البصرة
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Having received a death threat by members of a clan that is in dispute with his own, Farhan Mathloum, a 48 years old school teacher who works in a school in the tense northern region of Basra, could not go to work. The dispute is the result of an inherited blood feud that can be traced back to a disagreement on how to share water. "We always inheri...
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مقال صحفي منشور في موقع درج الإلكترونيالرصين في 2020/7/19
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مقال منشور في صحيفة المدى يتحدث عن تأثير الجفاف وتغير المناخ في نشوب نزاعات عشائرية بسبب ندرة المياه
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كتاب منهجي يدرس في القسم الأول منه مفاهيم في علم البيئة Ecology ويدرس في القسم الثاني أبرز المشكلات البيئية العالمية المعاصرة Environmental Issues
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كتاب يتناول بالتفصيل أبرز مشكلات التلوث في مدينة البصرة ومستوياتها والآثار الناجمة عنها والمعالجات المقترحة
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The study aims at identity of the efficiency of the quality of the water in the province of Dhi Qar according to the concentration of TDS and Turbidity as one of the most important indicators in the assessing of environmental and health quality of water. This was done through the data obtained from concerned Government Departments, as well as the f...
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The study aims to delimitation levels of traffic noise in the city of Basra, and modeling patterns of its spatial variation of adopting one of the models spatial generation in the ArcGis 10.3 software environment, as well as the degree of these levels according to the sound power. The study tried measurements mediated by Decibel X application durin...
كتاب منهجي يدرس مفاهيم علم البيئة من جهة وأهم المشكلات البيئية العالمية من جهة أخرى
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كتاب مترجم إلى العربية مؤلف من علماء أمريكان ويعد واحداً من أفضل الكتب في مجال علم التلوث البيئي
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This paper aims to analyze the geographic distribution of air pollutant concentrations in Basra Province, Southern Iraq, and to cartographically determine the spatial variation of air pollution levels as well as to recognize the hottest spots of air pollution within the study area, and conclude that the levels of air pollution in the study area are...
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This experimental study aims to determine the concentrations of air pollutants directly released from selected outdoor gaseous emission sources. This experiment carried out during 2013at Basra City, Southern Iraq. Air pollutant concentrations were measured by using the portable detection instrument Drager CMS. The measured air pollutants were CO, C...
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This experimental study aims to determine the concentrations of air pollutants directly released from selected outdoor gaseous emission sources. This experiment carried out during 2013at Basra City, Southern Iraq. Air pollutant concentrations were measured by using the portable detection instrument Drager CMS. The measured air pollutants were CO, C...
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كتاب منهجي يدرس مفاهيم علم البيئة من جهة وأهم المشكلات البيئية المعاصرة من جهة أخرى
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Estimation and comparative acute toxicity of some heavy metals on two freshwater snails Abstract LC 50 for heavy metals Cadmium, Lead, Cobalt, Nickel, Silver and Mercury to two snails species Lymnaea auricularia and Physa acuta had been Estimated during 96 h. LC 50 was high for Lead 9.667 ppm for Physa acuta and low for Mercury 0.281 ppm for Ly...
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This study seeking for explain a paradox that is while the hospitals being served to many of the people in the terms of their medical services, it could be, in the same time, considered as a major source to contaminated them with acute diseases. Therefore, the present study is concerned with detecting on the presence and concentration of some enter...
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The present study aims to analyze the spatial and seasonal variations in levels of petroleum hydrocarbons at the urban environment of Basra City. This is made by determination of their concentrations in water, ambient air, and soils. Several samples were collected from different sampling stations during 2009. The determination of hydrocarbons in wa...
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The objective of this study is to determine the levels of gaseous pollutants, as indicators of ambient air quality, emitted from the industrial area of Khor Al-Zubayr, Southern Iraq. Several polluting-induced industries, such as petrochemical complex, gas liquefier plant, steel and iron complex, fertilizers factory, and gas-fueled power station, ar...
This study aimed to detect the present levels and distribution of CO, CO 2 , SO 2 , NO 2 , and total hydrocarbons gases (HCs) produced from different industrial plants in Basra city, Iraq. Measurements were carried out in the winter and summer of 2011. CO, SO 2 , NO 2 , and HC concentrations were measured using a Drager CMS portable detector, while...
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The main objective of this study are both analyzing the chemical properties of soil quality in the urban area of Basra City, southern Iraq, and identifying the contamination effect on seasonal and spatial variations in chemical properties of the selected soil samples. Soil samples were collecting from known contaminated sites during winter and summ...
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This study aimed to detect the present levels and distribution of CO, CO 2 , SO 2 , NO 2 , and total hydrocarbons gases (HCs) produced from different industrial plants in Basra city, Iraq. Measurements were carried out in the winter and summer of 2011. CO, SO 2 , NO 2 , and HC concentrations were measured using a Drager CMS portable detector, while...
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This study aims to determine levels of heavy metals in the waters of Shatt Al-Arab river and its creeks and in the tap waters, and to analyze the spatial and seasonal variability in these levels, as well as to evaluate their hazards on public health in terms of the recommended exposure levels of these pollutants. Water samples were collected from d...


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