Sholahuddin Al-FatihUniversity of Muhammadiyah Malang | UMM · Faculty of Law
Sholahuddin Al-Fatih
Juris Doctor
Editor in Chief Legality: Jurnal Ilmiah Hukum (Q1 Scopus Indexed Journal)
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My research discusses a lot of electoral law, human rights, and democracy, but now I am interested in research in the fields of legislation, constitution, and comparative law
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July 2017 - present
September 2020 - May 2024
Publications (127)
Law Number 11 Year 2008 on Electronic Information and Transactions (EIT Law) is a law that is often the subject of debate for legal experts in Indonesia. Up to now, more than 20 court decisions that are related to the EIT Law, especially cases of humiliation and defamation involving internet users as regulated in Article 27 paragraph (3) of the EIT...
Delegated legislation are a necessity in a democratic rule of law like Indonesia. Unfortunately, Article 8 paragraph (1) of Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Establishment of Laws and Regulations j.o Law Number 13 of 2022 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Establishment of Laws and Regulations has not mention...
Introduction to The Problem: Delegated legislation in Indonesia is a new type of legislation that should be interpreted and ruled carefully. However, nowadays, the Indonesian legal system has no fixed term for delegated legislation and no hierarchy on it. Furthermore, as many as 57.677regulations at the level of Ministries, Agencies and State Insti...
This article intended to examine academic freedom in Indonesia, especially in the last decade (2014-2022). As a country that upholds human rights and Islamic values, academic freedom in Indonesia is in chaos, especially on hifz al-nafs and hifz al-‘aql fulfillment. Many forms of thought expression and criticism conveyed by scholars to the governmen...
This research discusses Muhammadiyah's strategic role in building a vision of a welfare state through the higher education system it has developed. As one of the largest Islamic organizations in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah not only focuses on religious aspects but also makes significant contributions in the social, economic, and educational fields. Thi...
This article aimed to discuss the similarities and differences between Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) and Darul Ifta in Egypt (or Darul Ifta Mesir/DIM), especially from a legal perspective. Both institutions were Islamic organization, a place that Ulama from different perspective or mazhab (legal thought) take a part in issuing fatwa for their count...
The existence of criminality such as online gambling in cyberspace is an inevitable fact. Online gambling contributes to poverty among Indonesians by financially destabilizing individuals who participate in it. This condition is seriously jeopardising Indonesia's digital sovereignty. The massiveness of online gambling in Indonesian cyberspace impli...
Indonesia's diverse cultural heritage significantly contributes to its economic growth, yet the current intellectual property system, based on Western principles, may not fully align with the country's cultural values. This research aims to enhance the legal framework for Indonesia’s communal intellectual property (CIP), by exploring the potentials...
This research tries to find the root cause of the spread of fake news during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The Indonesian Ministry of Information and Communication recorded that there were 519 or 56% of the total 926 fake news during semester 1 of 2020. This figure doubled in October 2020 with a total of 1,028 fake news in the health sector e...
Artificial intelligence changes how tourist destinations operate, provides better service to visitors, and provides long-term benefits for local communities and the environment. However, it is essential to question whether governments can effectively resolve data privacy and cybersecurity challenges when deploying these technologies. This study aim...
This article examines the perspective of Islamic law regarding the protection of the rights of housewives at risk of contracting HIV/AIDS from their husbands. Although HIV/AIDS is not a new issue, its impact on families, especially housewives, remains an essential concern in legal and public health contexts. Within the framework of Islamic law, ind...
This article aims to analyze several issues of the implementation of the regulation of vaccination in Indonesia, encompassing the issues of the imposition of criminalization following the vaccination refusal, discussion on its objective, and practical challenges that potentially emerge. As qualitative research, this article employed a normative leg...
The classical legal concept within executive and legislative scopes is no longer adequate to help understand the strategic measures taken by the Provincial Government of East Java and the potential of communicative actions of the DPRD of the Province of East Java. The making of autonomous regulations tends to be exclusive and overlooks the involvem...
This article examines how law reform in the digital age happens in Indonesia and Estonia. Indonesia and Estonia are located in different cultures and also areas. While law reform in the digital age happens, the two countries above will also demonstrate differences. This article uses normative legal studies to capture which legal instrument is bette...
Fundraising using the equity crowdfunding method has experienced rapid development and is in high demand from the public. In order to maintain the credibility of the implementation of Islamic securities crowdfunding, it is essential to establish a sharia supervisory board to supervise the offering of sharia-compliant securities employing informatio...
As the most essential human need, territory is crucial for the survival of humanity. The increase in population and demand for land, as a result of urbanization, can no longer satisfy human requirements. The research method in this study is a normative legal research method. The approach method uses a statute approach, a comparative approach, and a...
Green economy policies must be encouraged so that welfare can be improved without sacrificing environmental sustainability which is the capital of the lives of future generations. This paper aims to see the possibility of implementing a green economy through the legal framework of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The method used is a normativ...
This article tries to explain how legislation should be made in the digital era. Because digitalization is something that cannot be rejected or avoided. Therefore, the dynamics of the digital era must also be responded to by law, especially in the study of legislation. Using normative research methods, this article found several important things, i...
Investment plays a pivotal role in countries' strategies to achieve
sustainable economic development by increasing production, creating
jobs, and improving infrastructure. A 2017 World Bank report shows that
foreign direct investment (FDI) can increase productivity by up to 30 per
cent and create better-paid jobs. Countries seek to attract investme...
This study seeks to examine the legal preservation of Balinese traditional law during the development of global tourism destinations. This study employs an empirical legal research method, in which the law is conceptualized as a phenomenon that can be observed in the actual world. Article 6, paragraph 1, stresses that “in the context of upholding h...
Objective: The topic of this study is the obligations and role of a notary in the registration of electronic mortgages under the conditions of the 2019 Mortgage Law and the 2019 ATR/BPN Ministerial Regulation No. 9. Legal clarity in the procedures used to electronically register mortgages. Theoritical Framework: The author employed Gustav Radbruch'...
Industrial relations disputes (Perselisihan Hubungan Industrial (PHI)) are essential to examine because these disputes represent unbalanced bargaining positions between workers and corporations. On the other hand, there are many PHI documents, so they need to be classified and distinguished from other types of other decisions for other types of civ...
The dynamism of the implementation of general elections in Indonesia is directly related to the legal products that regulate them. In this case, legal politics that continue to change legal products can further complicate the systems, mechanisms, and behavior of general election organizers and participants, and make them vulnerable to future genera...
For more than five decades (since 1972), the world has increasingly directed its attention toward sustainable development, one of which encompasses the domain of green tourism. Indonesia and China stand as two nations committed to the Sustainable Development Goals and green tourism. Nevertheless, it remains uncertain whether the legal framework on...
Many cases occur in Indonesia that show children and women have become victims of violence, one of which is domestic violence. There are many cases in the community of children and women who experience physical, psychological, sexual violence and neglect in the family, especially in the household. This community services uses FGD method to strength...
Globalization has a bad impact on the indigenous peoples in Southeast Asia countries. The demands of globalization have led the governments in Southeast Asia countries to exploit and industrialize indigenous regions excessively, resulting in marginalized indigenous peoples and the threat of extinction. Not intended for the benefit and welfare of in...
A democratic system in the state, which uses the rule of law system (rechtstaat), is a constitutional democracy. Constitutional democracy is a system which respects and implements the mandate of the Constitution and applicable laws. Constitutional law aims to create discipline, peace and welfare in a country based on applicable law. Constitutional...
According to Articles 38D and 38G of the Republic of Indonesia’s 1945 Constitution, citizens have the right to a sense of safety from the state, including the right to be protected from crimes. In Indonesia, there is an annually increasing rate of crime, many of them being crimes against wealth. Unfortunately, victims seldom receive attention, incl...
The massive number of money politic and clientelism cases occurring between legislative electoral candidates and the community should be eradicated, especially as the general election comes close. This article analyzed the causes of money politic and clientelism in the electoral system and which electoral system that Indonesia as a state should pur...
This article aims to examine the phenomenon of cooperation among Southeast Asian countries in dealing with the case of maritime security and counter-terrorism. The study uses the legal approach covering both international law and Islamic law perspectives. The finding of this article reveals that the implementation of the ASEAN Convention on Counter...
This study aims to describe and analyze how the cultural inheritance of a collaborative Hindu-Muslim community occurs in Tengger Village, Lumajang Regency, East Java, Indonesia using the concept of ta'âwun as the theoretical framework. The research is qualitative with a multi-case study type. Data were collected using in-depth interviews to relevan...
The Job Creation Law has not only changed positive-fictitious construction from ten to five days, but also abolished the administration court authority in deciding positive-fictitious applications. Naturally, every administrative action can be sued by the public to court with the aim that these actions follow legal rules and human rights values. Th...
One of the content materials in constitutional amendment process is Article 7 of 1945 Republic of Indonesia Constitution concerning the President's term of office being limited to only two terms. During the era of President Joko Widodo's leadership, the issue of extending presidential term into three terms resurfaced. This study raises the main iss...
This article examines beschikking, regeling, and beleidseregel in the Indonesian legal system. This article aims to understand beschikking, regeling, and beleidseregel in the context of its content's type, form, and material. Using a conceptual approach method, this article will likely provide an understanding for academics and practitioners in the...
div> The process of resolving administrative violations in the appointment of non-definitive regional heads that have not been regulated can threaten democratic values. Likewise, there has not been a judicial institution that has been given special authority to try it. This study aims to provide a regulatory model or settlement of administrative vi...
This article aims to find legal efforts of workers who layoffs caused by COVID-19 pandemic. Layoff in a company can occur when a company goes bankrupt until it cannot meet its employees' salaries. In addition, some others are not affected by layoffs but are laid off without getting a salary. That were a big problem to face new normal era, a daily l...
The flow of information technology development cannot be contained. Migration from the era of citizens to netizens is an impossible thing to avoid. This study aims to examine the relationship between the development of information technology in the digital era, especially on social media, and the Human Rights perspective. This research uses normati...
The government is authorized to carry out agricultural water management in the village. This agricultural water management aims to ensure that water needs are well fulfilled and sustainable for the welfare of village communities. In this case, the Yosowilangun Lor Village Government, Yosowilangun District, Lumajang Regency, seeks to maintain sustai...
: This study aims to identify and analyze Islamic banking policies in maintaining and even improving the image/reputation of Islamic banking and to contribute scientifically to CSR in Islamic banking based on national law and Islamic law. This study uses a qualitative normative legal research method with a conceptual, statutory, and sociological ap...
The current job transformation is one of the challenges for the state of Indonesia. Crimes over time have been carried out systematically, including corruption. The interesting thing about the development of efforts to combat corruption is the development of the concept of returning state finances. Legal entities in Indonesia have long experienced...
This article discusses the position of the DKPP after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 32/PUU-XIX/2021 and the power of its decision. As is known, after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 32/PUU-XIX/2021, the DKPP Decision, which was originally final and binding, became unconstitutional if it was not interpreted as only binding on the...
The discourse on legalizing marijuana for medical purposes in Indonesia peaked when legislators discussed the draft law on the narcotics law amendment. Efforts to legalize marijuana for medical purposes have also been pursued by testing the narcotics law. However, through decision number 106/PUU-XVII/2020, the Constitutional Court prohibited medica...
Judicial review ensures that no regulations are contrary to higher laws, and none is unfair to people. The review of Indonesia's laws and regulations is conducted based on a hierarchy of laws and regulations. However, many laws and regulations are not within the hierarchy that raises uncertainty about the institutions that are authorized to review...
Part of the Keerom Regency area is a forest owned by the Keerom Indigenous people, in Articles 1 and 2 of the UUPA. the implementation of ulayat rights and similar rights of indigenous peoples, as long as in reality they still exist, must be so that they are in accordance with the national and state interests. The problem in this study is a sociolo...
Artikel pengabdian ini dibuat karena melihat banyaknya produk legislasi di tingkat Desa, baik itu berupa Peraturan Desa, Peraturan Kepala Desa, Peraturan BPD dan sejenisnya, yang tidak memiliki nilai dan dibuat serta dibentuk seolah sebagai formalitas saja. Oleh karena itu, perlunya dilakukan edukasi kepada masyarakat terutama masyarakat Desa dna p...
As the next generation of the nation, it is proper for the state to provide guarantees for child protection. One of the ways to do this is by creating Child-friendly Cities/Regencies that will become one of the elements of successful legal protection in Indonesia. Based on the Minister of Women's and Children's Empowerment Regulation No. 11 of 2011...
The Illegal logging is an organized illegal timber use activity. This crime is usually carried out by more than two people in a certain time for the purpose of destroying forests and selling wood products illegally. In Decision No.39/Pid.B/2015/PN.Sit the defendant Asyiani was dropped by a criminal witness of illegal logging thanks to a special cri...
The Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture has applied the ‘Merdeka Belajar’ (Freedom to Learn) and ‘Kampus Merdeka' (The Freedom Campus) (abbreviated MBKM) learning concepts. In legal education, these concepts aim to form legal students who master the knowledge, skills, and competence demanded by the job market. Unfortunately, these programs...
This study tries to discuss the strength of ministerial regulations in responding to the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Through legal research methods, this article is expected to be able to contribute to the field of legal science, especially in the context of legal science on the rules of determining laws and regulations, as well as responding t...
The World Health Organization (WHO), declared the outbreak of the spread of Covid-19 as the first and foremost health crisis pandemic in the world. Due to the pandemic, human life has changed including legal services provided by advocates where there are rules regarding online trials during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses empirical juridical...
This study examines the Legal Implications of using Ministerial Instruction Instruments as the Legal Basis for the Implementation of Restrictions on Community Activities During the Covid-19 Pandemic. As is known that during this pandemic, the Government made many instruments in the form of Ministerial Instructions to respond to the transmission of...
The abuse of power during the Covid-19 pandemic was felt to be very massive by the governmentbecause the health sector received far more attention than others. The Covid-19 test was made mandatory to travel in spite of it being very expensive for the community, and various news spread in the community made suspicion of abuse of power. By using qual...
Cases of criminal acts of corruption and Money Laundering have such fundamental ties. In this case the act of corruption is a part of the special criminal law in addition to having special specifications or different from the general criminal law or other, such as a deviation of procedural law and when viewed from the material regulated, the act of...
The COVID-19 pandemic has implications for the postponement of the Simultaneous Pilkades in Indonesia. It's interesting to examine more deeply how the Simultaneous Pilkades policy arrangements during the COVID-19 Pandemic are viewed from the aspect of legal certainty and the legal consequences of postponing the Pilkades during the COVID-19 Pandemic...
The moral paradigm in establishing legal norms about parliamentary thresholds in legislative elections is studied through historical, conceptual, and statutory approaches. Figures' perspectives on the moral paradigm and nature's laws are an analysis benchmark. This research is a legal analysis with a conceptual approach. The main objective of this...
This research will raise the issue that will be studied is, First, the regulation of dissenting opinion in the Constitutional Court's Event Law. Second, the legal power of dissenting opinion in the Constitutional Court Decision. Third, the legal implications of dissenting opinion in the Constitutional Court Decision. This resulted in the conclusion...
Tulisan ini mencoba memotret fenomena banyaknya kedai, warung makan, resto dan sejenisnya, yang secara sepintas hanya menuliskan tulisan halal, tapi tidak memiliki logo resmi bahkan nomor registrasi halal dari LPPOM MUI, terurama yang ada di Kota Malang. Oleh karena itu, perlunya dilakukan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat terutama pengusaha makanan da...
The purpose of this study was to describe the position of the state emergency law as the basis for the issuance of the Government Regulation in Lieu of Law and to examine the consistency of the position of the state emergency law in the implementation of regional elections during the pandemic. This study used normative juridical research with conce...
This research was motivated by the section material in Act No. 7 of 2017 concerning General Election that not arranged in a structured, systematic and massive, so it appears the section material that overlaps with Constitutional Court and the Constitution of 1945. The purpose of this study is to analyze the problems of simultaneous elections in 201...
Regulating administrative efforts as the mandatory procedure is expected to be able to filter and reduce the number of disputes that must be tried by the State Administrative Court. However, the position of administrative efforts is only interpreted as a formality. This study aims to analiyz the position of administrative efforts in the settlement...
This study aims to analyze the influence of TAP MPR in Indonesia. Placement of MPR Provisions in Law No. 12 of 2011 on the hierarchy of Legislation in Indonesia becomes one of the problematics that needs to be discussed, on the grounds of the position of MPR provisions that are under exactly the Constitution of 1945. This is based on the position o...
Body shaming is an act that often occurs in society. Body shaming is an act that refers to the activity of criticizing and commenting negatively on the physical or other person's body or the act of mocking / insulting a person's body shape or body size or someone's appearance. Often this body shaming is carried out only for jokes or jokes among the...
Water is an inseparable element of human life. Data from National Geographic shows that Indonesia holds 6% of the world's water supply or about 21% of Asia Pacific water supply. Indonesia's potential water resource reserves are around 3,900 billion cubic meters per year. That potential lies in 5,886 streams and 521 lakes. The amount of potential wa...
In the Indonesian constitution, the President is the holder of government power as well as the head of state. The Constitutional Court in Indonesia through its Decision Number 013-022/PUU-IV/2006 and Number 6/PUUV/2007 stated that the articles contained in the Criminal Code are in principle contrary to basic human rights. This study aims, First, to...
The problems arise when the company is unable to pay its debts to the bank and then the bank submits a legal remedy for bankruptcy which results in the debtor (company) being declared bankrupt. So that in the event the debtor has been declared bankrupt, the curator will carry out the execution process under the power of the supervisory judge. The e...
Penelitian ini mencoba membahas tentang praktik privatisasi di Indonesia dan korelasinya dengan teori negara kesejahteraan. Melalui pendekatan konseptual, penelitian ini mencoba mengkaji secara preskriptif, problematika dalam gejala privatisasi di Indonesia yang seringkali menciptakan pro dan kontra, terutama jika disandingkan dengan teori negara k...
Produk halal saat ini telah menjadi gaya hidup bagi seluruh masyarakat di dunia, tak terkecuali di Indonesia. Sebagai bagian dari tren dan gaya hidup tersebut, ebberapa UMKM dan home industry mencoba merespon dengan tekun mempelajari regulasi terkait jaminan produk halal. Tak hanya itu saja, para pelaku usaha juga mulai rajin mempelajari alur penga...
This article aims to analyze the distribution of free groceries in the Sidoarjo regency during the Covid-19 pandemic. Free groceries program for citizens in almost every year by the local government. But it is slightly different in pandemic times like today, where the free Groceries program is more often done and on a large scale. One of them is ca...
Direct presidential election every five years is the embodiment of democracy in Indonesia. The issue of thresholds as a condition for nominating candidates for president and vice president has always not found a solution. Changes in the threshold which was initially 10% then the number changed to 20% until now. This study aims, among others, to eva...
Covid-19 atau Coronavirus Disease 2019 merupakan penyakit yang mudah menular dengan cepat dan luas. Penyebaran Covid-19 menimbulkan banyak dampak dari berbagai aspek kehidupan. Seperti aspek kesehatan, ekonomi, pendidikan dan sosial. Setiap negara memiliki peran yang sangat penting dalam penanganan pandemi global ini sehingga negara memiliki kewaji...
This research aims to discuss ASEAN counter-terrorism policy and its impact on human rights protection. The terrorism act of Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines, the spread of terrorism in Indonesia by JAT and JAD, and the rebellion movement in Pattani-Thailand are the most heard of terrorism cases in Southeast Asian countries. The research focused on th...
Two large digital platform companies, Gojek and Tokopedia, officially merged to form a holding company called the GoTo Group that is considered to have anti-competitive behavior and potentially data monopoly. This article aimed to analyze the adequate response to potential violations of the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business...
Globalization has had a very significant impact on the pattern of human interaction. Migration from the citizen into the netizen era, slowly but surely will happen soon. Changes in this pattern of interaction is actually followed by changes in terms and systems that apply, for example in concern with the cyber law. Legal problems that did not happe...
The Indonesian Ministry of Information and Communication noted that there were 519 or 56% of the total 926 fake news during semester 1 of 2020. This figure doubled in October 2020 with a total of 1,028 fake news in the health sector, especially Covid-19. Whereas, in the perspective of Human Rights, everyone has the right to get the correct informat...
Article 28D paragraph (1) of the NRI Constitution of 1945 states that "Everyone is entitled to the recognition, guarantee, protection, and certainty of fair law and equal treatment before the law". Unfortunately, the implementation of the article is not in accordance with the theory. Cases that go against the principle of equality before the law in...
This study attempted to discuss the interpretation of open legal policy by constitutional judges in terms of reviewing legislation related to the legal norms of parliamentary thresholds. Through conceptual and statutory approaches, this study tries to examine the ways or models of interpretation conducted by constitutional judges. This research use...
The government's policy of releasing thousands of public prisoners from various prison institutions in Indonesia is a dilemma. The granting of guarantees of rights to prisoners on the other hand will have various consequences when prisoners re-mingle in the community with social and economic conditions that are not easy in the midst of the current...
National book chapter ini membahas tentang hukum dan teknologi
This research was conducted to analyze the disharmony of regulations
governing the relationship between the central government and the
regions. Since the reformation was rolled out, the government has made
quite several regulations on central and regional relations. However, what
happened was not to improve relations between the center and the regi...
Buku ini mendiskusikan tentang makna keadilan pluralitas dari
berbagai macam perspektif. Sesuai dengan temanya yakni
Keadilan Pluralitas, maka di dalam buku ini sengaja memberikan
“kebebasan” para penulisnya untuk “mengekspresikan”
pemahamannya tentang makna keadilan dalam sudut pandangnya.
Sudah barang tentu masing-masing penulis memiliki gaya dan...
Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) with the official name of SARS-CoV-2 has been a serious emerging alert for countries around the world, which makes it a global outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel (new) coronavirus. Some countries did a remarkable job on flatten their COVID-19 case rate curve, the finest world reputation in handl...
The issue of human rights in Indonesia towards the 21st century has shifted from violations committed by the government during the new order to the issue of human rights violations by multinational companies (corporate crime), because of natural resources exploitation is directly proportional to the increase in human rights violations. Many cases o...
Pemilu di Indonesia selalu menghadirkan topik dan problematika yang menarik untuk dikaji. Salah satunya adalah penyelenggaraan Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) pada tahun 2020. Pilkada Tahun 2020 tertunda pelaksanaannya karena pandemi Covid-19. Latar belakang tersebut, menarik bagi pengabdi untuk melakukan pengabdian terkait bagaimanakah bisa...
Regional assets are regional wealth earned from spending using APBD and grants. Therefore, regional asset management must be professional and modern oriented towards good government. Technically asset management in each region refers to Regulation of The Minister of Home Affairs No. 16 Year 2019 On the Management of Regional Assets. This research d...
The existence of indigenous peoples that are guaranteed directly in the constitution of the State of Indonesia. This research aims to analyze the value of culture and local wisdom, by the traditional and indigenous people, namely Tengger tribe. The type of legal research conducted is juridical empirical. The research will examine between the rule o...
This research aims to discuss the children's violence that occur in Indonesia. This research using legal research, namely research conducted to produce arguments, new theories or concepts as a prescriptive in solving the problems faced. This research found that the number of cases of violence against children in Indonesia is very high and tends to...
p> The issue of homeworkers is still in the spotlight about a lack of guarantees of the health, safety and rights they should get. This study is determined to find out how the legal protection of home workers by putting out the system. Homeworkers who work as a put out system whose existence is not protected by the law. The government must be prese...
em>This study aimed to evaluate ineffectiveness in the process of resolving electoral disputes through Gakkumdu in simultaneous elections in 2019. However, in practice there are difficulties in handling the consequences of criminal norms and technical rules which are not clearly formulated, causing differences of opinion in resolving election dispu...
This research tries to discuss the characteristics of modern law contained in Law No. 7 of 2017 on Elections. Through conceptual and legal approaches, this research tries to examine the concept of the relationship between the character of modern law and one of the legal products in Indonesia, namely Law No. 7 of 2017 on Elections. This research mad...
This research tries to discuss the relationship of economic factors in the establishment of a legal norm. Through conceptual and statutory approaches, this study tries to examine the concept of the relationship between economics and the law initiated by Richard A. Posner. This research makes the establishment of the norm on the size of the parliame...
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), a virus founded in China, has spread worldwide as it has become pandemic. As a result, significant and detrimental impacts are undeniable to global citizens, including those in Indonesia. With the government's suggestions like introducing physical distancing and large-scale social restriction, they slow down eco...
Balikpapan, which is located near to the administrative area of the new capital in Indonesia, Penajam Paser Utara and Kutai Kartanegara, has caused an impact especially in the land sector. The impact is the number of migrants from outside Kalimantan who came and even settled in Balikpapan by buying land or houses. It has a further impact on land re...