Shilpi Charu

Shilpi Charu
Rajasthan Technical University · Department of Computer Engineering



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Publications (10)
Conference Paper
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NoSQL Solutions are basically meant to solve a big data problem that relational databases are either not well suited for, too expensive to use or require you to implement something that breaks the relational nature of your DB anyways. In this research paper, we are discussing about reasons for fall other database, introduction to NoSQL database, ty...
Conference Paper
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Virtualization is an important key to cloud computing, since it is an enabling technology allowing the creation of an intelligent abstraction layer that hides the complexity of underlying software or hardware.In this paper, we are discussing about virtualization, architecture of virtualization technology as well as Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM). Fu...
Conference Paper
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Technologies like cloud, grid and cluster computing have all aimed at allowing access to large amounts of computing power in a fully virtualized manner, by aggregating resources as well as offering a single system view. This paper includes the introduction, characteristics, advantages, disadvantages, benefits and drawbacks of Virtualization, Cloud,...
Conference Paper
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SQL is a set based declarative programming language, keyword based language and not an imperative programming language like C or BASIC, for accessing as well as manipulating database systems. This research paper include the basic concept of SQL with its advantages, disadvantages as well as its architecture, and introduction to Apache Hive with its...
Conference Paper
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NewSQL is a new class of modern relational database management systems that is provide the same performance as NoSQL (Not Only SQL) systems and provide administrators with Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability, or ACID performance guarantees. NewSQL is a most important new database access language being touted as superior to SQL (Structured...
Conference Paper
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OpenStack is a massively scalable open source cloud operating system that is a global collaboration of developers and cloud computing technologists producing the ubiquitous open source cloud computing platform for public and private clouds. OpenStack provides series of interrelated projects delivering various components for a cloud infrastructure s...
Conference Paper
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Big data is data that is very large, distributed aggregations of loosely structured to process using traditional methods. 3V (Volume, Variety, and Velocity) architectural paradigm provides a simplified framework for defining the architecture of a big data platform to be deployed in various scenarios tackling processing of massive datasets. Apache H...
Conference Paper
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Bigdata is a horizontally-scaled storage, open-source architecture for indexed data and computing fabric supporting optional transactions, very high concurrency and operates in both a single machine mode and a cluster mode. The bigdata architecture provides a high-performance platform for data-intensive distributed computing, indexing, and high-lev...
Conference Paper
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One of the key advances in resolving the 3V (volume, velocity and variety) of Big Data problem has been the emergence of an alternative databases (SQL based RDBMS, NoSQL and NewSQL). NewSQL is a different type of relational database management systems that is provide the same scalable performance of NoSQL (Not Only SQL) systems for OLTP (Online Tra...


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