Shereen NaserCleveland State University · Department of Psychology
Shereen Naser
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Shereen Naser currently works at the Department of Psychology, Cleveland State University. Shereen does research in Community Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Educational Psychology. Their most recent publication is 'The Utility of Universal Screening to Guide School-Based Prevention Initiatives: Comparison of Office Discipline Referrals to Standardized Emotional and Behavioral Risk Screening'.
Publications (25)
One uniquely marginalizing school environment for sexual and gender diverse (SGD) youth is school based sex education (SBSE). While research has documented the negative sexual and mental health impacts these marginalizing environments can have for SGD youth, we know less about the developmental competencies that this population of youth exercises t...
The current study describes the process of a participatory consultation framework, the Participatory Culture Specific Intervention Model (PCSIM), to plan and implement a data-based decision-making framework. The framework integrates proactive and systematic identification of emotional and behavioral needs as well as cognitive psychology techniques...
The BASC-3 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System Student Form (BESS SF) is the latest iteration of a widely used instrument for identifying students at behavioral and emotional risk. Measurement invariance across race/ethnicity and gender for the latest BESS SF has not yet been established. Using a sample of 737 urban fourth- to eighth-grade st...
The extant literature on suicide-related thoughts and behaviors (STB) has highlighted increased patterns of risk among specific minoritized populations, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, two spirit, and queer (LGBTQ+) youth. Compared to their heterosexual and cisgender peers, LGBTQ+ youth are at increased risk fo...
Gender and sexually diverse (GSD) students face unique challenges in schools due to the privileging of cisgender and heterosexist norms in these settings. In particular, GSD youth who belong to ethnically and racially minoritized groups face further challenges within school environments that disregard their cultural contexts and intersectional iden...
Decision-making has been identified as one of the most important skillsets in sexual health. This exploratory qualitative study explored how US middle and high school textbooks integrate the recommended sexual health decision-making skills recommended by Future of Sex Education (FOSE), a collaboration of organisations in the USA supporting comprehe...
Schools are encouraged to take a proactive approach to mental health through the use of a tiered system of supports facilitated by universal mental health screening. However, schools may experience difficulty implementing universal screening and large-scale systems change. The purpose of this study was to explore multilevel implementation determina...
Despite the evidence implicating implicit racial bias in teacher decision-making as one reason for the overrepresentation of Black male students in school discipline practices, there is minimal research regarding interventions that address implicit racial bias in the school setting. A System 2 cue refers to a behavioral cue that engages more delibe...
There are known cultural variations in correlates of and symptoms related to suicide-related thoughts and behaviors; however, the majority of research that informs suicide prevention in school systems has focused on research based on Euro-American/White students. By exploring school-related risk and protective factors in ethnic-racial minoritized s...
While there is a myriad of ways to use technological advances in the school setting, this chapter focuses particularly on educational technology in contrast and supplemental to the traditional school setting. This chapter starts by describing articles of the UN CRC that are of importance in understanding the use of technology in schools, followed b...
This study examines the unique role of sexually permissive attitudes in predicting binge drinking frequency among sexual minority cisgender females with a history of childhood sex abuse. Findings assert that holding sexually permissive views is an important predictor of increased binge drinking frequency among sexual minority emerging adult females...
Recent academic and popular conversations regarding #MeToo, sexual violence and harassment, and rape culture have begun to focus on K-12 educational spaces in the U.S., but they rarely examine how educational curricula actually foster or combat these dynamics. In this article, we present a qualitative content analysis of health education textbooks,...
The purpose of this study is to describe the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, two spirit, and queer (LGBTQ+) youth with school‐based sexuality education (SBSE), as well as to document strategies LGBTQ+ youth are using to address their evolving and specific sexual health needs outside of SBSE. Researchers co...
Behavioral and social-emotional challenges experienced in childhood are risk factors for negative educational and health outcomes. Universal social-emotional screening in schools has been identified as an effective approach to identifying children at risk for mental health and behavioral challenges and is congruent with tiered frameworks for data-b...
Universal screening for behavioral and emotional risk is an important part of implementing multi-tiered behavioral supports in schools. The current study adds to our understanding of universal screening by examining teacher and student reports of behavioral and emotional risk. Participants included 73 fourth-grade students and 4 teachers in an urba...
This handbook examines the meanings, implications, and transformative potential of a child-rights approach for school psychology. It focuses on the school community, in which psychology is committed to promoting well-being, learning, and development of all children. The handbook begins with an overview of the 1989 United Nations Committee on the Ri...
Consultation, one of the central roles of a school psychologist, is a strong method for the promotion of child well-being at a public health level. As an evidence-based service delivery model, consultation enables school psychologists to use a prevention framework of practice that better serves the needs of entire student populations. The United Na...
A key part of promoting social justice as school psychologists is infusing practice with actions that breakdown systems of inequity and incorporate systems of inclusion. The current manuscript provides a description of applying social justice as a framework in universal programming through child rights education. Additionally, the manuscript descri...
This study used growth curve modeling to map risk by gender across the middle school transition. Participants included 609 (49.5% female) students in grades 4–8 in an urban school serving primarily African American youth from low-income communities. Results indicated that overall risk increased over time and was consistent over the middle school tr...
To fulfill the promise of inclusive school environments that support all students, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms by which discrimination and support occur in the school setting and how these mechanisms impact student development. The current study explored ways schools facilitate supportive or marginalizing experiences for first gene...
A critical component of any school-based prevention program is early identification of student risk as reported by Lane et al. (Remedial and Special Education 32:39–54, 2011). While screening for academic risk has grown in the last decade, screening for behavioral risk has remained stagnant. Few schools systematically screen for behavioral and emot...
School-based universal screening for behavioral and emotional risk can serve as a foundation for effective multi-tiered service delivery systems. The current study examines the measurement and structure of one such universal screener, the Behavioral and Emotional Screening System Student Form (BESS SF). Four models were investigated including a uni...