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Sharad D Mutalik

Sharad D Mutalik
Independent Researcher



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Publications (59)
Favus is an uncommon chronic inflammatory dermatophyte infection of the scalp. Predominantly, a disease of childhood, uncommon reports of adult cases are described. For the most part, this infection is characterised by invasion of hair shaft clinically presenting as yellowish scaly plaques, alopecia and/or inflammatory lesions. We hereby present an...
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Intralesional injections to wide, thick lesions and lesions on curved surface are challenging with syringe and needle unit being held parallel to skin surface. Bending the needle eases negotiation by lifting the syringe away from skin surface with needle entering parallel to the lesion ensuring uniform and optimal drug delivery.
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Follicular mucinosis (FM)/alopecia mucinosa is not commonly seen in children. There are a limited number of case reports, and its prognosis and long-term outcome are unpredictable. We describe a case of FM in a 3-year-old child, which was confirmed on histopathology. The lesion resolved with topical pimecrolimus cream and targeted phototherapy with...
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Background Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic inflammatory, non-communicable, and relapsing skin disease that affects all age groups. There is a dearth of literature that reports the disease burden, and epidemiology and highlights unmet needs in the diagnosis and management of AD in India. Methods A total of ten specialists including dermatologis...
The diversity of India is unique; being a large country with large population, India presents endless varieties of physical features and cultural patterns. The presence of various socioreligious and cultural practices along with widespread use of complementary and alternative medicine frequently results in a host of secondary dermatoses. In this ch...
Autologous cultured melanocyte transplantation is a safe and effective cellular regenerative surgical treatment modality for the lesions of stable vitiligo. Research continues to improve the efficacy of cell transplants by refining the procedure. The method of dressing used to secure the cell suspension over the treated site is vital in deciding th...
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Childhood lichen planus (CLP) is relatively common in India. With a mean age of onset at 7–8 years, CLP poses a therapeutic challenge as most guidelines for treatment cater to adult lichen planus (LP) with no defined evidence-based recommendations for CLP. Each case of CLP needs customized therapy with a step-wise approach. Topical corticosteroids...
Background: Amid the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, dermatologists must be prepared to restructure their practice of procedural dermatology and cutaneous aesthetic surgeries. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented several challenges and has ushered in several changes in practice such as teledermatology, with many physicians adopting vi...
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Molluscum contagiosum is a common tropical contagious viral infection, involving the skin and the mucous membranes. Ophthalmic molluscum contagiosum is a relatively uncommon condition presenting as secondary follicular conjunctivitis or kerato-conjunctivitis and may present with or without obvious dermal skin lesions. Often, unsuspected and misdiag...
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Background: Facial melanosis in tropics presents as a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. We report characteristic patterns of facial pigmentation following vigorous rubbing or cleaning of the face in Indian patients. Awareness of the condition shall guide the clinician to a specific diagnosis. Objective: To study clinicohistopathological profile...
Introduction Halo nevus (HN) affects approximately 1% of the population. Presence of hypo- or depigmented lesion carries tremendous psychosocial disturbance in the mind-set of population in the Indian subcontinent. Hence, HN requires intervention by any modalities. Here authors attempted to evaluate the efficacy of monochromatic excimer light (MEL)...
Background: Understanding the pathogenesis of vitiligo has lead to innovation of new drugs and new uses of the existing drugs to enhance treatment outcome. Objective: The aim of this observational pilot study was to assess the role of cyclosporine (CsA) to tackle the commonest aesthetic problem "perilesional halo" after autologous noncultured me...
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Acitretin has been commonly used in the treatment of keratinization disorders due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative properties. ILVEN is a rare form of epidermal nevus with an early age of onset usually presenting as a localized itchy linear plaque resistant to treatment. The treatment of ILVEN aims at providing symptomatic and cosmet...
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Photographs are the most preferred and easiest way of documentation of patient visual features. In aesthetic and cutaneous surgery, there is an increased need for proper photographic documentation, from a medicolegal view point. This article discusses the basic aspects of camera and photography which a dermatologist should be aware before he/she st...
Definition: Radiofrequency (RF) induces thermal destruction of the targeted tissue by an electrical current at a frequency of 0.5 MHz (RF). As the electrode tip is not heated, there is minimal thermal damage to the surrounding tissues, producing good esthetic results. Therefore, RF ablation is also known as cold ablation or "coblation." Modality: I...
Most cutaneous surgeries are performed under local anaesthesia. It is important the process of administration of local anaesthetics is pain free. This article suggests simple tips to make local anaestesia less painful.
Surgical modalities for treatment of stable acral vitiligoCamouflage tattooingTransplantation of autologous melanocyte or melanocyte-bearing epidermsiConclusion
Nicolau syndrome or embolia cutis medicamentosa is a very rare, but well recognized complication of intramuscular injections which clinically presents with extensive necrosis of the injected skin area. Intra-arterial or para-arterial injection after unintentional perforation of certain vessels could be the possible mechanisms. We describe 2 cases o...
Clinicians always find it difficult to treat hypertrophic scars and keloids. Various treatment modalities are available. Intralesional corticosteroids, topical applications, cryotherapy, surgery, laser therapy, and silicone sheeting are the widely used options. Radiation therapy can also help in cases of recalcitrant keloids. Most recently, pulsed-...
Localized, stable patches of vitiligo that are resistant to the conventional treatment can be camouflaged permanently by tattooing. Four different shades of ferric oxide are used to prepare the pigment, which is deposited in the papillary dermis with the help of a tattooing gun or machine. The conventionally used tattooing gun consists of a stainle...
A case of recurrent oral haemophlyctenosis, characterized by sudden onset of tense blisters on the tongue is being reported. The blisters were fillcd with haemorrhagic fluid and healed within a week.
Various modalities are available for surgical management of stable, localized patches of vitiligo, which are resistant to conventional medical treatment. Cutaneous surgeons often struggle to select among various methods of surgical treatment that include camouflage tattooing, melanocyte transplants, excision, and melanocyte culture. The advantages,...
We describe a modified tie-over dressing for any kind of surgical wound in the hair-bearing areas. The long ends of the sutures are tied over the gauze pad to secure it. This modified technique of tie-over dressing can be utilized for the majority of surgical wounds in hair-bearing areas, such as the scalp. The dressing can be removed 1 or 2 days p...
A 31-year-old woman, who was in week 31 of her second pregnancy, was seen for a severely pruritic papulo-vesicular eruption that was associated with fever. Three days earlier, she had developed fever, followed by the appearance of papules, vesicles, and pustules in successive crops, involving her neck, trunk, and extremities. Her first pregnancy wa...
We have devised and designed a manual instrument for tattooing with two shapes. It has been found to have certain advantages over the routinely used electrically operated machine. This instrument can be sterilized easily.
We are reporting a case of skin peeling syndrome, a rare disorder in which sudden generalized exfoliation of the stratum corneum occurs. Histopathologically, there was well formed subcorneal pustule filled with polymorphs and nuclear dust, considering this to be a varient of subcorneal pustular dermatosis, we have put the patient on Dapsone.
Melanocyte transplantation by epidermal grafting was performed in 50 patients with localized, long-standing, stationary patches of vitiligo. Repigmentation was observed in 48 of the 50 patients within 3 to 4 months after transplantation.
Melanocyte transplantation by epidermal grafting was performed in 50 patients with localized, long-standing, stationary patches of vitiligo. Repigmentation was observed in 48 of the 50 patients within 3 to 4 months after transplantation.
A five months old female child with a rare condition, nevus unilateralis comedonicus is reported. Treatment with topical tretinoin cream resulted in partial improvement.
Clinicians always find it difficult to treat hypertrophic scars and keloids. Various treatment modalities are available. Intralesional corticosteroids, topical applications, cryotherapy, surgery, laser therapy, and silicone sheeting are the widely used options. Radiation therapy can also help in cases of recalcitrant keloids. Most recently, pulsed-...


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