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Publications (61)
Grasses (Poaceae) produce large amounts of pollen and are among the main causes of pollinosis worldwide. Despite their morphological similarity, pollen grains of different grass species may have different allergenicities. Therefore, quantification of the roles of individual species in airborne pollen is an important task. There are very few studies...
The Acorus calamus group, or sweet flag, includes important medicinal plants and is classified into three species: A. americanus (diploid), A. verus (tetraploid), and A. calamus (sterile triploid of hybrid origin). Members of the group are famous as components of traditional Indian medicine, and early researchers suggested the origin of the sweet f...
Commonly considered bispecific, Acorus is one of the most phylogenetically isolated angiosperm genera that forms the order Acorales sister to the rest of the monocots. The Acorus calamus group is widely distributed in the Holarctic regions of Eurasia and America and has strong medicinal and other practical uses since prehistoric times. Earlier stud...
Grass pollen is one of the leading causes of pollinosis, affecting 10–30% of the world’s population. The allergenicity of pollen from different Poaceae species is not the same and is estimated from moderate to high. Aerobiological monitoring is a standard method that allows one to track and predict the dynamics of allergen concentration in the air....
Heinrich Wilhelm Schott (1794-1865) was one of the pioneering researchers in the taxonomy of the species-rich monocot family Araceae. He described numerous new plant species in various genera, including Acorus, which is currently segregated as a monogeneric family and order occupying a position sister to the rest of the monocots. While describing h...
Grass pollen is one of the major causes of allergy. Aerobiological monitoring is a necessary element of the complex of anti-allergic measures, but the similar pollen morphology of Poaceae species makes it challenging to discriminate species in airborne pollen mixes, which impairs the quality of aerobiological monitoring. One of the solutions to thi...
The sporoderm of seed-plant pollen grains typically has apertures in which the outer sporopollenin-bearing layer is relatively sparse. The apertures allow regulation of the internal volume of the pollen grain during desiccation and rehydration (harmomegathy) and also serve as sites of pollen germination. A small fraction of angiosperms un...
Grasses produce large amounts of pollen and are among the main causes of pollen allergy worldwide. Quantification of the roles of individual grass species in airborne pollen is an important task, because morphologically indistinguishable pollen grains of different species may differ in al-lergenicity. This requires knowledge of the pollen productio...
An Erratum to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1134/S1062359021660018
The mycoheterotrophic genus Thismia shows a great number of structural and ecological traits which are rare or unique for angiosperms. Pollen morphology of this genus is still poorly known. Pollen of Thismia was reported to be porate with one to several pores. Position of the pores is unknown, and therefore, the pollen type has not been established...
The collection of modern, spatially extensive pollen data is important for the interpretation of fossil pollen assemblages and the reconstruction of past vegetation communities in space and time. Modern datasets are readily available for percentage data but lacking for pollen accumulation rates (PARs). Filling this gap has been the motivation of th...
The vegetation history of the Alсan Creek peat deposit on Shemya Island (the Near Islands of the Aleutian Arc) has been reconstructed. We chose this flat island because there are no volcanoes on it and they have less impact on the vegetation. The sedge tundra dominated until 7000 years ago. Then it was replaced by mire with a noticeable participa...
We have studied the long- and short-term periods of seabird influence on coastal vegetation. In the Aleutian Islands during the Holocene, terrestrial predators were virtually absent; as a result, large seabird colonies thrived along the coasts or across entire islands. Bird guano enriches the soil with nitrogen, which can lead to the formation of h...
Monogeneric Aponogetonaceae is sister to the rest of tepaloid core Alismatales and its members are characterized by a number of plesiomorphic features including monosulcate pollen. A recent study documented the earliest fossil pollen records of Aponogeton in late Cretaceous and early Cenozoic as well as recognized six pollen types in the genus. How...
Annual pollen accumulation rates of the main tree and shrub taxa of European Russia (Picea, Pinus, Betula, Alnus, Quercus, Tilia, Fraxinus, Ulmus and Corylus), as well as several herbaceous taxa (Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia), were obtained using Tauber pollen traps which were placed along a northwest to southeast transect in E...
The collection of modern spatially extensive pollen data are important for the interpretation of fossil pollen diagrams. Such datasets are readily available for percentage data but lacking for pollen accumulation rates (PAR). Filling this gap has been the motivation of the pollen monitoring network, whose contributors monitored pollen deposition in...
Information about distribution of pollen sources, i.e. their presence and abundance in a specific region, is important, especially when atmospheric transport models are applied to forecast pollen concentrations. The goal of this study is to evaluate three pollen source maps using an atmospheric transport model and study the effect on the model resu...
Reports on whether typical apertures occur in pollen of Althenia (Potamogetonaceae) are controversial. The question is of interest because relatively few submerged aquatic angiosperms possess localised apertures, and the phylogenetic placement of Potamogetonaceae suggests an ancestral nature for the inaperturate condition in this family. Pollen gra...
Information about distribution of pollen sources, i.e. their presence and abundance in a specific region, is important especially when atmospheric transport models are applied to forecast pollen concentrations. The goal of this study is to evaluate three pollen source maps using an atmospheric transport model and study the effect on the model resul...
The effect of height on pollen concentration is not well documented and little is known about the near-ground vertical profile of airborne pollen. This is important as most measuring stations are on roofs, but patient exposure is at ground level. Our study used a big data approach to estimate the near-ground vertical profile of pollen concentration...
Palaeoenvironmental conditions during the last 10,500 years cal bp are reconstructed for the vicinity of the Polistovo-Lovatskaya mire system in Pskov Oblast (administrative division), Russia, using the latest data from pollen and plant macrofossil records, ash content, radiocarbon dating and the moisture index of samples obtained from the Kokorevs...
By a detailed ontogenetic study of Ambrosia trifida pollen, tracing each stage of development with TEM, we aim to understand the establishment of the pollen wall and to unravel the mechanisms underlying sporoderm development. The main steps of exine ontogeny in Ambrosia trifida, observed in the microspore periplasmic space, are as follows: spherica...
This study aimed at investigating the main features of the Poaceae pollen season and the relation to meteorological parameters as well as the production of a forecasting model. Pollen data were recorded in Moscow, Russia, during 1994–2016 (except 1997 and 1998). Pollen data were collected by volumetric spore trap. Correlation analysis was used to s...
Background: Ongoing climate change might, through rising temperatures, alter allergenic pollen biology across the
northern hemisphere. We aimed to analyse trends in pollen seasonality and pollen load and to establish whether
there are specific climate-related links to any observed changes.
Methods: For this retrospective data analysis, we did an e...
According to the observations of the Meteorological Observatory of Moscow State University, various atmospheric characteristics and specific of weather conditions in 2017, which turned out to be as anomalously rainy, cloudy and dark, were investigated. We discuss the unusually cool weather from April to July, snow cover and destructive squall in Mo...
The drivers of spatial variation in ragweed pollen concentrations, contributing to severe allergic rhinitis and asthma, are poorly quantified. We analysed the spatiotemporal variability in 16-year (1995–2010) annual total (66 stations) and annual total (2010) (162 stations) ragweed pollen counts and 8 independent variables (start, end and duration...
This study investigates possible links of meteorological data and the start date, end date, duration, date of peak, peak value and Seasonal Pollen Index (SPI) of birch pollen seasons recorded in Moscow, Russia, during 1993–2015. Pollen data were collected by a volumetric spore trap. Correlation analysis was used to study relationships between vario...
Scheuchzeria palustris, the only member of Scheuchzeriaceae, is unique among Alismatales in several characters, including flower-subtending bracts with conspicuous laminas and pollen dispersed in permanent dyads. Earlier studies revealed unidirectional flower development in some monocots with massive flower-subtending bracts, but not in Scheuchzeri...
An open access information system (http://botany-collection.bio.msu.ru) consolidating digital data on palynological, carpological, and wood anatomy collections has been established at the Department of Higher Plants of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University. The database includes both digital images and short morphological descriptions o...
The aim of the study was to compare the pollen spectra recorded in rural and urban environments in order to examine whether pollen data obtained in the urban environment could also represent the situation in surrounding rural areas and how urban planting affects the regional pollen spectrum. Daily airborne pollen observations were performed with a...
Long-distance pollen transport can substantially raise local pollen levels, but their relative contribution has not yet been quantified temporally or spatially in ragweed infested regions. Using common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) pollen accumulation at a ragweed infested area, Szeged, Hungary as a test case, this study attempted to: (1) ident...
This paper presents the first ensemble modelling experiment in relation
to birch pollen in Europe. The seven-model European ensemble of
MACC-ENS, tested in trial simulations over the flowering season of 2010, was run
through the flowering season of 2013. The simulations have been compared with
observations in 11 countries, all members of the Europe...
Cytochemical techniques, LM, SEM and TEM have been used to characterize the structure and nature of the Vinca minor intine. Mature pollen grains of angiosperms are usually characterized by a thick intine in the aperture areas, whilst in the interapertural areas the intine is thin. V. minor pollen is organized unusually and is an exception to this r...
Picea pollen abundance (percentage and PAR) was investigated in 23 Tauber pollen traps located in the mixed coniferous-broadleaved forest zone, broadleaved forest zone and forest-steppe zone in the European part of Russia. Modern data were compared with fossil pollen diagrams. In the modern spectra of non-forest zones average Picea pollen percentag...
The paper presents the first-ever ensemble modelling experiment for
the birch pollen in Europe. The 7-models strong European ensemble of
MACC-ENS, tested in trial simulations over the season of 2010, has
been run through the season of 2013. The simulations have been
compared with observations in 11 countries, members of European
Aeroallergen Networ...
Research characterizes differences and similarities of the seasonal behaviour of Alnus, Betula, Corylus pollen in Riga, Moscow and Vilnius. An important uniting factor dealing with the research is that on the selected territories in spring there are abundance of Alnus, Corylus and Betula airborne pollen. The study is based on the 2004–2011 atmosphe...
Pollen grains of 32 species of Atraphaxis L. including six species previously attributed to Polygonum L. s.str. were investigated with LM (acetolysed pollen) and SEM (dry pollen). Pollen grains of all studied species are spheroidal to oblong-spheroidal, mostly tricolporate, rarely 4-6-loxocolporate, ellipsoidal in equatorial view, rounded-trilobed...
Modern pollen samples provide an invaluable research tool for helping to interpret the Quaternary fossil pollen record, allowing investigation of the relationship between pollen as the proxy and the environmental parameters such as vegetation, land-use, and climate that the pollen proxy represents. The European Modern Pollen Database (EMPD) is a ne...
Upon release from the anther, pollen grains can be exposed to dry environment and dehydrate. To survive in dry conditions, the pollen wall possesses the ability to fold itself due to water loss-harmomegathic mechanism. Apertures seem to function as the primary elements of harmomegathy as they are more elastic than the remainder of the pollen wall....
The results of pollen analysis and radiocarbon dating are presented for two hyrax dung deposits from rock
shelters found in the Afroalpine zone of the Bale Mountains (South-Central Ethiopia). Deposits
accumulated from about 15,000 to 1500 (cal) years BP and from 7000 (cal) years BP till nowadays,
respectively. Pollen spectra of the initial stages o...
A birch pollen emission model is described and its main features are discussed. The development of the model is based on a double-threshold temperature sum model that describes the propagation of the flowering season and naturally links to the thermal time models to predict the onset and duration of flowering. For the flowering season, the emission...
A taxonomic review of Polygonum ser. Cognata Korn, distributed in Southwest Asia, Central Asia and South Siberia is presented. A phylogenetic reconstruction of the genus Polygonum based on ITS 1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA sequences demonstrates the division of Polygonum into several dades, corresponding to: 1) section Duravia combined with Polygonella, 2) sect...
The paper presents an assessment of birch pollen seasons in Finland and Russia. The re-analysis covered the period from 1994
to 2005 and was focused on suspected long-range transport events that were recorded both in Moscow and at several Finnish
sites. In order to trace the origin of airborne pollen before the onset of local pollination, we used b...
Aim We examine issues of uncertainty regarding the spatial and temporal representativeness of phenological observations using a newly compiled Europe-wide data base of phenological observations for Betula species.
Location Europe.
Methods A new data base was compiled from national phenological observations covering 15 European countries, with the l...
Pollen grains can be transported over hundreds and even thousands of kilometres and significantly affect pollen concentration in many regions making it less dependent upon the local conditions. In this study we have used the Finnish operational dispersion model SILAM to delineate birch pollen source areas as well as to forward simulations for polle...
В работе приведены сведения о морфологии пыльцевых зерен 212 представителей семейства астровых. Палиноморфологические описания составлены на основе световой и электронной (сканирующей и трансмиссионной) микроскопии. Описан процесс развития спородермы в разных греппах астровых. Текст снабжен большим числом оригинальных фотографий и электронных микро...
The sporoderm morphology of twenty-four representatives of the tribe Cardueae (Compositae) is studied at the ultrastructural level. As a result, three structural types of exine are revealed, i.e., the Anthemoidpattern, Heliantoid-pattern, and a newly proposed Cirsioid-pattern. Possible trends in morphological transformations of ultrathin features o...
Pollen grains of grasses under different levels of air pollution were studied and were found to be influenced by high concentration of SO2, NOx and CO. The surface and inner structure of the pollen grains were investigated under transmission and scanning electron microscopes and showed significant decrease in pollen wall thickness which causes the...
Only a few pollen calendars for Russia have been published since 1960. All of them were based on gravimetric pollen sampling. A Burkard volumetric spore trap has been in operation in Moscow since 1992. This article is the first presenting aeropalynological data for this period, specifically for the year 1994. The concentration of the total amount o...