Serhii FedorovNational Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine | NMetAU · Energy Systems and Energy Management
Serhii Fedorov
Doctor of Engineering
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September 2005 - April 2016
Publications (50)
Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are uninterruptible power supplies that are widely used in domestic electrical appliances, electric vehicles, and renewable energy, military, aerospace, etc. applications. The demand for LIBs is growing, which a growing environmental concern is given the multicomponent composition of batteries and unresolved disposal is...
One of the ways to improve the competitiveness of domestic steel and machine-building products and transition to a carbon-free economy is to develop synthetic pig iron production technology. Synthetic pig iron production ensures the efficiency and quality of foundry operations. The replacement of expensive casting and remolding cast irons with stee...
The aim of the study was to experimentally determine the effect of the heat treatment parameters of anthracites from Donetsk basin on the properties of carbon materials when using shock heating, typical of furnaces with a fluidized electrothermal bed. Anthracite was treated in an electric thermal furnace at the heating rate of 1000 K/min and the ho...
In this research, it present a way through which to identify the structure of Nickel-Cobalt Manganese (NCM) cathode material by means of Infrared spectroscopy (IR spectroscopy). Based on the IR spectra of the initial cathode material, there are intense adsorption peaks that stretch the C=C bonds in the graphite structure. In addition, the peaks of...
One of the main global trends in the development of the world economy is its decarbonization with the fulfillment of obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The processes of obtaining high-purity graphitized materials and ferrous metallurgy have significant consumption of energy carriers and, accordingly, emissions of greenhouse gases. Ther...
The paper presents a method for obtaining electrochemically active ultrafine composites of iron oxides, superparamagnetic ‘core/shell’ γ-Fe2O3/defective α-Fe2O3, which involved modifying sol-gel citrate synthesis, hydrothermal treatment of the formed sol, and subsequent annealing of materials in the air. The synthesized materials’ phase composition...
The article presents the results of the study aimed at establishing the main process parameters of the preparation of an electrically conductive composite material containing silicon carbide, graphite, aluminous cement and sodium silicate. This composite material can be used as a heating element in heat accumulators for the operating temperature ra...
The use of pure carbon materials in energy storage systems has the enormous potential for improvement of their performance. Among various carbon materials, natural and synthetic graphite is known to be the most widely used for batteries. Nonetheless, biomass as a good auxiliary carbon-containing material can also become a sustainable source of high...
The use of pure carbon materials in energy storage systems has the enormous potential for improvement of their performance. Among various carbon materials, natural and synthetic graphite is known to be the most widely used for batteries. Nonetheless, biomass as a good auxiliary carbon-containing material can also become a sustainable source of high...
Мета: Метою статті є критичний аналіз та систематизація печей з електротермічним киплячим шаром, які використовуються у низько- та високотемпературних технологічних процесах у металургійній та хімічний промисловості., а також визначення конструктивних особливостей цих пічних агрегатів.Методика: Критичний аналіз конструкцій високотемпературних устан...
Найбільш енергоємною ділянкою прокатки сталі є нагрівальні печі. Отже, розробка ефективних режимів нагріву заготовок у них може суттєво знизити рівень споживання енергії. Одним з можливих способів підвищення показників роботи печей є підтримка температури нагрітої заготовки на роликових конвеєрах під час прокатки за рахунок спеціальних відбиваючих...
Розроблено та реалізовано на ЕОМ математичну модель шахтної протитокової вапняно-випалювальної печі с центральним та периферійним підведенням природного газу. В моделі враховані рух газів у щільному шарі кускового матеріалу, конвективне та дифузійне перенесення речовини, горіння палива, зовнішній та внутрішній теплообмін. Розроблено енергоефективні...
Мета. Метою дослідження режимів лабораторної електротермічної печі киплячого шару продуктивністю 10 кг/год було отримання нових науково-практичних даних про вольт-амперні характеристики подібних агрегатів для подальшого вибору відповідних електричних джерел живлення.Методика. Дослідження роботи печі виконувалось шляхом математичного моделювання її...
The subject of the study is the influence of the ash content in Ukrainian natural graphite on treatment duration in thermal refining natural graphite to battery grade. At temperatures 2900-3000oC, the required purity can be achieved in 5-15 minutes regardless initial level of impurities.
The current publication considers the main criteria for biomass utilization instead of combustible fossils for the purpose of obtaining biofuels. The advantages of the biomass in comparison with the traditional non-renewable precursor materials have been shown. The results of the properties of walnut shell studies after conventional pyrolysis at th...
Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.14.06 – Technical Thermal Physics and Industrial Heat and Power Engineering (144 – Heat and Power Engineering), National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine, Dnіprо, 2018.
The present thesis is devoted to resolving of the substantial scientific and applied problem – development of the...
Based on the algorithm of successive filling a given volume with single spheres, a mathematical model of random packing of a limited volume of a bed in the field of body forces has been developed. This model can be applied to electrothermal packed- and fluidized-bed furnaces and will make it possible to investigate the thermal and electrical conduc...
The main advantage of carbon material treatment in electrothermal furnaces with fluidized bed [EFFB] at 2000-3000C is that they allow producing graphite of high chemical purity, which is especially important in manufacture of ion-lithium batteries. The team conducted extensive research into hydraulic and heat modes of such units and developed a met...
Carbon materials processed in electrical thermal furnaces with dense and fluidized beds are
widely used in machine building and metallurgical industry (Gasik & Gasik 2007; Fedorov et al). Their operational principle is based on emitting joule heat in material volume by passing electric current through it.
However, in spite of its commonality, the p...
Authors introduce an ultrahigh-temperature (i.e., 2500–3000 °C) continuous fluidized bed furnace, in which the key operating variable is specific electrical resistance of the bed. A correlation has been established to predict the specific electrical resistance for the natural graphite-based precursors. Fluid dynamics models have been validated with...
The influence of the working space profile of high-temperature electro-thermal fluidized bed furnaces for carbon materials processing on their electrical resistance and power distribution in the volume was studied. The conditions for minimum heat release section under the central electrode were determined. The recommendations on the choice of the f...
The main advantage of carbon material treatment in electro-thermal furnaces with fluidized bed [EFFB] at 2000-3000C is that they allow producing graphite of high chemical purity, which is especially important in manufacture of ion-lithium batteries. The team conducted extensive research into hydraulic and heat modes of such units and developed a me...
Joint solution of the equations of two-phase fluidized bed model and potential equation of homogeneous structures conductivity established the influence of gas bubbles on the relative electrical conductivity of the dispersed particles bed of carbon materials. Recommendations are proposed for the calculation of the electrical resistance of the elect...
The aim of his work is to elucidate the characteristics of wear of AISI 304 and Cm. 3 steels at the friction on the coke. tests were carried out on abrasive wear by rotaton of steel samples on the powdre cocke with a variable pressing force on the samples. Abrasive wear hardening under compression, microhardness near the friction surface, the fract...
An innovative technology for processing selected recycled battery wastes from large format automotive lithium-ion batteries has been developed. One of the key steps of refining process is application of thermal treatment of granular matter in a new and improved modified electrothermal fluidized bed reactor at high temperature. The reactor design is...
Authors of this paper are developing a
commercially viable technology for beneficiation of
graphitic carbons extracted from spent lithium-ion
batteries. This paper introduces one of high
temperature reactors which is being developed as
part of this initiative.
The paper analyses efficiency of high temperature treatment of carbon materials in electrofurnaces with dense and fluidized beds. Departing from specific power consumption for furnaces of different types, the main guidelines for improving their thermal operation have been outlined. Hydrodynamic working modes ensuring consistent heating of material,...
Designing and manufacturing of the heating furnaces.
theory and practice of modern applied problems in the field of thermal processes in the steel industry of broad application. Namely, current problems of Heat engineering in the field of raw materials preparation. Current problems in the steel complex operating and means of their solving while designing and manufacturing of the heating furnaces. Cur...
Due to high cost of primary energy resources it is urgent to work out the alternative methods of furnace heating. Performance parameters of shaft lime-burning furnace with daily output 200 tons are researched at partial substitution of natural gas by top gas. Effect of top gas on lateral and peripheral burners during supply is studied.
This dissertation is devoted to the increase of fuel use effectiveness in power and technological units on the basis of autonomous regenerative heaters with the bulk checker.
The mathematical model of an autonomous regenerative heater with a bulk checker is elaborated and realized on the computer. This model takes into account heat exchange over-ch...