Sergio Verdú

Sergio Verdú
Princeton University | PU · Department of Electrical Engineering



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Publications (128)
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We give a brief survey of the literature on the empirical estimation of entropy, differential entropy, relative entropy, mutual information and related information measures. While those quantities are of central importance in information theory, universal algorithms for their estimation are increasingly important in data science, machine learning,...
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This paper provides upper and lower bounds on the optimal guessing moments of a random variable taking values on a finite set when side information may be available. These moments quantify the number of guesses required for correctly identifying the unknown object and, similarly to Arikan's bounds, they are expressed in terms of the Arimoto-R\'{e}n...
This paper provides upper and lower bounds on the optimal guessing moments of a random variable taking values on a finite set when side information may be available. These moments quantify the number of guesses required for correctly identifying the unknown object and, similarly to Arikan's bounds, they are expressed in terms of the Arimoto-R\'enyi...
This paper gives upper and lower bounds on the minimum error probability of Bayesian $M$-ary hypothesis testing in terms of the Arimoto-R\'enyi conditional entropy of an arbitrary order $\alpha$. The improved tightness of these bounds over their specialized versions with the Shannon conditional entropy ($\alpha=1$) is demonstrated. In particular, i...
This paper shows new general nonasymptotic achievability and converse bounds and performs their dispersion analysis for the lossy compression problem in which the compressor observes the source through a noisy channel. While this problem is asymptotically equivalent to a noiseless lossy source coding problem with a modified distortion function, non...
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This paper studies bounds among various $f$-divergences, dealing with arbitrary alphabets and deriving bounds on the ratios of various distance measures. Special attention is placed on bounds in terms of the total variation distance, including ``reverse Pinsker inequalities," as well as on the $E_\gamma$ divergence, which generalizes the total vari...
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A new upper bound on the relative entropy is derived as a function of the total variation distance for probability measures defined on a common finite alphabet. The bound improves a previously reported bound by Csisz\'{a}r and Talata. It is further extended to an upper bound on the R\'{e}nyi divergence of an arbitrary non-negative order (including...
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A new upper bound on the relative entropy is derived as a function of the total variation distance for probability measures defined on a common finite alphabet. The bound improves a previously reported bound by Csisz\'{a}r and Talata. It is further extended to an upper bound on the R\'{e}nyi divergence of an arbitrary non-negative order (including...
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A new upper bound on the relative entropy is derived as a function of the total variation distance for arbitrary probability distributions that are defined on a common finite set. The bound improves a previously reported bound by Csisz\'{a}r and Talata. It is further extended, for probability distributions on a finite set, to a derivation of an upp...
This paper quantifies the fundamental limits of variable-length transmission of a general (possibly analog) source over a memoryless channel with noiseless feedback, under a distortion constraint. We consider excess distortion, average distortion and guaranteed distortion (d-semifaithful codes). In contrast to the asymptotic fundamental limit, a ge...
The degrees of freedom (DoFs) of the K -user Gaussian interference channel determine the asymptotic growth of the maximal sum rate as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio. Subject to a very general sufficient condition on the cross-channel gains, we give a formula for the DoFs of the scalar interference channel as a function of the deterministic...
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This paper studies the fundamental limits of the minimum average length of lossless and lossy variable-length compression, allowing a nonzero error probability ε, for lossless compression. We give nonasymptotic bounds on the minimum average length in terms of Erokhin’s rate-distortion function and we use those bounds to obtain a Gaussian approximat...
This paper studies several properties of channel codes that approach the fundamental limits of a given (discrete or Gaussian) memoryless channel with a non-vanishing probability of error. The output distribution induced by an $\epsilon$-capacity-achieving code is shown to be close in a strong sense to the capacity achieving output distribution. Rel...
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This paper shows new tight finite-blocklength bounds for the best achievable lossy joint source-channel code rate, and demonstrates that joint source-channel code design brings considerable performance advantage over a separate one in the non-asymptotic regime. A joint source-channel code maps a block of $k$ source symbols onto a length$-n$ channel...
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The information-theoretic notion of energy efficiency is studied in the context of various joint source-channel coding problems. The minimum transmission energy $E(D)$ required to communicate a source over a noisy channel so that it can be reconstructed within a target distortion $D$ is analyzed. Unlike the traditional joint source-channel coding f...
In addition to exploring its various regularity properties, we show that the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) is a concave functional of the input–output joint distribution. In the case of additive Gaussian noise, the MMSE is shown to be weakly continuous in the input distribution and Lipschitz continuous with respect to the quadratic Wasserstein d...
This monograph surveys the interactions between information measures and estimation measures as well as their applications. The emphasis is on formulas that express the major information measures, such as entropy, mutual information and relative entropy in terms of the minimum mean square error achievable when estimating random variables contaminat...
In this paper, we study the minimum energy per bit required for communicating a message to all the destination nodes in a wireless network. The physical layer is modeled as an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel affected by circularly symmetric fading. The fading coefficients are known at neither transmitters nor receivers. We provide an i...
We formulate Witsenhausen's decentralized stochastic control setup as an optimization problem involving the quadratic Wasserstein distance and the minimum mean-square error. Classical results are recovered as immediate consequences of transport-theoretic properties. New results and bounds on the optimal cost are also obtained. In particular, we sho...
Compressed sensing deals with efficient recovery of analog signals from linear encodings. This paper presents a statistical study of compressed sensing by modeling the input signal as an i.i.d. process with known distribution. Three classes of encoders are considered, namely optimal nonlinear, optimal linear and random linear encoders. Focusing on...
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Assuming additive Gaussian noise, a general sufficient condition on the input distribution is established to guarantee that the ratio of mutual information to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) goes to one half nat as SNR vanishes. The result allows SNR-dependent input distribution and side information.
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For an i.i.d. Gaussian source with variance σ2, we show that it is necessary to spend ½ ln σ2/d + 1/□2n Q−1(ε) + O (ln n/n) nats per sample in order to reproduce n source samples within mean-square error d with probability at least 1 — ε, where Q−1 (·) is the inverse of the standard Gaussian complementary cdf. The first-order term is the rate-disto...
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Without feedback, the backoff from capacity due to non-asymptotic blocklength can be quite substantial for blocklengths and error probabilities of interest in many practical applications. In this paper, novel achievability bounds are used to demonstrate that in the non-asymptotic regime, the maximal achievable rate improves dramatically thanks to v...
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The minimum achievable energy per bit over memoryless Gaussian channels has been previously addressed in the limit when the number of information bits goes to infinity, in which case it is known that the availability of noiseless feedback does not lower the minimum energy per bit, which is -1.59 dB below the noise level. This paper analyzes the beh...
In this paper we establish a new inequality tying together the coding rate, the probability of error and the relative entropy between the channel and the auxiliary output distribution. This inequality is then used to show the strong converse, and to prove that the output distribution of a code must be close, in relative entropy, to the capacity ach...
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This paper studies the minimum achievable source coding rate as a function of blocklength $n$ and probability $\epsilon$ that the distortion exceeds a given level $d$. Tight general achievability and converse bounds are derived that hold at arbitrary fixed blocklength. For stationary memoryless sources with separable distortion, the minimum rate ac...
In Shannon theory, lossless source coding deals with the optimal compression of discrete sources. Compressed sensing is a lossless coding strategy for analog sources by means of multiplication by real-valued matrices. In this paper we study almost lossless analog compression for analog memoryless sources in an information-theoretic framework, in wh...
Arimoto proved a non-asymptotic upper bound on the probability of successful decoding achievable by any code on a given discrete memoryless channel. In this paper we present a simple derivation of the Arimoto converse based on the data-processing inequality for Rényi divergence. The method has two benefits. First, it generalizes to codes with feedb...
Recently, Altug and Wagner posed a question regarding the optimal behavior of the probability of error when channel coding rate converges to the capacity sufficiently slowly. They gave a sufficient condition for the discrete memoryless channel (DMC) to satisfy a moderate deviation property (MDP) with the constant equal to the channel dispersion. Th...
This paper introduces the notions of variable-to-fixed and fixed-to-variable channel capacity, without feedback. For channels that satisfy the strong converse, these notions coincide with the conventional Shannon capacity. For channels that do not behave ergodically, the conventional fixed-rate Shannon capacity only depends on least-favorable chann...
Conference Paper
If N is standard Gaussian, the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) of estimating X based on √(snr)X + N vanishes at least as fast as 1/snr as snr → ∞. We define the MMSE dimension of X as the limit as snr → ∞ of the product of snr and the MMSE. For discrete, absolutely continuous or mixed X we show that the MMSE dimension equals Rényi's information di...
Conference Paper
We show that the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) of estimating the input based on the channel output is a concave functional of the input-output joint distribution, and its various regularity properties are explored. In particular, the MMSE in Gaussian channels is shown to be weakly continuous in the input distribution and Lipschitz continuous wit...
Conference Paper
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Without feedback, the backoff from capacity due to non-asymptotic block length can be quite substantial for block lengths and error probabilities of interest in many practical applications. In this paper, novel achievability bounds are used to demonstrate that in the non-asymptotic regime, the maximal achievable rate improves dramatically thanks to...
Conference Paper
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The question of minimum achievable energy per bit over memoryless channels has been previously addressed in the limit of number of information bits going to infinity, in which case it is known that availability of noiseless feedback does not lower the minimum energy per bit. This paper analyzes the behavior of the minimum energy per bit for memoryl...
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This paper investigates the maximal channel coding rate achievable at a given blocklength and error probability. For general classes of channels new achievability and converse bounds are given, which are tighter than existing bounds for wide ranges of parameters of interest, and lead to tight approximations of the maximal achievable rate for blockl...
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Consider the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) of estimating an arbitrary random variable from its observation contaminated by Gaussian noise. The MMSE can be regarded as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as well as a functional of the input distribution (of the random variable to be estimated). It is shown that the MMSE is concave in th...
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This paper finds the capacity of single-user discrete-time channels subject to both frequency-selective and time-selective fading, where the channel output is observed in additive Gaussian noise. A coherent model is assumed where the fading coefficients are known at the receiver. Capacity depends on the first-order distributions of the fading proce...
Conference Paper
We study the minimum energy per bit required for communicating a message to all the destination nodes in a wireless network. The physical layer is modeled as an additive white Gaussian noise channel affected by circularly symmetric fading. The fading coefficients are known at neither transmitters nor receivers. We provide an information-theoretic l...
Conference Paper
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The energy-distortion function (E(D)) for a network is defined as the minimum total energy required to achieve a target distortion D at the receiver without putting any restrictions on the number of channel uses per source sample. E(D) is studied for a sensor network in which multiple sensors transmit their noisy observations of a Gaussian source t...
A new universal estimator of divergence is presented for multidimensional continuous densities based on k -nearest-neighbor ( k -NN) distances. Assuming independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) samples, the new estimator is proved to be asymptotically unbiased and mean-square consistent. In experiments with high-dimensional data, the k -NN...
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We consider scaling laws for maximal energy efficiency of communicating a message to all the nodes in a wireless network, as the number of nodes in the network becomes large. Two cases of large wireless networks are studied -- dense random networks and constant density (extended) random networks. In addition, we also study finite size regular netwo...
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Like the conventional two-user interference channel, the cognitive interference channel consists of two transmitters whose signals interfere at two receivers. It is assumed that there is a common message (message 1) known to both transmitters, and an additional independent message (message 2) known only to the cognitive transmitter (transmitter 2)....
This monograph presents an overview of universal estimation of information measures for continuous-alphabet sources. Special attention is given to the estimation of mutual information and divergence based on independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) data. Plug-in methods, partitioning-based algorithms, nearest-neighbor algorithms as well as...
We generalize the Gel'fand-Pinsker model to encompass the setup of a memoryless multiple-access channel (MAC). According to this setup, only one of the encoders knows the state of the channel (noncausally), which is also unknown to the receiver. Two independent messages are transmitted: a common message and a message transmitted by the informed enc...
Conference Paper
Robustness of optimization models for networking problems has been an under-explored area. Yet most existing algorithms for solving robust optimization problems are central- ized, thus not suitable for many communication networking prob- lems that demand distributed solutions. This paper represents the first step towards building a framework for de...
Abstract—This paper formulates power allocation policies that maximize the region of mutual informations achievable in multiuser downlink OFDM channels. Arbitrary partitioning of the available tones among users and arbitrary modulation formats, possibly different for every user, are considered. Two distinct policies are derived, respectively for sl...
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The cognitive interference channel with confidential messages is studied. Similarly to the classical two-user interference channel, the cognitive interference channel consists of two transmitters whose signals interfere at the two receivers. It is assumed that there is a common message source (message 1) known to both transmitters, and an additiona...
Conference Paper
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This paper finds the capacity of linear time-invariant systems observed in additive Gaussian noise through a memoryless erasure channel. This problem requires obtaining the asymptotic spectral distribution of a submatrix of a nonnegative definite Toeplitz matrix obtained by retaining each column/row independently and with identical probability. We...
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A relationship between information theory and estimation theory was recently shown for the Gaussian channel, relating the derivative of mutual information with the minimum mean-square error. This paper generalizes the link between information theory and estimation theory to arbitrary channels, giving representations of the derivative of mutual info...
Fountain codes have been successfully employed for reliable and efficient transmission of information via erasure channels with unknown erasure rates. This paper introduces the notion of fountain capacity for arbitrary channels, and shows that it is equal to the conventional Shannon capacity for stationary memoryless channels. In contrast, when the...
Conference Paper
This paper formulates power allocation policies that maximize the region of mutual informations achievable in multiuser downlink OFDM channels. Arbitrary partitioning of the available tones among users and arbitrary modulation formats, possibly different for every user, are considered. Two distinct policies are derived, respectively for slow fading...
Artstein, Ball, Barthe, and Naor have recently shown that the non-Gaussianness (divergence with respect to a Gaussian random variable with identical first and second moments) of the sum of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random variables is monotonically nonincreasing. We give a simplified proof using the relationship between non-G...
This paper proposes a new algorithm based on the Context-Tree Weighting (CTW) method for universal compression of a finite-alphabet sequence x<sub>1</sub> <sup>n</sup> with side information y<sub>1</sub> <sup>n</sup> available to both the encoder and decoder. We prove that with probability one the compression ratio converges to the conditional entr...
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This paper studies universal estimation of divergence from the realizations of two unknown finite-alphabet sources. Two algorithms that borrow techniques from data compression are presented. The first divergence estimator applies the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting transform to the concatenation of the two realizations; consistency of this estimator...
The mutual information of independent parallel Gaussian-noise channels is maximized, under an average power constraint, by independent Gaussian inputs whose power is allocated according to the waterfilling policy. In practice, discrete signaling constellations with limited peak-to-average ratios (m-PSK, m-QAM, etc.) are used in lieu of the ideal Ga...
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This correspondence gives a simple proof of Shannon's entropy-power inequality (EPI) using the relationship between mutual information and minimum mean-square error (MMSE) in Gaussian channels.
Conference Paper
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We demonstrate that feedback in discrete memoryless channels has the capability of greatly lowering the block error rate of codes designed for open-loop operation. First we show how to use full feedback of the channel output to turn any capacity achieving code into a reliability-function achieving code. Second, we propose a practical embodiment bas...
We characterize the capacity-achieving input covariance for multi-antenna channels known instantaneously at the receiver and in distribution at the transmitter. Our characterization, valid for arbitrary numbers of antennas, encompasses both the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues. The eigenvectors are found for zero-mean channels with arbitrary fading...
We generalize the Gel'fand-Pinsker model with the setup of a memoryless multiple-access channel where there is a single message source fed to both encoders. Only one of the encoders knows the state of the channel (non-causally), which is also unknown to the receiver. We find an explicit characterization of the capacity of this single-user channel....
Over the last decade, the increases in capacity promised by multiantenna communication techniques have spurred many information-theoretic analyses. Furthermore, information theory has been used as a design tool to optimize the signals fed to the transmit array and to motivate signal processing strategies at the receiver. In this chapter, we catalog...
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M-ary On-Off Frequency-Shift-Keying (OOFSK) is a digital modulation format in which M-ary FSK signaling is overlaid on On/Off keying. This paper investigates the potential of this modulation format in the context of wideband fading channels. First it is assumed that the receiver uses energy detection for the reception of OOFSK signals. Capacity exp...
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U§ Abstract. Mobile communication channels are often modeled as linear time-varying filters or, equivalently, as time-frequency integral operators with finite support in time and frequency. Such a characterization inherently assumes the signals are narrowband and may not be appropriate for wide- band signals. In this paper time-scale characterizati...
Mobile communication channels are often modeled as linear time-varying filters or, equivalently, as time-frequency integral operators with finite support in time and frequency. Such a characterization inherently assumes the signals are narrowband and may not be appropriate for wideband signals. In this paper time-scale characterizations are examine...
M-ary On-Off Frequency-Shift-Keying (OOFSK) is a digital modulation format in which M-ary FSK signaling is overlaid on On/Off keying. This paper investigates the potential of this modulation format in the context of wideband fading channels. First it is assumed that the receiver uses energy detection for the reception of OOFSK signals. Capacity exp...
We present a universal estimator of the divergence $D(P,Vert,Q)$ for two arbitrary continuous distributions $P$ and $Q$ satisfying certain regularity conditions. This algorithm, which observes independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) samples from both $P$ and $Q$ , is based on the estimation of the Radon–Nikodym derivative $ d Pover d Q$ vi...
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Transmission of information over a discrete-time memoryless Rician fading channel is considered, where neither the receiver nor the transmitter knows the fading coefficients. First, the structure of the capacity-achieving input signals is investigated when the input is constrained to have limited peakedness by imposing either a fourth moment or a p...
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Transmission of information over a discrete-time memoryless Rician fading channel is considered, where neither the receiver nor the transmitter knows the fading coefficients. The spectral-efficiency/bit-energy tradeoff in the low-power regime is examined when the input has limited peakedness. It is shown that if a fourth-moment input constraint is...
This paper applies random matrix theory to obtain analytical characterizations of the capacity of correlated multiantenna channels. The analysis is not restricted to the popular separable correlation model, but rather it embraces a more general representation that subsumes most of the channel models that have been treated in the literature. For arb...
This paper studies randomly spread code-division multiple access (CDMA) and multiuser detection in the large-system limit using the replica method developed in statistical physics. Arbitrary input distributions and flat fading are considered. A generic multiuser detector in the form of the posterior mean estimator is applied before single-user deco...
We analyze the spectral efficiency (sum-rate per subcarrier) of randomly spread synchronous multicarrier code-division multiple access (MC-CDMA) subject to frequency-selective fading in the asymptotic regime of number of users and bandwidth going to infinity with a constant ratio. Both uplink and downlink are considered, either conditioned on the s...
This paper deals with arbitrarily distributed finite-power input signals observed through an additive Gaussian noise channel. It shows a new formula that connects the input-output mutual information and the minimum mean-square error (MMSE) achievable by optimal estimation of the input given the output. That is, the derivative of the mutual informat...
Conference Paper
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Following the recent discovery of new connections between information and estimation in Gaussian channels, this paper reports parallel results in the Poisson regime. Both scalar and continuous-time Poisson channels are considered. It is found that, regardless of the statistics of the input, the derivative of the input-output mutual information with...
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We consider a nonergodic multiple-access Gaussian block-fading channel where a fixed number of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) fading coefficients affect each codeword. Variable-rate coding with input power constraint enforced on a per-codeword basis is examined. A centralized power and rate allocation policy is determined as a fun...
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We optimize the random-like ensemble of irregular repeat-accumulate (IRA) codes for binary-input symmetric channels in the large block-length limit. Our optimization technique is based on approximating the evolution of the densities (DE) of the messages exchanged by the belief-propagation (BP) message-passing decoder by a one-dimensional dynamical...
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This paper presents a new approach to universal noiseless com-pression based on error correcting codes. The scheme is based on the con-catenation of the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting transform (BWT) with the syndrome former of a Low-Density Parity-Check (LDPC) code. The proposed scheme has linear encoding and decoding times and uses a new closed-lo...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, the capacity and spectral efficiency of peak power limited Rician block-fading channels when neither the receiver nor the transmitter knows the fading coefficients is studied. The capacity-achieving input amplitude distribution of the average power limited memoryless unknown Rayleigh fading channel is discrete with a finite number of...
In this correspondence, we present a new universal entropy estimator for stationary ergodic sources, prove almost sure convergence, and establish an upper bound on the convergence rate for finite-alphabet finite memory sources. The algorithm is motivated by data compression using the Burrows-Wheeler block sorting transform (BWT). By exploiting the...
Reduced-rank minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) multiuser detectors using asymptotic weights have been shown to reduce receiver complexity while maintaining good performance in long-sequence code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems. In this paper, we consider the design of reduced-rank MMSE receivers in a general framework which includes fading,...
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We consider multiaccess, broadcast, and interference channels with additive Gaussian noise. Although the set of rate pairs achievable by time-division multiple access (TDMA) is not equal to the capacity region, the TDMA achievable region converges to the capacity region as the power decreases. Furthermore, TDMA achieves the optimum minimum energy p...
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We investigate the spectral efficiency achievable by random synchronous code-division multiple access (CDMA) with quaternary phase-shift keying (QPSK) modulation and binary error-control codes, in the large system limit where the number of users, the spreading factor, and the code block length go to infinity. For given codes, we maximize spectral e...
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Random matrix theory has found many applications in physics, statistics and engineering since its inception. Although early developments were motivated by practical experimental problems, random matrices are now used in fields as diverse as Riemann hypothesis, stochastic differential equations, condensed matter physics, statistical physics, chaotic...
Conference Paper
We characterize the power allocation that maximizes the rate per unit bandwidth supported with arbitrary reliability over single-user multiantenna channels known instantaneously by the receiver and in distribution by the transmitter. The characterization is valid for arbitrary channels and numbers of antennas. Although, in general, it leads to a fi...
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A general technique for the generation of canonical channel models and demonstrate the application of the technique to time-frequency and time-scale integral kernel operators is developed. As an exam-ple, the derivation of Sayeed/Aazhang's time-frequency canonical channel characterization that forms the basis for the time-frequency RAKE receiver is...
In this paper, we analyze the effect of scaling laws in random heterogeneous networks. This paper describes a square grid with shortcuts and a scaling law with wired shortcuts
Random matrix theory has found many applications in physics, statistics and engineering since its inception. Although early developments were motivated by practical experimental problems, random matrices are now used in fields as diverse as Riemann hypothesis, stochastic differential equations, condensed matter physics, statistical physics, chaotic...
This paper provides analytical characterizations of the impact on the multiple-antenna capacity of several important features that fall outside the standard multiple-antenna model, namely: (i) antenna correlation, (ii) Ricean factors, (iii) polarization diversity, and (iv) out-of-cell interference; all in the regime of low signal-to-noise ratio. Th...
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The channel capacity of randomly spread CDMA subject to Gaussian noise and flat fading is studied in the large-system limit under arbitrary in-put distributions. Using the replica method originally developed in statistical physics, we find the spectral efficiencies under both joint decoding and single-user decoding. We show that under single-user d...
This paper provides an analytical characterization of the multiantenna capacity for scenarios where the noise is dominated by out-of-cell interference, spatially colored and subject to fading. The analysis is carried out in the region of energy per bit close to its minimum value.
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This paper proves large-system asymptotic normality of the output of a family of linear multiuser receivers that can be arbitrarily well approximated by polynomial receivers. This family of receivers encompasses the single-user matched filter, the decorrelator, the minimum mean square error (MMSE) receiver, the parallel interference cancelers, and...
Dedicated to Sanjoy Mitter on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Abstract. We consider a heterogeneous (also called “hybrid”) ad-hoc network with wired and wireless links. This type of network was previously considered by Kulkarni and Viswanath in [9] where achievable transport capacity growth rates were demonstrated for a structured wired infrastr...