Sergio Gamonal C.

Sergio Gamonal C.
Adolfo Ibáñez University · Facultad de Derecho


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Publications (53)
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The paper argues for the possibility of aggravating the defendant’s civil liability in cases in which the victim´s human dignity has been infringed, through a disrespectful, degraded or humiliating conduct towards the victim. The Chilean legal system can incorporate this aggravating factor within the determination of non-pecuniary damages, performi...
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Chile is known as a country that has applied the neoliberal recipes of the Chicago School to the extreme. Within this context, Chilean trade union law is extraordinarily restrictive and regulatory. Neoliberal legislation has limited the right to strike, disfiguring it when compared to the doctrine of the ILO’s committee on freedom of association. I...
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resumen: En este artículo analizaremos la noción de dignidad como estatus, planteada por Jeremy Waldron, y su relevancia en el debate constitucional chileno, centrándonos en el derecho laboral. La dignidad está con-sagrada en la mayoría de las constituciones del mundo, y la importancia de esta noción no está exenta de críticas, dada su ambiva-lenci...
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The article aims to claim that the notion of human dignity can play a relevant role in private law, both in civil law and labor law. It is argued that Jeremy Waldron's understanding of the concept of human dignity as a rank or status can provide a concrete content to the concept, forbidding any humiliating or degrading treatment to any human person...
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In this article we will analyze how work is described by some of the most classic utopias, including utopian socialism. We believe that authors such as More, Campanella, Bacon, Andrae, Saint-Simon, Owen, and Fourier, inter alia, when building their utopias must have necessarily referred to work in those non-existent worlds. Accordingly, those dream...
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El artículo tiene como objetivo plantear que la noción de dignidad humana puede tener un rol relevante en el derecho privado, tanto en el derecho civil como en el derecho laboral. Se sostiene que el entendimiento de la dignidad humana como rango o estatus, elaborado por Jeremy Waldron, le da un contenido concreto al concepto, prohibiendo los tratos...
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En este artículo analizaremos cómo se contempla el trabajo en algunas de las más clásicas utopías incluyendo, además, el socialismo utópico. Autores como Moro, Campanella, Bacon, Andrae, Saint-Simon, Owen y Fourier, entre otros, al construir sus utopías debieron necesariamente referirse al trabajo en esos mundos inexistentes y esos sueños pueden il...
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In the current Chilean Constitutional Process, it will be essential to establish equal pay in labour matters within the catalogue of fundamental rights. For these purposes, we will explain its foundation in the notion of dignity as status, how it has been established in comparative law, to specify with a labour proposal for the new constitution fin...
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En este artículo analizaremos las alternativas que podrían adoptarse con miras a consagrar un sistema sindical con negociación por rama de actividad en Chile. Primero haremos una breve referencia a la constitucionalidad de cualquier opción ramal. Luego revisaremos los modelos en otras experiencias comparadas, para en el acápite siguiente plantear l...
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Resumen: Desde la década de los ochenta el derecho laboral ha sido criticado por sus negativos efectos económicos, como limitar el crecimiento, favorecer la cesantía, desincentivar las inversiones, etc. La solución propuesta por muchos economistas ha sido la flexibilidad y la desregulación de los mercados laborales. Estas críticas, basadas en el pe...
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Within the collective bargaining models proposed by Gino Giugni there are two in which the outcome of the negotiation is subject to external conditions. That is why they are called intervened or regulated models. In this paper we will study two examples of these models: Spain and France, from the perspective of the role of the law in their procedur...
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Este artículo trata sobre el futuro del derecho del trabajo desde una perspectiva crítica. Para esos efectos, se contextualiza la pregunta por el futuro desde el Sur, constatando que la crisis del derecho del trabajo es una de tantas desde su consolidación en el siglo XX. En otras palabras, existen distintas velocidades en el derecho del trabajo ac...
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Collective bargaining in Chile is both underdeveloped and weak, resulting in very limited coverage. However, up to now, there is no exist an official percentage. The Labor Office, which is the state institution that collects the information about collective bargaining in Chile has systematically reported the percentage of salaried involved in colle...
This chapter, the book’s conclusion, summarizes the book’s main points and generally describes how the U.S. case illuminates the utility of Latin America and principled labor law for the rest of the world. It argues that, despite globalization, neoliberalism, labor law crises, and whatnot, many countries have deep traditions, legal and otherwise, t...
This book provides a Latin American perspective of the “idea” of labor law, which the authors call “principled labor law.” It a jurisprudential method based on worker protection, i.e., the protective principle, and its derivative principles: primacy of reality, nonwaiver, and continuity. We argue that principled labor law is needed given that many...
Chapter 2 describes the protective principle and in dubio pro operario in Latin America, namely, in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. It also describes worker protection in International Labor Organization (ILO) instruments and other international human rights texts. It then searches for the protective principle and in dubio pro operario in th...
Chapter 3 describes the principle of primacy of reality in Latin America, namely, in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. The principle is also contained in the International Labor Organization’s Recommendation 198. The principle posits that facts must be given preference over what parties, particularly employers, state in legal texts, documents,...
This chapter introduces the book’s main goal: to provide a “principled labor law” method to decide hard cases. It describes principled labor law as a Latin American method embedded in the principles of protection, primacy of reality, nonwaiver, and continuity. It argues that principled labor law can be useful even in the least likely case of labor...
Chapter 4 describes the principle of nonwaiver in Latin America focusing on Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. It posits that employers and workers cannot waive labor rights, given by law, through contract. It shows how the principle is expressly stated in some positive law, in court opinions, and in legal scholarship. It also details how the p...
Chapter 6 acknowledges that labor law principles are not the end-all for all labor law cases and controversies. Labor law may conflict with other laws and their principles, complicating adjudication. The chapter discusses two major conflicts between labor law and other law, particularly in the United States, but likely also present elsewhere: const...
Chapter 5 describes the principle of continuity, also called the principle of “stability” or “permanence,” in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. The principle presumes employment contracts of indefinite duration where employers must provide cause to terminate the contract. The chapter describes how continuity provides judges and other adjudicat...
This book provides a Latin American perspective of the “idea” of labor law, which the authors call “principled labor law.” It a jurisprudential method based on worker protection, i.e., the protective principle, and its derivative principles: primacy of reality, nonwaiver, and continuity. We argue that principled labor law is needed given that many...
This book provides a Latin American perspective of the “idea” of labor law, which the authors call “principled labor law.” It a jurisprudential method based on worker protection, i.e., the protective principle, and its derivative principles: primacy of reality, nonwaiver, and continuity. We argue that principled labor law is needed given that many...
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La negociación colectiva es un derecho débil en Chile y su cobertura es acotada. Con todo, en los últimos años, las cifras sobre cobertura de la negociación colectiva en Chile presentan dos novedades. Muestran un aumento sostenido desde el año 2006, y, hacia el año 2014, una cobertura que llega casi al 19%. En virtud de estos nuevos antecedentes es...
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The gig economy, precarious work, and nonstandard employment have forced labor law scholars to rethink their discipline. Classical remedies for unequal power, capabilities approaches, "third way" market regulation, and laissez-faire all now vie for attention - at least in English. Despite a deep history of labor activism, Latin American scholarshi...
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Este artículo se ocupa de la narrativa laboral y de los relatos que contextualizan la aplicación del derecho. Cada área del derecho tiene un relato fundacional, que es algunas veces implícito y que suele operar sin que nos demos cuenta. Este relato hegemónico va cambiando con el tiempo y en casos excepcionales puede ser desafiado por un relato radi...
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This paper addresses the future of labor law from a critical perspective. For these purposes, the question about the future is contextualized from the perspective of the south, thus confirming that labor law has undergone multiple crises since its consolidation in the 20 th century. The permanent crisis of this field of law-both in developed and de...
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This paper studies two of the most well known systems of legislative abstention in freedom of association matters. The case of Uruguay and Italy, analyzing their main characters and challenges, to present some proposals about the most appropriate way of articulating law and autonomy in the context of the Latin American trade union systems.
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Este trabajo explica el desarrollo de la aplicabilidad directa de los derechos fundamentales en materia laboral, en algunos países de América Latina, donde los tribunales y la doctrina postulan la validez de estos derechos como límites al poder del empleador. Esta aplicabilidad conocida comúnmente como "eficacia hori-zontal" de los derechos fundame...
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This article analyzes the thought of Friedrich A. Hayek about trade unionism and his fierce opposition to what they called the trade union monopoly. Criticizing their arguments, trying to justify the trade union movement emphasizing how many of the reasons given by Hayek are partial and even little consistent with their own thinking.
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In this paper the tensions that cross both labor law and social security law in the post dictatorship Chile are analyzed. The neoliberal system has been kept in democracy, although there have been numerous amendments to the legal framework, which means that although the GDP per capita exceeds $22,000 the great majority of Chileans survive under pre...
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In this article, the possibility of imposing punitive damages for anti-union or yellow-dog practices will be examined. These days, the remedies taken by courts are basically the cessation of the conduct and the respective fines. However, these remedies seem to be insufficient, especially in a scheme of cost/benefit, where some companies prefer to p...
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In this article, the possibility of imposing punitive damages for anti-union or yellow-dog practices will be examined. These days, the remedies taken by courts are basically the cessation of the conduct and the respective fines. However, these remedies seem to be insufficient, especially in a scheme of cost/benefit, where some companies prefer to p...
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This article analyzes the employment at will in the labor contract in United States, explaining its origins, development and foundations, as well as criticism from various american labour law professors, ending with some critical conclusions from the perspective of the theory of labor law.
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The nature of additional compensation under art. 489 of the Chilean labour code are unclear. Some authors consider them to be moral damages and others punitive damages. This article reasons on the basis of the argumentative practice of labour law, to show that this additional compensation, 6 to 11 months remuneration, is for moral damages.
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Scholars have noted that judicial conservatism has eroded labor and employment law (hereinafter referred to as “work law”) in the U.S. and elsewhere. The Roberts Court has kept in line with such conservatism, perhaps with sharpened audacity, deciding a number of key work law cases in the favor of employers. Moreover, the pro-employer judicial hue o...
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This study analyses whether in the Chilean Constitution it can be found established the right to strike. To this purpose, it studies both the origin and the evolution of the right to strike, and their importance in the systems of labor rights. Then, several doctrinal thesis are reviewed that postulate the establishment of the strike in our Constitu...
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In this paper be studied the classical principle matrix of labor law, the principle of protection and its expression in the Chilean constitution. Its study will be approached from a doctrinal and comparison of experiences perspective, in particular its manifestation through the rule in dubio pro operario, to then analyze the national doctrine, both...
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This article deals with the progression of indemnities for moral damage due to termination of contract of employment over legal compensations rated by seniority in the Chilean law. There is an analysis of the cases where additional compensations were exceptionally granted as well as the seniority-rated compensations in cases of wrongful dismissals....
This article focuses on the effects on labour of the United States-Chile Free Trade Agreement (FTA). The author makes a brief introductory reference to the origins of international labour law and the new developments in worker protection in times of globalization, highlighting the social clause, among other mechanisms. The social clause in Chapter...
This article analyses the evolution of Chilean labour law in the twenty years since the return to democracy. It studies the principal amendments to the individual right to work and to labour procedures as well as the permanence of the collective ultra neoliberal rights inherited from the dictatorship, presenting a labour panorama characterized at t...


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