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Working on mineral prospectivity modelling with satellite image analysis.
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May 2011 - September 2022
May 2011 - present
January 2004 - December 2010
Publications (38)
The application of certain research methods to determine the potential of the area for certain types of minerals requires specialty software that must be compatible with common types of data and supported by major operating systems, as well as have a simple graphical interface for comfortable work of a wide range of users. In addition to research t...
Chlorella vulgaris GKO, предназначенного для получения пищевой биомассы и использования в медицине. Дан краткий обзор специализированных штам-мов хлореллы, разработанных для альголизации водоемов. При контроле качества вод учтены материалы по фитопланктону, гидрохимическому анализу, материалы космических съемок радиометра ASTER. Последствия альголи...
XII Всероссийская научно-практическая конференция "Геоинформационное картографирование в регионах России", Воронеж. ВГУ. Доклад: "Разработка программного обеспечения pyLEFA 0.61a для анализа дистанционного изображения с целью прогноза минеральных ресурсов"
Conference paper for XII All-Russian research-practical conference "Geoinformatics mapping in regions of Russia", Voronezh, Voronezh state university. 26th April, 2024
Proudly present updated pyLEFA 0.61a (https://sourceforge.net/projects/pylefa/files/pylefasetup061a.exe/download ) This version is capable:
1)Generate heatmap for point shape file
2)Create csv table for data analysis
3)Minor issues were fixed
Numeric regional models are necessary to reconstruct the nature and conditions of formation of i geological structures, to obtain ideas about the evolution of different zones of the crust and upper mantle, the evolution of fold and fault dislocations and predicting expression of manifestation of deep structures on earth’s surface. Numeric reconstru...
Native manifestations and deposits of precious metals of folded belts of surrounding of the North Asian and Sino-Korean cratons are of lesser resources and areas; that requires growth of research and technological potential for discoveries of the mineralizations. In Sikhote-Alin folded belt, which is typical example of boundary folded belts develop...
pyLEFA software is originally written in Python GUI application for satellite image (tested with Landsat and SRTM) analysis in Earth sciences. Lineament analysis is often being used for geological mapping, detecting natural hazards and prospecting of mineral resources.
pyLEFA allows to:
• Extract lineament features on satellite image (Landsat 7 a...
The aim. Study of the ecological state of the Voronezh reservoir under conditions of “blooming” of water by cyanobacteria. Materials and Methods. EEvaluating water quality data of hydrochemical analysis, assessment of suspended solids distribution and temperature in the water area, materials of hydrobiological study (phytoplankton), microcystin con...
The largest Au–Ag deposits in the eastern Asian region occur along the borders of cratons and superterranes. Meanwhile, intra-terranean areas host numerous small deposits, the prospecting and exploration of which are complicated by natural factors. The target areas of the Kema Terrane and the Kema Metallogenic Belt (Sikhote–Alin Superterrane, South...
On the basis of the results interpretation of hydrochemical indicators change dynamics and the application of bioindication method by phytoplankton communities the geoecological state of two artificial reservoirs located in the zones of influence of metallurgical works objects and tested rehabilitation by introducing two strains of algae chlorella:...
Exploration for strategic mineral resources, like precious metals, in remote areas of the Greater Kurile Chain is challenging. Climate and weather conditions, dissected relief, soil and forest cover in this region impede acquisition of geological data. Mineral exploration requires development of fast and cost-effective methods that allow processing...
Цель – изучение трансформаций природных водоемов особо охраняемой территории заповедника «Воронинский» для обоснования критериев по выявлению направленности антропогенных изменений экологического состояния поверхностных вод в пределах антропогенно-нагруженных территорий на примере Воронежского водохранилища. Материалы и методы. При оценке экологиче...
The research site includes part of the East Asian region within areas of South‐East Russia and the boundary part of North‐East China. The region has abundant precious metal deposits: gold and platinum group elements. The spatial distribution of these deposits is controlled by details of crustal and mantle geodynamics including the presence of fault...
The paper considers the issue of changing the quality of water in the Voronezh reservoir due to its contamination with cyanotoxins. The authors give a forecast of the ecological and sanitary state of the aquatic environment and propose preventive environmental measures.
The Mnogovershinnoe epithermal gold-silver deposit is located on the northern part of the East Sikhote-Alin magmatic belt of Northeast Russia. This deposit is related to the intrusion of a large multiphase Paleogene Bekchiul granitoid pluton. The research area underwent several episodes of intrusion magmatism, volcanism and isostatic uplifting beca...
Erosion network order extraction (ENOE) software was written for identification and exporting of erosion network with available SRTM images automatized processing. It identifies stream order (Strahler number) and outputs corresponding Geotiff file. Possible applications include analysis and description of erosion network, geotectonic reconstruction...
Structural analysis of space images is used as the base foundation for organizing regional geological search and prospecting works on affordable factual base. however, there is a lacking of open source software for research and educational applications. in order to fill this gap lEFA (lineament Extraction and Fracture Analysis) software has been of...
A brief review of the ecological state of artificial water bodies is presented on the example of the Voronezh and Matyr reservoirs located in the basin of the river. Voronezh. Ecological-geochemical interrelation of water areas of reservoirs and adjacent territories with anthropogenic sources of pollution located on them is shown. The basis of the...
Area of eastern margin of Asia at ranges of Amur plate is characterized with existence of large and super large ore nodes of precious metals. Active interaction between plates (subduction) and deep plume dynamics predetermined formation of extensive volcano-plutonic belts and related ore-magmatic systems. System analysis of petrological, geochemica...
Area of eastern margin of Asia at ranges of Amur plate is characterized with existence of large and super large ore nodes of precious metals. Active interaction between plates (subduction) and deep plume dynamics predetermined formation of extensive volcano-plutonic belts and related ore-magmatic systems. System analysis of petrological, geochemica...
Area of Russian Far East within Amur plate is characterized with existence of large and super large ore fields of precious metals. Active interaction between tectonic plates (subduction, transform regime) and deep plume dynamics predetermined formation of extensive volcano-plutonic belts and related ore-magmatic systems.
Volcanic-plutonic zones an...
Annotation: analysis of the structural and material complexes of the Berezovsky volcano-tectonic struc- ture and adjacent territories of the Kema metallogenic zone of the East Sikhote-Alin magmatic belt, based on the automated methodology for remote sensing of the Earth and with considering the results of litho- geochemical mapping, reconstructs th...
Article considers methodological apparatus for analysis of remote sensing images for prospecting of gold deposits with taking into account regional peculiarities of volcanic-plutonic belts of Far East Russia. Methodology includes sequence of calculations, directed to identification of tectonic structures and assessment of regional fracturing by fra...
Modeling of ancient fields of both principal and shear tectonic stresses and related strains are considered as producers of hydrothermal systems for applications of remote sensing analysis of folded belt's minerageny. Computer reconstruction of paleohydrothermal system's infrastructure formation has been performed on a sample of Nizhnetaezhny ore n...
Аннотация: рассматривается технология прогноза гидротермальных месторождений ороген-ных поясов, основанная на комплексировании методов автоматизированного анализа дистанци-онных изображений Земли и гидродинамического моделирования. Симулируется процесс перколя-ции в гидротермальных палеосистемах, инфраструктура которых препарирована современным эро...
Abstract: field and space remote sensing research of Nizhnetaezhny ore node’s fractured fields discovered nature of the space image elements and accordance between ore producing zones allocated form space with results of field observations.
Key words: ore prospecting, remote sensing, ore nodes, ore prospection, Russian Far East.
Исследованиями полей тектонической нарушенности по космическим снимкам выде-лены разрывные нарушения, рассматриваемые в качестве инфраструктуры продуктивных гидро-термальных палеосистем Арминского, Дальнегорского, Кавалеровского, Кемского, Фурмановского рудных районов, принадлежащих южному звену Восточно-Сихотэ-Алинского магма-металлогени-ческого п...
В работе приводится краткий обзор типов межледниковых и современных озерных котловин в бассейнах Верхнего и Среднего Дона. Современные озера региона имеют в основном старичное происхождение. В долине р. Вороны изучены проточно-русловые озера. Прослеживается их связь с особенностями геологического и неотектонического строения территории.