Serdar ÖztürkNevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University · Department of Economy
Serdar Öztürk
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Publications (84)
Bu araştırmada havacılık sektörü ve ekonomik performans ilişkisi araştırılmaktadır. Çalışmada gözlem grubu G-7 ekonomileri, dönem olarak ise 1997-2020 incelenmiştir. PVAR ekonometrik metodolojisinin ve Granger nedensellik tahmininin kullanıldığı ampirik analizde iki farklı model oluşturulmuştur. Model 1 ilk grup ekonomik performans kriterleri olara...
This paper is to examine the dynamic causal relationship between economic growth, renewable energy consumption, and CO2 with a broad perspective. The study is analyzed by dividing into two main parts. Growth and energy consumption in the first part, and the relationship between renewable energy and CO2 in the second part, within the framework of th...
Growth rates are one of the leading performance indicators of countries in global competition. Generally, growth leads to an increase in employment rates. Technological investments have a larger share in growth in developed countries. In developing countries the share of infrastructure investments in growth is higher. Infrastructure investments, wh...
Sanal Kripto Para kavramı Bitcoin ile birlikte 2009 yılında dikkat çekmeye başlamış ve özellikle 2013 yılındaki fiyat artışı ile popülaritesi artmıştır. Sanal Kripto Para birimlerinin ilki ve öncüsü olan Bitcoin ile 2. En büyük piyasa değerine sahip olan Ethereum tasarımsal yapıları ve amaçları bakımından birbirlerinden oldukça farklıdır. Sanal bir...
Çin, günümüzde dünya ekonomisinin en önemli aktörlerinden biridir. Bu nedenle, Çin ekonomisinde ortaya çıkan dalgalanmaların iniş ve çıkışların dünya ekonomisi üzerinde büyük etkiye sahip olduğu söylenebilir. Bu çerçevede, Çin’in Wuhan şehrinde COVID-19 küresel salgınının ortaya çıkması ve dünyaya hızla yayılması, insan hayatı üzerinde endişe veric...
Economists argue that a relation between foreign direct investments (FDI) and economic growth exists. In many studies, it has been investigated the way FDI affect economic growth. In the literature, it has been concluded that foreign direct investment has a positive impact on economic growth. In some studies, it was determined that there was no cau...
It can be said that economic growth, development and increasing social welfare are among the ultimate goals of each country. However, while achieving these goals, we should not ignore the environmental problems that may occur. Otherwise, environmental problems such as environmental pollution, global warming, climate change, biodiversity loss, hazar...
Uluslararası göç hareketlerinin nedenlerinin belirlenmesi günümüzde önemli bir beşerî sermaye olarak kabul edilen insan faktörünün mobilitesinin kontrol edilmesi açısından uygulanması muhtemel politikalara yön vermektedir. Bu kapsamda, çalışmanın amacı göçe ev sahipliği yapan G7 ülkelerinde göçmen nüfusun söz konusu göç kararında etkili olan çekici...
In this study, it is aimed to examine the relationship between political instability, energy security and economic growth between 1996-2014 in selected 15 Middle Eastern countries. Panel cointegration results show that there is long-term relationship between variables. According to the panel FMOLS results, while 1% increase in energy security risk...
Economic, social, political, cultural and technological changes have emerged in the process of with the accelerating of globalization, expanding technological development and developing humanity. One of the most significant developments in the globalization process is the liberalization of international trade. In addition, it can be said there has...
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between CO2 emission, energy use and economic growth for the G7
countries using the annual data for the years 1991-2014 with the use of panel data analysis method. For this purpose, firstly
LLC unit root test was applied to test the stationarity of the data. After, GMM analysis and Granger ca...
The Human Development Index (HDI), which measures a country’s human development level, considering the health, education and income indicators of countries has been published in the Human Development Report each year since 1990 by the United Nations Development Programme. Norway, which is a highly developed country, was at the top of the Human Deve...
İktisat biliminin en temel konularından biri olan ekonomik büyüme,
reel gayri safi yurtiçi hâsılanın zamanla sürekli artması olarak tanımlanabilir
(Erdem ve Çelik, 2019: 15). İnsani gelişmeninse, ekonomik büyümeye
ve dolayısıyla ekonomik kalkınmaya yol açan yüksek vasıflı insan gücü
üretmede önemli bir rol oynadığı söylenebilir (Afzal vd., 2009: 88...
Bu çalışmanın amacı gelişmişlik açısından dünya çapında ilk sıralarda yer alan G8 ülkelerine ait 2012-2018 arası yıllara ait veriler kullanarak mutluluk ve ekonomik büyüme arasındaki ilişkiyi panel veri analizi yardımıyla incelemektir. Uygulanan GMM analizi neticesinde elde edilen sonuçlara göre, ekonomik büyüme istatistiksel olarak anlamlı iken ne...
While economic growth is one of the most important indicators of a country’s performance in macroeconomics, education is one of the most important elements in people’s life. Education contributes to the social, political, cultural and economic transformation of the society with the change and development, it provides in qualitative structure of ind...
In the late 19th century, oil gradually replaced coal which was the primary
energy source for the first Industrial Revolution. Although patterns
of consumption have changed over time and new sources of energy have
emerged, oil has maintained its importance. In the first half of 21st century,
despite increasing concerns regarding climate change both...
Franz Kafka kendisinin de sürekli yaşadığı “yabancılaşma” duygusunu en iyi anlatan yazarlardan birisidir. Yazar hikâye ve romanlarında bu olguya oldukça geniş yer vermiştir. Yabancılaşma kavramı birçok disiplin tarafından tanımlanan geniş ve tartışmalı bir kavramdır. Özellikle son yıllarda sosyolojinin çalışma alanına giren kavram, Karl Marx tarafı...
Franz Kafka kendisinin de sürekli yaşadığı “yabancılaşma” duygusunu en iyi
anlatan yazarlardan birisidir. Yazar hikâye ve romanlarında bu olguya oldukça geniş yer
vermiştir. Yabancılaşma kavramı birçok disiplin tarafından tanımlanan geniş ve tartışmalı
bir kavramdır. Özellikle son yıllarda sosyolojinin çalışma alanına giren kavram, Karl Marx
Economic growth is typically accompanied by migration. Both factors are great important in the growth process. This study empirically examines the interaction between migration and economic conditions of the target country.
In the period of 1990-2016, the panel data was analyzed by panel ARDL technique by using he annual data set in 19 OECD countri...
In this study had been included to analysis as 16 countries (Australia, Brazil,
Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Russia, South
Africa, South Korea, Turkey and the UK U.S.A.) most oil importing country by
using data in between the years of 1986 and 2013. In the analysis, panel data
method had been used and firstly homo...
Eğitim, insanların yaşamında ki en önemli unsurlardan birisidir. Eğitim anlayışının modern toplumlarda, zamanla çok önemli değişikliklere uğradığı görülmektedir. Eğitim bireyin niteliksel yapısında sağladığı değişim ve gelişim ile içinde bulunduğu toplumun sosyal, politik, kültürel ve ekonomik açıdan dönüşümüne katkıda bulunmasıdır. Ülkeler etkin e...
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between budget deficits and excise taxes revenues in OECD countries for 1999-2016 period. In the study, the bootstrap panel causality technique proposed by Kónya (2006), which considers cross-sectional dependence and heterogeneity across the countries was performed for 32 OECD member countries (C...
The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of US import tariffs on Chinese goods and China import tariffs on US goods on Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index for the period from 1991 to 2016. It is selected Chinese main macroeconomic variables as control variables. For this purpose, it is used ARDL boundary testing approach in this study...
Küreselleşen piyasalarla birlikte ülkelerin ekonomik büyüme hedefine giden yolda karşılaştığı hedefe ulaşmaları giderek zorlaşmaktadır. Giderek zorlaşan koşullar ekonomik büyüme konusunda engel teşkil eden makro değişkenlerin ortadan kaldırılmasını gerekli kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Türkiye’nin kısa vadeli borç stokunun ekonomik büyüme üzerindeki et...
As a multidisciplinary concept, the concept of migration is one of the most important fields of study of today’s scientists. In this context, economy is one of the most important disciplines both by affected immigration and by influencing from immigration. The concept of political instability is a concept multidimensional involving the solid form o...
As a multidisciplinary concept, the concept of migration is one of the most important fields of study of today’s scientists. In this context, economy is one of the most important disciplines both by affected immigration and by influencing from immigration. The concept of political instability is a concept multidimensional involving the solid form o...
The events of the Arab Spring are a rebellion movement that began at the end of 2010 when a peddler's stall was lifted by the police in Tunisia and the peddler burned himself. In addition to the demands for more freedom and more democracy by the people of the region, the growing events due to various terrorist groups and external interventions have...
Throughout our lives, everyday we are making a number of either micro or macro preferences. The common point of this process is the choice between different options. There is an acknowledgement that people are only rationally motivated by decisions made by companies both in production and in investment as well as in consumption by individuals. But...
Following the realisation of the revolutions in various fields on Earth, the field of information and communication has also been incorporated into these developed fields. Where information and communication technologies (ICTs) are not enough for human power, they are confronted as a field that seizes work, or even accelerates them in practice. The...
The financial crises of the 1929 Great Depression influenced all the countries of the world on a more frequent and wider scale with the influence of globalisation toward the end of the 20th century. Banking crises are in fact the result of a domino effect of other crises. In this study, the effects of the global banking crisis of 2008 and its effec...
The financial crises of the 1929 Great Depression influenced all the countries of the world on a more frequent and wider scale with the influence of globalisation toward the end of the 20th century. Banking crises are in fact the result of a domino effect of other crises. In this study, the effects of the global banking crisis of 2008 and its effec...
Bu çalışmanın amacı imalat sektöründe faaliyette bulunan firmaların karlılığının ekonomik büyüme etkisini araştırmaktır. Bu amaçla Türk imalat sektöründe yer alan 101 imalat sanayi firmasına ait 1995-2016 verileri doğrultusunda söz konusu ilişki panel ARDL yöntemi ile analiz edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçları hem kısa hem de uzun dönemde panel autoregres...
Following the realization of the revolutions in various fields on the Earth, the field of information and communication has also been incorporated into these developed fields. Where information and communication technologies are not enough for human power, they are confronted as a field that seizes work, or even accelerates them in practice. The ma...
The financial crises of the 1929 Great Depression influenced all the countries of the world on a more frequent and wider scale with the influence of globalization toward the end of the 20th century. Banking crises, one of the types of financial crisis, are in fact the result of a domino effect of other crises. In this study, the effects of the glob...
The purpose of this study is the analysis of the effects on economic growth of variables in oil prices in the most oil importing countries. Most of the studies in the literature have examined either the developed or developing countries or oil exporting countries. In the empirical research works, it had not been encountered to studies that searched...
Political instability is a multidimensional concept that covers many factors that cause social unrest as well as instability in the country’s literature. Political instability is a concept that affects many areas of economic, social and political. I...
Slow Food hareketinin bir devamı olarak ortaya çıkan Cittáslow “Yavaş Şehir” hareketi 1999 yılında bir grup İtalyan şehrinin bir araya gelmesiyle oluşturulmuş bir şehirler ağıdır. Gelecek nesilleri dikkate alarak insanların yaşam kalitesinin artırıldığı, yerel değerleri esas alan, çevreye duyarlı, sürdürülebilir bir kent ekonomisi oluşturmak birliğ...
Literatürde, politik istikrarsızlık sadece yönetimsel değişikliklerin sıkılığını içermeyip bunun
yanında birçok faktörü de kapsayan çok boyutlu bir kavramdır. Politik istikrarsızlıklar genel
olarak yönetimsel istikrarsızlıklar ve toplumsal huzursuzluk ve siyasi şiddet olayları şeklinde iki ana başlıkla incelenmektedir. Politik istikrarsızlıkların e...
In this study, the effects of political instability, which is one of the most important factors affecting economic growth performance, on economic growth are examined. In this context, data that were accepted as a policy instability indicator between 1946-2016 in Turkey were collected and transferred to the graphs. In addition to graphical analysis...
Usage of foreign sources becomes unavoidable in the countries where country sources and domestic savings are not sufficient to finance economic growth and development. From this point of view, like in the economy of developed or developing countries, external debt is an important finance in Turkey's economy. The main purpose of this work is to try...
Health spending has an important place in the economy of the countries. It is also one of the essential indicators of development. But beyond all this, because health spending is interested in the future of the human race, it has a very special place for countries. Whatever the level of development of the countries said to be facing some health pro...
Dünya nüfusunda yaşanan artış ve gelişen teknoloji enerji ihtiyacının hızla artmasına neden olmuştur. Enerji ve Tabi Kaynaklar Bakanlığı resmi internet sitesinde belirtildiği üzere; enerji talebi ve CO₂ emisyon hızla artarken, fosil yakıtlar halen ana enerji kaynağı olarak kullanılmaya devam etmektedir. Enerji üretiminde öncelikli kullanılan fosil...
Bölgesel kalkınma sürecinde enerji en temel bileşenler arasında yer almakta olup kişi
başı enerji tüketim miktarı dünyada önemli bir gelişmişlik göstergesi olarak
kullanılmaktadır. Günümüzde dünyada enerji üretimi konusunda ağırlıklı olarak fosil yakıtların kullanıldığı görülmektedir. Oysa fosil yakıtlar hızla tükenmekte ve çevre kirliliğine
yol aç...
Cittáslow “Yavaş Şehir” hareketi Slow Food hareketinin bir devamı olarak ortaya çıkan bir harekettir. Dünyaca ünlü İtalyan mutfağının karşısında ünlü fastfood zincirlerinin İtalya’da popüler olmasından rahatsız olan bir grup yerel değerlerini koruma amaçlı Slow Food akımını başlattı. Cittáslow “Yavaş Şehir” hareketi Slow Food hareketinden ilham ala...
2016 yılı Haziran ayı itibari ile ülkemizde Devlet Desteği sağlayan 10 adet Bakanlık, 12 adet kurum/kuruluş ve kamu iştiraki yer almaktadır. Bu destekler, kar amacı güden ve gütmeyen Kamu kurum/kuruluşlarına, sivil toplum kuruluşlarına, işletmelere ve gerçek kişilere yönelik olarak Sanayi, Ticaret, Tarım, Hayvancılık, İhracat, AR-GE, İnovasyon, Ene...
Abstract: The cause of global financial crisis in the world in 2007 – 2008 is the mortgage crisis in USA in
August, 2007. The crisis caused an immense instability in markets and gradually became global. Effects of this
crisis upon some countries such as Spain and Portugal were deeper and more destroying. Greece is one of these
countries. It is seen...
Harmful tax competition aims to attract foreign capital through the reduction of tax rates and a structure that causes the incorrect allocation of resources in the world. One of the reasons for the increase in harmful tax competition...
Tax havens are more than seventy years has been in existence in the World. But still everyone agree on a definition that is difficult to say. Tax havens have very low tax rates and some ease with related to tax are special places. They were arranged so as to attract foreign investors. Increased international competition to businesses and individual...
The cause of global financial crisis in the world in 2007 – 2008 is the mortgage crisis in USA in August, 2007. The crisis caused an immense instability in markets and gradually became global. Effects of this crisis upon some countries were deeper and more destroying. Greece is one of these countries. It is seen that Greece has an economic structur...
By employing Propensity Score Matching analysis, this study aims first to show how inflation targeting affects macroeconomic indicators in middle and high-income countries, and second highlights whether the global financial crisis has created a change in the way that inflation targeting impacts on them. Results prove that adopting inflation targeti...
This paper investigates the nexus between public debt and economic growth in G-7 countries over the period 2000:Q1-2012:Q4. To this end, panel cointegration and causality approaches are employed in the presence of capital stock. Panel cointegration results reveal a long run relationship among public debt, capital stock and economic growth. Panel ca...
ktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi, Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, 58140 Sivas, Türkiye Özet Küreselleşme sürecinde yaşanan yenilikler kalkınma politikalarının hedeflerinde ve uygulamalarında değişimlere yol açmış, beraberinde yeni bir yönetim ve örgütlenme yapısı gerekliliğini de ortaya çıkarmıştır. Bu anlayış yukarıdan aşağıya doğru yani merkeziyetçi...
Highlights The health expenditures-growth nexsus is investiagted in G8 countries. The Kao panel cointegtaion is empolyed for empirical analysis. Health expenditures are determinant of eocnomic growth inG8 countries. Abstract Purpose: Health-growth literature generally includes studies on developing countries. Unlike previous health-growth lit...
Inflation targeting strategy emerged in consequence of the searching's of countries after they could not achieved the price stability until 1990s and as of this date it has been increasingly approved. It can be said that, this strategy is an operational regime so as to increase the performance of monetary policy and gained a placed in the economy p...
It can be said that the global crisis in the world in 2008 deeply affected all states and changed almost all balances. Such crises experienced in the world during this period and possible same crises in the future are important. However, such crises have monetary solutions although they have resulted in serious destruction of economic and social st...
As a result of many countries don’t provide the achievement as regards the satisfaction of the price stability
between 1970 and 1990, the other targets and the stability programs aimed at these targets were put away and
price stability as a point target was put forward in this process. In this context, inflation targeting approach has
As a result of many countries don’t provide the achievement as regards the satisfaction of the price stability between 1970 and 1990, the other targets and the stability programs aimed at these targets were put away and price stability as a point target was put forward in this process. In this context, inflation targeting approach has been formed a...
Fiscal stability relationship that continues between government revenues and
expenditures is one of the important necessities for sustainable fiscal environment.
Determining the fiscal sustainability within the process is crucial with regard to satisfying the
fiscal balances. This paper tests the sustainability of fiscal policy using the relationsh...
Together with the global financial crisis, the increased economic uncertainty in Turkey is seen to have negatively affected trust and forward-planning. During the global crisis, Turkey's economy contracted and its national budget was negatively affected. Due to the overall decline in growth, tax reductions were enacted to support the real sector, w...
The Global Economic Crisis and its Effects on the Monetary
Policy of Turkey
Capitalism has faced the most severe and the longest crisis since 1929. Resource of the emerging financial
crisis in the second half of 2007 was mortgage crisis that experienced in the United States. The collapse of
housing market has caused great instability in...
Capitalism has faced the most severe and the longest crisis since 1929. Resource of the emerging financial crisis in the second half of 2007 was mortgage crisis that experienced in the United States. The collapse of housing market has caused great instability in the financial markets and then turned into the strong liquidity crisis and spread all o...
People's Republic of China was established by the Chinese Communist Party under the leadership of Mao Zedong in 1949 after the communist revolution. China's economy has experienced two major transformations since 1949. The first of these, is transition from new democratic economy to socialist planning economy. The other is transition * Yrd. Doç.Dr....
Dünya ekonomisi son yirmi yıllık süreçte gittikçe artan oranda bir küreselleşme eğilimine şahit olmuştur. Küreselleşme, birçok farklı şekilde yorumlanabilir; ancak bu kavram aslında bir ülkenin dünyanın geri kalanına bağlılığının oldukça yüksek olması anlamına gelmektedir. Küreselleşme süreci dünya ekonomisinin çok daha büyük bir şekilde ente...
Küreselleşme, hem herkesi aynı ölçüde ve aynı şekilde etkileyen hem de geri dönüşü olmayan bir süreçtir ve bu, dünyanın kaçamayacağı bir kaderdir. Ulaşım ve iletişim araçlarında meydana gelen sürekli gelişim modern tarihe damgasını vurmakta ve özellikle enformasyon naklinin burada ciddi bir role sahip olduğu görülmektedir. Burada fiziksel bedenleri...
ABD’de 2007 yılında konut piyasasında baslayan çöküntü finansal
piyasalarda büyük bir istikrarsızlığa neden olmus ve daha sonrada likidite
krizine dönüserek dalga dalga bütün dünyaya yayılan küresel krizin zeminini
olusturmustur. Bu krizin köklerinde tarihin en büyük gayrimenkul ve kredi
balonu yatmakla beraber bu krizi kredinin değil ona dayanılar...
zet Terörizmin küresel yapısı 11 Eylül saldırılarından sonra daha da belirginleşmiş, hiçbir ülke ve toplumun kendisini tam olarak güvende hissetmediği bir sürece girmiştir. Bu durum küresel terör konseptine uygun olarak küresel mücadeleyi zorunlu kılmaktadır. Bu zorunlulukla beraber terörizmi üreten ortamların yok edilmesi, bataklıkların kurutulmas...
Terörizm, ulusal ve uluslararası gündemde hep önde olan, oldukça kompleks ve sürekli değişen bir olgudur. Terörizm ve onun çeşitli yan faktörleri arasındaki ilişki araştırmacılar arasında 1960’lardan beri tartışmanın temel konusunu oluşturmakla beraber terörizmin küresel yapısı 11 Eylül saldırılarından sonra daha da belirginleşmiş, hiçbir ülk...
In 19th century, Ottoman Empire has become a free market for the European Nations. The economical fall has started with the losses of the wars by the way capitulations and becoming stranger to the innovations that Industry Revolution has brought made the fall of empire ineluctable. Because of capitulations, foreign capital owners has invested on Ot...
Inflation targeting occured for coping with the inflation and providing price stability after 1990s. In addition it started to have an application in developing and developed countries. Inflation targeting attributes to countries for providing stability by improving the monetary policy. In this study the success of this policy was evaluated in thos...
Bu çalışma, ülkelerin vergi politikasında uluslararası yatırımların ne gibi olumsuz etkilere yol açtığını son dönemde hızlı yatırım çeken Kore, Meksika ve Türkiye üzerinde analiz etmektedir. Çalışmada öncelikle uluslararası yatırımları çekmek için uygulanan vergi teşvikleri ve uluslararası yatırımların vergi politikasına etkisi incelenmiştir. Daha...
There has been an international discussion about Beijing Consensus and Chinese economic model since the beginning of new century. The well-known phrase “Washington Consensus” is combination of ideas gathered from International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the U.S. Treasury and the purpose of this collaboration is to bring development to...
Currency Board Arrangement is a hard fixed foreign Exchange rate which has the strongest connection with the Exchange rate anchor. This system, which was first applied in 1849, once it has been accepted as a failure, on the other hand during the 1990’s, it became more popular and took its place in the a pplication field. Bulgaria, which was once on...
The key issue facing central banks as we approach the end of twentieth century is what strategy to pursue in the conduct of monetary policy. One choice of monetary strategy that has become increasingly popular in recent years inflation targeting. GR�� Dünya'da, toplumlardaki iktisadi ve sosyal yapnn koullarna göre farkl dönemlerde farkl hedefler ön...