Seppo HuhtinenUniversity of Turku | UTU · Herbarium
Seppo Huhtinen
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Publications (90)
A recent classification framework for Leotiomycetes introduced the novel family Hyphodiscaceae in 2019. However, this endeavor was marred by phylogenetic misinterpretations and a limited comprehension of this fungal group. This resulted in
an inadequate and uninformative diagnostic family description, an incorrect family delineation, and the reclas...
A new genus and species, Venturioscypha nigropila , is proposed for a minute inoperculate discomycete with long, cylindrical, partly flexuous, dark blackish-brown, smooth, finally thick-walled hairs. It has been collected repeatedly in Europe on dead, corticated branches of Pinus spp. attached to living or recently dead trees. At first glance the s...
In a recently published classification scheme for Leotiomycetes, the new family Hyphodiscaceae was erected; unfortunately, this study was rife with phylogenetic misinterpretations and hampered by a poor understanding of this group of fungi. This manifested in the form of an undiagnostic familial description, an erroneous familial circumscription, a...
The general negative impact of forestry on wood-inhabiting fungal diversity is well recognized, yet the effect of forest naturalness is poorly disentangled among different fungal groups inhabiting dead wood of different tree species. We studied the relationship between forest naturalness, log characteristics and diversity of different fungal morpho...
The identification of mycocalicioid species continues to be based on morphological and chemical characters, even though molecular data and substratum preferences can provide many important insights into specific problems associated with species delimitation and other taxo-nomic challenges. Our results reinforce the usefulness of many morphological...
The circumscription and composition of the Hyaloscyphaceae are controversial and based on poorly sampled or unsupported phylogenies. The generic limits within the hyaloscyphoid fungi are also very poorly understood. To address this issue, a robust five-gene Bayesian phylogeny (LSU, RPB1 , RPB2 , TEF-1α , mtSSU; 5521 bp) with a focus on the core gro...
Typhuloid fungi are a very poorly known group of tiny clavarioid homobasidiomycetes. The phylogenetic position and family classification of the genera targeted here, Ceratellopsis, Macrotyphula, Pterula sensu lato and Typhula, are controversial and based on unresolved phylogenies. Our six-gene phylogeny with an expanded taxon sampling shows that ty...
Typhuloid fungi are a very poorly known group of tiny clavarioid homobasidiomycetes. The phylogenetic position and family classification of the genera targeted here, Ceratellopsis, Macrotyphula, Pterula sensu lato and Typhula, are controversial and based on unresolved phylogenies. Our six-gene phylogeny with an expanded taxon sampling shows that ty...
The genus Candelabrum, an aero-aquatic fungus, produces chandelier-shaped conidia that can float on the water. Seven species have been described in the genus. Our phylogenetic analysis based on the D1/D2 regions of the large subunit rDNA (LSU) revealed that the genus Candelabrum contains two separate lineages, C. spinulosum group (C. clathrosphaero...
Tree species is one of the most important determinants of wood-inhabiting fungal community composition, yet its relationship with fungal reproductive and dispersal traits remains poorly understood. We studied fungal communities (total of 657 species) inhabiting broadleaved and coniferous dead wood (total of 192 logs) in 12 semi-natural boreal fores...
The Helvellaceae encompasses taxa that produce some of the most elaborate apothecial forms, as well as hypogeous ascomata, in the class Pezizomycetes (Ascomycota). While the circumscription of the Helvellaceae is clarified, evolutionary relationships and generic limits within the family are debatable. A robust phylogeny of the Helvellaceae, using a...
The initial stage of cellulose degradation has been studied via in vitro assays of fungi isolated from rotten wood in a boreal forest. Among the 37 isolates, Antrodia sinuosa appeared to be an effective cellulose degrader and was selected for studying the initial degradation process. In the liquid cultivation with carboxymethylcellulose (CMC), the...
Nomenclatural type definitions are one of the most important concepts in biological nomenclature. Being physical objects that can be re-studied by other researchers, types permanently link taxonomy (an artificial agreement to classify biological diversity) with nomenclature (an artificial agreement to name biological diversity).
Two proposals to am...
In this study, 49 species of Hydnum are recognized worldwide. Twenty-two of them are described here as new species. Epitypes are proposed for H. repandum and H. rufescens. The majority of the species are currently known only from a single continent. The barcodes produced in this study are deposited in the RefSeq database and used as a basis to name...
A new classification of several clitocyboid taxa is here proposed to accommodate results from multigenic phylogenetic inference. The analysis of ITS rDNA as well as a combined dataset including 18S and 28S rDNA, tef1 and rpb2 data, support significantly a shared monophyletic origin of the genera Pseudoclitocybe, Musumecia and Pogonoloma, and the sp...
This poster provides an introduction to the activities of the herbarium TUR.
In July 2016, the pre-excursion of the IAL8 symposium was held in Kemiönsaari in the SW archipelago of
Finland (biogeographical province V). Seven localities were visited and a number of interesting species were
found, reports of which are summarized here. Lepraria humida is new to Fennoscandia, Halecania
viridescens, Lepraria nivalis, Protoparmeli...
Four species of the genus Hyaloscypha are presented for the Canary Islands. The study is based on recent collections and 12 previous records. The earlier reports of the genus (Hyaloscypha fuckelii, H. hyalina and H. leuconica) are corrected. All of the reported species are new to the Canarian archipelago (H. aureliella, H. intacta, H. spiralis and...
We investigated the causative agent of a disease outbreak affecting small-leaved limes (Tilia cordata Mill.) and resulting in darkening of the leaf petioles and excessive defoliation during summer 2016 in southern Finland. The fungal species composition of the symptomatic petioles was examined by culture isolation and molecular identification using...
Bryoscyphus hyalotectus (Helotiales, Ascomycota) is presented as a new species based on a single collection from Canada. It infects the moss Polytrichum juniperinum. Apo-thecia occupy a special microniche of the host plant. They develop between the leaf lamellae where the indexed leaf margins meet. The parasite is distinguished by intracellular hau...
Fruiting phenology traits may have a large effect on the detection of fungal species. Detailed studies considering these biologically important traits are, however, surprisingly scarce. We conducted a rigorous fruit body monitoring of wood-inhabiting fungal occurrences over one fruiting season. Taxon-specific longevity of the fruiting was different...
Species limits in the small genus Geopyxis are debatable because of problems with interpreting the few phenotypic features and poor documentation of types. To clarify species boundaries and diversity, we studied the morphology of 74 specimens of Geopyxis from the Northern Hemisphere, including five types, and sequenced four loci for 57 representati...
Two genera: Marchandiomyces, Rectipilus and 16 species of agaricoid and gastroid fungi (Basidiomycota): Clitopilus daamsii, Coprinopsis canoceps, Coprinopsis laanii, Cortinarius albolens, Cortinarius flexibilifolius, Cortinarius megacystidiosus, Cortinarius russulaespermus, Cortinarius tillamookensis, Inocybe assimilata, Laccaria chibinensis, Lacca...
A contribution to the knowledge of Cistella and Hyphodiscus in the Canary Islands is presented. Seven species are reported as new to the Canary Islands and to the Macaronesian Region: Cistella dentata, C. grevillei, C. mali, C. hungarica, C. pediformis, C. tenuicula and Hyphodiscus hymeniophilus. Descriptions and illustrations of these species base...
One genera of agaricoid fungi (Basidiomycota): Romagnesiella and 12 species are reported as new to Finland: Agaricus macrocarpus, Arrhenia obatra, Arrhenia obscurata, Arrhenia rigidipes, Coprinellus brevisetulosus, Coprinus candidatus, Entoloma plebejum, Hydnum vesterholtii, Inocybe phaeocystidiosa, Mycena clavata, Omphalina arctica and Romagnesiel...
Based on a detailed study of holotypes, emended descriptions of two somewhat problematic species are given. Recent material of those taxa is also presented with colour photographs. Russula nuoljae and R. purpureofusca were both described by Kühner based on one or two fruitbodies collected from Scandinavian fjelds. R. cupreola is shown to be synonym...
Since Psilocistella quercina was described in 1977, it is considered a doubtful taxon, and therefore
not currently accepted. A bibliographic revision, together with recent studies on collections from France
and the Canary Islands (Spain) are used to provide evidence about its relevance. A provisional key to the
genus is also given.
Bryophilous ascomycetes are an overlooked and poorly known fungal group. In this study, the extreme and small-sized niche of Polytrichum piliferum hyaline leaf tips was screened for the presence of these fungi in Finland. Three closely related species were found. Bryochiton perpusillus and B. monascus were identified from several samples, and DNA i...
Four new resinicolous species of Chaenothecopsis are described from China: Chaenothecopsis perforata from exudate of Rhus chinensis (Anacardiaceae), C. pallida from exudate of Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaceae), C. resinophila from exudate of Kalopanax septemlobus (Araliaceae) and C. hunanensis from resin of Pinus massoniana (Pinaceae). All the ne...
Agaricoid fungi (Basidiomycota): Cortinarius chromataphilus, Cortinarius croceocaeruleus, Cortinarius disjungendulus, Cortinarius nolaneiformis, Cortinarius olididisjungendus, Cortinarius piceidisjungendus, Crepidotus stenocystis, Entoloma callirhodon, Entoloma rhombispo-rum, Hydropus marginellus, Macrocystidia cucumis var. latifolia, Russula cleme...
Sieniä poimitaan kotitalouskäyttöön Suomessa aiempaa enemmän. Luonnosta poimittujen sienten arvostus on noussut lähiruoan suosion kasvun myötä, sillä molempien hiilijalanjälki on pieni. Myös kiinnostus sienten kaupallista poimintaa kohtaan on kasvanut ja sieniä kerätään nykyisin eri puolilla Suomea. Saatavilla on uusia kotimaisia sienijalosteita, e...
Agaricoid fungi (Basidiomycota): Amanita flavescens, Cortinarius brunneotinctus, Cortinarius claroplaniusculus, Cortinarius orasericeus, Cortinarius pardinipes, Cortinarius rufoallutus, En-toloma querquedula, Galerina calyptrospora, Galerina lacustris and Tricholomopsis flammula are reported as new to Finland. Three genera of ascomycetoid fungi (As...
Six DNA regions were evaluated as potential DNA barcodes for Fungi, the second largest kingdom of eukaryotic life, by a multinational, multilaboratory consortium. The region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 used as the animal barcode was excluded as a potential marker, because it is difficult to amplify in fungi, often includes l...
The nomenclature and typification of some calicioid fungi in the genera Chaenothecopsis
and Brucea are corrected. Chaenothecopsis oregana is reinstated with a new lectotype
(holotype lost), while C. zebrina is reduced to its synonymy. Brucea is a later homonym
and is therefore replaced by the new generic name Bruceomyces. A new combination B.
The new foliicolous lichen Coccocarpia melloniorum Lucking from the Philippines is described and illustrated. It is morphologically similar to C. epiphylla but differs in the formation of disc-shaped isidia and dark rhizines. The species was discovered as part of a type digitization project through the Global Plant Initiative (GPI), as part of a sy...
Six new species of bryosymbiotic discomycetes are described from various bryophytes collected in Europe. The new discomycetous (Helotiales, Leotiomycetes) species are: Fuscolachnum necator on Polytrichum juniperinum, Hyphodiscus delitescens on Bazzania trilobata,
Microscypha cajaniensis on Ptilidium pulcherrinum and Lophozia sp., Chlorociboria lame...
Numerous species of microscopic fungi inhabit mosses and hepatics. They are severely overlooked and their identity and nutritional strategies are mostly unknown. Most of these bryosymbiotic fungi belong to the Ascomycota. Their fruit‐bodies are extremely small, often reduced and simply structured, which is why they cannot be reliably identified and...
A new genus Puttea S. Stenroos & Huhtinen is described for the lichen species formerly known as Fellhanera margaritella (Hulting) Hafellner. The study was based on phylogenetic analyses of the mtSSU as well as on anatomical and ecological investigations. Puttea is characterized by its inconspicuous thallus, gelatinized exipulum of radiating hyphae,...
Unguiculella tityrii (Velen.) Huhtinen & Spooner, a tiny discomycete with whitish apothecia associated with pyrenomycete fruitbodies mainly in rabbit dung has been found in several localities in Scotland and one in England. It was previously unknown in Britain. A description and brief account of this species is provided.
A small discomycete growing on dung-inhabiting pyrenomycetes is shown to have been first described by Velenovsky under the name Ascophanus tityrii Velen. Its generic placement is discussed and a new combination in Unguiculella Höhn. is proposed. The species is redescribed based on type and recent material and shown to be widely distributed from Cen...
Hyaloscypha albohyalina var. monodictys, a new variety in the family Hyaloscyphaceae, Helotiales with Monodictys anamorph is described and illustrated.
A technique for obtaining specimens from smooth and hard rock surfaces is described. A portable relatively light diamond drill was tested and found to be an interesting novel way to sample lichens, especially in cases where specimens cannot be obtained with a chisel.
The teleomorphic state of the ericoid mycorrhizal Hymenoscyphus ericae is known only from the type deposition. The production of both the teleomorph and anamorph by an isolate recovered from Ledum groenlandicum collected in an acidic peatland in Alberta, Canada, provided an opportunity to describe and illustrate the holomorph for a North American c...
A new lichenicolous fungus species,Polydesmia lichenisHuhtinen & R. Sant., growing on species ofPeltigerais described from Sweden and Norway.
Four new taxa are described in the glassy-haired Hyaloscyphaceae. Hyalopeziza echinatula Raitv. & Huhtinen is a Cistella-like, graminicolous species with cyanophilous spines on the glassy hairs. Hyalopeziza racemosa Raitv. & Huhtinen is a herbicolous species with branched hairs on the flanks. Hyalopeziza cadaverina Huhtinen & Raitv. is a wood-inhab...
Nine points, concerning the study of inoperculate discomycetes, are presented. The ideology, on which present day taxonomic work is based, is shown to have major deficiencies. We gather and distribute only part of the valuable information content of fungi. The imbalance between the effort needed before the specimens are available for study and the...
Tekijä: Seppo Huhtinen. Diss. -- Turun yliopisto.
A list of 25 higher fungi is presented from Svalbard (Norway), mostly with detailed descriptions and illustrations. A new genus, Polaroscyphus, is described for a hyaloscyphaceous taxon with rounded ascus apices and disarticulating spores. An undescribed, large spored taxon of Conocybe, belonging to the C. pubescensgroup, is briefly treated. Two co...
A list of 79 ascomycetous fungi from the N areas of Quebec-Labrador peninsula is presented.-from Author
The geography of the area is summarized, and the main forest types and tree species are described. Comparison is made between the area and Fennoscandia.-from Authors
Huhtinen, S. (1993). Some hyaloscyphaceous fungi from tundra and taiga. -Sydowia 45(2): 188-198. Eight species of inoperculate, hyaloscyphaceous discomycetes are reported from arctic-alpine and boreal habitats. Arachnopeziza delicatula and A. variepilosa are reported from Yukon, Canada. The problems in the generic delimitation of Arachnopeziza, Hya...