Semyon Volovnik

Semyon Volovnik
Priazovsky National Nature Park (South Ukraine)



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Current Project: Catalogue and database "Weevils of Ukraine (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea)". Biodiversity, distribution, host plants, and bibliography (online database and print version with iconography). In collaboration with colleagues from Norway, Ukraine and Russia.


Publications (45)
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The paper presents unexpecred host plant of Lixus paraplecticus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Lixinae) from Ukraine.
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The range of the breeding hosts of 59 species of the Lixus genus includes the plants of 11 dicot families. Host range of 22 species was identified or confirmed during original observations. Hosts of six species firstly recorded. Therefore, reliable data on the larval trophic links of Palaearctic species are summarized. The greatest numbers of speci...
Among the Lixinae, at least 35 species are gall inducers. Twenty six species have larvae with building activity (lists of both are provided). Fifteen species are root gallers (tribe Cleonini) and 20 species are stem gallers (Lixini). Their gall morphology (shape, colour, size), habitat peculiarities and typical gall development are described. A new...
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New records of 47 beetle species from South Ukraine are given. They belong to 18 families. 16 species are firstly reported from their regions. 27 of the 47 species (near 60%) were found in the nature protected territories. Apparently, two invasive species spread due water streams (Harmonia axiridis) and fruits of host plant (Megabruchidius dorsalis...
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The area of the weevil Lixus filiformis (Fabricius, 1781) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) covers almost whole Europe (to 56° North), North Africa, Asia Minor, Middle East, Iran, and Turkmenistan. Some distributional data are given in the current paper. The species is univoltine, and adults usually hibernate into the stems of host plants. Adults feed on...
The first host-parasitoid catalogue for Lixinae is presented. This survey is based on literature search (~300 references) and followed by two parts, firstly one of the Lixinae, and secondly one of parasitoids with distinguishing numbers of their Lixine hosts. There are at least 221 species recorded as parasitoids on 108 lixine species. Records on 1...
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Korneyev, S. V., Volovnik, S. V. & Korneyev, V. A. The first find of Tephritis hurvitzi (Diptera: Tephritidae) in mainland Ukraine, with notes on its distribution and biology.-Tephritis hurvitzi Freidberg, 1981 is one of few gall-formers in the genus Tephritis known to induce stem swellings below flower heads of Tragopogon and Scorzonera (Asteracea...
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Tephritis hurvitzi Freidberg, 1981 is one of few gall-formers in the genus Tephritis known to induce stem swellings below flower heads of Tragopogon and Scorzonera (Asteraceae). It occurs in steppes from eastern Qazaqstan to Israel (Golan Heights) and Ukraine. Previously known only from Crimean Peninsula, it was recently found to occur in the mainl...
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This paper targets the nearly cosmopolitan weevil subfamily Lixinae. A phylogenetic analysis of one mitochondrial and two nuclear DNA fragments obtained from 87 Lixinae and 49 outgroup terminals strongly supports the monophyly of the subfamily. The molytine tribe Mecysolobini is the likeliest sister group of Lixinae; adults of both taxa share the l...
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The present study communicates the addition of newly recorded Cleonis pigra Scopoli, 1763 from Kashmir Valley and constitute first evidence of the occurrence of this species in the Kashmir Valley, India and extending the range of species into the Himalayan Region.
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The article presents data on new records of 11 weevil species (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea: Curculionidae, Rhynchitidae). Lixus tibialis Boheman, 1842 and L. scabricollis Boheman, 1842 are recorded for the first time from Ukraine. Six rare species are reported for the first time from Mykolaiv, Kherson and Zaporizhia Provinces. Three species also fir...
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Mature larvae and pupae of Cleonis pigra (Scopoli, 1763) (Curculionidae: Lixinae: Cleonini) are morphologically described in detail for the first time and compared with known larvae and pupae of other Cleonini species. The results of measurements and characteristics most typical for larvae and pupae of Cleonini are newly extracted and critically di...
Carabus (Procerus) scabrosus crimeanus Mazzi et Cavazzuti, 2014 was recorded in Melitopol (Zaporizhzhia Region, Ukraine). This subspecies has been previously recorded only from the Crimean Peninsula. Possible ways of its appearance in a new locality are discussed. Some data of its counts, distribution and biology are provided.
The paper summarizes original and literature data on the geographical distribution of Adosomus roridus (Pallas, 1781). The major part of the A. roridus range lies within the Eurasian Grass-Steppe. This range has no disjunction in the regions located to the north of the Black Sea. The northern limit of it runs along the line 54°N (East) – 44°N (West...
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The fauna of weevils Curculionoidea of Ukraine numbers 1453 species equivalent to 25.3% of European fauna. They belong to 10 families and 364 genera. A total of 51 species are recorded from Ukraine for the first time. Assessment of inventory completeness indicates that 62% of the area of Ukraine are covered by samples. Spatial join analysis has rev...
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Volovnik, S. V. Interesting records of lixine weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Lixinae) from the South of Ukraine. Summary. List of 5 lixine weevils collected in the territory of Kherson and Zaporizhia Regions and Crimea is provided. Materials were collected during 1982-2012.
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Mature larva and pupa of Larinus vulpes (Olivier, 1807) (Curculionidae: Lixinae: Lixini) are morphologically described for the first time and compared with known larvae and pupae of other Larinus species. Very high counts of larval body setae (pronotum with more than 25 setae and postdorsum on meso- and metathorax and also on abdominal segments I–V...
The following actions performed by females of several Larinus Dej. species during egg laying are described: search of an appropriate place on the plant, making the hole for the egg, oviposition proper, and sealing the hole. The hole preparation takes the longest time and the greatest effort. Only one individual usually completes development in one...
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The signal fly Platystoma rufipes is reared from the stems of Crambe together with a lixine weevil. This is the second record of platystomatid larvae feeding inside the stems of plants.
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Lixine weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Lixinae) of the Chernihiv Oblast оf Ukraine: species composition and geographical distribution Volovnik S.V., Nazarenko V.Yu., Scheschurak P.N. The current paper presents the faunistic overview of the lixine weevis of the Chernihiv Oblast of Ukraine. Species composition includes 36 species and 10 genera. T...
Mature larvae and pupae of Lixus (Eulixus) canescens Steven, 1829 (Curculionidae: Lixinae: Lixini) are described and compared with known larvae and pupae of other Lixus species. The biology of the species was studied in Ukraine. A species of Crambe (Brassicaceae) was identified as host plant of both larvae and adults of this weevil. The weevil is v...
Among host plants of Lixinae weevils, plant life-form ratio (sensu Raunkiaer) is similar to the plant spectrum of Mediterranean deserts. A possible explanation is that this group of insects formed in desert zones and settled in the steppe rather later. For the first time Raunkiaer’s life-form ratio is compared with a spectrum of food plants of herb...
Habitats, phenology, food plants of adults and larvae, feeding, mating and egg-laying, the development of the larvae and pupae, and the natural enemies of Lixus paraplecticus L., L. elegantulus Boh., L. angustus Hbst., L. albomarginatus Boh., L. linnei Faust, and L. cylindrus F. were studied. Data on the geographic distribution, conservation, and e...
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Seven species of root weevils (Cleonini): were found in man-made forests in the steppe of Ukraine. They are Asproparthenis punctiventris, Bothynoderes affinis, Bothynoderes declivis, Cleonis pigra, Cyphocleonus dealbatus, Pachycerus segnis, Temnorhinus strabus. All these species were registered in open habitats, namely forest borders, glades, sides...
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Geographical distribution, habitat, phenology, food plants of the imago and larva, feeding, mating and egg-laying behavior, the development of larva of Lixus fasciculatus were studied. In Ukrainian steppe L. fasciculatus is univoltine. Adults feed on Artemisia vulgaris and A. absinthium. Preimaginal development occurs into stems of A. vulgaris. Dat...
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The species composition and distribution of the spiders living in coastal biotopes of Molochnyi Liman (Sea of Azov) were studied on the territory of Zaporizhzhia region (Ukraine). As a whole, 72 species from 17 families were recorded. K e y w o r d s: spiders, coastal biotopes, Ukraine. [Full text is in Russian]
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Original data on the lixinae beetles as preys of spiders, ants, beetles are given. Ants settle in the cavities gnowed by lixine weevils in the stems and roots. Ants feed the juice that exudes on the leaves after lixine imagoes gnowing. Literary data on the lixinae beetles as preys of insects, amphibians, reptilians, birds and mammals are summarized...
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Distribution and ecology of weevils of Larinus were investigated. In the vicinity of Zaporiz`ka oblast (Ukraine) some 9 species were found, namely Larinus adspersus, L. canescens, L. jaceae, L. minutus, L. obtusus, L. planus, L. sturnus, L. turbinatus, L. vulpes. Data on number, distribution, feeding, phenology, breeding, preimaginal development an...
Galls induced by six species of Lixinae weevils from Ukrainian steppes are described. The gall formation by Larinus species is doubtful. One gall may in some cases be jointly occupied by different weevil species. The adaptive significance of gall formation in Lixinae is discussed.
Galls of six species of Lixinae weevils from Ukrainian steppes are described. The gallogenesis in Larinus species is doubtful. Sometimes, one gall is a place for joint inhabitation of different weevil species. The adaptive sense of the gallogenesis for Lixinae is discussed.
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Hаbitat and feeding of the weevils from subfamily Lixinae are considered. As to larvae specialization three groups of these beetles are pointed: rhizophagous, caulophagous and anthocarpophagous. Impact of different characteristics of vegetative and reproductive plant organs to ecology of Lixinae is discussed. [Full text is in Russian]
Data on habitats, food plants of larvae and adults, feeding, mating, oviposition, larval and pupal development, natural enemies, and distribution of seven weevil species (Lixus canescens F.-W., L. iridis Ol., L. myagri Ol., L. punctirostris Boh., L. subtilis Boh., L. incanescens Boh., and L. brevipes Bris.) are given. New host plants of L. canescen...
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In the coastal regions of the Southern Ukraine adults ofLixus albomarginatus Boh. feed onCakile euxina Pobed. (Brassicaceae). Preimaginal development occurs in the same plants.
The author studied the habitat, phenology, abundance, food plants of imago and larvae, feeding, mating and egg-laying behavior, larval and pupal development, and natural enemies of 8 species, namely Larinus vulpes, L. canescens, L. obtusus, L. minutus, L. adesperus, L. jaceae, L. planus, and L. rectinasus. Data are given on the geographic distribut...
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The data on natural enemies of 19 species of Cleoninae (generaCleonis, Chromoderus, Cyphocleonus, Rhinocyllus, Lixus, Larinus) are given. They were parasitized by Ichneumonidae, Braconidae (Hymenoptera), Erythraeidae (Acariformes) and fungi. Weevils fell victim of ants (Formicidae), beetles (Tenebrionidae, Elateridae, Scarabaeidae) and probablyOriu...
Habitat, phenology, food plants of imago and larvae, feeding, mating and egg-laying, the development of the larvae and pupae, natural enemies of 3 species were studied - Rhinocyllus conicus (Frol.), Eustenopus hirtus (Waltl), Lachnaeus crinitus Boh. Data are also given on the geographic distribution and ecology of these species.
Evidence is presented from Russia and Ukraine suggesting that Lasioderma serricorne and probably also another species of Lasioderma is able to feed on larvae and pupae of Larinus in the heads of Asteraceae.
Habitats, phenology, food plants of the imago and larvae, feeding, mating and egg-lying behaviour, the development of the larvae and pupae, natural enemiesof 4 species were studied-Chromoderus declivis Ol., Cyphocleonus tigrinus Panz., C. achates Fahr., Cleonis piger Scop. Data are also given on the geographic distribution, ecology and economic imp...
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The flowers of Cynanchum acutum have a jamming mechanism which helds proboscises of dipterans and antennae of small beetle when they are feeding. Bees after having there feeding, fly away without any difficulty. This phenomenon may be appreciated as an adaptation of the flower to optimal pollinators - bees The insects "caught" by the flowers become...


Question (1)
Future сonjoint research in this field is available. May be somebody know such specialist?


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