Selim Seman Musleh

Selim Seman Musleh
Instituto de Fomento Pesquero (IFOP) · Departamento de Evaluación de Recursos

PhD in Aquatic living resources
Researcher at the Instituto de Fomento Pesquero. Scientific communicator in the podcast "Ciencia en otras Palabras"


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March 2016 - December 2020
University of Concepción
  • PhD Student
March 2014 - present
University of Concepción
  • Master's Student


Publications (37)
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Limited stocking efforts to introduce Atlantic salmon Salmo salar into Chilean rivers and streams were unsuccessful during the 20 th century. Following the arrival of the aquaculture industry during the 1980s, escaped Atlantic salmon have presented an ecological risk to native taxa through predation, competition, and transmission of pathogens or pa...
Photo-selective nets (PSNs) can increase agricultural crop production by modifying the quantity and quality of light that reaches the plants. PSNs also have the potential to affect arthropod pest populations and their natural enemies. The present study aimed to assess the impact of PSN systems on coccinellid predation. Experiments were carried out...
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Photo-selective nets (PSN) are used to manipulate the physiology of fruit crops. Besides their advantages to the crop, PSN potentially affect insect pests and their natural enemies. We aimed to assess the effects of these production systems on the searching behavior of the codling moth parasitoid, Mastrus ridens. We hypothesized that PSN and black...
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The codling moth (Cydia pomonella (L.)) is an invasive pest of pome fruits introduced to the Americas in the 19–20th centuries. This pest is widespread on both sides of the Andes range separating Argentina and Chile. We performed an analysis of the population genetic variability and structure of C. pomonella in Argentina and Chile using 13 microsat...
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Invasive species with migratory behavior and complex life cycles represent a challenge for evaluating natal sites among individuals. Private and government-sponsored initiatives resulted in the successful introduction and naturalization of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) throughout northern and southern Patagonia in South America. Migrato...
The upwelling ecosystem of central southern Chile sustains the pelagic common sardine and anchovy fisheries, which are managed by setting a global quota allocated to small-scale (artisanal) and industrial fishers. A prearranged spatial allocation of quotas for small-scale fishers is based on historical landings rather than the current spatial distr...
Conference Paper
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The present review provides an in-depth look into the complex topic of delimiting species in sea anemones. For most part of history this has been based on a small number of variable anatomic traits, many of which are used indistinctly across multiple taxonomic ranks. Early attempts to classify this group succeeded to comprise much of the diversity...
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Invasive species with migratory behavior and complex life cycle represent a challenge for evaluating natal sites among individuals. Private and government-sponsored initiatives resulted in the successful introduction and naturalization of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) throughout northern and southern Patagonia in South America. These mi...
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Genetics data have provided unprecedented insights into evolutionary aspects of colonization by non‐native populations. Yet, our understanding of how artificial (human‐mediated) and natural dispersal pathways of non‐native individuals influence genetic metrics, evolution of genetic structure, and admixture remains elusive. We capitalize on the wide...
Codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) is a key pest of global importance that affects apple fruit production and whose populations have developed resistance to insecticides in many apple production areas. In Spain, enhanced cytochrome P450 polysubstrate monooxygenase (PSMO) activity is the main mechanism involved in insecticide detoxification by codli...
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Different pathways of propagation and dispersal of non-native species into new environments may have contrasting demographic and genetic impacts on established populations. Repeated introductions of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) to Chile in South America, initially through stocking and later through aquaculture escapes, provide a unique setti...
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Background Fragmentation of native forests is a highly visible result of human land-use throughout the world. In this study, we evaluated the effects of landscape fragmentation and matrix features on the genetic diversity and structure of Oligoryzomys longicaudatus, the natural reservoir of Hantavirus in southern South America. We focused our work...
Georreferences for each patch Georreferences (decimal system) for each patch surveyed.
Code to perform the analyzes used in this study Annotated R code. This should be used in combination with the raw data delivered in supplementary materials: “”, “gammast.txt”, and “lonlat.txt”.
Raster File for landscape features Raster file with landscape soil uses for 2007 at the study site with 0.048 × 0.0034 pixels of resolution.
Criteria for delimitation of patch areas Criteria for delimitation of patch areas. Criteria were designed visualizing the patches in Google Earth Pro v 7.1 ( and based on Soil Use Cover data of the Chilean National Environmental Information System (
Data for each individual used in this work Sampling site, patch name, coordinates of specimens, GenBank accession number and voucher number of each specimen used in this study.
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We used amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene to characterize the diversity and assess temporal and spatial patterns of Actinobacteria operational taxonomic units (OTUs) extracted from sediments of the Humboldt Sulfuretum located off the coast of central Chile. The sediment of this zone is rich in sulfur compounds and organic material and suppor...
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Knowledge about the genetic underpinnings of invasions-a theme addressed by invasion genetics as a discipline-is still scarce amid well documented ecological impacts of non-native species on ecosystems of Patagonia in South America. One of the most invasive species in Patagonia's freshwater systems and elsewhere is rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykis...
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The next generation sequencing (NGS) tools available today, i.e., 454 Roche pyrosequencing (Shendure and Ji 2008) allow metagenomic studies on the composition and structure of microbial communities in a way that it was not possible before (Handelsman 2004). In the field of macroecology, early studies showed that fresh water and marine benthic inver...
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Range extension of the non-indigenous alga Mastocarpus sp. along the Southeastern Pacific coast Extensión del rango geográfico del alga foránea Mastocarpus sp. a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico Sudeste Abstract.-The red macroalga Mastocarpus sp. (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) has been reported as a non-indigenous species in central Chile. In this are...
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Citation: Gallardo VA, Fonseca A, Musleh SS, Espinoza C (2013) Extrapolations of Standing-Stocks of Big Bacteria in Humboldt Eastern Boundary Current Ecosystem (HEBCE). Oceanography 1: 110. doi:10.4172/ocn.1000110 Copyright: © 2013 Gallardo VA, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Lic...
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During the first national study of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) and the animal macrobenthos off northern Chile (1962), a benthic community mainly composed of giant filamentous multicellular bacteria was discovered in the highly reduced shelf bottoms between 50-182 m depth. Totally unexpected were the great abundance of massive and visible filament...
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During the first national study of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) and the animal macrobenthos off northern Chile (1962), a benthic community mainly composed of giant filamentous multicellular bacteria was discovered in the highly reduced shelf bottoms between 50-182 m depth. Totally unexpected were the great abundance of massive and visible filament...
Conference Paper
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El Dominio Eubacterias es uno de los grupos de mayor abundancia y riqueza taxonómica del planeta, siendo capaces de colonizar y habitar los más diversos ambientes. Históricamente han sido estudiadas mediante cultivo de cepas in vitro con evidentes limitaciones. Por este motivo, la taxonomía molecular y el reconocimiento de Unidades Taxonómicas Ope...
Conference Paper
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Las nuevas herramientas moleculares de alto rendimiento como la pirosecuenciación 454 de Roche permiten conocer la abundancia relativa de los taxa bacterianos y estudiar la estructura de comunidades procariónticas como nunca antes. Presentamos los resultados de su aplicación al sulfuretum de Humboldt (SH) de Chile central. En función de los niveles...


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