Selcuk Yigitkurt

Selcuk Yigitkurt
Ege University · Department of Aquaculture



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I'm a researcher at the Ege University in Izmir/Turkiye. In 2000, I completed a degree in Aquaculture Department of Fisheries Faculty at the University of Ege (Turkiye) and undertook my PhD at the same university. I have been the coordinator of several research projects on reproductive activity, meat yield and larvae culture of pearl oysters. I'm a member of Mediterranean Conservation Society and Aquaculture and Fisheries Association.
Additional affiliations
June 2006 - present
Ege University
  • PostDoc Position


Publications (62)
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18.Ulusal Su Ürünleri Sempozyumu, Ege Üniversitesi Su Ürünleri Fakültesi, 1-4 Eylül 2015, İzmir/Türkiye
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Selenium is an essential element for all living organisms. Since its deficiency can cause health problems, it is supplied from the outside during nutrition through foods or supplements. Microalgae have become vector organisms among aquatic organisms during their transportation to the final consumer human in the food chain. However, selenium is an i...
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This study was carried out to determine the spat efficiency of the smooth scallop Flexopecten glaber (Linnaeus) in surface and bottom water at the Ozbek coast (Türkiye) of the Aegean Sea from September 2017 to August 2018. The environmental parameters (temperature, salinity, chlorophyll-a, and total particulate matter) were also monitored at two de...
Microplastics are defined as uniformly shaped or shapeless polymeric pieces between 1 μm and 5 mm in size. They can be produced directly, as well as by the separation of larger plastic parts over time. In recent years, they have become effective and dangerous pollutants that have become widespread in the marine ecosystem. Due to their size on the s...
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This study was conducted between July 2016 and 2017 to determine the growth and survival rates of the smooth scallop Flexopecten glaber spats in Urla Karantina Island. The sea water temperature was determined as 21.56±6.33°C, 21.1±6.40°C and 20.87±6.35°C at 2, 4 and 6 m depths, respectively. Salinity values varied between 36 and 38.19 PSU in the re...
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The present study was carried out to determine gonadal stages and quality of pearl oyster meat (Pinctada imbricata radiata, Leach, 1814) in Izmir Bay (Turkey). Pearl oyster samples were collected from the study area at a depth of ~5 m between February 2013 and January 2014. The highest and lowest temperature was measured in July and January as 27°C...
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European oyster (Ostrea edulis L. 1758) in Uzbek-Urla (Izmir) in this study examined individuals placed in Augmentation systems to determine the growth and survival rates of their spats. Temperature, salinity, total particulate matter (TPM) (particulate organic-POM and particulate inorganic-PIM) and chlorophyll-a values were recorded from water par...
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The present study was carried out to determine the spat efficiency in the pearl oyster (Pinctada radiata, Leach, 1814) in surface and bottom water at Karantina Island (Izmir/Turkey). Polyethylene mesh bags were used as collectors. An annual average of 175.16 ± 11.32 spat m−2 was obtained from PSC (placed surface collectors) and 82.65 ± 3.89 spat m−...
Spat recruitment of a large bivalve species endemic to the Mediterranean Sea and naturally found at İzmir, Turkey (Urla, Karantina Island), the fan mussel Pinna nobilis (Linnaeus, 1758), has been researched. The study was carried out between May and October 2012. The aim of this study was to determine the spat recruitment of the fan mussel. Collect...
Conference Paper
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Pearls are known as the oldest jewellery on earth are being collected and economically evaluated for 4000 years. The innovation of a method “pearl culture with nucleus implantation” by Japanese Mikimoto was very important development because pearls were obtaining until the early 1920s. Today, saving pearl oysters by prohibition of hunting and incre...
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The reproductive cycle of the flat oyster, Ostrea edulis Linnaeus, 1758, in Homa Lagoon, Izmir Bay, Turkey was examined from August 2008 to July 2009. Gonad samples were analysed histologically in order to determine the sex ratio and gonad development stage. Overall, the sex ratio was recorded as 2.2% female, 42.6% male, 37% hermaphrodite and 17.9%...
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The objective of present study is to determine the gut and gonad yield of Paracentrotus lividus populations occuring along Aegean Sea coastline and to evaluate of the environmental conditions on the gonad indices variability. To achieve this, samples were gathered during twelve months and biometric measurements were done. The wet gonad index peaked...
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Kasım 2013 ile Aralık 2014 tarihleri arasında Özbek Urla’da Avrupa istiridyesi (Ostrea edulis L. 1758) spatlarının büyüme ve yaşama oranlarını belirlemek amacıyla, aylık ölçümler yapılmıştır. Yıl boyunca su parametrelerinden sıcaklık, tuzluluk, toplam partikül madde (TPM) (organik-POM ve inorganik-PIM) ve klorofil-a değerleri kaydedilmiştir. Çalışm...
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İnciler güzelliği ve parlaklığıyla tarih boyunca insanlığın ilgisini çekmiş, değerli bir mücevher olarak kullanılmıştır. Çinliler ilk olarak 13. yüzyılın başlarında küçük Budha heykellerini tatlı su midyelerinin içerisine yerleştirmişler ve etraflarının sedef katmanıyla çevrelendiğini görmüşlerdir. Japon Mikimoto’ nun 20. yüzyılın başlarında nukleu...
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The growth and survival of 5, 7, 9, and 11-mm juvenile blood cockle (Anadara inaequivalvis) cultured in suspended nets in Sufa Lagoon, Izmir, Turkey, were investigated. Shell length, width, and thickness and total weight were measured monthly during May 2007-May 2008. Temperature was measured every 6 h. Salinity, chlorophyll a, particulate organic...
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The growth and survival of 5, 7, 9, and 11-mm juvenile blood cockle (Anadara inaequivalvis) cultured in suspended nets in Sufa Lagoon, Izmir, Turkey, were investigated. Shell length, width, and thickness and total weight were measured monthly during May 2007-May 2008. Temperature was measured every 6 h. Salinity, chlorophyll a, particulate organic...
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The growth and survival of fan mussel (Pinna nobilis, Linnaeus) juveniles, from natural spatfall, were compared in two groups (large and small size) in Karantina Island Izmir, Turkey, between December 2004 and April 2006. Total live weight, shell length, width and thickness of fan mussel were measured monthly during the study period. Small (32 mm)...
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Between 2006 and 2007, growth of the pearl oyster, Pinctada radiata, was measured in four size lenght groups (15, 20, 25 and 30 mm) of oyster over 12 months in Mersin Bay (Izmir). Temperature, total particulate matter (TPM) and cholorophyll-a was monitored during the study. There is no published data about growth of the rayed pearl oyster, Pinctada...
A study of the gametogenic cycle of the carpet shell clam, Tapes decussatus, was undertaken in the inside and outside of Çakalburnu Lagoon, Izmir Bay, Aegean Sea from August 2006 to July 2007. Histological evidence showed that gametogenesis of T. decussatus continued throughout the year and six stages of gonadal development were observed in two sit...
A study of the gametogenic cycle of the carpet shell clam, Tapes decussatus, was undertaken in the inside and outside of Çakalburnu Lagoon, Izmir Bay, Aegean Sea from August 2006 to July 2007. Histological evidence showed that gametogenesis of T. decussatus continued throughout the year and six stages of gonadal development were observed in two sit...
Conference Paper
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Kimi kültürlerde Tanrıların gözyaşları, Ay'ın simgesi, kimilerinde saflığın ve temizliğin işareti olarak kabul edilen inciler, çok eski tarihlerden bu yana insan yaşamının bir parçası olmuşlardır. 1920’li yıllarda nucleus aşılama tekniğinin bulunmasıyla, inci kültürü gelişmiş ve istenilen talebi karşılayabilir hale gelmiştir. Böylelikle doğal kayna...
Conference Paper
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İnci istiridyesi yetiştiriciliği ve inci kültürü son yıllarda birçok ülkede başarıyla yapılmaktadır. İnci hasadına kadar geçen uzun dönem içerisinde gerçekleştirmesi gereken birçok önemli aşama mevcuttur. Bunlardan en önemlisi de yetiştiriciliğin devamını belirleyecek olan spat toplama aşamasıdır. Çalışma Urla Karantina Adası çevresinde İzmir’ in 3...


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