Seidali KurtmollaievKristiania University College · School of Economics, Innovation, and Technology
Seidali Kurtmollaiev
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Publications (19)
Ledere som ønsker at deres bedrift skal være relevant og attraktiv, må bedre balansere forholdet mellom to innovasjonsstrategier: digitalisering av kundefronten og innovasjoner forankret i samfunnsansvar. Sistnevnte kaller vi sosiale innovasjoner. For ledere fortoner dette seg som et valg mellom å sette søkelys på innovasjoner som er til bedriftens...
Normative approaches have dominated research on collaborative innovation arrangements in the public sector, but actual practices remain underexplored and uncategorized. We conducted an inductive, in-depth study of 35 collaborative innovation arrangements originating from the public sector and categorized them into overarching archetypes. In creatin...
Following the institutional logics perspective and an inductive research design, this study is the first to outline the Internet of things and people as a new institutional order with a distinct logic. The rise of this new institutional logic is prompted by smart technology, which transforms the ideological field of technology and challenges consum...
Although customers are the final judges of innovations, their opinions on firms’ innovations are rarely listened to. In this article, we developed a novel model for examining the antecedents and consequences of perceived firm innovativeness. We argue that when customers cognitively register changes in the value creation introduced by a firm, they p...
The concept of service has gone through both evolutionary and revolutionary changes, but this has had little effect on the way reviews portray service innovation research. Our paper is the first to investigate whether and how different conceptualizations of service influence the formation of perspectives on studying and practicing service innovatio...
Crowdfunding is an important part of the sharing economy, which involves products and services before they are created and brought to the market. This focus on the earliest stages of value creation makes crowdfunding and its participants unique compared with other forms of sharing activities in which actors exchange or obtain access to actual posse...
Norske bedrifter er opptatt av innovasjon. Motivasjonen er mangslungen. Noen innoverer for å kutte kostnader i produksjon og administrasjon eller for å bli mer bærekraftige. Andre ønsker å innovere i bedriftens eksisterende tilbud for å heve kvaliteten på leverte varer og tjenester eller for å redusere variasjonen i kvaliteten. Atter andre innovere...
Deeply rooted in practice, design thinking lacks theory-driven empirical research on its effects. In this article, we combine the practical experience of design thinking with the theoretical advances of the dynamic capabilities framework. We examine how training team leaders in design thinking can develop their managerial sensing, seizing, and tran...
In this article, we provide in-depth insight into the process of adopting service design (SD) by a large service organization. We use an inductive interpretive approach and draw on rich longitudinal data collected in one of the world’s major telecommunication companies that undertook a series of SD initiatives to improve its innovation capability....
Despite its immense popularity, the dynamic capabilities framework faces fierce criticism because of the ambiguous and contradictory interpretations of dynamic capabilities. Especially challenging are the aspects related to the nature of dynamic capabilities and the issue of agency. In an attempt to avoid circular and overlapping definitions, I exp...
Nothing happens until customers adopt an innovation. In the chapter the authors develop a new theory for measuring firms’ innovativeness as perceived by their customers. The approach follows the logic of a structural equation model with antecedents and consequences. Antecedents include four areas where customers can perceive changes: core service;...
SammendragI en BCG-undersøkelse fra 2015 fremkom det at omtrent 80 prosent av de intervjuede topplederne hadde definert innovasjon som en del av virksomhetens viktigste område, og hele 57 prosent hadde definert det som en av de tre viktigste tingene (Ringel et al. 2015). Når man samtidig vet at de fleste innovasjoner feiler i markedet (Gourville 20...
Drawing on the behavioral theory of the firm, we examine what drives the implementation of a broad open innovation model entailing inbound and outbound elements. We find two main categories of reasons—resource constraints on innovation, and growth aspirations—representing respectively reactive and proactive approaches, which have different origins....