Sebastien Bourdin

Sebastien Bourdin
Normandy Business School · Regional economics and sustainable development

Professor in Economic Geography - HDR


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Introduction **Regional science and economic geography – European cohesion policy – circular economy – territorial development **Spatial analysis – spatial econometrics – cartography and Geographic Information System (GIS) – qualitative analysis
Additional affiliations
August 2012 - August 2019
Normandy Business School
  • Professor (Associate)
January 2013 - May 2017
Normandy Business School
  • Professor (Associate)
August 2012 - July 2015
Normandy Business School
  • Professor (Assistant)
December 2020 - December 2020
University of Rennes 2
Field of study
  • economics - geography // Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches
September 2008 - May 2012
Université de Rouen Normandie
Field of study
  • Geographie
September 2006 - June 2008
Université de Rouen Normandie
Field of study
  • Géographie


Publications (157)
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This article explores the challenges companies face when establishing cooperative relationships to implement industrial ecology initiatives. It examines the effectiveness of methodological devices in fostering inter‐firm relations and creating a favorable environment for executing industrial ecology strategies. The theoretical framework of proximit...
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This paper explores the role of evolutionary economic geography in enhancing understanding and implementation of the circular economy (CE). By incorporating spatial and territorial dimensions into CE research, this study emphasizes the significant influence of geographical factors on achieving economic and environmental objectives. The research hig...
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This article examines the influence of the size of renewable energy projects on their social acceptability. To do so, it focuses on biomethane in France. Using a qualitative approach based on interviews and press analysis, we reveal that the perception of project size varies considerably according to territorial context and associated emotional imp...
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This paper investigates the territorial governance mechanisms of proximity-based cluster agglomerations and organized proximity-based cluster communities. We argue that the territorial governance mechanisms of clusters consist of the locations of members, the organizational logics, and the roles of institutional intermediaries. Based on the compare...
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This study investigates the potential devolution of coworking spaces (CSs) to rural areas during the COVID-19 pandemic and explores the factors driving this shift. Using a geolocalised database of French CSs and employing spatial durbin model, we found that the pandemic may have driven CS distribution towards less densely populated regions. Our stu...
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The article discusses whether the sequence of global shocks in the period 2020-2022 has influenced the shape and orientation of EU Cohesion Policy. It argues that these crises have revived two trends posited by scholars, i.e. the re-nationalisation and Lisbonisation of the policy, in ways that hint at the emergence of a new paradigm. This shift is...
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This paper explores how elected politicians' decisions impact place-based policies (PBPs) and the resulting consequences. It emphasises that understanding the political factors influencing PBPs offers insights into their effectiveness and potential pitfalls. The article draws upon the behavioural political economy theory, suggesting that political...
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L’Union européenne (UE) se dresse aujourd’hui comme un acteur incontournable sur la scène internationale, confronté à un ensemble d’enjeux complexes et interconnectés. Au cœur de ces défis, l’intégration continue du marché unique européen, la réactivité face aux crises économiques et les efforts pour une croissance durable et inclusive sont préémin...
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This article explores the territorialisation of the circular economy (CE) and analyses how the geographical and organised proximities of stakeholders facilitate the mobilisation of local resources for CE projects. It focuses on two local CE initiatives in Quebec (Canada) and France, for which 70 semi-structured interviews were conducted. The result...
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Les études sur l’efficacité de la Politique de cohésion sont nombreuses dans la littérature. Pour autant, ces analyses excluent systématiquement les régions ultrapériphériques (RUP) de l’Union européenne. Or, compte-tenu des enjeux spécifiques qui se posent dans ces régions (hyper éloignement, pauvreté, dépendance au commerce extérieur), il semble...
This engaging and topical book comprehensively explores the complexities surrounding the EU Cohesion Policy, which has been addressing regional and urban development across Europe since the 1980s. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, it not only considers the goals of this long-term investment policy, which is to reduce territorial disparities be...
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This paper aims to shed light on the opportunities offered by smart tourism while also highlighting the potential challenges that lie ahead. This issue focuses on three main sub-topics to help us catch a glimpse of the tourism of the future. The first concerns digitalization, social media, and their economic impact on tourism, the second focuses on...
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This article examines the issue of innovation in the tourism sector, emphasising its crucial role in the transformation of the tourist offer within European regions. Faced with territorial disparities in terms of tourism innovations, we examine the impact of Regional Innovation and Smart Specialization Strategies (RIS3) on the deployment of tourism...
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Abstract While the literature on entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) is growing, there is still a scarce literature on the causal effect between the components of the EEs and between the EEs and regional development. Our paper fills this gap and empirically identify the causal relationships between the EEs' components and the causal effect of the EE o...
The COVID-19 pandemic, originating as a health crisis but quickly expanding to other social spheres, had significant and asymmetric impacts across Europe, which potentially undermine territorial cohesion. Much has been written about the overall impact of the pandemic on the underlying thematic and budgetary focus of European Union-level policies wi...
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This paper examines the spatial dimensions and socioeconomic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. It highlights how the virus exploited economic integration and mobility, spreading rapidly in densely populated urban areas. The uneven impact on different populations and regions led to heightened interest in social science research. Factors such as popu...
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This special issue of the International Regional Science Review illuminates the “geography of COVID-19”, examining the spatial patterns, distribution, and interconnectedness of COVID-19 cases. It explores the regional disparities in infection rates, highlighting how socioeconomic factors, mobility, and healthcare accessibility contributed to these...
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L'objectif de l'article est d'analyser les nouveaux faits stylisés liés à la révolution tunisienne (perte de compétitivité, désindustrialisation et réallocation d'emploi entre les secteurs) qui ont touché les industries manufacturières privées, plus particulièrement celles installées dans la région du littoral. En s'appuyant sur le modèle de croiss...
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L'article vise à expliquer la concentration relative des tiers-lieux par zone d'emploi (ZE) sur le territoire français. La recherche internationale s'est focalisée sur les métropoles alors que la cartographie montre que les tiers-lieux y pèsent relativement moins qu'ailleurs. On formule l'hypothèse que les tiers-lieux sont proportionnellement plus...
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This paper contributes to the literature by documenting how regions have experienced and managed the COVID-19 crisis, particularly for regions that are largely understudied and whose territorial characteristics (related to hyper-remoteness and poverty) deserve greater attention. To this end, the study investigated regional strategy and planning doc...
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Depuis des années 1970, l’idée selon laquelle il faut, d’une part, limiter la production de déchets et l’usage des ressources et, d’autre part, diminuer les impacts environnementaux de l’extraction des ressources jusqu’à la fin de vie des produits, s’est répandue sous la dénomination d’économie circulaire. Cette dernière n’est-elle pas une opportun...
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To date, few studies have analysed the geography of the circular economy, especially its contribution to economic activity on a sub-regional scale. In this context, our paper aims to analyse the evolution of employment and activities in the circular economy at the local level in France. For this purpose, we use a database on job creation and compan...
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Remapping and merging the Regions with one another, redefining the role of the departments, promoting the grouping of municipalities, creating metropolitan areas, reducing the local authorities' expenditure, improving citizen proximity and involving them in the decision-making process in a more effective way: these were the expectations of the NOTR...
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La Covid-19 est venue bouleverser notre quotidien et les territoires ont dû s’adapter en conséquence pour faire face aux effets de cette pandémie. Le présent article s’intéresse aux réponses politiques locales apportées par les villes et les départements dans l’Union Européenne pour faire face aux effets socioéconomiques du confinement. À partir d’...
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La Révolution du 14 Janvier 2011 et le printemps arabe qui s’en est suivi a eu des conséquences sur le développement économique en Tunisie. L’article s’intéresse à la distribution de l’emploi du secteur industriel en Tunisie à l’échelle de délégations sur la période 2003-2018. Il s’agit de mettre en évidence un potentiel retournement des disparités...
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The literature on circular economy (CE) is growing significantly. Although the concept emerged in the 1970s, it is only very recently that it has gained interest in the scientific community. However, little is known about its genealogy, how the international community was formed, and how concepts were approached and developed by mobilizing differen...
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COVID-19 vaccines have so far been the most powerful weapon in the current pandemic, yet many people still show hesitancy toward them. This paper is one of the first studies that examine the factors affecting the COVID-19 vaccine uptake decision from a spatial perspective in Turkey. This study setting allows us to specify the spatial effects that a...
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Despite the potential benefits of anaerobic digestion in the context of climate change and the need to move towards energy transition, there is a lot of resistance to biogas projects. Using a contingent valuation method, we test the extent to which the socio-economic characteristics of populations influence the environmental effort that people are...
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The aim of this study is to make a comparative study on the reproduction number R0 computed at the beginning of each wave for African countries and to understand the reasons for the disparities between them. The study covers the two first years of the COVID-19 pandemic and for 30 African countries. It links pandemic variables, reproduction number R...
Technical Report
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What does the geographical pattern of the Covid-19 pandemic look like across European regions and cities and how has it evolved since the beginning of the pandemic? Are there specific territorial and/or socio-economic characteristics that can entail a higher risk of death/more severe course of disease and/or higher probabilities of negative socio-e...
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Cet article expose la manière dont des top managers d’un grand groupe bancaire se sont comportés face à l’exécution d’un projet d’aménagement spatial majeur, lors de la mise en fonction du nouveau siège social de leur organisation jusqu’à faire échouer le projet d’entreprise qui le sous-tendait : à savoir, construire un bâtiment abritant l’ensemble...
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Aujourd'hui, on assiste à l'émergence de l'entrepreneuriat vert. Les pays en développement n'y échappent pas. Dans ce contexte, notre article cherche à comprendre les motivations et les difficultés rencontrées par les entrepreneurs dans le domaine de l'environnement mais aussi comment les pouvoirs publics accompagnent les éco-entrepreneurs. A parti...
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The DIGITAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP INDICATOR (DEI), which combines individual and institutional data, is designed to chart the vitality of metropolitan areas in terms of digital entrepreneurship on a suburban scale. In this study, we apply it to the case of the Greater Paris Metropolitan area. Using geographically weighted regression, we explore the spat...
Anaerobic digestion has recently gained interest in contributing to territorial strategy regarding the deployment of the circular economy and energy transition. Most projects bring together multiple actors from a wide variety of backgrounds. The article analyzes the evolution of synergies and cooperative behaviors between local stakeholders over th...
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Revue Interdisciplinaire Droit et Organisations La pandémie a remis la cohésion économique, sociale et territoriale en cause. La Covid-19 a révélé voire généré des inégalités régionales. Dans ce contexte, les politiques européennes de développement régional jouent un rôle déterminant pour atténuer les effets de la crise. Cet article propose de rev...
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Despite the potential benefits of anaerobic digestion in the context of climate change and the need to move towards energy transition, there is a lot of resistance to biogas projects. Using a contingent valuation method, we test the extent to which the socio-economic characteristics of populations influence the environmental effort that people are...
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The rise of a geography of discontent highlighted in recent studies points to a strong association between voting for populist parties and territories with socioeconomic difficulties. While discontent has primarily been addressed through the analysis of populist votes, we provide additional elements of analysis by comparing these populist votes to...
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Cet article analyse la distribution de l’emploi du secteur industriel en Tunisie à l’échelle de délégations sur la période 2003-2018 et montre dans quelle mesure les politiques d’aménagement appliquées au lendemain de la révolution du 14 Janvier 2011a réduit les inégalités régionales dans ce secteur. Notre étude montre l’entrée de la Tunisie dans u...
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Anaerobic digestion has recently gained interest in contributing to territorial strategy regarding the deployment of the circular economy and energy transition. Most projects bring together multiple actors from a wide variety of backgrounds. The article analyzes the evolution of synergies and cooperative behaviors between local stakeholders over th...
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The development of Renewable Energies (RE) must be stepped up in the coming years if we are to successfully realise the ambitious energy transition challenge set by many governments across the globe. However, the energy transition is far from obvious, especially with regard to the social acceptability of RE. In this context, we used a Discrete Choi...
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Le modèle d'économie circulaire, envisagé comme une solution adaptée aux défis globaux des changements climatiques, est aujourd'hui souvent proposé pour la conception et la fabrication de produits à forte valeur ajoutée, générateurs de nouvelles activités économiques pourvoyeuses d'emplois et de valeur dans les territoires. Cet article contribue à...
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The DIGITAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP INDICATOR (DEI), which combines individual and institutional data, is designed to chart the vitality of metropolitan areas in terms of digital entrepreneurship on a suburban scale. In this study, we apply it to the case of the Greater Paris Metropolitan area. Using geographically weighted regression, we explore the spat...
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In this paper, we are interested in industrial and territorial ecology (ITE), whose aim is to optimize the management of material and energy flows between local economic players by drawing inspiration from the cyclical nature of natural ecosystems. The organizational elements, specifically the forms of coordination between actors, appear to be cent...
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This paper investigates regional inequality from two standpoints. First, it explores them from a global perspective by assessing the incidence of economic growth for 2867 regions from 161 countries. Results show that middle income regions had the highest growth rates after the Great Recession, whilst regions from deciles 9 and, to a lower extent, t...
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In just a few weeks, COVID-19 has become a global crisis and there is no longer any question of it being a major pandemic. The spread of the disease and the speed of transmission need to be squared with the forms and characteristics of economic globalization, disparities in development between the world's different regions and the highly divergent...
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While many articles analyze the effectiveness of the policies that aim to limit the spread of Covid-19, very little research work examines the determinants which have driven these policies. Therefore, we propose to study the determinants that led government authorities to implement more or less re-strictive policies to limit the spread of the pande...
Conference Paper
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The development of Renewable Energies (RE) must be stepped up in the coming years if we are to successfully realize the ambitious energy transition challenge set by many governments across the globe. In this context, we used a Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) combined with a Geographical Information System (GIS) to assess the willingness of individ...
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The circular economy is a new economic model that breaks with the linear model. It is more respectful of the environment and is often presented as an opportunity for sustainable development. From a literature review on this issue, the objective of our article is to focus on the territorial dimension of the circular economy. We present the main issu...
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REVUE ROUMAINE DE GEOGRAPHIE - A multi-criteria analysis of regional disparities in Romania (2000-2016). The analysis of regional disparities has been the subject of many articles of researche, in particular in relation to the EU Cohesion Policy. However, many studies analyse disparities only from the perspective of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Th...
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This article analyzes electoral behaviors related to voting abstention in the Metropolis of Paris. We highlight the interest of a contextual approach to examine non-voting behaviors. Using socio-economic and demographic data at the level of municipalities, we construct a spatial model to explain the reasons for abstention. Our results support the i...
Technical Report
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This ESPON report has been written by Sebastien BOURDIN. Europe is facing two major challenges: population decline and climate change. However, not all cities and regions are affected in the same way. Concerning the demographic issue, if we consider the double effect of longer schooling and an ageing population, this will result in a significant...
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The spread of COVID-19 is a global concern, especially in the most developed countries where the rapid spread of the virus has taken governments by surprise. Adopting a spatial approach to this issue, we identify the spatial factors that help explain why some areas are hit harder than others, based on the Italian example (with the Lombardy region a...
Technical Report
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Scope The sudden appearance and exponential development of severe forms of COVID-19 and the pressure induced on health care systems, have led almost all European governments to put in place – more or less strictly – measures to limit economic and social activities. For the first time in recent history, voluntary measures have generated an economic...
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La transition énergétique est aujourd’hui considérée par les institutions nationales, européennes et internationales comme incontournable. Cependant, le déploiement des énergies renouvelables telles que la méthanisation peut être source de conflit. À partir d’un corpus d’articles issus de la presse quotidienne régionale, nous avons réalisé une anal...
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Like numerous port cities in France and in the world that undertook a reterritorialisation of their industrial–port wastelands, Caen is seizing the opportunity of such a move. Its development should be carried out within the framework of an integrated territorial approach, through a quality urban and landscaped treatment and an urban animation wher...
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Biogas is a process for producing renewable energy, which has recently gained interest in contributing to a territorial strategy for the deployment of the circular economy. The projects, which are collective in nature, bring together multiple actors or local stakeholders from a wide variety of backgrounds. The article proposes to analyze the territ...
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La communauté de commune des Vallons de Vilaine envisage de couvrir 22 à 29% de sa consommation énergétique par des énergies renouvelables en 2030. Le développement de la filière méthanisation fait partie intégrante de la stratégie de transition énergétique du territoire. Bien souvent, les citoyens sont écartés de ces démarches de prospective. Or,...
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Introduction de la partie 4 de l'ouvrage. Pourquoi la combinaison des savoirs expérientiel et scientifique devrait-elle être un élément inévitable de la planification territoriale ? Voici une question particulièrement intéressante dans le sens où le paradigme dominant de la prise de décision au milieu du 20ème siècle était largement fondé sur la pr...
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This contribution essentially aims to highlight the contribution of the circular economy in territorial development and the new industrial strategy for Europe. We highlight the main challenges of the circular economy and present the main obstacles to its deployment today. Finally, we propose the establishment of a European industrial and territoria...
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La stratégie « Europe 2020 » pour une croissance « intelligente, durable et inclusive » vise à mettre en œuvre ce que l’UE appelle une « stratégie de spécialisation intelligence » (RIS3), en prenant en compte les caractéristiques institutionnelles, culturelles et sociales pour mieux s’adapter aux spécificités locales. A partir d’entretiens semi-dir...
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L’importante réorganisation territoriale qu’a connue la France à la suite des lois de 2015 et 2016 a conduit les acteurs politiques à mettre au centre de la réflexion les relations qu’entretiennent les acteurs économiques avec les nouvelles formes de régionalisation entrevues au travers de ces réformes territoriales. Les compétences renforcées, no...
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La politique de Cohésion de l'Union européenne est le principal outil de modernisation économique et sociale dans les pays et régions moins développés, notamment en Europe centrale et orientale. Elle a connu une profonde réforme pour la période de programmation 2014-2020. Elle est le résultat de décisions assymétriques entre les Etats d’une Europe...
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La filière méthanisation se trouve au croisement de plusieurs enjeux : l'énergie par le traitement de la biomasse, la gestion des déchets par valorisation des sous-produits, le climat par la diminution des gaz à effet de serre, l'agriculture en permettant une diversification et un complément du revenu agricole. Pourtant, la méthanisation peine à de...
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Given the goal set by the French government to open 1000 biogas plants by 2020, we feel it is important to investigate the factors linked to the success or failure of anaerobic digestion projects, especially as the inherent challenges mean that there are barely 300 in operation today. We thus developed a conceptual framework to help us examine terr...
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After a new and ambitious reform, referred to as the ‘Territorial Big Bang’, France was confronted, from the end of 2018, with the revolt of the yellow vests, often originating from the country’s most peripheral or troubled territories. These oppositions and contestations from the territories may seem all the more astonishing since the ambitious te...
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Recently the literature has paid more attention to the entrepreneurial context to explain the role of entrepreneurship in the economic development. In our study, the entrepreneurial context is measured by the Regional Entrepreneurship and Development Index (REDI) for the EU regions and by an index of the Quality of the Governance. By using the GWR,...
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L’économie circulaire, nouveau modèle économique respectueux de l’environnement, alternatif à l’économie linéaire, est souvent présentée comme une opportunité de développement soutenable au niveau local, et ses démarches de plus en plus expérimentées dans les territoires, dans un contexte de transition socio-écologique. Cependant, la question de sa...
Conference Paper
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National, European and international institutions now consider energy transition as unavoidable (UNO, 2018). The European Commission's latest report on economic, social and territorial cohesion (2017) underlines the need to fight climate change and bring about an environmental transition notably through the development of renewable energies. With r...
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La présente contribution s’inscrit dans une tentative de clarification des rôles des dispositifs des politiques publiques en matière de rapprochement de l’innovation et du développement territorial. La mobilisation croisée d’une littérature en sciences de gestion et en science régionale permet de mettre en exergue le rôle des intermédiaires dans l...
Globalization and the geography of economic relations are the main drivers of the spatial structuring and speed of the international spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. While globalization drives the economic momentum of many regions, it also puts us in danger of numerous negative externalities that are especially apparent during the present CoViD-19 p...
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La transition énergétique est aujourd'hui considérée par les institutions nationales, européennes et internationales comme incontournable. Cependant, le déploiement des énergies renouvelables telle que la méthanisation peut être la source de conflictualité. À partir d'un corpus d'articles issus de la presse quotidienne régionale, nous avons réalisé...
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In a context where anaerobic digestion is a controversial subject, it is not surprising to see that between 20% and 30% of anaerobic digestion projects are abandoned, mainly for reasons of local opposition, problems of coordination between stakeholders and the implementation of real territorial governance capable of facing the challenges encountere...
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Les projets d’énergies renouvelables sont loin de faire l’unanimité au niveau local alors qu’ils sont en général soutenus dans l’opinion publique comme moyens de lutter contre le changement climatique. L’attitude NIMBYiste est souvent relevée comme un facteur expliquant ces oppositions locales. Or, nous pensons qu’il existe d’autres déterminants pl...