Scott WolkCenter for Astrophysics Harvard & Smithsonian · Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Scott Wolk
Ph.D. 1996 Stony Brook
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Publications (372)
This paper discusses the challenges and successes of radiation monitoring for the Chandra X-ray Observatory (Chandra). Now in operation for over 24 years, Chandra was originally designed with minimal concern for its space environment. However, just weeks into the mission, it was discovered that the charge-coupled devices on its primary detector wer...
The composition of protoplanetary disks, and hence the initial conditions of planet formation, may be strongly influenced by the infall and thermal processing of material during the protostellar phase. Composition of dust and ice in protostellar envelopes, shaped by energetic processes driven by the protostar, serves as the fundamental building mat...
We investigate the bright CO fundamental emission in the central regions of five protostars in their primary mass assembly phase using new observations from JWST’s Near-Infrared Spectrograph and Mid-Infrared Instrument. CO line emission images and fluxes are extracted for a forest of ∼150 rovibrational transitions from two vibrational bands, v = 1−...
Using the MIRI medium-resolution spectrometer on JWST, we have detected pure rotational, suprathermal OH emissions from the vicinity of the intermediate-mass protostar HOPS 370 (OMC2/FIR3). These emissions are observed from shocked knots in a jet/outflow and originate in states of rotational quantum number as high as 46 that possess excitation ener...
Investigating Protostellar Accretion is a Cycle 1 JWST program using the NIRSpec+MIRI integral field units to obtain 2.9–28 μ m spectral cubes of five young protostars with luminosities of 0.2–10,000 L ⊙ in their primary accretion phase. This paper introduces the NIRSpec 2.9–5.3 μ m data of the inner 840–9000 au with spatial resolutions from 28 to...
The structure and composition of simple ices can be severely modified during stellar evolution by protostellar heating. Key to understanding the involved processes are thermal and chemical tracers that can be used to diagnose the history and environment of the ice. The 15.2 mu m bending mode of CO_2 in particular has proven to be a valuable tracer...
Investigating Protostellar Accretion (IPA) is a JWST Cycle 1 GO program that uses NIRSpec integral field units and MIRI Medium Resolution Spectrograph to obtain 2.9–28 μ m spectral cubes of young, deeply embedded protostars with luminosities of 0.2–10,000 L ⊙ and central masses of 0.15–12 M ⊙ . In this Letter, we report the discovery of a highly co...
X-ray observations have been made of a sample of 20 classical Cepheids, including two new observations (Polaris and l Car) reported here. The occurrence of X-ray flux around the pulsation cycle is discussed. Three Cepheids are detected ( δ Cep, β Dor, and Polaris). X-rays have also been detected from the low-mass F, G, and K companions of four Ceph...
X-ray observations have been made of a sample of 20 classical Cepheids, including two new observations (Polaris and {\it l} Car) reported here. The occurrence of X-ray flux around the pulsation cycle is discussed. Three Cepheids are detected ($\delta$ Cep, $\beta$ Dor, and Polaris). X-rays have also been detected from the low--mass F, G, and K comp...
We explore the relation between the stellar mass surface density and the mass surface density of molecular hydrogen gas in 12 nearby molecular clouds that are located at <1.5 kpc distance. The sample clouds span an order-of-magnitude range in mass, size, and star formation rates. We use thermal dust emission from Herschel maps to probe the gas surf...
We explore the relation between the stellar mass surface density and the mass surface density of molecular hydrogen gas in twelve nearby molecular clouds that are located at $<$1.5 kpc distance. The sample clouds span an order of magnitude range in mass, size, and star formation rates. We use thermal dust emission from $Herschel$ maps to probe the...
We present a time-variability study of young stellar objects (YSOs) in the Serpens South cluster performed at 3.6 and 4.5 μm with the Spitzer Space Telescope; this study is part of the Young Stellar Object VARiability project. We have collected light curves for more than 1500 sources, including 85 cluster members, over 38 days. This includes 44 cla...
Context: High-resolution images of circumstellar debris discs reveal off-centred rings that indicate past or ongoing perturbation, possibly caused by secular gravitational interaction with unseen stellar or substellar companions. The purely dynamical aspects of this departure from radial symmetry are well understood. However, the observed dust is s...
Using K2 data, we have identified 23 very low mass members of the $\rho$ Oph and Upper Scorpius star-forming region as having periodic photometric variability not easily explained by well-established physical mechanisms such as star spots, eclipsing binaries, or pulsation. All of these unusual stars are mid-to-late M dwarfs without evidence of acti...
Using K2 data, we have identified 23 very low mass members of the $\rho$ Oph and Upper Scorpius star-forming region as having periodic photometric variability not easily explained by well-established physical mechanisms such as star spots, eclipsing binaries, or pulsation. All of these unusual stars are mid-to-late M dwarfs without evidence of acti...
Observations indicate that magnetic fields in rapidly rotating stars are very strong, on both small and large scales. What is the nature of the resulting corona? Here we seek to shed some light on this question. We use the results of an anelastic dynamo simulation of a rapidly rotating fully-convective M-star to drive a physics-based model for the...
Star formation in molecular clouds can be triggered by the dynamical action of winds from massive stars. Furthermore, X-ray and UV fluxes from massive stars can influence the life time of surrounding circumstellar disks. We present the results of a 53 ks XMM-Newton observation centered on the Rho Ophiuchi A+B binary system. Rho Ophiiuchi lies in th...
Star formation in molecular clouds can be triggered by the dynamical action of winds from massive stars. Furthermore, X-ray and UV fluxes from massive stars can influence the life time of surrounding circumstellar disks. We present the results of a 53 ks XMM-Newton observation centered on the Rho Ophiuchi A+B binary system. Rho Ophiiuchi lies in th...
Debris discs are a consequence of the planet formation process and constitute the fingerprints of planetesimal systems. Their solar system's counterparts are the asteroid and Edgeworth-Kuiper belts. The aim of this paper is to provide robust numbers for the incidence of debris discs around FGK stars in the solar neighbourhood. The full sample of 17...
We report results of VRI photometric monitoring of the T Tauri star plus disk system HH 30 IRS. We find that HH 30 IRS is highly variable over timescales of a few days with mag, mag. Furthermore, DV ∼ 1.5 DI ∼ 1.1 we find hints of periodicity with periodograms indicating possible periods of 11.6 and 19.8 days. The VRI photometry is available throug...
We have made XMM-Newton observations of 14 Galactic Cepheids that have candidate resolved (≥5'') companion stars based on our earlier HST Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) imaging survey. Main-sequence stars that are young enough to be physical companions of Cepheids are expected to be strong X-ray producers in contrast to field stars. XMM-Newton exposure...
We have made {\it XMM-Newton\/} observations of 14 Galactic Cepheids that have candidate resolved ($\geq$5$\arcsec$) companion stars based on our earlier {\it HST\/} WFC3 imaging survey. Main-sequence stars that are young enough to be physical companions of Cepheids are expected to be strong X-ray producers in contrast to field stars. {\it XMM-Newt...
We present an IR-monitoring survey with the $Spitzer$ Space Telescope of the
star forming region GGD 12-15. Over 1000 objects were monitored including about
350 objects within the central 5 arcminutes which is found to be especially
dense in cluster members. The monitoring took place over 38 days and is part of
the Young Stellar Object VARiability...
Cool debris discs are a relic of the planetesimal formation process around
their host star, analogous to the solar system's Edgeworth-Kuiper belt. As
such, they can be used as a proxy to probe the origin and formation of
planetary systems like our own. The Herschel Open Time Key Programmes "DUst
around NEarby Stars" (DUNES) and "Disc Emission via a...
Classical T Tauri stars (CTTS) are young (< 10 Myr), cool stars that actively
accrete matter from a disk. They show strong, broad and asymmetric, atomic FUV
emission lines. Neither the width, nor the line profile is understood. Likely,
different mechanisms influence the line profile; the best candidates are
accretion, winds and stellar activity. We...
The emission from young stellar objects (YSOs) in the mid-IR is dominated by
the inner rim of their circumstellar disks. We present an IR-monitoring survey
of about 800 objects in the direction of the Lynds 1688 (L1688) star forming
region over four visibility windows spanning 1.6 years using the \emph{Spitzer}
space telescope in its warm mission p...
Variability in the infrared emission from disks around pre-main sequence
stars over the course of days to weeks appears to be common, but the physical
cause of the changes in disk structure are not constrained. Here we present
coordinated monitoring of one young cluster with the Spitzer and Chandra space
telescopes aimed at studying the physical so...
X-rays from massive stars are ubiquitous yet not clearly understood. In an
XMM-Newton observation devoted to observe the first site of star formation in
the $\rho$ Ophiuchi dark cloud, we detect smoothly variable X-ray emission from
the B2IV+B2V system of $\rho$ Ophiuchi. Tentatively we assign the emission to
the primary component. The light curve...
About 20% out of the $>1000$ known exoplanets are Jupiter analogs orbiting
very close to their parent stars. It is still under debate to what detectable
level such hot Jupiters possibly affect the activity of the host stars through
tidal or magnetic star-planet interaction. In this paper we report on an 87 ks
Chandra observation of the hot Jupiter...
The magnetic activity of planet-hosting stars is an important factor to
estimate the atmospheric stability of close-in exoplanets and the age of their
host stars. It has long been speculated that close-in exoplanets can influence
the stellar activity level. However, testing for tidal or magnetic interaction
effects in samples of planet-hosting star...
The galactic Cepheid S Muscae has recently been added to the important list
of Cepheids linked to open clusters, in this case the sparse young cluster ASCC
69. Low-mass members of a young cluster are expected to have rapid rotation and
X-ray activity, making X-ray emission an excellent way to discriminate them
from old field stars. We have made an...
Testing whether close-in massive exoplanets (hot Jupiters) can enhance the stellar activity in their host primary is crucial for the models of stellar and planetary evolution. Among systems with hot Jupiters, HD 189733 is one of the best studied because of its proximity, strong activity, and the presence of a transiting planet, which allows transmi...
We present 0.03-2.0 keV X-ray observations of the unexpectedly bright Comet ISON made by Chandra in Oct-Nov 2013, ~25 days before its perihelion disruption.
We present the Coordinated Synoptic Investigation of NGC 2264, a continuous
30-day multi-wavelength photometric monitoring campaign on more than 1000 young
cluster members using 16 telescopes. The unprecedented combination of
multi-wavelength, high-precision, high-cadence, and long-duration data opens a
new window into the time domain behavior of y...
First phases of the process of star formation are characterized by excess in infrared and high X-ray emission. With Spitzer and XMM-Newton we have surveyed the Orion A part relative to the filamentary cloud Lynds 1641 (L1641). Furthermore, an extended spectroscopic survey has been realized to better constraint the cluster membership of stars withou...
We present results from an extensive multi-wavelength survey of Cep
OB3b, one of the largest young clusters within 1 kpc of the Sun. We
estimate that Cep OB3b has a membership of approximately 3000 young
stars in a region of 10 x 7 pc (Allen et al. 2012). Similar in
membership and overall size to the ONC, Cep OB3b is older and more
evolved, with mo...
Exoplanets in short-period orbits are subject to strong irradiation from
their host star and can lose mass through evaporation. The main driver
for this evaporation is high-energy emission from the host star.
However, it is observationally unclear where in the exoplanetary
atmosphere the bulk of the high-energy radiation is absorbed, and the
Spitzer & Chandra observations of the massive star forming region RCW 38 identify 624 young stellar objects (YSOs) in four subclusters surrounding the previously known cluster centred on the O5.5 binary IRS 2.
First phases of the process of star formation are characterized by excess in infrared and high X-ray emission. With Spitzer and XMM-Newton we have surveyed the Orion A part relative to the filamentary cloud Lynds 1641 (L1641). Furthermore, an extended spectroscopic survey has been realized to better constraint the cluster membership of stars withou...
IRAS 20050+2720 is a young star forming region at a distance of 700 pc with a mass of 430 M☉, but without apparent high mass stars. We characterize the distribution of young stellar objects (YSOs) in this region, which lacks high UV flux, and compare evolutionary trends with other young star forming clusters. We present results of our multiwaveleng...
CBET 3719 available at Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams.
Many nearby main-sequence stars have been searched for debris using the far-infrared Herschel satellite, within the DEBRIS, DUNES and Guaranteed-Time Key Projects. We discuss here 11 stars of spectral types A–M where
the stellar inclination is known and can be compared to that of the spatially resolved dust belts. The discs are found to
be well ali...
All interferometric observations were carried out with MIDI, the
MID-infrared interferometric Instrument at the European Southern
Observatory's (ESO's) Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) on
Cerro Paranal, Chile.
The MIDI AGN Large Program (ESO program number 184.B-0832) consisted of
13.1 nights of Visitor Mode observations. Between Decembe...
It is a long-standing question in exoplanet research if Hot Jupiters can
influence the magnetic activity of their host stars. While cool stars usually
spin down with age and become inactive, an input of angular momentum through
tidal interaction, as seen for example in close binaries, can preserve high
activity levels over time. This may also be th...
Context. Typical debris discs are composed of particles ranging from
several micron sized dust grains to km sized asteroidal bodies, and
their infrared emission peaks at wavelengths 60-100 μm. Recent
Herschel DUNES observations have identified several debris discs around
nearby Sun-like stars (F, G and K spectral type) with significant excess
Infrared excesses associated with debris disk host stars detected so far
peak at wavelengths around ~100 μm or shorter. However, 6 out of 31
excess sources studied in the Herschel Open Time Key Programme, DUNES,
have been seen to show significant—and in some cases
extended—excess emission at 160 μm, which is larger than the
100 μm excess. This exce...
NGC 6334, the Cat's Paw Nebula, is a 106 M⊙ molecular cloud, one of
the most massive known clouds in the Galaxy. It hosts the youngest
massive cluster complex within 2 kpc of the Sun, and is therefore an
ideal laboratory to investigate the onset and early evolution of star
formation in an environment comparable to that of massive,
extra-galactic co...
High-energy processes in Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) can be observed
both in X-rays and in the centimetric radio wavelength range. While the
past decade has brought a lot of progress in the field of X-ray
observations of YSOs, (proto)stellar centimetric radio astronomy has
only recently begun to catch up with the advent of the newly expanded
(abridged) Infrared excesses associated with debris disk host stars detected
so far peak at wavelengths around ~100{\mu}m or shorter. However, six out of 31
excess sources in the Herschel OTKP DUNES have been seen to show significant -
and in some cases extended - excess emission at 160{\mu}m, which is larger than
the 100{\mu}m excess. This excess...
We present new X-ray observations obtained with Chandra ACIS-S of the HD
189733 system, consisting of a K-type star orbited by a transiting Hot Jupiter
and an M-type stellar companion. We report a detection of the planetary transit
in soft X-rays with a significantly larger transit depth than observed in the
optical. The X-ray data favor a transit...
We present an analysis of near-infrared time-series photometry in J, H, and K
bands for about 100 epochs of a 1 square degree region of the Lynds 1003/1004
dark cloud in the Cygnus OB7 region. Augmented by data from the Wide-field
Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), we identify 96 candidate disk bearing young
stellar objects (YSOs) in the region. Of t...
We report X-ray line ratio diagnostics of the electron temperature,
electron density and hydrogen column density observed from the classical
T Tauri star (CTTS) TW Hydrae using the High Energy Transmission Grating
(HETG) spectrometer onboard Chandra. Applying a classical model of
magnetically channeled flow from an accretion disk onto the stellar
Young T Tauri stars (TTS) are surrounded by an accretion disk, which over time disperses due to photoevaporation, accretion, and possibly planet formation. The accretion shock on the central star produces an UV/optical veiling continuum, line emission, and X-ray signatures. As the accretion rate decreases, the impact on the central star must change...
We investigate the structure of the innermost region of three circumstellar
disks around pre-main sequence stars HD 142666, AS 205 N, and AS 205 S. We
determine the inner radii of the dust disks and, in particular, search for
transition objects where dust has been depleted and inner disk gaps have formed
at radii of a few tenths of AU up to several...
Debris discs are a consequence of the planet formation process and constitute
the fingerprints of planetesimal systems. Their solar system's counterparts are
the asteroid and Edgeworth-Kuiper belts. The DUNES survey aims at detecting
extra-solar analogues to the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt around solar-type stars,
putting in this way the solar system int...
Context. Circumstellar disks are considered to be the environment for
the formation of planets. The growth of dust grains in these disks is
the first step in the core accretion-gas capture planet formation
scenario. Indicators and evidence of disk evolution can be traced in
spatially resolved images and the spectral energy distribution (SED) of
We present an XMM-Newton survey of the part of the Orion A cloud south of the Orion Nebula. This survey includes the Lynds 1641 (L1641) dark cloud, a region of the Orion A cloud with very few massive stars and hence a relatively low ambient UV flux, and the region around the O9 III star ι Orionis. In addition to proprietary data, we used archival X...
We report on the analysis of an archival observation of part of the {\alpha}
Persei cluster obtained with XMM-Newton. We detected 102 X-ray sources in the
band 0.3-8.0 keV, of which 39 of them are associated with the cluster as
evidenced by appropriate magnitudes and colors from 2MASS photometry. We extend
the X-ray Luminosity Distribution (XLD) fo...
Aims: We present mid-infrared observations and photometry of the
circumstellar disks around PDS 66 and CRBR
2422.8-3423, obtained with VISIR/VLT in the N band and for the
latter also in the Q band. Our aim is to resolve the inner regions of
these protoplanetary disks, which carry potential signatures of
intermediate or later stages of disk evolutio...
We present a subset of the results of a three-season, 124 night, near-infrared monitoring campaign of the dark clouds Lynds 1003 and Lynds 1004 in the Cygnus OB7 star-forming region. In this paper, we focus on the field star population. Using three seasons of UKIRT J, H, and K-band observations spanning 1.5 years, we obtained high-quality photometr...
Context: It is hypothesized that low-mass young stellar objects undergo
eruptive phases during their early evolution. The outburst of V1647 Ori between
2003 and 2006 offered a rare opportunity to investigate such an accretion
event. Aims: By means of our interferometry observing campaign during this
outburst, supplemented by other observations, we...
We present a subset of the results of a three season, 124 night,
near-infrared monitoring campaign of the dark clouds Lynds 1003 and Lynds 1004
in the Cygnus OB7 star forming region. In this paper, we focus on the field
star population. Using three seasons of UKIRT J, H and K band observations
spanning 1.5 years, we obtained high-quality photometry...
This contribution summarizes the splinter session "Non-thermal processes in
coronae and beyond" held at the Cool Stars 17 workshop in Barcelona in 2012. It
covers new developments in high energy non-thermal effects in the Earth's
exosphere, solar and stellar flares, the diffuse emission in star forming
regions and reviews the state and the challeng...
(Abridged) Context: Both X-ray and radio observations offer insight into the
high-energy processes of young stellar objects (YSOs). The observed thermal
X-ray emission can be accompanied by both thermal and nonthermal radio
emission. Due to variability, simultaneous X-ray and radio observations are a
priori required, but results have been inconclus...
We present the detection of new cometary X-ray emission lines in the 1.0-2.0 keV range using a sample of comets observed with the Chandra
X-Ray Observatory and ACIS spectrometer. We have selected five comets from the Chandra sample with good signal-to-noise spectra. The surveyed comets are C/1999 S4 (LINEAR), C/1999 T1 (McNaught-Hartley), 153P/200...
Young stellar objects (YSOs) are variable on different time scales due
to a variety of physical processes: Changes in the accretion rate and
accretion geometry, rotational modulation of cool star spots and hot
accretion spots, occasional eclipses by the accretion funnel or an inner
disk warp, and changes in the disk structure. Observations in the
Diagnostics of electron temperature (T_e), electron density (n_e), and
hydrogen column density (N_H) from the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating
spectrum of He-like Ne IX in TW Hydrae (TW Hya), in conjunction with a
classical accretion model, allow us to infer the accretion rate onto the star
directly from measurements of the accreting materi...
Aims: We aim to evaluate the evolutionary stage of the
circumstellar disk around DoAr 33, a T Tauri star in the Ophiuchus
molecular cloud and a promising target for follow-up observations to
find signs of dust evolution in protoplanetary disks. Methods:
The currently available data on DoAr 33 comprises its spectral energy
distribution from the opti...