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October 2009 - September 2019
July 2013 - April 2014
Data Invest sp. z o.o. s.k.a.
- IT Specialist
- parrallel programming research
Publications (52)
We describe a framework for very lightweight custom remote procedure call protocol. This framework uses variadic templates and other language features introduced in C++11 to furnish effective, cache friendly and hence energy efficient implementation. Our approach provides also type safety and modularity of RPC handlers. Such a solution is useful bo...
The recently proposed (Güney and Hillery in Phys Rev A 90:062121, 2014; Phys Rev A 91:052110, 2015) group theoretical approach to the problem of violating the Bell inequalities is applied to \(S_4\) group. The Bell inequalities based on the choice of three orbits in the representation space corresponding to standard representation of \(S_4\) are de...
The recently proposed (Phys. Rev. A90 (2014), 062121 and Phys. Rev. A91 (2015), 052110) group theoretical approach to the problem of breaking the Bell inequalities is applied to $S_4$ group. The Bell inequalities based on the choice of three orbits in the representation space corresponding to standard representation of $S_4$ are derived and their b...
In this paper we present an in depth discussion of the architecture of a new plagiarism detection platform developed by a consortium of Polish universities. The algorithms used by the platform are briefly described in Sect. 3. The main goal of this paper is to present high level structures of services resulting from a very nontrivial attempt to str...
We describe a new semi-formalized, constrained natural lan- guage format for user stories. We demonstrate how to extract from this format access control information for role based access control.
There are two basic approaches to business process model- ing. One based on Petri nets, the other, newer, but with growing popu- larity, based on process algebras such as π-calculus. We have created a new variant of π-calculus which we call Object π-calculus. It has high level object oriented features such as method calls, mixins and additional pro...
Contemporary frameworks offer essentially two methods of accessing data in relational databases. The one using plain SQL requires writing a lot of boilerplate code and storing the SQL in a string, which is error prone and denies the benefits of static query analysis. The other one enforces the use of an additional (usually object oriented) abstract...
Allegories are enriched categories generalizing a category of sets and binary relations. In this paper, we extend a new, recently-introduced conceptual data model based on allegories by adding support for modal operators and developing a modal interpretation of the model in any allegory satisfying certain additional (but natural) axioms. The possib...
Projekt Otwartego Systemu Antyplagiatowego rozwija i finansuje Międzyuniwersyteckie Centrum Informatyzacji. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia wyzwania, którym projekt powinien sprostać. Prezentuje też bieżący stan jego realizacji, docelową architekturę oraz plan dalszych prac na rok 2014 a także wyniki testów skuteczności zastosowanego w nim algorytmu...
We describe a transaction time temporal database framework with schema versioning capacities based on PostgreSQL database management system which was developed in the IT Center of the University of Lodz. This database framework is used to implement a data synchronizing database which mediates migration and integration of data between many separate...
Allegories are categories modeled upon the category of sets and binary relations (where sets are objects and binary relations are morphisms composed using joins). In this paper we present a new conceptual data modeling formalism based on the language of allegories. We show that allegories provide more convenient framework for modeling data than mor...
One of the deficiencies of SQL is that it allows little practical support for factoring, parametrization and modularization of complex SQL statements. Using dynamic SQL or macroprocessors for this purpose is error prone and inconvenient. This paper shows how the rewriting systems such as Maude can be used to build better SQL preprocessors which und...
One of the most important factors of real live teleinformatic systems are risk management process. The question that arises is how to implement this process in real and big organizations. Every day, most of technological decision maker and financial decision maker are searching methods for secure assets and safe business. In this chapter authors co...
We formalize a Parametrized Role-Based Access Control in the language Maude. We demonstrate how this formalization can be
used to specify a row level access control policy in a database and how module algebra capabilities of Maude assist in modularization
of such specification.
One of the most important factors of real live business applications are speed and reliability. The question that arises during development states: what is more important: efficiency of servers or security of database/application. One of the biggest databases used in the University of Łódź for its applications must have restricted access to data. O...
We consider the problem of approximate minimax for the Bolza problem of optimal control. Starting from the method of dynamic programming (Bellman) we define the ϵ-value function to be the approximation for the value function being a solution to the Hamilton–Jacobi equation.
W artykule autorzy opisali doświadczenia wynikające z tworzenia i wdrażania systemów informatycznych wspomagających pracę administracji centralnej uczelni wyższej. Wskazano, że sam system informatyczny to zbyt mało, każda firma musi ewaluować w stronę zintegrowanego systemu zarządczego wspomagającego podejmowanie decyzji biznesowych. Opisana został...
We demonstrate how one can use the formal concept analysis (FCA) to obtain the role hierarchy for the role based access control from the existing access control matrix. We also discuss assesed by means of FCA the quality of security system and finding users with excess permissions.
W niniejszym artykule przedstawiam ogólne informacje o metodyce Scrum, narzędziach Visual Studio 2010 wraz z Team Foundation Server 2010 oraz możliwości ich wspólnego wykorzystania do efektywnego zarządzania projektem informatycznym. Z konieczności podaję najważniejsze kroki, by zacząć samodzielnie pracę w oparciu o te produkty i metodykę Scrum.
In this article we will present the concept of internet system structure supporting process of decision making steps for university candidates. The system will become an integral part of the Electronic System of Recruitment, which has been running at the University of Lodz for the last 4 years. In this article we will think of criteria and features...
In this paper we write about implementation IM (Instant Messaging) robots using XMPP protocols. XMPP is one of many other protocols which are used by many kind of IM, but XMPP is open standard. In our opinion using open standards is better solution compare to the closed standards. We try to explain why we think in this way.
The aim of this chapter is to describe the current researchers and works, which are to design file distribution platform by HTTP protocol. Short characteristics of current existing solution at University of Lodz as well as analysis of necessary functionalities, which are not implemented in the current solutions, will be used as the reason to design...
The main purpose of this paper is to provide the reader with some insight into how Ethernet controller works on MPC8555E embedded platform produced by Freescale company. The paper will deal with the problems connected with Ethernet performance during power-up of computer when firmware is running on the hardware and later when FreeBSD loader works....
W niniejszym artykule została przedstawiona koncepcja budowy systemu ostrzegania działającego w sieci LAN, na przykładzie sieci osiedlowej. System ten w zamierzeniu miał umożliwiać ostrzeganie przed dewastacją urządzeń, jednak dość szybko okazało się, że można jego funkcjonalność rozszerzyć o pomiar temperatury, wilgotności czy innych czynników, kt...
Requirement of data backup appears at creation of all information systems, which are used in long lasting work. It is not possible to imagine work without creation of productive data backup, in this way or another. However, the backup server must be properly secured not only from distribution, but also from the leak of data on it. This last feature...
W niniejszym rozdziale przedstawiono ewolucję systemu elektronicznej rekrutacji dla kandydatów na Uniwersytecie Łódzkim. Omówiono założenia wstępne, stawiane wobec funkcjonalności i architektury systemu. Następnie pokazano, jak w przeciągu 3 kolejnych edycji systemu wdrażano stopniowo nowe rozwiązania. Całość procesu ewolucji jest o tyle ciekawa, ż...
The article describes organization of group which created software on requirements of central administrations of University of Lodz. This group contains students and academic employees. This fact, as well as the specificity environment , in which it run, have caused necessity of other look on management of such development group. We try to show in...
This section presents experiences from teaching computer scientists by e-learning platform. Besides obvious advantages such solution, we put accent on disadvantages, which brings teaching practical activities in this form. We try to discuss how effective is teaching computer scientists from distance.
Article describes designing process, implementation and development of the middle-class computer project , which has been accomplished by students of the University of Lodz. Project, which is called SUL, is a WWW-based portal with several set up purposes. Services for students ( news, e-mails or private web pages including assurance of secure and r...
In the paper an idea of creating the root for the comprehen- sive system for assisting of state university work is presented. A concept of the entire architecture and some chosen project decisions are given. In particular the data �ow between the modules is taking into consideration. In the further part of the paper one can �nd short report abort j...
W obecnej chwili zauważalna jest na świecie coraz większa popularność Internetu jako medium do poszukiwania i zdobywania pracy. Autorzy przedstawiają inną formę wykorzystania sieci rozległej, jako platformy do pracy. W chwili obecnej już przy łączach o przepustowości rzędu 128 Kbps daje się skonfigurować wirtualną firmę. W rozdziale przedstawiona j...
In the chapter we describe the architecture of an electronic student recruiting system, which was de-signed, built and deployed at the University of Lodz in 2004. The system was designed in such a way that it guarantees both a high level of security and an elastic access. This is due to the fact that the system consists of two parts: the public one...
In the paper we present the design of the core of a complete system intended to support a state-run high school. The whole system architecture is shown together with selected decisions taken during design time. In particular the data-flow between modules has been included. In further part we have presented a summary of wholly developed and of wholl...
Authors describe an extensible textual tool for generating SQL database descriptions. The tool uses an input in the shape of a text file which is subsequently translated by a lexical analyzer and parser tools into one of implemented output formats. Exemplary output formats are SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, ORACLE), XMI using format accepted by Compuware...
In the paper the subject of knowledge management in a team of IT developers will be addressed and tools aimed at aiding this management process will be presented. We will propose the usage of Wiki toolset, which allows for free edition of knowledge repository by the means of WWW by the authorised users. The Wiki remembers history of all incorporate...
W niniejszym rozdziale autorzy opisują własne doświadczenie z wdrażania dużego systemu informatycznego w warunkach polskiej uczelni. W celu pełniejszego obrazu omawiane wdrożenie jest odniesione do wdrożeń typowo komercyjnych przeprowadzanych przez specjalizowane firmy informatyczne.