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April 2015 - March 2019
Keio Business School
- Professor (Associate)
June 2003 - December 2006
December 2011 - August 2013
August 2007 - June 2011
Lee Kuan Yew Schiool of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
Field of study
- Public Policy
Publications (28)
This study employs the the data envelopment analysis method to examine the effect of the 2010 crisis on the operational efficiency of Indian micro finance institutions.
Historically, financial institutions in India have not sufficiently met the needs of small and marginal farmers due to the greater risks and higher operational costs involved in catering to their needs. To expand access to finance to these underserved but important sections of the economy, it is necessary to look beyond traditional standardized len...
Despite being the focus of numerous policy initiatives, the credit gap of the MSME sector
in India has been persistent. An investment in tapping the data being generated by
lenders to build a database to inform future lending is likely to improve the quality of
lending decisions over time. This, in turn, has the potential to further expand MSME loa...
We describe the common financing challenges faced by micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in India and some important measures taken to address them, with a focus on the credit rating scheme implemented in 2000. We examine the usefulness as well as the limitations of the scheme, drawing on interviews with rating agencies and MSMEs. Wi...
With maturity in the microfinance market in South Asia, it is observed that some microfinance members’ needs grow beyond the boundaries of traditional microfinance group loans. In addition, there are other small enterprises whose needs are not met by microfinance institutions or commercial banks. It is important to address the financing needs of th...
This paper reviews the literature in peer-reviewed journals on social enterprises in South, East and Southeast Asia. The country studies indicate that evolution of social enterprises in a country seems to be closely related to historical events that create favorable conditions. Typologies of social enterprises that develop in a country appear to be...
Microfinance institutions can enhance their contribution to financial inclusion promotion by expanding their suite of financial services, participating in a credit bureau, and providing portability of accounts, greater flexibility in operation, and financial literacy training.
MFIs provide financial services such as deposits, loans, money transfers, and insurance to poor and low-income households and their microenterprizes. The provision of microcredit has, however, dominated the microfinance sector. Mersland and Strøm (2012) provide an overview of the history, characteristics, and recent developments of the microfinance...
Competition is a very important preconditionwhich affects the effectiveness of development of national economy under the conditions of globalization. In classical economics, the competitiveness of countries is determined through production inputs. In the modern era of globalization, it appears that, besides quantifiable factors, qualitative influen...
The policy literature has long recognized the inherent need for a program to fit the unique conditions found in a certain context. We present a theory of institutional contextualism that focuses on the mechanisms by which actors adapt a policy design to fit a situation. We conceptualize institutions as phenomena that are constituted by a constant d...
AuszugDieser Artikel will eine Lücke in der Literatur zur sozialen Sicherheit in Indien schließen, indem er die Rolle von Mikrorenten untersucht. Die Analyse legt die Schlussfolgerung nahe, dass Mikrorentenprodukte — mit den Mikrofinanzinstitutionen (MFI) als wichtigste, aber nicht alleinige Träger — aufgrund der Heterogenität der Zielgruppe freiwi...
RésuméLe présent article porte sur les micropensions dont, sans être les seules, les institutions de microfinance (IMF) sont les principaux promoteurs. Il tente ainsi de combler une lacune de la littérature sur la sécurité sociale en Inde. L'analyse montre que, du fait qu'elles ciblent un public hétérogène, les micropensions doivent être volontaire...
ResumenEste artículo pretende colmar una brecha en la bibliografía sobre la seguridad social en la India, mediante un análisis de la función de las micropensiones. El análisis sugiere que debido a la heterogeneidad de la población objetivo, los productos de la micropensión — propiciados principalmente por instituciones de microfinanzas (IMF) — tend...
This article aims to fill a gap in the social security literature on India by examining the role of micro-pensions. The analysis suggests that because of the heterogeneity of the target population, micro-pension products with microfinance institutions (MFIs) as the main, but not only sponsors should be voluntary and portable and permit experimentat...
The main objective of this paper is to discuss and assess the recent developments affecting the Indian micro-finance sector; and examine the options for sector stakeholders to respond to the concerns raised in a manner that will enable the sector to fulfill its potential.
With growth of the microfinance sector in India, there is a need to regulate it, so as to provide an environment in which all stakeholders can participate with confidence. Both prudential and non prudential regulation is required. Prudential regulation is required to enable some micro finance institutions to provide savings services and affordable...
Existing literature indicates that transaction costs are a major contributor to high interest rates on microcredit loans. The purpose of the study was to examine the composition of transaction costs to be able to draw implications on how lending rates in microcredit could be reduced in a sustainable manner.
As t...
A regulator should promote social entrepreneurship and tap into the considerable expertise existing in the micro-finance sector. The aim should be to lower transaction costs and generate savings in real resource costs to the economy in delivering micro-finance services in a sustainable manner. The new bill needs to be reworked to amend its many def...
NABARD is a key participant in the micro finance sector and has been closely associated with one of the two prevailing modes i.e. SHG-bank linkage mode of delivery of micro finance services. The developmental role envisaged in the Micro finance Bill for this institution will further strengthen its role as service provider. Combining the role of ser...
The paper has argued that to expand coverage of micro-pensions, social entrepreneurship (along with social responsibility) will be needed by the financial sector, including the MFIs, insurance companies and mutual funds. Such entrepreneurship should aim to drastically reduce overall transaction costs, including fund management costs. The micro-pens...