Satmoko YudoBadan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
Satmoko Yudo
Master of Engineering
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Publications (59)
Every year the construction of housing, shops and other buildings on the rise. This change will cause a reduction in the open so as to give effect to the reduced natural absorption zone. An example is if it rains the rain water will quickly turn into runoff. One way to absorb rain water into the soil, through the construction of artificial recharge...
The Serayu River is a national strategic river that provides essential water to local water companies, industrial operations, agriculture, and household irrigation in the surrounding community. The Serayu River’s condition is currently deteriorating due to erosion and pollution. The primary goal of this investigation is to quantify the Serayu River...
The potential for domestic wastewater will also increase as Indonesia’s population grows. Domestic wastewater contains organic and inorganic contaminants and pathogenic microorganisms, which are dangerous to public health. Therefore, strategies need to be taken to overcome the pollution problem caused by domestic wastewater. The anaerobic-aerobic b...
Aplikasi web sistem informasi online monitoring kualitas air limbah industri tekstil adalah sebuah aplikasi yang bertujuan untuk membangun sebuah sistem database dan perangkat lunak untuk pengelolaan data pemantauan kontinyu, online dan realtime kualitas air limbah industri tekstil. Aplikasi ini terinstal pada web server yang terhubung internet dan...
Kebisingan lingkungan yang berlebihan dan terjadi terus menerus dapat berdampak buruk bagi kesehatan manusia. Paparan intensitas bunyi yang berlebihan dalam jangka waktu lama dapat menyebabkan gangguan fisiologi, keseimbangan, psikologi, sampai dengan tuli akut pada telingga yang menjadi penyakit tidak menular manusia / penyakit akibat kerja. Untuk...
Currently, the decline in the quality of river and lake water continues, for this reason, activities to control pollution and improve river and lake water quality are required. One effort to prevent this problem is to implement online water quality monitoring technology continuously and in real time. The information generated from the water quality...
The Indonesian government has decided to move the State Capital (IKN) from DKI Jakarta to East Kalimantan Province. One of IKN’s visions is to build a smart, modern city that meets international standards. This paper examines the concept of smart city and smart water management (SWM) that will be applied to the new IKNs to build an integrated, soph...
Monitoring atmospheric gaseous pollutants in urban areas is increasingly essential to anticipate poor urban air quality and the increasing number of acute respiratory infections caused by air pollution. Usually, the monitoring of air pollution is conducted by the government and scientists by using accurate and expensive instruments. However, this i...
Local wisdom is frequently used by communities in managing their coastal resources without a precise measure of sustainability. As a result, the government must develop a standard for determining the wisdom of these practices. This study aimed to create such a standard, followed by a trial to evaluate management practices in Pangandaran coastal tou...
Abstract.Research on the removal of ammonia in raw water taken from the Surabaya river has been carried out. The study was conducted by operating a biofilter pilot plant consistingof lamella type-sedimentation tanks and biofilter reactors filled with honeycombtype-plastic media. The results of the study showed that the biofilter process which consi...
Research on the removal of ammonia in raw water taken from the Surabaya river has been carried out. The study was conducted by operating a biofilter pilot plant consisting of lamella type-sedimentation tanks and biofilter reactors filled with honeycomb type-plastic media. The results of the study showed that the biofilter process which consists of...
Taman Kota Drinking Water Treatment Plant is Palyja's drinking water treatment plant located in West Jakarta, which processes raw water from Cengkareng Drain. The Processing capacity of IPAM is 150 liters per second. Taman Kota Drinking Water Treatment Plant has a vital meaning of meeting the supply of drinking water in the West Jakarta area. In 20...
Pulau Obi memiliki potensi sumberdaya alam sektor pertambangan yang cukup banyak. Aktivitas penambangan nikel di Pulau Obi dilakukan dengan cara pengupasan tanah menimbulkan berbagai dampak terhadap kualitas lingkungan. Salah satu dampaknya yang dikhawatirkan adalah perubahan kualitas airtanah yang berada di sekitar lokasi pertambangan. Air mengali...
Coal mining can have positive and negative impacts on the environment. The positive effects include providing new employment opportunities and increasing regional income as well as foreign exchange. In comparison, negative consequences could be the changes in the environment's quality and sustainability, caused by the formation of ex-mining pits an...
Pada tahun 2030 Pemerintah Indonesia menargetkan bahwa 100 % dari penduduk di Indonesia sudah dapat dengan mudah mengakses air minum yang layak bagi masyarakat, sehubungan dengan cita-cita tersebut maka di Yayasan Syubabanul Yaum di desa Tenajar Kertasemaya Indramayu Jawa Barat lewat Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) menerapkan sebuah...
Sejalan dengan pertumbuhan penduduk yang sangat pesat dan meningkatnya pencemaran air tanah maupun air permukaan, serta distribusi sumber air untuk konsumsi pemakaian air yang tidak merata telah menyebabkan ketidak-seimbangan antara pasokan dan kebutuhan akan air. Oleh karena itu, menjadi perhatian yang penting dalam melakukan upaya-upaya dalam hal...
Penurunan kualitas air di Sungai Citarum, Sungai Way Sekampung, Sungai Asahan dan Danau Toba terjadi karena perkembangan permukiman dan aktifitas penduduk di sekitarnya. Untuk meningkatkan kinerja kegiatan pengendalian pencemaran melalui pemantauan kualitas air sungai dan danau diperlukan dukungan teknologi telemetri online monitoring kualitas air...
Sampai dengan periode Januari 2016, kebutuhan air bersih nasional yang memenuhi sasaran Millenium Development Goals (mdgs), hanya 67% dari jumlah penduduk di Indonesia yang dapat mengakses air minum yang layak. Menyediakan air minum memiliki arti yang sangat penting dan strategis bagi masyarakat indonesia terutama yang bermukim di wilayah dimana ti...
Sejak tahun 2000 an industri pertambangan batubara khususnya di Kalimantan semakin marak, hal ini membawa dampak yang sangat merugikan bagi lingkungan. Kini ribuan lubang bekas tambang dibiarkan tanpa pengelolaan dan tidak dimanfaatkan oleh penduduk sekitarnya. Lubang bekas penambangan yang ditinggalkan pada akhir kegiatan tambang tanpa adanya pere...
Kabupaten Trenggalek, Provinsi Jawa Timur merupakan daerah yamg memiliki potensi kekayaan tambang yang tersebar di beberapa lokasi yang belum dikembangkan secara optimal. Menurut data Dinas Koperasi, Industri, Perdagangan, Pertambangan dan Energi Kabupaten Trenggalek menunjukkan bahwa daerah di Kecamatan Gandusari mempunyai potensi tambang mangan s...
The need for clean water consumption continues to increase in line with the current population and industry growth. The canned industry is one of the industries that consume a considerable amount of water for the production process, while the availability of clean water sources is very limited, both in quantity and quality. One alternative solution...
Abstrak Kebutuhan penduduk akan air bersih terutama untuk minum dan masak sangat tinggi, ini sejalan dengan pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk di perkotaan. Permasalahan yang ada saat ini adalah kondisi kualitas dan kuantitas air bersih sangatlah terbatas. Salah satu pemenuhan kebutuhan akan air minum penduduk perkotaan adalah dengan mengkonsumsi air mi...
The disposal of domestic and industrial waste to Surabaya river continues to increase, resulting in worse physical condition and severe pollution. The existence of Surabaya river is very important for the sustainability of the economy and the survival of society, industry, and commerce around the riverbank. In addition, Surabaya River becomes the r...
Masalah pencemaran lingkungan di kota-kota besar menunjukkan gejala yang cukup serius khususnya pencemaran air. Penyebab pencemaran tersebut tidak hanya akibat air limbah industri tetapi hal ini juga air limbah rumah tangga/permukiman (domestik) yang semakin hari makin besar sesuai perkembangan penduduk. Upaya-upaya pemerintah dalam menanggulangi p...
Pertumbuhan jumlah industri dan perkantoran yang pesat saat ini mengakibatkan kebutuhan dan pemakaian air yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya. Pemerintah pun berupaya sekuat tenaga untuk mengurangi konsumsi air di lingkungan gedung dan perkantoran pemerintahan, salah satunya dengan mengeluarkan Instruksi Presiden (Inpres) Nomor 13 Tahun 2011. Inst...
Sungai Ciliwung merupakan sungai yang mengalir melalui tengah kota Jakarta dan melintasi banyak perumahan dan perkampungan padat. Hal ini menyebabkan kondisi sungai Ciliwung menjadi tercemar berat baik dari limbah cair maupun limbah padat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas air dan beban pencemaran air yang ada di sungai Ci...
Jakarta city has 13 rivers one of which is Ciliwung river. It flows across the city amid a lot of dense housing, slums and villages. As a result the river is experiencing the most severe pollution compared to other rivers that flow in Jakarta. To find out how much pollution in the Ciliwung river, this paper will discuss several pollutant parameters...
Sidoardjo mudflow has been occuring since 2006. This disaster is the first incident in Indonesia which has such a broad impact, like the settlements, fields, roads and other buildings submerged, resulting in enormous losses. Besides damaging the existing infrastructure in the area, the mud flow is also causing environmental damage, particularly con...
Population growth in the Jakarta city that continues to rise each year, this has resulted in environmental pollution, especially pollution of the Ciliwung river continues to grow. Nowadays various attempts have been made in terms of prevention of pollution of the river Ciliwung. One of the efforts to control pollution in the river Ciliwung is monit...
The number of industry in Indonesia continues to increase along with the increase in population. The increase in the construction industry will have a positive impact as increasing social and economic life of society. However, the negative impact is the increasing environmental pollution such as air pollution, water pollution and soil. One of the c...
Kabupaten of Anambas Island consists of small islands with a catchment area is minimal; therefore the availability of clean water for public water needs cannot be available at certain seasons. Water problems in Anambas especially in spring sources is a decrease in discharge of springs (water crisis) as well as damage to the Watershed (DAS). Only in...
Cipinang River is one of the thirteen (13) rivers flowing in Jakarta. In the area along the river, there are a variety of activities such as industrial activities, residential, shopping malls and hospitals. These activities each day issued wastewater into the river, so that the physical condition of the river is getting worse. To find out how much...
Coastal region is very potential area for developing in sectors of fish, low and middle business from domestic industrial such as: food and husbandary food, fish net and shipping, services, trasnportation and travel. Concerning to high conomical potency in this coastal area is expected to be supporting area for central activities. For this supporti...
In order to support the Government Regulation Number 42 of 2008 on the sustainable management of water resources, it is one of the responsibilities of government and the local government to carry out the management of water resources information system. Kabupaten Pandeglang is one area in Indonesia with the availability of water resources is quite...
The Law of Information and Electronics Transaction, the Law of Public Information Transparency, the Law of Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, and the Law of Public Services is a part of the legal system related to information and public services. These four laws should be scrutinized in terms of technology application. To create prime services...
Primary water source of people in fisherman area in Kabupaten Pasir, Kalimantan Timur for daily water need generally is from surface water or deep well. Surface water is affected by water tide of sea water, so that almost all the time in a year the water quality is salty or brakish. Beside high salt concentration, deep well quality is also worst. T...
Muncar area is a regional fish producer. There, we can find big and small scale fish processing industries and even home industries. Those industry produce on the average 1,300 ton/day processed fish. Production activities caused environmental pollution, especially air, water and soil pollution. Source of this pollution are from transportation move...
Nowadays raw water resources for drinking water are less and less available, especially in Jakarta. For example, the condition of most rivers in Jakarta is extremely polluted by wastewaters, such as domestic and industrial wastewater. Some of industrial wastewater straightly discharged into the rivers are classified as toxic and hazardous wastewate...
River is a place where people do their cleaning activities and one of drinking water source and also where we could find fish. But nowadays river condition in Jakarta area are seriously polluted. The reasons of water pollution are not only domestic waste but also from industrial waste, factories take out their waste to the river without proccessing...
The increasing variety of industrial activities in Indonesia resulted in ground water reserves in some areas experiencing drought. Exploitation of ground water by industry and the community in some big cities like Jakarta, resulting in the decrease of ground water and ground water quality reduced caused sea water instrusion. While the potential of...
In global industrial era, more than 70% industrial growth especially in Java will centrally around urban region. This matter can increase the environmental pollution as long as the progress of industry and technology development. Central and regional governments have continued to cope with the environmental pollution problem, although many environm...
Fish processing industries in Muncar-Banyuwangi have increased the welfare of the people there and made this area known as the major fish producer in Indonesia. More than 50% of its production has been exported to many countries and the rest has fulfilled domestic need. Although fish processing industry has developed quickly, its industrial polluti...
According to the result of the World Bank study, from 121 drinking water management projects in rural area, only 20 (16,6%) are very effective projects. A lot of drinking water management in developing country, including Indonesia is not running well. One of the reasons of this problem is that community did not take part in developing and managing...
Fast growing development at big cities such as Jakarta usually cause surface hydrology problems, which is indicated by many surface detention and local floods during rainy season. These problems were raised because of the increasing of runoff coefficient of sub catchment areas and limited capacity of existing drainages. Analysis have made on draina...
Areas of Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang and Bekasi (Greater Jakarta) is an area with high rainfall (2250 -2500 mm/year). The rain that falls in this region often cause flooding problems in the area of rice fields, settlements and even in downtown. Rain is a gift from God to be utilized to the maximum extent possible for everyday purposes. Rain Water Har...
More than 90 % of Jakarta livestock supply, especially poultry, originated from outside the area. Meanwhile temporary places and slaughterhouse are spread out in some locations in Jakarta area, even most of them located in residences area. Almost all wastewater are not processed but straightly discharged to the sewer or river around the house. Thes...
Ciliwung River flows through the city center and passes through the village, dense housing and slums. So that the river is experiencing the most severe pollution mainly household waste water and industrial pollution compared with other rivers that flow in Jakarta. One of the efforts to control pollution of the river is by monitoring the water quali...
Abstrak Masalah pencemaran lingkungan di kota-kota besar menunjukkan gejala yang cukup serius khususnya pencemaran air. Penyebab pencemaran tersebut tidak hanya akibat air limbah industri tetapi hal ini juga air limbah rumah tangga/permukiman (domestik) yang semakin hari makin besar sesuai perkembangan penduduk. Upaya-upaya pemerintah dalam menangg...
Sungai Ciliwung, Sungai Cisadane, Sungai Serayu dan Sungai Bengawan Solo adalah beberapa badan sungai yang di Pulau Jawa yang melewati beberapa kota besar yang bermuara menuju laut Jawa. Keempat sungai tersebut sebagai sungai utama / induk dari Daerah Aliran Sungai / DAS-nya masing-masing di Pulau Jawa telah mengalami perubahan kualitas lingkungan...
Sungai Ciliwung dan Sungai Citarum adalah salah satu dari beberapa badan sungai yang melewati wilayah administratif Provinsi DKI Jakarta dan Provinsi Jawa Barat yang bermuara menuju laut Jawa. Ciliwung sebagai sungai induk Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Ciliwung dan Citarum sebagai sungai induk DAS Citarum ini, telah mengalami perubahan kualitas lingku...
Sungai Ciliwung adalah salah satu dari 13 badan sungai yang melewati wilayah administratif Provinsi DKI Jakarta yang bermuara di Banjir Kanal Barat (BKB) menuju laut Jawa. Sungai induk Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Ciliwung ini, telah mengalami perubahan kualitas lingkungan yang semakin memburuk seiring dengan perkembangan permukiman penduduk di wilay...
Pencemaran air yang terjadi di kota-kota besar di Indonesia merupakan salah satu penyebab menurunnya kualitas dan jumlah ketersediaan air bersih yang ada. Berbagai peraturan yang berkaitan dengan pengendalian pencemaran kualitas lingkungan telah banyak dibuat, dan kegiatan pemantauan juga telah rutin dilakukan oleh instansi terkait. Kegiatan multis...
Karang Anyar Flat was built about 30 years ago to provide public cheap and proper housings located in the center of the town. But rightnow condition of the flat is not comfortable anymore, especially the problem on domstic waste treatment instalation. It doesn’t running well; it brings bad smell and most of the pipes broke down. It need a plan to r...
Bureaucracy reform of public service delivery requires a fast prime, precisely, accurate, and affordable. Some of the important elements of public service delivery, among others, providing guidance services, service standards, service standards at least, one of the doors and a roof, transparency, and accountability. Information on water technology...
Water pollution in Jakarta area, especially river and shallow groundwater, had become a very serious problem. Pollution problem caused by small industrial activities had not been got attetion. Some activities, which often cause water pollution problem, were wastewater from electroplating small industry. This wastewater was one of the most potential...
The catchment area "Citarum" has been being in a very critical condition relating to extremely environmental problems. River water pollution in this catchment is obviously caused by industrial and domestic waste water. Nowadays the pollution load is already too high and the BOD, COD contents exceed the WHO standard. The activity evaluating groundwa...