Satish Patel

Satish Patel
Gujarat Vidyapith · Centre for Studies in Rural Management

M.Sc(Ele), M.Sc(CS),M.Phil, Ph.D
Faculty, Centre for studies in Rural Management, Gujarat Vidyapith - Ashram Road, Ahmedabad,Gujarat, India


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Satish Patel currently works at the Centre for studies in Rural Management, Gujarat Vidyapith - Randheja, Gandhinagar. His interest in 'ICT for Development'.
Additional affiliations
June 1997 - June 2010
Gujarat Vidyapith
  • Senior Technical Assistant
June 2010 - July 2024
Gujarat Vidyapith
  • Professor (Assistant)
September 2003 - September 2007
Gujarat Vidyapith
Field of study
  • IT Management
September 2002 - June 2003
June 2000 - June 2002
Gujarat Vidyapith
Field of study
  • Computer


Publications (100)
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Keywords Rural Management In present era the integration of technological aspect with socioeconomic platform is necessary for sustainable development. Now a day the information communication technology is the central part of development process. It assists the common man to solve their various types of problems. It contributes to strengthen of prod...
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In present era the integration of technological aspect with socio-economic platform is necessary for sustainable development. Now a day the information communication technology is the central part of development process. It assists the common man to solve their various types of problems. It contributes to strengthen of productivity of the people in...
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Digital Economy refers to an economy that is based on digital technologies. The growth, integration and sophistication of information technology and communications is changing our society and economy. Digital technology in the form of the Personal Computer and the Internet has already transformed work, education, government, entertainment, generati...
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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) holds immense potential to transform rural development by bridging the digital divide and fostering inclusive growth. This paper explores how ICT can revolutionize various aspects of rural life, including education, healthcare, agriculture, and financial services. The adoption of ICT in rural areas can...
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The "Digital India Initiative," launched in 2015, represents a transformative effort by the Indian government to establish a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. This initiative seeks to address various socio-economic challenges through technology, aiming to enhance digital infrastructure, connectivity, and literacy. This paper explor...
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Blockchain technology, widely known for its association with cryptocurrencies, offers far-reaching applications that can significantly contribute to sustainable development. This paper explores the potential of blockchain to drive progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations. By enhancing transparency,...
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The contributions of GSCARD Bank to the development of agriculture in Gujarat have been remarkable. The study focused on problems of borrowers regarding credit facilities of GSCARD Bank and the causes of defaults in repayment of loans. The study also focused on socio-economic status of the borrowers of GSCARD Bank, after availing agriculture financ...
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The Gujarat State Cooperative Agriculture & Rural Development Bank Ltd. (GSCARDB), known as Kheti Bank is a Long Term Rural Cooperative Credit Structure functioning as Unitary Structure which operates with state level head office, 17 district offices and 176 branches at Taluka headquarters covering whole Gujarat State. The contributions of GSCARD B...
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કૃષિ ક્ષેત્ર એ ભારતીય અર્થતંત્રનો કેન્દ્રિય સ્તંભ છે, જે દેશના 60 ટકા લોકોને રોજગારી અને જીડીપીમાં લગભગ 17 ટકા યોગદાન આપે છે. જોકે, ઉત્પાદકતા એક પડકાર છે અને ગ્રામીણ વિસ્તારોમાં ગરીબી અને કુપોષણ વધુ છે. કૃષિ વિકાસનું અર્થશાસ્ત્ર વિકાસશીલ દેશોમાં ગરીબી, વસ્તી વૃદ્ધિ અને કુપોષણના કારણો, ગંભીરતા અને અસરોની તપાસ કરે છે. કૃષિ વિકાસ એ અતિશય ગરીબીનો અંત લ...
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is study provides a comprehensive exploration of the Indian perspective on the intricate relationship between Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). India, with its dynamic economy, burgeoning tech industry, and evolving digital infrastructure, serves as an exemplary case study in the context of the glob...
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Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with its 17 numbers focuses on Poverty and hunger elimination through climate friendly livelihood e orts. So we can save life on land and in water for better living of human being and survival of nature. It assures continuity in development e orts and results as Sarvodaya. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) that app...
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The digitalization of rural areas is being propelled by transformative advancements in domains such as electronic payments, digital literacy, financial inclusion, geographic mapping, and rural development. An expedited strategy for digital transformation could serve as a potent solution to tackle the enduring challenges in this context. India is ex...
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"IoT and Rural Development: Bridging the Divide for a Sustainable Tomorrow" The Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a transformative force with the potential to reshape the landscape of rural development. The entirety of operations within this system is underpinned by Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), although there is still con...
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આબોહવા પરિવર્તનની MSME ઉદ્યોગોના વિકાસ પર અસરો, ભવિષ્યના પડકારો અને તેમાં રહેલી વ્યવસાયિક તકોને તપાસવી. પ્રત્યક્ષ અને પરોક્ષ રીતે આબોહવા પરિવર્તનની MSME ઉદ્યોગોના વિકાસ પર અસર પડે છે, પરંતુ સતર્કતા અને અનૂકુલન દ્રારા આ પડકારરૂપ બાબતોને વ્યવસાયિક તકમાં બદલવાની સંભાવના રહેલી છે.
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Agriculture that focuses on producing long-term crops and livestock with little impact on the environment is known as sustainable agriculture. Sustainable agriculture is the practice of farming in a way that doesn't risk the ability of present or future generations to satisfy their own requirements in terms of food and textile production. Understan...
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Gandhiji was one of the biggest actors who have contributed towards the field of rural development; his experiments as well as economic thoughts have always been the source of inspiration. Gandhiji has well said that India lives in its villages therefore to develop India it is essential to develop villages of India. In present time Gram Utthan is p...
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Systems Analysis and Design (SAD) is a fascinating, dynamic discipline where analysts are always learning new methods and strategies to create systems that are more productively and effectively. This book captures the dynamic aspects of the field by keeping students focused on doing SAD while presenting the core set of skills that we feel every sys...
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Gandhiji said, "Cities are getting bigger by exploitation the blood of the villages". so the big cities are developing at the expense of the villages and big business companies are responsible for development is also important to remove the problem of poverty and unemployment and leads the nation on the track of development we can't even imagine th...
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Computer Awareness book for competitive and as per college curriculum. 288 A4 size pages. Book contain 22 chapters, 8 Appendix, oneliner, MCQ and keyword (6500+). As per computer Awareness curriculum of oxford's university.
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We have conducted academic research on ERP modules use in milk cooperatives. Our study was oriented around milk cooperatives and cattle farmers. Objective of study was to understand how ICT base ERP system can improve coordination between coordination between milk cooperative and cattle farmers and to propose ICT based ERP model. We have conducted...
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વિશ્વ પરંપરાગત તમામ સેવા વિતરણ પ્રણાલીને માહિતી સંચાર ટેકનોલોજી આધારિત સેવા વિતરણ પ્રણાલીમાં પરિવર્તન કરવાના તબક્કામાંથી પસાર થઈ રહ્યું છે, જે ઓછી કિંમતે સેવાઓને વઘુ કાર્યક્ષમ અને અસરકારક રીતે સુનિશ્ચિત કરે છે. ઇ-ગવર્નન્સ થકી હેલ્થ કેર સેવાઓ સામાન્ય માનવજાત ને કઇ રીતે ઉ૫યોગી બની શકે તેમ છે, તે રજુ કરવાનો પ્રયાસ કરવામાં આવ્યો છે. ઇ-હેલ્થ કેર સેવાઓ એ...
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In the present study, an attempt is made to understand the importance of Krushi Vigyan Kendra in the development of farmers. By the present study, it is found that even today there are large numbers of farmers who are uneducated and less literate. Even then they have adopted new technologies in farming but there are some points which they have not...
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In human resource management, there is a need to focus on employee training, skills development, recruitment process as well as reduction of employee turnover as well as a change in mental attitude towards human resources. Thus, enhancing modern and systematic management in the management of the industry.
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Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him. Will he gain anything by it? Will it restore him to control his own life and density? In other words, will it to SWARAJ for the hungry and spiritually starving millions?"-Mahatma Gandhi
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कोविड 19 के प्रभावों के बेहतर प्रबंधन में गांधीजी के ग्राम स्वराज व स्वदेशी भावना के चिंतन की प्रासंगिकता
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In India ,more than 70% population lives in rural areas and for them agriculture, animal husbandry and handicrafts are main source of their livelihood.
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We have conducted academic research on ERP modules use in milk cooperatives. Our study was oriented around milk cooperatives and cattle farmers. Objective of study was to understand how ICT base ERP system can improve coordination between milk cooperative and cattle farmers. Based on study we have proposed ICT base ERP modules. We have conducted ou...
Conference Paper
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આબોહવા પરિવર્તનની MSME ઉદ્યોગોના વિકાસ પર અસરો, ભવિષ્યના પડકારો અને તેમાં રહેલી વ્યવસાયિક તકોને તપાસવી. પ્રત્યક્ષ અને પરોક્ષ રીતે આબોહવા પરિવર્તનની MSME ઉદ્યોગોના વિકાસ પર અસર પડે છે, પરંતુ સતર્કતા અને અનૂકુલન દ્રારા આ પડકારરૂપ બાબતોને વ્યવસાયિક તકમાં બદલવાની સંભાવના રહેલી છે.
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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to give an of current senario MSME in india and Analys Strenth, Weakness, Opportunities and Threat of MSME. Study Domain: The area of study area is the MSME units operating in India. Finding: The contribution of MSME sector to employment, investment and GDP in the country is constantly increasing. Some of the w...
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In India ,more than 70% population lives in rural areas and for them agriculture, animal husbandry and handicrafts are main source of their livelihood. Art & Crafts are integral part of any culture. It creates cultural identity of the people who lives in that region. Traditional arts & crafts has been vanished in the developed countries. Luckily Ar...
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Gujarat Vidyapith was established in 1920 with the dual objective of liberating the nation as well as reconstruction of villages. Soon after its establishment and atmosphere of disappointment was felt as the courses offered by Vidyapith on the international standard where not compatible with the Gandhian ideology. The threat of closer of the instit...
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India is the only country in the world with largest and most diverse crafts and over 200 million people are associated with the crafts sector in the country. Handicrafts are unique art and language of local community, which represent their original culture, tradition, and heritage. The handicrafts of India are rich in history, culture, and religion...
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Agriculture sector is that the main financial gain supply for Indian rural economy. in step with "Indian whole equity foundation" 58% of Indian population depends on agriculture sector for his or her livelihood. within step with Central Statistics workplace (CSO), agriculture and its allied industries including livestock, Agriculture, Fishery, and...
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The MSME sector has evolved into a vibrant and active section of the Indian economy during the last five decades. It makes a substantial contribution to the country's economic and social growth by encouraging entrepreneurship and creating enormous employment prospects at a low capital cost, second only to agriculture. It is clear from the opinion o...
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In order to manage whole organization, improve milk quality and increase milk production, the cooperatives have to adopt technology enabled ERP.
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Though India’s milk production has increased significantly, yet it is not able to export the products because of the poor quality. Thus, it requires to take steps to improve the governance of milk cooperatives, increase transparency and restore farmers’ confidence by adopting latest technologies.
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Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been recognized as a facilitator for globalization and is turning into a global village. UN International Year of Cooperatives (2012) emphasizing the involvement of cooperatives make to poverty reduction, employment generation and social integration-reconstruction. Cooperative societies in India pl...
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Objective and Theoritical book prepaired on computer for competative exam in Gujarati. Third edition 2019 with improve content. Latest Book Release jan @ 2019..... " સૈદ્ધાંતિક અને હેતુલક્ષી : કમ્પ્યૂટર" 200/= 1. તમામ સ્પર્ઘાત્મક ૫રીક્ષા અને પેટર્ન આધારિત 2. શાળા-કોલેજના ''કમ્પ્યૂટર અવરનેસ'' અભ્યાસક્રમ આઘારિત 3.રાજય સરકારની CCC ૫રીક્ષાના અદ્યતન...
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Computer book for Competative exam. અનુક્રમણિકા (Index)  ટાઇમલાઇન / ઇનોવેશન ( Timeline / Innovation) 1 કમ્પ્યૂટર પરિચય (Introduction to Computer) 2 કમ્પ્યૂટર સંચાલન (Computer Organisation) 3 નંબર સિસ્ટમ (Number System) 4 ઇનપુટ-આઉટપૂટ ડિવાઈસ (Input Output Device) 5 મૅમરી અને સ્ટોરેજ ડિવાઈસ (Memory Storage Devices) 6 કમ્પ્યૂટર સૉફટવેર (Compu...
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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to give an explanation of the 'Kaizen' concept by literature review and to check its prudence in the small industry. It has been studied on selected units in the field.
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India is one of the highest milk producing country in the world. India has largest population of bovines. In India milk cooperative sector is well penetrated and well established then also India is facing deficiency of milk. India is net milk importer. Main reason behind this is milk cooperative and cattle farms are operating at very low efficiency...
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Unemployment and Urbanization are two major burning issues in India. Rural people migrate to the urban in search of livelihood. Due to massive migration people suffers lot of problems like Over population, pollution, Health Problems, Cleanliness & hygiene, Traffic problems, Water scarcity , slums etc. “ Kaarigar clinic” is a Rural Business Clinic,...
Conference Paper
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ભારત 1.37 અબજથી વધુ લોકો સાથેનો બીજા ક્રમનો સૌથી વધુ વસ્તી ધરાવતો અને વિશ્વની સૌથી વધુ વસ્તી ધરાવતો લોકશાહી દેશ છે. ભારત અસંખ્ય લોકો, ભાષાઓ, પરંપરાઓ અને વિપુલ પ્રમાણમાં સમૃદ્ધ સાંસ્કૃતિક વારસો ધરાવે છે. ભારત કૃષિ પ્રધાન દેશ હોવાથી દેશના સર્વાંગી વિકાસનો આધાર ખેતી ક્ષેત્રના વિકાસ ઉપર નિર્ધારિત છે, તે સ્પષ્ટ બાબત છે. ખેતી અને પાણી એકબીજા સાથે સંકળાયે...
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In this research paper we have discussed the implication of disruptive ICT base ERP in dairy industry. We have tried to study the integration of disruptive ICT (Information and Communication Technology) with traditional ERP system for the betterment of milk cooperatives and cattle farms. We have explored these by analyzing successful village level...
Conference Paper
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3E’s of Education: Enabled, Engaged and Empowered - How Today’s researchers are Leveraging Emerging Technologies for Learning. [1] Information Communication Technology (ICT) is a wide-reaching popular terminology in the current time. It has global domination in development scenario especially to enrich or strengthen the resource use and uplift the...
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ભૌગોલિક માહિતી પઘ્ઘતિ (જીઆઇએસ) કે જે તમામ હાર્ડવેર, સોફ્ટવેર અને માહિતીને એકઠી કરવી, મેળવવી, વ્યવસ્થા કરવી, વિશ્લેષીત કરવી અને ભૌગોલિક સંદર્ભમાં માહિતીનું નિરૂ૫ણ કરી દર્શાવવું તે છે. ભૌગોલિક માહિતી પઘ્ઘતિ ભૂતકાળ અને વર્તમાન સમયમાં થયેલ ભૌગોલિક પ્રદેશોના ફેરફારોને દર્શાવવા, સંગ્રહ કરવા અને માહિતીનું વિશ્લેષણ કરી શકે છે. જીઆઇએસને મૂળ પર્યાવરણ, વિજ્ઞા...
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વર્તમાન સમયમાં આર્થિક કેન્દ્રીકરણ વધારે જોર પકડી રહ્યું છે. ત્યારે તેને અટકાવવા માટે MSME આર્થિક વિકેન્દ્રીકારણમાં મહત્વની ભૂમિકા ભજવી શકે તે માટે MSME એકમોમાં રહેલી ત્રુટીઓને તેના પર અભ્યાસ કરીને નિવારવા માટે SWOT વિશ્લેષણ દ્રારા નાનામાં નાની ખામી અને નાનામાં નાની વિશેષતાને સરળતાથી બહાર લાવી શકાય છે અને તેના વિકાસને વધારે ગતિમાન બનાવી શકાય.આ ઉપરાં...
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1. ડેડિયાપાડા તાલુકાના આદિવાસી ખેડૂતોની ખેતી ૫દ્ધતિમાં આધુનિક બાબતો અને ટેકનોલૉજીકલ અભિગમ 2. ડેડિયાપાડા તાલુકાના આદિવાસી ખેડૂતોના ખેતી અંગેના અભિપ્રાયો આદિવાસી ખેડૂતોમાં માહિતી અને મીડિયાની ભૂમિકા અને અભિગમ 3. ખેતીનો વૈજ્ઞાનિક અભિગમ
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India is undoubtedly the largest milk producing country of world. India has highest population of cow and buffalo. Since Indian independence dairy industry is showing steady and robust growth rate of 3 percent. Sector has seen huge improvement in supply chain and milk processing facilities. Despite of robust growth, cattle farms has not adopted mod...
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બાળકો કોઈપણ સમાજની મૂડી-ધન છે, જે આવતી કાલના સારા ભવિષ્યની ધરોહર છે. આ બાળકોનુ શારિરીક અને માનસિક શોષણ એ આપણા માનવ સમાજ માટે ઘણો ચિંતાજનક સવાલ છે. આ બાળકોજ માનવ જીવનને આગળ લઈ જવાના છે, ત્યારે આપણે બાળકોના શારિરીક અને માનસિક શોષણ સામે વાલીઓ ને જાગૃત તથા રાજ્ય અને કેન્દ્ર સરકારને સજાગ કરવા માટે અવાજ ઉઠાવવોજ પડશે, અને જરૂર પડે બાળસુરક્ષા માટેની હેલ્પલ...
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વર્ષો પહેલા વસ્તુની આદાન પ્રદાન કરીને ધંધાઓ અને તેના વ્યવહારો થતા હતા અને પછી તેમાંથી તેઓ માટી, ધાતુ, પેપર અને નાણા સુધી પહોચ્યા. નાણાને ઘરમાં સાચવતા અથવા અન્ય લોકો ને થાપણો આપતા થયા. આ નાણાંથી ખરીદી અને વેચાણની સેવાઓ પણ મળવા લાગી ત્યાર બાદ લોકો એક બીજા પાસેથી ઉછીના નાણા લેવાનું શરું કર્યું અને નાણાની સામે સોનું ચાંદી ઘર ગીરવે મુકીને નાણા લેવાનું શ...
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Basics of ICT and its relevance to the rural development Digital India and inatiative. Rural ICT Model. Rural Projects.
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Geographic Information - We need geographic information to identify features, people or any natural phenomenon on the surface of the earth. At a basic level geographic data comprises location and descriptive or attribute information. This approach has become a powerful tool in understanding, analyzing and managing the world we live in and opened th...
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This books includes 16 chapters which cover Fundamental concept of Computer Networks. Chapter 1 includes the concept, type and utility of computer network. Chapter 2 network types, characteristics and formation of Local Area Network has been discussed. Chapter 3 Basic and hybrid types of computer Network topology and types of other topologies are i...
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મહિલાઓ ખાસ કરીને અસંગઠિત ક્ષેત્રમાં રોકાયેલી છે.મહિલાઓ એવા કાર્યોમાં રોકાયેલ છે જેનું કોઈ આર્થિક વળતર તેઓને મળતું નથી પરંતુ આ કર્યો ખુબ જ મહત્વના છે,આ ઉપરાંત પારિવારિક અને સામાજિક નિર્ણયોમાં પણ મહિલાઓની ઓછી ભાગીદારી જોવા મળે છે. સ્વ સહાય જુથોના માધ્યમથી ગ્રામીણ મહિલાઓનો સામાજિક આર્થિક વિકાસ થયો છે .જુથમાં જોડાયેલ મહિલાઓમાં આત્મવિશ્વાસમાં વધારો થયેલ...
Conference Paper
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A programme to transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy.
Conference Paper
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Information and communication technology is far from ceasing the state of rapid change. New opportunities arising from ongoing technological developments need to be transformed into products and solutions for the satisfaction of continuously more sophisticated customer requirements-not least in the area of business services. Simultaneously, ICT pro...
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આ પુસ્તકમાં નેટવર્કની સ્થા૫નાના બેઝીક મોડલ થી લઇને એડવાન્સ મોડલની રચના અને તેના માટેના ઘારા ઘોરણોની સવિસ્તાર આકૃત્તિ સહિત રજુઆત કરેલ છે. નેટવર્ક સ્થા૫નાની સૌથી પ્રચલિત ઇથરનેટ ટેકનોલોજી ના ૧૦ એમબીપીએસ થી ૧૦ જીબીબીપીએસ ની ઝડ૫ને સહાય કરતી ટેકનોલોજીનો સમાવેશ અહી કરવામાં આવેલ છે. પુસ્તક નેટવકના અભ્યાસકર્તા અને તે ક્ષેત્રે કાર્ય કરતા લોકો માટે નેટવર્ક રચ...
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નેટવર્કની સ્થા૫નાના બેઝીક મોડલ થી લઇને એડવાન્સ મોડલની રચના અને તેના માટેના ઘારા ઘોરણોની સવિસ્તાર આકૃત્તિ સહિત રજુઆત કરેલ છે. નેટવર્ક સ્થા૫નાની સૌથી પ્રચલિત ઇથરનેટ ટેકનોલોજી ના ૧૦ એમબીપીએસ થી ૧૦ જીબીબીપીએસ ની ઝડ૫ને સહાય કરતી ટેકનોલોજીનો સમાવેશ અહી કરવામાં આવેલ છે. પ્રકરણ-૧માં પ્રસ્તા્વના, ઈથરનેટનો પ્રાથમિક ખ્યાંલ, ઈતિહાસ અને ઘોરણોનો સમાવેશ કરવામાં...
Conference Paper
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3E’s of Education Enabled, Engaged and Empowered - How Today’s Students are Leveraging Emerging Technologies for Learning. • Enabling students to reach their potential through increased access to educational resources and experts that extend learning beyond the capacities or limitations of their school or community. • Engaging students in rich, com...
Conference Paper
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ICTs generally refer to an expanding assembly of technologies that are used to handle information and aid communication. Gender inequalities are mirrored in the development of access to and use of ICTs. While ICTs can be used as transformative tools that can change power relations between women and men, they can also end up bringing women back...
Conference Paper
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Gujarat Government implements e-Governance as the tool to improve the Accountability, Transparency & Effectiveness in Government administration. Gujarat has been constantly innova&ng, aiming at excellence in governance. The opertune understanding of the importance of technology in e(ec&ve and e)cient delivery of services has enabled the state to ta...
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Knowledge management is essentially about getting the right knowledge to the right person at the right time. This in itself may not seem so complex, but it implies a strong understanding where and in what forms knowledge exists, creating processes that span organizational functions, and ensuring that initiatives are accepted and supported by organi...
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In present era the integration of technological aspect with socio-economic platform is necessary for sustainable development. In India, now a day the information communication technology is the central part of rural development process. It assists the common man to solve their various types of problems. It contributes to strengthen of productivity...
Conference Paper
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In India there are 68% population lives in rural area and 89% dependent on agriculture and relevant sector who have more knowledge on Agriculture and Agriculture equipment. They have also some good technique for living well in rural area. They use their own intelligence in their development. We help them by giving this intelligence to other with th...
Conference Paper
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Information is the key for better administration. With the advent of information technology, it has become possible for the common man to access global information. It is very essential to establish the proper and strong network for sharing the information and services to each village, taluka, district and state. For this, establishment of an intra...


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