Sarantos PsycharisSchool of Pedagogical and Technological Education | ASPETE · Education
Sarantos Psycharis
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Professor in "Education Applications of Computational Sciences"
PhD in Computational Science-Physics
Msc in Information Technology
Skills and Expertise
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September 2000 - November 2002
September 1985 - February 1989
September 1979 - November 1983
Publications (90)
Στη σύγχρονη κοινωνία, η διαχείριση κρίσεων σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο απαιτεί διεπιστημονικές πρακτικές και συνεργασία μεταξύ διαφορετικών ειδικοτήτων. Το γεγονός αυτό οδηγεί τους ερευνητές στην αναζήτηση και διερεύνηση καινοτόμων διεπιστημονικών προσεγγίσεων που συνδέουν τις ανθρωπιστικές επιστήμες με την επιστημολογία STEM. Με την παρούσα μελέτη προσδ...
Virtual reality is a technological development that, among others, has revolutionized Earth sciences. Its advantages include an opportunity to examine places otherwise difficult or impossible to access and it may also become an important component of education, fostering a better understanding of processes and landforms, geohazard awareness, and an...
Recent developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have introduced machine learning and its applications into everyday life. As technology becomes increasingly integrated into the educational system, researchers are focused on developing tools that allow students to interact with machine learning in a way that sparks their curiosity and teaches th...
The goal of our research is to educate students at primary schools in Greece on rapid ongoing natural disasters through the holistic-interdisciplinary science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics (STEAM)-based method. As a learning tool, an integrated program was designed with a variety of actions and activities aiming to experientially e...
This chapter examines, through a literature review, the use of mobile resources and more specifically smartphones, as challenges for teachers to support physics education, with an emphasis on their use as support for the experimental process. The use of smartphones, through the perspective highlighted by relevant research, is related to...
This article presents -as a case study- a training program where the computational interdisciplinary STEAM pedagogy model is applied to prospective teachers. Didactic scenarios related to everyday phenomena were applied, following the STEAM content epistemology. Research aimed to examine the impact of teaching and learning sequences on: 1) students...
In this research, we design an open, easy-to-use robotics platform for education applications, focused on primary education. Our platform is statistically evaluated and is modular, expandable, and scalable in terms of supporting the development of new modules. Our proposed platform, in contrast to other commercial ones, is easy to use, cheap, and m...
Recently, coding and computational thinking are included in every school curriculum. Within the intelligent tutoring systems community for the sensory disabled, adaptive platforms integrating different forms of inclusive context are emerging as an effective medium for individualized learning in various school grades. To date, relatively few empiric...
A first attempt in the construction of a modular, low-cost, various microcontroller-based computer system, with the ability to implement many different educational and industry scenarios. Special care has been taken so the whole lab exercises are team based, motivational, DIY for the most time, keep the audience intrigued so their learning is most...
Οι ραγδαίες εξελίξεις της τεχνολογίας και η ανάπτυξη της τεχνητής νοημοσύνης (AI), έχουν οδηγήσει στη βελτίωση της ζωής του ανθρώπου και έχουν φέρει στο προσκήνιο της καθημερινότητάς του πολλές και ποικίλες εφαρμογές. Τα τελευταία χρόνια το εκπαιδευτικό μας σύστημα όλο και περισσότερο ενσωματώνει την AI στη διδασκαλία, με αποτέλεσμα οι ερευνητές να...
This paper has two aims: (a) is a study and proposition for changes, based in the STEM epistemology, in some lab lessons of the training framework, in Greece (and not only them) and (b) is a first step in the construction of a modular, low-cost, microcontroller- based computer system that can implement a large scenario variety both in education and...
This paper has two aims: (a) is a study and proposition for changes, based in the STEM epistemology, in some lab lessons of the training framework, concerning the Electrical & Electronic and Mechanical Sector of Universities, the Electrical & Electronic and Mechanical Sector of the Vocational High School (EPAL) and the Mechatronics Specialty of the...
Although there is a widely expressed need for the adoption of new didactic approaches that promote the active participation of learners, especially in tertiary-level education, research endeavors in this topic are limited. Seeking to contribute to the limited research activity on the application of innovative educational applications in university...
The present research initiated from the hypothesis that students' misconceptions can be resolved and replaced with new knowledge that is structured and organized through robust hypothetically-driven mental models. The assumption being that when students engage in teaching interventions that include hypothesis building and testing through STEM teach...
In this paper, an open-source, easy-to-use robotics platform for educational applications, focused on primary education is presented. The platform is statistically evaluated, is modular, expandable, and scalable in terms of can be equipped with new modules' development. In contrast to other commercial ones, is affordable to buy (cheap), modular, an...
In this research, we design and test an open, easy-to-use robotics platform for education applications, focused on primary education. Our platform's usage is statistically evaluated and is modular, expandable, and scalable in terms of supporting the development of new modules. Our proposed platform, in contrast to other commercial ones, is easy to...
Abstract In the present study, we tried to identify the obstacles that Primary and Secondary school education teachers face when managing Digital Learning Objects (DLOs) and/or Digital Simulation Tools (DST) in science. One hundred seventy-six teachers from Greece answered the questionnaire. The results showed that the main reason for refusing to w...
Learning to program is a challenging process for children with visual impairment (VI). Despite the development of technology, there are still several social and technical barriers that each learner with VI has to overcome. Indeed, many programming environments use a screen reader, thus, making them inaccessible for students with VI. In this work, w...
Across all levels of education, Natural Sciences is a scientific field that is gaining considerable research interest. However, in recent years a growing interest in the introduction of Science in Preschool Education can be seen among scientists, as they realize that the children’s first experiences will be the cornerstone of the relationship they...
In the present study, we tried to find possible obstacles that Primary and Secondary education teachers face when managing Digital Learning Objects (DLOs) and/or Digital Simulation Tools (DST) in science. One hundred seventy-six teachers from all over Greece answered the questionnaire. The results showed that the main reason for refusing to deal wi...
In recent years, there has been a push for the introduction of coding and computational thinking into childhood. Computational thinking is a major issue in all education systems. Children who develop computational thinking develop new skills that can be applied to a variety of problem-solving situations in almost all areas of their lives. Its impor...
Research studies provide some evidence that computing and education robotics have a positive impact on female students’ engagement in Computational Thinking (CT) practices and their self-efficacy for CT. Other issues raised by research concern the decontextualization of computing education from the actual lives of students which causes problems for...
This article presents a quasi-experiment which, with the use of Arduino and Scratch for Arduino (S4A), attempts to study their effect on self-efficacy and motivation towards Science Education, Computational Thinking (CT) and the views of 5 th Grade students about concepts of electricity. It was conducted on the 5th Grade of a Primary School in Gree...
Teaching and planning of educational activities STEM and ICT
This chapter presents the design and development of an open-source, low-cost robot for K12 students, suitable for use in educational robotics and science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM). The development of DuΒot is a continuation of previous research and robot's innovation is based on three axes: (a) its specifications came from the 1s...
Over the last two decades, discussions, rhetoric, recommendations have proposed numerous suggestions for the integrated STEM approach. Different approaches are based on different “interpretations” of the nature of integration, epistemological approaches and the implementation of didactic models to include engineering design. New aspects like artifi...
The aim of this research is to suggest a didactic approach as to how students comprehend the growth and the activities of the two most well-known Ancient Greek civilizations (i.e. the Mycenaean and the Cycladic). The teaching approach is based on STEM perspective, the use of several digital technologies, as well as several learning theories. Digita...
This chapter presents the design and development of an open-source, low-cost robot for K12 students, suitable for use in educational robotics and science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM). The development of DuΒot is a continuation of previous research and robot’s innovation is based on three axes: (a) its specifications came from the 1s...
In this chapter, the authors present their study on how P12 students apply Computational Thinking (CT) skills when they are assigned simple Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) problems, that they are called upon to solve with the help of Educational Robotics (ER) activities. The reason for this research was the high participation an...
Computational Pedagogy in an instruction approach based on Computational Science and the Computational Experiment as well as on the CPACK model. Computational Science in Education engages students in computational modeling and simulation technology in alignment with the essential features of Inquiry based teaching and learning approach and the Comp...
ICT in Education Sciences: Teaching Scenario Design
Educational technology, robotics and IoT development platforms
Computational thinking is an ability which is considered to be essential for the process of problem solving in every science. The current empirical research aims to study the impact of a STEM content Inquiry based scenario using computational tools and educational games, regarding computational thinking (CT) and confidence for “computers use” of 11...
This article presents a case study in which Computational STEM pedagogy is applied to improve STEM epistemology in pre-service engineering educator students. We report findings of a teaching course for pre-service teachers in a Greek Higher Education Institute. The findings indicate that: (a) students reported gains in their STEM content knowledge,...
The objective of this article is twofold. One objective is the development of models of visualized algorithms (VAs) for three fundamental algorithms, the bubble sort algorithm, the selection sort algorithm and the insertion sort algorithm, using the Easy Java simulations software (Ejs) and the Computational Pedagogy model. The second objective is t...
The objective of this article is twofold. One objective is the development of models of visualized algorithms (VAs) for three fundamental algorithms, the bubble sort algorithm, the selection sort algorithm and the insertion sort algorithm, using the Easy Java simulations software (Ejs) and the Computational Pedagogy model. The second objective is t...
Here we discuss the role of Computational Thinking (CT), Engineering Education Epistemology (EEE) , Computational Science Education (CSE) and the integration of Arts with STEM in education and more generally in learning and teaching approaches and learning objectives. We present arguments from research articles and we propose activities that suppor...
The aim of the present article is to analyze the relation of physical computing with the computational thinking dimensions and the transdisciplinary approach of STEM epistemology in inquiry-based learning environments, when the methodology of the computational experiment is implemented. We argue that computational science and computational experime...
The aim of the present article is to analyze the relation of physical computing with the computational thinking dimensions and the transdisciplinary approach of STEM epistemology in inquiry-based learning environments, when the methodology of the computational experiment is implemented. We argue that computational science and computational experime...
The aim of the present article is to investigate the impact of physical computing on engineering education epistemology when the methodology of the computational science is implemented. We argue that computational experiment can be applied to engineering pedagogy, when physical computing activities are embedded in the curriculum for postgraduate st...
We present an education scenario for the simulation of the "pixel" of a computer screen. The teaching and learning process is implemented as a game problem based scenario related to the "rescue" of an object by the students. We used the Arduino controller and the Ejs and S4A software in order to motivate students to be involved in the computational...
In this paper we investigate whether computer programming has an impact on high school student’s reasoning skills, problem solving and self-efficacy in Mathematics. The quasi-experimental design was adopted to implement the study. The sample of the research comprised 66 high school students separated into two groups, the experimental and the contro...
Η παρούσα εργαστηριακή παρουσίαση αφορά στον συνδυασμό της χρήσης του λογισμικού Easy Java Simulations και του μικροελεγκτή τύπου Arduino, για την δημιουργία απλών υπολογιστικών μοντέλων προσομοιώσεων. Είναι ένας συνδυασμός λογισμικού και υλικού που μπορεί να ωφελήσει τόσο τους εκπαιδευτικούς, όσο και τους μαθητές και φοιτητές. Οι μαθητές και φοιτη...
Σε πολλά ελληνικά σχολεία ο εκπαιδευτικός έχει να διαχειριστεί μαθητές με διαφορετικό επίπεδο γνώσεων. Η χρήση της διαφοροποιημένης διδασκαλίας αποτελεί μια ενδεχόμενη λύση, προϋποθέτει όμως ο εκπαιδευτικός να γνωρίζει το επίπεδο γνώσεων των μαθητών του. Στην παρούσα εργασία γίνεται προσπάθεια προσέγγισης της διαφοροποιημένης μάθησης στην Πληροφορι...
– Over the years, game-based learning approaches have been adapted in teaching and learning both to engage and motivate students during learning activities. Game technology, such as serious and simulation games, have been used as a new generation of training educational tools enhancing students’ learning and academic performance. An importa...
In this study, an instructional design model, based on the computational experiment approach, was employed in order to explore the effects of the formative assessment strategies and scientific abilities rubrics on students’ engagement in the development of inquiry-based pedagogical scenario. In the following study, rubrics were used during the mode...
Computational experiment approach considers models as the fundamental instructional units of Inquiry Based Science and Mathematics Education (IBSE) and STEM Education, where the model take the place of the " classical " experimental setup and simulation replaces the experiment. Argumentation in IBSE and STEM education is related to the engagement o...
Education systems in Europe have not been able to address successfully the low achievement in the fields of Mathematics, Science and Technology. This failure increases social inequalities and reduces the number of students who select a career in Mathematics, Science and Technologydisciplines as well as it increases the student drop-out rate in the...
Education systems in Europe have not been able to address successfully the low achievement in the fields of Mathematics, Science and Technology. This failure increases social inequalities and reduces the number of students who select a career in Mathematics, Science and Technologydisciplines as well as it increases the student drop-out rate in the...
In this study, technology and tools created for educational purposes have been utilised.
Initially, the application Easy Java Simulations (EJS) was used for simulating the motion
model of an astronaut moving in weightlessness by means of a backpack propulsion device,
like a Manned Maneuvering Unit (MMU). Moreover, a corresponding lesson plan was
Abstract : The machine learning evolved from the study of pattern recognition and
computational learning theory belonging to the research field called Artificial
Intelligence. Virtual environment for education is not a new concept but it is an
opportunity for development of promising and emerging technologies derived from
artificial intelligence. E...
Learning styles are increasingly being integrated into computationalenhanced learning environments and a great deal of recent research work is taking place in this area. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the computational experiment approach, learning styles, epistemic beliefs, and engagement with the inquiry process on the lea...
Few studies have investigated self-constructs on primary school age children's achievement in mathematics. However, studies on secondary and tertiary levels suggest that academic achievement is influenced by a person's self-efficacy/self-confidence, (a belief in their own ability), social comparison, (comparing own performance with others), self-co...
Computational experiment approach considers modelling as the essential feature of Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE), where the model and the computer take the place of the “classical” experimental set-up and simulation replaces the experiment (Landau, Pαez, & Bordeianu, 2008).
Modelling, as a pedagogical tool, involves the model construction,...
Contemporary teaching and learning approaches expect students -at any level of education- to be active producers of knowledge. This leads to the need for creation of instructional strategies, learning environments and tasks that can offer students opportunities for active learning. Research argues that one of the most meaningful and engaging forms...
Computational experiment approach considers modelling as the essential feature of Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) where the model and the computer take the place of the “classical” experimental set-up and simulation replaces the experiment (Landau, Páez, & Bordeianu, 2008).Modelling, as a pedagogical tool, involves the model construction, th...
Contemporary instructional approaches expect students to be active producers of knowledge. This leads to the need for creation of instructional tools and tasks that can offer students opportunities for active learning. This study examines the effect of a computational experiment as an instructional tool-for Grade 12 students, using a computer simul...
In this work we examine how the creativity of the school leaders improves the relationships between school and parents through the innovations. Our study is based on a quantitative approach to the issue through interviews with 6 headmasters of primary schools (3 in Greece and 3 in Cyprus) and 18 parents (3 of each school, one mother and two fathers...
This paper presents Discovery learning combined with the computational experiment, in teaching Mathematics and Science university courses, in particular the computational experiment through electronic worksheets. The approach is based on the principles of Discovery learning expanded with the principles of constructivist, socio–cultural and adult le...
In this work we use the Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tool (CTAT) in order to investigate the added value, if any, of CTAT to approach to learning and metacognition. CTAT is an Intelligent tutoring system Cognitive tutor-based on cognitive psychology theory of problem solving and learning. Intelligent tutoring systems have been shown to lead to impress...
The aim of this article is to use Educational Robotics(ER) in the discipline of Physics in order to investigate certain attitudes of Grade 10 students about Physics and to correlate these with certain cognitive structures and the learning performance. It is well known that the Computational experiment includes three phases, namely the modeling phas...
Recently, a number of factors have prompted change in the teaching –learning sequences in general and in particular in Physics. These factors include: 1) results from physics education research, 2) ICT as a teaching tool, and 3) concerns about the physics content knowledge.
These factors provide the impulse to scientists in education research to fo...
We propose a computer simulation model aiming to describe the interaction of students in a learning environment composed of
the teacher, the students in a collaborative project and the educational material. Our aim is to investigate the change of
the opinion of students when they interact with an agent with different opinion. This model can apply t...
Although collaborative group work is used by many instructors as a useful educational tool, there is much room for research
on how learning actually occurs within collaborative learning environments. This paper attempts to explore the relationship(if
any) between task structure and collaborative group interactions in a synchronous peer interaction...
The aim of this article is to use Educational Robotics(ER) in the discipline of Physics in order to investigate certain attitudes of Grade 10 students about Physics and to correlate these with certain cognitive structures and the learning performance. It is well known that the Computational experiment includes three phases, namely the modeling phas...
Although many instructors use collaborative group work as a useful educational
tool, much research remains to be done on how learning actually occurs within
collaborative learning environments. In the present research, we are using a
Web based tool, which has been developed by the author, for the classification of
the web spaces and its use by firs...
The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in educational practice has been the focus of scientific research in a number of studies. Some researchers have argued that this integration will make ICT an additional educational tool (‘traditional research’), while some others have begun to explore individual beliefs that teache...
The aim of this paper is to present a Virtual Reality Modelling Language VRML exploration of the Erechtheum in Athens. It addresses the 4th grade students and it constitutes a teaching approach trough the use of various representations created with VRML language. The design principles of the applications are described in detail as well as the techn...
In this paper, we present the transformation techniques that are widely used for lossy compression in order to compare them and extract conclusions for their efficiency. The images used are texture and medical images, while the methods for compression are mainly based on the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT). For each of the above methods, the signal...
In the present work we investigate the level of activity of Grade 11 students in the Web based Collaborative Environment provided by Cmap. The level of activity –or the so called indicators for activity-could be used as a measure to determine the collaborative behavior of students. They also can be used to measure students' achievement in Web envir...
In this paper we present a general framework for the implementation of Faster-Than-Real-time Simulation (FRTS) using the Unified Modelling Language (UML). In FRTS type of simulation the simulation time advances faster than the real time and the model attempts to make conclusions of the real system in the near future. In the paper we describe the di...
The main purpose of this paper is the practical implementation of on line learning in the area of secondary education, in particular for the teaching of Science. Moodle 1.9.5 is used for the creation of the virtual classroom. Strategies against students' erroneous perceptions of electrical circuit's matters are put into practice. Synchronous and a-...
Technologies of Information and Communication (ICT) provide us with instruments for the modelling and simulation of phenomena, thus increasing the variety of situations which can be examined in a physics course. The combination of modelling-data acquisition and simulation techniques allows teachers-at any level of education-to investigate the relat...
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