Sarah Kettley

Sarah Kettley
University of Edinburgh | UoE · Edinburgh College of Art


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Publications (51)
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Design practitioners and academics have increasingly recognised the potential value of design for behaviour change. On the one hand, while existing studies address product or communication design as main interventions, there is a growing interest in design as a useful tool for policy development and service innovation. On the other hand, the interp...
Wearables are often ergonomically skin deep, and while technologically proficient, may lack the spectrum of user needs to be truly effective. To discuss the extent of this problem, this chapter situates design and health paradigms in relation with each other, and discusses conceptualizations of wearability as a criterion for wearable technologies....
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Upcycling presents one of many opportunities for reducing consumption of materials and energy. Despite recent growth evidenced by increasing numbers of practitioners and businesses based on upcycling, it remains a niche activity and requires scaling up to realise its potential benefits. This paper investigates UK household upcycling in order to dev...
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Changing consumer behaviour can reduce environmental impacts. Upcycling is one of the understudied yet promising, environmentally sustainable behaviours that has the potential to contribute to the reduction of waste and greenhouse gas emissions. This paper addresses this knowledge gap by exploring factors influencing upcycling for UK makers. The st...
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In the fall of 1991 the Munich Design Charter was published in Design Issues. This charter was written as a design-led "call to arms" on the future nations and boundaries of Europe. The signatories of the Munich Design Charter saw the problem of Europe, at that time, as fundamentally a problem of form that should draw on the creativity and expertis...
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Social movements have campaigned for environmental sustainability, most notably in relation to sustainable food production and climate change. Past research on these social movements has paid attention mainly to the relatively well-organised and established initiatives. Less attention has been paid to emerging collective actions by citizens. This c...
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This article presents the “accessory approach,” conceived as a holistic form of body adornment, not only associated with fashion, but also as a design approach which includes a wearer’s physical, psychological and social preferences. We propose this as a humanistic design philosophy which may inform the design of future wearable health technology,...
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keynote presentation at the 2nd Art and Sound Symposium, De Montfort University, Leicester; see
Community-level innovation or action for sustainability is an important strand for sustainable development. As such, researchers investigated grassroots innovations, community-driven development or bottom-up approach. Many studies have focused on expert-led poverty alleviation projects, market-led social enterprises, or activists-led social movemen...
This article outlines the foundations of an enquiry into the relationship between craft and authenticity. It provides a description of how authenticity is evolving as a philosophical concept, and what this might mean for claiming an authentic contemporary practice. It then illustrates an inconsistency in schematic analyses of craft and design think...
Conference Paper
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Behaviour change or influencing behaviour has recently been recognised as a new role of design by design academics and practitioners. Some approaches have been explored in past research, yet most focused on behaviour intervention generation as a form of product design or communication design. In the meantime, increasing interest in design as a way...
Conference Paper
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This paper introduces a project in which members of the Nottinghamshire Mind Network are engaged in the participatory design of e-textile service networks informed by the Person-Centred Approach mode of psychotherapy. Early reflections on separate e-textile and service design workshops reveal two distinct functions of tangibility in this process. F...
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This chapter reflects on the political and ethical dimensions of personalisation through an analysis of the Person-Centred Approach (PCA) as found in psychotherapy practice and research, political conciliation and education. We propose that the PCA has the potential to inform ethical frameworks in participatory design, and can help facilitate criti...
This paper reports on an inter-disciplinary, EPSRC funded research project, “An Internet of Soft Things” (IoSofT) which seeks to bring soft surfaces, smart textiles and wearable technologies to join the Internet of Things debate. The project involves researchers from academic disciplines: design, computing and mental health in collaboration with a...
Conference Paper
This workshop (held in conjunction with the UBICOMP 2015: The 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and ISCW 2015: The 19th International Symposium on Wearable Computers) will bring together researchers and practitioners to reflect on the use of participatory design methods, especially in the context of desig...
Conference Paper
This paper introduces a heuristic case study, reflecting on the use of the Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR) method as part of An Internet of Soft Things, a multidisciplinary design research project working with the UK mental health charity, Mind. The three authors represent three different disciplines within the project -- Psychotherapy, e-Textil...
Conference Paper
This paper forms is one of three talks which reflect on the use of participatory design methods, especially in the context of design for mental health and wellbeing. In them we: introduce the Person-Centred Approach as a framework for conducting Participatory Design; outline the method of Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR); and present a heuristic...
Conference Paper
The area of smart textiles presents an opportunity for collaboration to occur between other fields. However, despite the need for multi-disciplinary work there is a lack of literature to support how disciplines work together within this field. This paper discusses the research proposal submitted as part of the PhD study where a pilot study investig...
Conference Paper
This paper outlines the method of Interpersonal Process Recall (IPR) as a Participatory Design method, especially in the context of design for mental health and wellbeing. IPR is more commonly used in psychotherapy and other helping professions to help trainees and practitioners and their clients reflect on their process, using AV recordings of int...
Conference Paper
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Product attachment, the emotional bond experienced with a product, is an emerging concept for sustainable production and consumption. The logic behind it is that when people are attached to any product, they are more likely to handle the product with care and to postpone its replacement or disposal. Some types of product have been studied regarding...
Conference Paper
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Product attachment, the emotional bond experienced with a product, is an emerging concept for sustainable production and consumption. The logic behind it is that when people are attached to any product, they are more likely to postpone its replacement or disposal. Some types of product have been studied regarding product attachment in past research...
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This is a call for papers for a 2 day workshop at Ubicomp 2015, examining the person-centred approach in participatory design.
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This chapter charts the recent shift from user-centred to human-centred design practices, situating this within the historical context of industrial design, and examining the different approaches taken by key design consultancies and researchers. It then proposes an extrapolation of this trend and asks what would happen if design engaged with the t...
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Product attachment, the emotional bond experienced with a product, is an emerging concept for sustainable production and consumption. The logic behind it is that when people are attached to any product, they are more likely to handle the product with care and to postpone its replacement or disposal. Some types of product have been studied regarding...
Conference Paper
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Individual upcycling – the creation or creative modification of any product out of used materials in an attempt to generate a product of higher quality or value than the compositional elements – has recently been advocated by many as a means to reduce waste, yet is still marginal. Considering the implied benefit to sustainable production and consum...
The influence of craft on Product Design practices can be seen in the growth of young start ups citing craftsmanship as a core value of their business, in the increasing attention paid to ‘slow design’, and in the use of craft tropes to sell mass produced products. This article presents seven ‘foundations’ of craft, an outcome of a programme of res...
Technical Textiles has become a distinct area of research and development over the past twenty years, placing its emphasis on the functionality of a fabric rather than its aesthetics. With an annual growth rate of between five and seven percent, the sector continues to expand, offering new opportunities and challenges to existing businesses, and un...
Conference Paper
It is proposed that one of the central visions of smart design is to extend the fundamental working philosophies of fitness for purpose and the disappearing tool as found in product design and human computer interaction. This ‘hyperfunctionality’ may be achieved spatially, through distributed networks, and/or temporally, through reactive materials...
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This paper describes how a group of practitioners and researchers are working across disciplines at Nottingham Trent University in the area of Technical Textiles. It introduces strands of ongoing enquiry centred around the development and application of stretch sensors on the body, focusing on how textile and fashion knowledge are being reflexively...
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Tangible interaction design is orienting itself toward craft as something distinct from design. Researchers from Indiana University are teasing out a method for designing tangibles, starting with metaphors from nature. With a background in Craft and working in HCI, interaction design, and tangibles, this presents an exciting opportunity. The conseq...
Conference Paper
Stretch sensors appear to offer the physical computing and wearables communities a solution in their flexibility. This paper introduces an interdisciplinary project in which knit, weave and embroidery specialists were brought together to examine how a carbon rubber sensor might be integrated aesthetically and functionally into different fabric stru...
As a genre of Ubiquitous Computing, wearables inherited a paradigmatic ideal of disappearance and, until very recently, visibility was treated as a simplistic dichotomous issue of overt versus covert technology. In line with calls by theorists in New Media for oscillation between states of invisibility and reflection in the design of interfaces, th...
Conference Paper
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Ensemble - an interactive collection of networked jewellery with gesturally determined, real time sonic output
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This paper treats the contemporary craft market as an under-researched resource for wearable computing, and investigates the alternative values and experiences that contemporary craft may be able to contribute to the design of personal technological products. It offers an analysis of contemporary craft for its potential as a critical design resourc...
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This short paper presents an experimental approach to the difficulty of evaluating interactive systems as artefacts for everyday life. The problem arises from the event-like nature of the user-centred evaluation session, as distinct from ‘being’ or the ‘ongoing flow’ of daily life, and from the dynamic complexity of the lifeworlds of users in human...
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Much of the recent, and indeed historical discourse in the applied arts has been focused on the nature of craft as a process, and the modification of this process through the appropriation of new technologies. Little has been said, however, on the subject of the alternative values and experiences which craft may be able to contribute to the design...
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This paper presents work undertaken as part of the author's ongoing doctoral research into Wearable Computers, and the processes for designing personal digital artefacts that exhibit materiality. Materiality is discussed in its associations with contemporary craft, and as a means by which tools may cease disappearing in the obsessively rational que...
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This paper proposes a framework for reading craft objects as embodying rhythms of transparency and reflection, and for contextualising their cultural placement as a rhythmical bringing together of flow and event. These terms are explained through approaches to engagement in Digital Art and Interaction Design as presented by Bolter and Gromala (2003...
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This article takes the concept of ambiguity as presented by Gaver, Beaver & Benford (1) as a tool to discuss what has been described as 'undecidables' - conceptual art works in the domain of the wearable, which currently find themselves crossing the usual framing mechanisms of art, craft and design (2). How practitioners choose to frame their work...
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Ensemble is an interactive suite of jewellery designed to be experienced within a gallery environment. The project explores the issues of user control of information during social interaction and highlights ways in which self determination can take place through the medium of sound. The paper will describe facets of the design process associated wi...


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