Sara RoutarinneUniversity of Turku | UTU · Department of Teacher Education
Sara Routarinne
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Publications (34)
Tutkimus käsittelee subjektin ja objektin tunnistamista sekä siihen liittyviä päättelystrategioita opintojensa alkuvaiheessa olevilla luokanopettajan koulutuksen ja suomen kielen yliopisto-opiskelijoilla (N = 149). Aineistona on kielioppitesti, jossa opiskelijat etsivät subjekteja ja objekteja erilaisista lausetyypeistä sekä kielentävät päättelyään...
Observations of Pedagogical Excellence of Teaching Across Nations (OPETAN) is a mixed methods observation study of 31 content teachers, most nominated for their excellence in teaching multilingual students in Germany, Finland, the US, and England. The study relied on an observation rubric that operationalizes seven Enduring Principles of Learning g...
This study examined Finnish teachers’ (N = 691) beliefs about students use of their home languages in learningtasks and teachers’ preparedness to implement the requirements of the Finnish curricula. The teachers’ beliefsrelated to students’ use of their home languages were mainly positive; however, only 7% of the teachersreported encouraging home l...
Much research has been conducted in adult second language learning through interaction, but knowledge about the child language learner has remained scarce. To address social language development in middle childhood, the article presents a longitudinal case study concerning a nine-year-old L1 Russian-speaking learner of Finnish. The data consist of...
This article focuses on touch, talk and embodied resources as a means of directing participants’ attention to a focal point in a pedagogical task. The data are drawn from a corpus of approximately 150 hours of video-recorded lessons from primary and lower secondary classrooms in monolingual and multilingual settings in Finland. The data were scanne...
Ympäristöopissa kuvilla voidaan esittää sisältöjä, jotka eivät näyttäydy arkikokemukselle. Artikkelissa tarkastellaan monilukutaitoa peruskoulun ympäristöopin oppikirja-aukeaman äärellä verbaalisen ja visuaalisen modaliteetin työnjakoon fokusoiden. Peruskoulun toisen ja viidennen luokan oppilailta (N = 20) kysyttiin oppimateriaaliaukeaman avulla he...
This symposium arises from the work of the KOSS Network: "Knowledge and Quality across School Subjects and Teacher Education/Kunskap och kvalitet i skolämnen och lärarutbildning" which has been funded by the Swedish Research Council (2019-22). The network brings together cross-disciplinary educational research groups from Sweden, England and Finlan...
Tarkastelemme artikkelissamme sitä, millä tavoin oppilaat kuvailevat, selittävät ja arvioivat opettajan toimintaa kosketustilanteissa muistellessaan kouluaikojaan. Käsitämme koulumuistot muistitietotutkimukselle ominaiseen tapaan muistelutilanteessa tuotetuiksi konstruktioiksi, joissa tapahtumia tarkastellaan sekä tapahtuma- että muisteluhetkestä k...
In 2017, the annual autumn symposium of the Finnish Association for Applied Linguistics (AFinLA) was organised in Turku. During the symposium, the theme of "Building new literacies" was approached from various perspectives. In this introduction to the 2018 AFinLA Yearbook, we outline three approaches to new literacies and introduce the contribution...
This article takes a new literacy studies’ view on literacy as a socially constructed practice. In the context of environmental studies in elementary school, it looks at the development of literacy through literacy events, such as the reading of factual texts and completion of pedagogic tasks related to them (taking notes, filling in worksheets, un...
Most teachers in many Western countries make use curriculum materials such as textbooks, workbooks and related teacher's guides in their teaching. In this study, 29 First language and literature lessons are analysed to discover different ways in which texts that are part of curriculum materials are used in the curriculum. The findings indicate that...
Oppikirjat oheismateriaaleineen ovat kiinteä osa peruskoulun opettajien ja oppilaiden arkea, ja ne ovat herättäneet runsaasti kiinnostusta myös tutkijoiden keskuudessa. Tässä artikkelissa esittelemme tuloksia systemaattisesta kirjallisuuskatsauksesta, jossa analysoimme 171 suomalaisessa perusopetuksessa käytettyihin oppi- ja työkirjoihin sekä opett...
We focus on invitations extended during Finnish telephone calls to demonstrate how language and sociocultural practices affect the ways in which Finnish speakers extend invitations. This analysis is based on 42 invitation sequences containing 42 first invitations; these were drawn from a large corpus of naturally occurring telephone calls among fri...
Kirjoittamisen taidot ovat keskeisiä itseilmaisun, opiskelun ja yhteisöissä toimimisen kannalta. Ne ovat myös
yhteiskunnallisen oikeudenmukaisuuden perusta. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitämme, mitä Suomessa on tutkittu
perusopetusikäisten kirjoittamisen osaamisesta ja opetuksesta 2000-luvulla. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan systemaattinen
katsaus, eli kartoi...
In this study Video Card Game, a method originating in user-centred design, is studied as a learning design for teacher education. An experiment with second-year students of educational psychology is analysed on the basis of a trialogic view of collaborative knowledge construction, which integrates the perspectives of individuals, tools, and social...
From the boost of the first cup of coffee in the morning to the glow of a nightlight that keeps a child company after dark, much of our contemporary lifestyles is powered by electricity. Today, however, the economic and environmental costs of energy require us to think again. While recognizing the complex social functions and cultural forms of elec...
This paper considers the communicative function of final rises in Finnish conversational talk between pairs of teenage girls. Final rises are fairly common, occurring approximately twice a minute, predominantly on declaratives and in narrative sequences. We briefly consider the interplay between voice quality (known to be a marker of transition rel...
Abstract: Girls talking : parentheses and rising intonation as narrator's interactional devices. Diss. -- Helsingin yliopisto.