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Publications (18)
Numerous studies have shown that fertility behavior is spatially clustered. In addition to pure contextual effects, two causal mechanisms could drive this pattern. First, neighbors may influence each other's fertility and second, family size may influence decisions about where to live. In this study we examine these two potential causal mechanisms...
Does the share of immigrants in a community influence whether people vote for anti‐immigration parties? We conduct a systematic review of the causal inference literature studying this question. We collect estimates from 20 studies and develop a new Bayesian meta‐analysis framework to account for both between‐study heterogeneity in effect sizes and...
Trade union membership is an indicator of social integration. In this paper, we study the gap in unionization rates between immigrants and natives using high‐quality population‐wide administrative data from Norway. We document that the average unionization rate among immigrants increases strongly with time since arrival, but it never catches up ful...
Global climate change makes extreme precipitation events likely to become more frequent and intense in large parts of Africa. We study the effect of rainfall shocks on intimate partner violence in sub-Saharan Africa. The analysis shows the presence of spatial autocorrelation in rainfall shocks, which compromises the exogeneity of rainfall shocks in...
Til tross for en voksende litteratur om hvordan barn av ikke-vestlige
innvandrere i Norge gjør det i arbeidslivet, sammenliknet med barn
av norskfødte foreldre, finnes det begrenset med kvantitativ forskning
om hvordan slike forskjeller utspiller seg helt i toppen av utdanningsfordelingen:
Hvilken betydning har innvandrerbakgrunn for dem...
BACKGROUND Fertility interaction effects in social networks increasingly attracts the interest of demographers. While these theories propose a causal mechanism, they are rarely put to test in a plausibly causal statistical design. OBJECTIVE We aim to differentiate network effects from selection by using an instrumental variable (IV) approach to ach...
Regelen i norsk skole er at barn begynner på skolen det kalenderåret de fyller 6 år. Vi ser på mønsteret i utsatt og fremskutt skolestart etter kjønn og foreldrenes utdanning. Gutter født i siste kvartal av året har 2,3 prosentpoeng høyere sannsynlighet for utsatt skolestart enn jenter, mens gutter født i første kvartal av året har 2,2 prosentpoeng...
We estimate the effect of family size on various measures of labor market outcomes over the whole career until retirement, using instrumental variables estimation in data from Norwegian administrative registers. Parents’ number of children is instrumented with the sex mix of their first two children. We find that having additional children causes s...
Combining DHS data for 580,000 women from 30 different countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, we analyze how both the incidence and the acceptance of intimate partner violence vary across time and space, in a region with record high levels of violence against women. We review the existing literature regarding the impact of resources on intimate partner v...
Although fertility is positively correlated across generations, the causal effect of children’s experience with larger sibships on their own fertility in adulthood is poorly understood. With the sex composition of the two firstborn children as an instrumental variable, we estimate the effect of sibship size on adult fertility using high-quality dat...
We estimate how parenthood affects hourly wages using panel data for Norwegian employees in the years 1997–2007. Though smaller than for most other OECD countries, we find substantial wage penalties to motherhood, ranging from a 1.2 % wage reduction for women with lower secondary education to 4.9 % for women with more than four years of higher educ...
In this paper we use a parental leave reform directed towards fathers to identify the causal effects of paternity leave on children’s and parents’ outcomes. We document that paternity leave causes fathers to become more important for children’s cognitive skills. School performance at age 16 increases for children whose father is relatively higher e...