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Santos A. Depine

Santos A. Depine
Universidad Simón Bolívar - Barranquilla - Colombia · Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud



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I am Professor Emeritus of the Universidad del Salvador in Argentina and Honorary Professor at the Simón Bolívar University of Colombia. Clinical doctor and specialist in Nephrology and Internal Medicine, Master in Public Health, Master in Organizational Coaching, Master in Coaching and Organizational Change and Doctor in Higher Education. I am the international coordinator of the Ibero-American Network of Researchers in Renal Health and Chronic Prevalent Diseases RISRECP, www.risrecp.org. I am part of the Nephrology Research Group accredited in Colciencias, Colombia. Director of Quality of the Confederation of Dialysis Associations of the Argentine Republic.
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April 1991 - December 1992


Publications (57)
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Musso., et al. Abstract Objective: To characterize the risk factors associated with kidney health in the Afro-descendant community of San José de Saco, a district of Juan de Acosta in the department of Atlántico, the Republic of Colombia. Materials and Methods: In 2024, a community-based study with 217 participants was conducted in San José de Saco...
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Background As with many other chronic diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and lupus nephritis (LN) have significant impacts on the health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Medication non-adherence is a significant challenge in the management of SLE, with consistently up to 75% of patients being non-adherent with their SLE medications. There...
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Este documento tiene por finalidad alcanzar una mejora en la acción coordinada, intersectorial, descentralizada, con enfoque de derechos, con enfoque intercultural y por curso de vida, sobre los determinantes de la salud que conlleven a medidas eficientes, eficaces, integrales y de calidad, mediante los lineamientos que han sido analizados por el e...
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Situation of Chronic Kidney Disease 2022 in the Andean countries (Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela)
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The burden of chronic kidney disease (CKD) has increased exponentially worldwide but more so in low- and middle-income countries. Specific risk factors in these regions expose their populations to an increased risk of CKD, such as genetic risk with APOL1 among populations of West African heritage or farmers with CKD of unknown etiology that spans v...
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Renal Transplantation (KT) over time has been considered the treatment of choice for patients who have been diagnosed with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Non-adherence to immunosuppressive treatment is the main cause of graft loss. The causes of non-adherence to treatment are many, but in 2020, the SAR-CoV-2 pandemic, widely known as Covid-19, app...
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Statistical data extracted from national databases demonstrate a continuous growth inthe incidence and prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the ineffectiveness of currentpolicies and strategies based on individual risk factors to reduce them, as well as their mortalityand costs. Some innovative programs, telemedicine and government intere...
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Our study aimed to describe the glomerular diseases, both primary glomerular disease (PGD) and secondary glomerular disease (SGD) in the Colombian Caribbean based on the first regional Colombian Nephropathy Registry (NEFRORED®). A descriptive and retrospective study of adult patients with glomerular diseases from the Colombian Caribbean region was...
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Statistical data extracted from national databases demonstrate a continuous growth in the incidence and prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the ineffectiveness of current policies and strategies based on individual risk factors to reduce them, as well as their mortality and costs. Some innovative programs, telemedicine and government int...
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la enfermedad renal diabética (ERD) es la complicación microvascular más frecuente en los pacientes diabéticos, llegando a presentarse hasta en el 40 % de los casos. Objetivos: el propósito de esta guía es adoptar recomendaciones vigentes y con potencial de implementación para la tamización, diagnóstico y tratamiento de pacientes con ERD en Colomb...
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Introducción: la enfermedad renal diabética es la complicación microvascular más frecuente en los pacientes diabéticos, llegando a presentarse hasta en el 40 % de los casos. Objetivo: el propósito de esta guía es adoptar recomendaciones vigentes y con potencial de implementación para la tamización, diagnóstico y tratamiento de pacientes con enferme...
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Introducción: La Diálisis Peritoneal (DP) es el procedimiento medico en el que se eliminan los desechos y el líquido excedente en la sangre, esta terapia conlleva una activa labor de autocuidado por parte del paciente en el domicilio, previo entrenamiento de enfermería fomentando la adherencia al tratamiento. Objetivo: describir la relación de cu...
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Statistical data extracted from national databases demonstrate a continuous growth in the incidence and prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the ineffectiveness of current policies and strategies based on individual risk factors to reduce them, as well as their mortality and costs. Some innovative programs, telemedicine and government int...
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Aim: The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first described in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. It has since spread worldwide, leading to high morbidity and mortality. Patients with chronic renal failure on dialysis who also have a confirmed diagnosis of active infection represent a risk group because infections are the second cause of de...
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At the end of 2019, in Wuhan, China, the outbreak of a new coronavirus began, which spread throughout the world, infecting, and claiming thousands of lives. To date, certain comorbidities are known to be considered risk factors for outcomes. unsatisfactory disease, however, little has been described regarding hemodialysis patients, despite being a...
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A finales del 2019 se inició en Wuhan, China, el brote de un nuevo coronavirus que se dispersó por todo el mundo infectando y cobrando miles de vidas. Se ha encontrado que ciertas comorbilidades constituyen factores de riesgo para resultados poco satisfactorios de la enfermedad, pero es poco lo que se ha descrito sobre pacientes en hemodiálisis, a...
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Revisión narrativa sobre la prevención de infección por SARS-CoV-2 en personal de salud y en especial en los nefrólogos de los servicios de nefrología y unidades de hemodiálisis dada la poca disponibilidad de documentos en la literatura sobre este tema en particular. La escasa literatura no favorece la realización de una revisión sistemática sobre...
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To present a COVID-19 case series with clinical admission criteria to Intensive Care Unit. Patients information was obtained from medical records, and daily clinical evaluation whereas diagnosis was carried out through paraclinical studies in blood, urine, PCR and diagnostic images in 4 patients with different comorbidities and epidemiological link...
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Characterize the factors associated to renal health in Colombian indigenous communities. Materials and methods: within the framework of World Kidney Day, an observational study was conducted in the Colombian indigenous population. 16 ethnicities were evaluated, with population over 18 years. A renal health survey was conducted and blood pressure, b...
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Abstract: Objective: To present a COVID-19 caseserieswithclinical admissioncriteriato Intensive Care Unit. Methods: Patientsinformation wasobtainedfrom medical records, and daily clinical evaluationwhereas diagnosis wascarried out through paraclinical studies in blood, urine, PCR and diagnostic images in4 patients with different comorbidities and e...
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The purpose of this study is to determine the levels of anxiety and depression in patients aged between 18 and 70 years, hospitalized with chronic kidney disease in a clinic entity of the city of Barranquilla. The type of research is descriptive, presenting the information through the indicators and statistical tables, the Hospital Scale of Anxiety...
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In view of the situations of inequality and inequity of the countries of the Latin American and Caribbean Region, even with population nuclei inside them in conditions of greater vulnerability, the authors deemed it necessary to make a review and analysis of the available evidence, whose objective was to define possible strategies for improvement o...
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Este libro establece con claridad la importancia de otorgarle una especial atención a la enseñanza en todos los ámbitos y espacios educativos de las competencias genéricas transversales, incluyendo la educación superior en todas las carreras profesionales. Su propuesta no queda limitada a esta demostración, sino que avanza mucho más, generando evid...
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Ante las situaciones de desigualdad e inequidad en el cual se encuentran los países de la Región Latinoamericana y el Caribe, incluso con núcleos de población al interior de los mismos en situaciones de mayor vulnerabilidad, los autores han considerado necesario realizar una revisión y análisis de las evidencias disponibles, cuyos objetivos fueron...
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Evaluar la percepción de la calidad de vida(CV) en pacientes con Nefritis Lúpica (NL).Materiales y Métodos: Estudio analítico, de cohorte longitudinaly retrospectiva, El seguimiento estuvo centradoen un modelo de gestión de riesgo en una clínica del CaribeColombiano. La escala GENCAT utilizada permitió evaluarocho dimensiones: Bienestar Emocional (...
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En la literatura médica, con frecuencia, se encuentran publicaciones que hacen referencia a la calidad de vida de los pacientes en diálisis. Sin embargo, no es habitual hallar un trabajo que demuestre, con fortaleza estadística, la diferencia en la percepción de la calidad de vida entre los pacientes incidentes, que están cursando los primeros tres...
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Patient records are useful tools for measuring medical quality and knowing the distance between current scientific evidence, applicable in daily clinical practice. They allow reaching large sample sizes, under real clinical practice conditions and longer follow-ups than clinical trials. The clinical manifestations, evolution, survival and prognosis...
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Objective: To evaluate the perception of quality of life (QL) in patients with Lupus Nephritis (LN). Materials and Methods: Analytical, longitudinal and retrospective cohort study. The follow-up is focused on a risk management model in a clinic in the Colombian Caribbean. The GENCAT scale is the result of a high performance care plan: Emotional Wel...
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La fórmula HUGE (Hematocrito, Urea y Género), permite diferenciar la disminución de filtrado glomerular por envejecimiento de la producida como consecuencia de la enfermedad renal crónica.
Conference Paper
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Históricamente las universidades han impartido conocimientos técnicos y no han incorporado la enseñanza en competencias genéricas transversales (CGT) y en las organizaciones se desarrollan programas de educación continua, que; paradójicamente, carecen de la continuidad de la educación permanente. Objetivos: Evaluar el grado de mejora individual en...
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Introduction. Lupus nephritis is the most common glomerulonephritis in the Colombian Caribbean region, despite there is less published information about its evolution and clínico-pathotogical aspects Objective. To evaluate prognosis, survival and renal function of patients with LN residing in the Colombian Caribbean region controlled between 2008-...
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Introducción: Las glomerulonefritis (GN) primarias son enfermedades que afectan a la estructura y función del glomérulo. Dentro de las glomerulopatías proliferativas se ha observado que la GN mesangial por IgA e IgM, son las que evolucionan con mayor frecuencia a la insuficiencia renal permanente; seguida de la GN membrano-proliferativa o mesangioc...
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We observed signiicant differences in all measurements before and after RT. There was the increase in sCa, and decrease in sP, sALP, iPTH; iPTH level still remained above normal range. Vitamin D (25(OH)D) was within the normal range. It is worth noting that although tendency toward lowering of iPTH was noticed, increase in sCa was observed. In conc...
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Today the world is experiencing changes permanent, deep and fast. Technology is advancing at an unthinkable pace before, providing tools for transfer and the globalization of information of the new knowledge. However, is poor the management of that knowledge in areas of higher education. Universities are only transmitters of knowledge, focusing on...
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We observed significant differences in all measurements before and after RT. There was the increase in sCa, and decrease in sP, sALP, iPTH; iPTH level still remained above normal range. Vitamin D (25(OH)D) was within the normal range. It is worth noting that although tendency toward lowering of iPTH was noticed , increase in sCa was observed. In co...
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Se considera que la prevalencia poblacional de la Nefritis Lúpica (NL) y la Glomerulonefritis primaria (GP), causas de la enfermedad crónica renal es de 19,3%. A pesar de la existencia de muchas publicaciones en Colombia y a nivel mundial, que describen el comportamiento clínico de NL y de GP; no existe un registro poblacional en el país que descr...
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This review has two aims: to summarize the evolution of classification criteria for chronic kidney disease (CKD) for diagnosis, prognosis and forecasting population burden of illness; to move the discussion beyond classification to intervention by introducing an approach we describe as the 'Systematic Approach for the Management of CKD' (SAM-CKD)....
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The purpose of this article is to analyze the role of governments in relation to the burden of chronic diseases and the potential response within the framework of competing priorities that determine resource allocation. The following variables were analyzed both in retrospect and prospectively: the epidemiologic transition and the current effect of...
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To verify the actions and degree of progress achieved in countries of Latin America and the Caribbean in the implementation of the Sustainable and Tenable Renal Health Model promoted by the Latin American Society of Nephrology and Hypertension (SLANH), together with local societies and the participation of the Pan-American Health Organization. (PAH...
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End-stage renal disease (ESRD) presents a major problem to public health, with complex implications for social and economic structures in every nation of the world. Clearly, Latin American and Caribbean countries are not able to meet the needs of every patient requiring dialysis treatment at ESRD. Consequently, a considerable number of patients die...
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End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is a global public health problem. Although there are strategies for its prevention, the number of cases has increased. In order to understand current situation in Puerto Rico (PR) we review available data, which is presented in a descriptive report of the incidence, prevalence and mortality of ESRD during the period...
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Resumen Objetivo: Establecer las actividades realizadas y el grado de avance alcanzado en los países de Latinoamérica y el Caribe, en la implementación del Modelo Sustentable y Sostenible de Salud Renal que impulsa la SLANH con las Sociedades Nacionales y la participación de las Representaciones locales de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (...


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