Santiago DogliottiUniversidad de la República de Uruguay | UdelaR · Facultad de Agronomía
Santiago Dogliotti
Ing. Agr. Ph.D.
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Publications (126)
Este material actualiza la información para el manejo eficiente de la fertirrigación en el cultivo de tomate bajo invernáculo basado en trabajos de investigación local.
La pequeña agricultura del secano de Chile Central se enfrenta hoy a diversas limitaciones como son la escasez o variabilidad de regímenes de lluvias anuales, la influencia del cambio climático global y lejanía de los centros de desarrollo. La implementación de programas para el desarrollo agrícolarequiere de un adecuado diagnóstico y evaluación de...
Cover crops with reduced tillage technology (CC-RT) can foster soil health and functioning, a crucial agroeco-logical principle in any transition strategy to more sustainable agricultural systems. However, CC-RT commonly strongly relies on herbicides and synthetic fertilizers, and vegetable crop yields are variable and often low. We assessed the ef...
ID : ISTRO45 Cover crop-reduced tillage systems without herbicides and chemical fertilizers in onion cultivation: promising but challenges remain Abstract Topic : Regenerative Agriculture Abstract Status : Accepted Submission Type : Oral presentation
The AquaCrop model allows evaluating and designing irrigation strategies that improve the use of irrigation water. The objective of this research was to calibrate and validate the AquaCrop model for maize to the climatic conditions of southern Uruguay, with different irrigation water management. This model was calibrated and validated for corn usin...
Fruit discards due to physiological disorders and mechanical damage can exceed 50% of apple production in neotropical climate zones such as Uruguay. These damages become generally visible during ripening and storage, but they depend on factors that occur in the field. Sunburn is a major quality defect in fruit, known to be related to high radiation...
Special Issue shows the broadening scope and methods of systems agronomists engaged in transitions-in-the-making. • Papers provide evidence of a change in scope from transformation knowledge towards transformative knowledge development. • The articulation of knowledge and change processes constitute an important extension of the systems agronomist'...
CONTEXT: The urgency of redesigning the way food is produced and consumed has implications for the systems
perspective of agronomy. An increasingly important strain of research addresses the ‘how-to’ question associated
with the transformation of ‘maldesigned’ agricultural systems and produces ‘transformative knowledge’ as part
of transitions in-th...
Vegetable production in open greenhouses is often associated with high inputs of synthetic pesticides. Introducing flowering plants into such greenhouses may promote the top-down pest suppression by natural enemies and reduce the reliance on pesticide use. However, it is not known how effective this practice is in organically and conventionally man...
Current global challenges for family farmers, such as the deterioration of arable land and low family income, cannot be addressed only by working on single farm components. Improving the sustainability of family farms requires a multi-objective systems approach and may be seen as an evolutionary process composed of iterative learning cycles. We dev...
In regions with temperate and humid climate such as Uruguay, supplementary irrigation stabilizes and increases crop yields. Irrigation on demand generates higher water consumption, which affects production system sustainability due to inefficient use of resources. In order to determine environmentally and economically more sustainable irrigation st...
There is promising evidence that public food procurement from family farming (PFPF) can serve as a powerful policy instrument in transitions towards more sustainable food systems. Despite the evidence around PFPF, there is lack of systemic and actor-oriented approaches analysing the relational and interactional dynamics among the multiple and diver...
Sustainability of most vegetable family farms in Southern Uruguay is threatened by low income and the deterioration of natural resources. This study quantified the effect of the inclusion of different alternatives of livestock production in the structure, and economic and environmental performance of different types of vegetable farms. Based on two...
Apple cultivation, which is labour-intensive and relevant in terms of food sovereignty, is experiencing a decrease in the number of producers. The fruit, of recognised organoleptic quality, often shows physiological disorders such as sun damage, scald, lenticellosis and bitter pit. These damages are associated with abiotic stresses and are expresse...
Vegetables are commonly produced with high inputs of pesticides and fertilisers to boost production and meet cosmetic market standards. Yet, reports on the relationships between agrochemical inputs and crop productivity are scattered and an overview is missing. We assessed the relationship between pesticide and nutrient inputs and crop productivity...
In regions with a temperate and humid climate, deficit irrigation improves the profitability and sustainability of production systems, when properly implemented. It is necessary to generate knowledge on the response of crops to deficit irrigation. Aiming to improve the design and management of irrigation equipment used in soybean cultivation in Uru...
Sun damage on apples is attributed to the occurrence of high temperatures, incident radiation, and fruit and plant water parameters, all dependent on climatic conditions and management. The development of new production areas and climate changes increase the interest in studying the behavior of the fruit under different conditions. The effect on su...
En este artículo aportamos información sobre la calidad del plantín y su impacto sobre el rendimiento de tomate en invernáculo, proveniente de dos estudios recientes al respecto. Se aportan recomendaciones de manejo concretas para el manejo del vivero y el trasplante para cada tipo de ciclo.
Análisis y jerarquización de factores determinantes de las brechas de rendimiento de los principales cultivos hortícolas de Uruguay.
• Cuantificar las brechas de rendimiento en tomate, cebolla y boniato en las zonas Sur y Litoral Norte
• Identificar las principales causas de variabilidad en el rendimiento, en la calidad y en el resultado económico entre productores de estos mismos cultivos y zonas
• Elaborar una propuesta metodológica para determinación de brechas de rendimiento...
In regions with temperate and humid climate such as Uruguay, irrigation stabilizes and increases the yields of summer crops by supplementing rainfall. Irrigation on demand generates higher water consumption, it affects production system sustainability due to inefficient use of resources and it is environmentally negative (excessive fresh water use...
Family-run cow-calf farms based on native grasslands exhibit low economic and social sustainability, as reflected in low family incomes and high workloads. Experimental results have shown that pasture–herd interaction management could improve native grasslands and animal productivity.
This paper analyzes the extent to which the s...
Successful scaling up from crop level research to adoption by farmers depends on its practitioners being aware of the constraints that arise as scaling up proceeds. Promising ideas from crop level research are not adopted by farmers in many cases.
Scaling up is explored here in a study conducted in five vegetable farms in south U...
Downy mildew caused by Peronospora destructor is an important disease worldwide. The development of resistant cultivars is a strategy to control this disease which would reduce the use of chemicals, saving the environment and people´s health. In Uruguay, landraces and cultivars presented differences in the response to downy mildew in field conditio...
In Uruguay sustainability of family farm systems is threatened by soil degradation, low yields and excessive workloads resulting in low labour productivity, low family income and high erosion rates. The productive and environmental performances of most Uruguayan family farms are well below levels achievable with current resource availability. This...
Despite a wealth of analytical knowledge on factors and processes that operate to slow down or impede sustainability transitions in various sectors of society, design-oriented researchers face a lack of guidance on the ‘how to’ question for developing knowledge to support sustainability changes. From 2007, we crafted co-innovation as an app...
To operate within the safe and just operating space captured by the doughnut metaphor, sustainability transitions are needed in the food system. Niche food systems with highly distinct practices and organization constitute a treasure chest of alternatives from which society can build new futures. Policy has little awareness of niche food systems an...
La tecnología de laboreo reducido (LR) es estratégica en sistemas agroecológicos, pero ha sido desarrollada usando herbicidas y fertilizantes sintéticos. Este trabajo buscó generar un sistema de LR en el cultivo de cebolla orgánico, mediante un trabajo experimental y
participativo. Se testeó el LR combinado con (i) cultivo de cobertura de gramíneas...
Existe una percepción general de que la horticultura en Uruguay se realiza en base a un alto uso de insumos sintéticos, y globalmente ha crecido la preocupación por avanzar hacia sistemas con menor impacto ambiental, rentables y socialmente justos. Este trabajo analizó 109 cultivos de 23 sistemas de producción de tomate, mediante indicadores con én...
INTRODUCCIÓN Considerando Uruguay, Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay, y el sur de Brasil (Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, y Paraná), la superficie agrícola se incrementó en 6,2 millones de ha en los últimos 20 años. El principal cultivo es soja (63 %), pero también incluye maíz (19 %) y trigo (21 %) en rotación (www. fao.org/faostat). El incremento d...
Agroecology promises a third way between common global agriculture tradeoffs such as food production and nature conservation, environmental sustainability and ecosystem services. However, most successful examples of mainstreaming agroecology come from smallholder, family agriculture, that represents only about 30% of the world agricultural area. Ma...
Grazing plays a key role in reducing the external inputs required for ruminant production and in aleviating feed-food competition. Beyond the production of meat and milk, grassland-based systems provide a wide range of ecosystem services. Agroecology and organic farming aim to reconcile natural resource management and food production, in the long t...
When crop-pasture rotation is converted to a single fallow/soybean or winter crop/soybean annual cropping, wheat grain yield declines progressively as the annual cropping phase lengthens, regardless of the tillage system. This decline can be attributed to i) depletion of the soil nutrient supply capacity and ii) subtle but cumulative degradation of...
Knowledge about contributing factors to yield loss is essential for sustainable intensification of agriculture. However, promising ideas from crop scale research are not always successfully adopted by farmers. Further analysis are needed to understand the interactions between decision making at crop and farm level and the consequences for the perfo...
Sustainable development of food production requires more productive, profitable, and resource-efficient farming systems. Economic efficiency depends on commercial yield, but also on the efficient use of inputs, their price, and the sale price of products; it is also related to farming system characteristics. This study aimed to assess resource endo...
El presente estudio se focaliza en dos áreas relacionadas a l la sostenibilidad ambiental del cultivo de tomate: el uso de pesticidas y el estado y manejo del suelo. A través del uso racional de los insumos externos y los recursos naturales, existen predios que logran obtener simultáneamente buenos resultados productivos y ambientales. Estos predio...
El presente estudio se focaliza en dos áreas relacionadas a l la sostenibilidad
ambiental del cultivo de tomate: el uso de pesticidas y el estado y manejo del suelo.
A través del uso racional de los insumos externos y los recursos naturales, existen
predios que logran obtener simultáneamente buenos resultados productivos y
ambientales. Estos predio...
Ecological intensification has been proposed as a promising lever for a transition towards more sustainable food systems. Various food systems exist that are based on ecological intensification and may have potential for a sustainability transition. Little is known, however, about their diversity and about how they perform against dominant systems...
Yield gap analysis is a powerful method to explore gap's breadth between potential yields, attainable and those realized in farmers' fields, identifying constraints to production and assess opportunities to yield increase. We assessed yields and yield components across two seasons, in 110 greenhouse tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) crops during 2014/1...
To operate within the safe and just operating space captured by the doughnut metaphor, sustainability transitions are needed in the food system. Niche food systems with highly distinct practices and organization constitute a treasure chest of alternatives from which society can build new futures. Policy has little awareness of niche food systems an...
Apple production in neotropical climate is affected by sunburn and the high interannual variability in meteorological conditions makes prediction and management of damage difficult. Nondestructive methods associated with physiological variables are keys to monitoring but their development is still incipient. In our study occurrence of sunburn, mete...
Mixed family farms produce almost half of the world food. Increasing food supply in developing countries requires increasing productivity of both land and farmers' labour as key to increase household income, food security and reduce poverty. A research project developed into Uruguayan vegetable family farms (2006-2010) revealed that the main life q...
El objetivo de este estudio fue cuantificar las brechas de rendimiento en el cultivo de tomate bajo invernadero en el Sur de Uruguay y explorar las principales causas de la variabilidad de rendimientos, como primer paso para identificar estrategias que mejoren el resultado productivo a nivel predial.
Droughts in southern South America affect grazing systems in many ways. They reduce biomass productivity; decrease livestock feed intake, weight and reproductive performance; increase farmers’ costs; and reduce farm income. It was hypothesized that simple grazing management variables affect the resilience of grazing systems to droughts at the paddo...
Yield gap analysis is a powerful method to explore gap’s breadth between potential yields, attainable and those realized in farmers’ fields, identifying constraints and opportunities for yield increase. Understanding and ranking the main causes of yield gaps is essential to provide feedback to farmers and extension agents, contributing to reduce bo...
Crafting actionable knowledge on ecological intensification: lessons from co-innovation approaches
In Uruguay, an important decrease of farms was observed during the last decades, being family farms the most affected. However, Uruguay has 26480 livestock farms covering 11.7 million of hectares, being 60% of them family farms. In those systems, few technologies are applied, determining low productive efficiency and high variability between years....
The livestock sector is facing the challenge of producing high-value, low-cost protein while minimizing negative environmental impacts. In Uruguay almost 75% of the farms specialized in beef and wool production are family farms based on native grasslands. Those systems exhibit low sustainability, explained mostly by low family income and low produc...
The social and environmental impacts of dominant food systems in Chile call for action to urgently rethink the way food is produced, commercialized and consumed. Ecological intensification (EI) has been proposed as a promising leverage point for a transition towards more sustainable food systems. To date, various food systems grounded on EI are bei...
Bridging yield gaps while decreasing pesticide and fertilizer use is an important challenge for agricultural systems sustainability. Although vegetable production in Uruguay is associated with high pesticide, fertilizer, and fossil energy use (Dogliotti et al., 2014), quantitative data on the relationship between agrochemical use and yields are sca...
Livestock systems are expected to produce high value, low cost protein while minimizing negative environmental impacts. In Uruguay, almost 75% of the farms specialized in beef and wool production are family farms based on natural grasslands. These farms exhibit low sustainability mainly due to low levels of productivity and income. The absence of s...
Livestock production in Uruguay involves the management of C4-species dominated natural grasslands, which cover almost 65% of the country's surface area. Almost 75% of the farms specialized in beef and wool production are family farms. The farm systems exhibit low sustainability due, together with other factors, to low family income and grassland o...
There is a growing concern about the reduction of labour availability in rural areas, the changes in the composition of the work force, as well as the loss of knowledge, skills and experience. In many regions of the world, family workforce has decreased and off-farm work has increased (Nye, 2018). The restriction of labour availability at farm leve...
Sustainability of vegetable and mixed vegetable-beef family farm systems in south Uruguay is threaten by soil degradation, low yields and work overload resulting in low labour productivity, lack of leisure time, and health problems associated with work (Dogliotti et al., 2014). Since 2005, farmers, local farmers organizations, farmers’ technical ad...
Knowledge about contributing factors to yield loss is essential for sustainable intensification of agriculture, which has the objective to increase both, yield and environmental sustainability. This study aimed to identify strategies to reduce the distance between under-performing and best-yielding greenhouse tomato crops in the south region of Uru...
Knowledge about contributing factors to yield loss is essential for sustainable intensification of agriculture, which has the objective to increase both, yield and environmental sustainability. This study aimed to identify strategies to reduce the distance between under-performing and best-yielding greenhouse tomato crops in the south region of Uru...
Dominant food systems are configured from the productivist paradigm, which focuses on producing large amounts of inexpensive and standardized foods. Although these food systems continue being supported worldwide, they are no longer considered fit-for-purpose as they have been proven unsustainable in environmental and social terms. A large body of s...
Improvements in farm food production, income and labour productivity are needed to meet the growing food demand (SDG1), reduce farmer poverty (SDG2) and develop decent work (SDG8) in sub-Saharan Africa. It is also desirable to decrease farmers’ dependency on fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides in order to decrease fossil energy consumption (SDG1...
Worldwide, native grasslands are being converted to non-native pastures and cropland. This process threatens local grassland biomes as well as the livelihoods of farm families that utilize these grasslands.
In the Río de la Plata grasslands region meat production and multispecies native grasslands have coexisted for more than 400 years. Low levels...
When crop-pasture rotations are converted to continuous no-till annual cropping systems, the grain yield of wheat crops in the rotation stagnates or declines in response to the number of years of continuous cropping (YCC). We studied the soil properties underlining the response of wheat yield to YCC in 80 on-farm trials during three growing seasons...
Improvements in agricultural land and labour productivity are needed to meet the growing food demand and
reduce farmer poverty in sub-Saharan Africa. The objectives of this study were to (i) quantify variation in labour
inputs, yield and labour productivity among rice fields; (ii) elicit factors associated with this variation; and (iii)
identify op...
The increase in annually cropped area that has occurred in Uruguay since 2002 was largely achieved by converting crop-pasture rotations to continuous annual no-till cropping systems. We studied the impact of the number of years of continuous cropping after pasture (YCC) on wheat yield in 80 on farm-trials during three growing seasons comparing two...
En Uruguay, el 60% de productores familiares presenta la ganadería como principal ingreso, dedicándose la mayoría a la cría, siendo el campo natural el principal recurso forrajero. Existe información experimental que demuestra que es posible mejorar el resultado económico-productivo a partir de un ajuste del manejo de la interfase planta-animal aco...
The Santa Lucia River basin provides drinking water to 60% of Uruguay population. The input of excessive amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus both from point and nonpoint sources could impair surface water quality and prevent its use for human consumption. The objective of this work was to evaluate surface water quality in small catchments under agri...
El rendimiento promedio de los cultivos comerciales de frutilla en el sur del Uruguay es inferior al rendimiento alcanzable para las condiciones de producción, de acuerdo a los rendimientos experimentales y los mejores resultados en cultivos comerciales, lo cual determina la existencia de una brecha de rendimiento (BR). Por otro lado, existe una gr...
Average yield of commercial strawberry crops in southern Uruguay is below the attainable yield for production conditions, according to experimental results and the best yields of commercial crops, which determines the existence of a yield gap (YG). Furthermore, there is a wide variability between farmers. The aim of this study was to identify, hier...