Sanjit Maiti

Sanjit Maiti
National Dairy Research Institute | NDRI · Department of Dairy Extension

BSc(Ag), MSc, PhD


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Dedicated to comprehend impact of climate change of the agrarian community. Specifically, I am trying to understand Vulnerability and Adaptation to climate change in different agrarian ecosystems.
Additional affiliations
September 2015 - present
National Dairy Research Institute
  • Researcher
August 2009 - September 2015
National Research Centre on Yak
  • Researcher
March 2019 - November 2019
University of Michigan
Field of study
  • Climate
August 2007 - October 2013
National Dairy Research Institute
Field of study
  • Agricultural Extension
September 2001 - June 2005
Visva-Bharati University
Field of study
  • Agriculture


Publications (140)
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The coastal region of India stands out as one of the most climate-vulnerable areas globally. This vulnerability arises from the frequent occurrence of high-intensity cyclones, floods, and a rapid increase in salinity intrusion. The region’s primary livelihood largely relies on agriculture and related sectors, with a predominant presence of smallhol...
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Belahi cattle are seemed to play an important role in sustaining livelihood security of rural Gujjar pastoralists of the Shivalik foothill of Haryana. So that present study was conducted during June 2019 to March 2021 in selected three districts of Shivalik foothill of Haryana due to native tract of Belahi cattle. From each district one tehsil was...
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Global warming and its concomitant changes in mean climate variables and climate variability have an impact on animal feed and fodder, animal health, production, and water availability. Buffaloes are the mainstay of the Indian dairy economy and the backbone of the rural economy and dairy industry in the Haryana state in particular. Murrah buffalo-b...
ABSTACT Indian agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate change and weather based agromet advisory services are very much crucial for day to day management of farm operations, efficient input usage and enhancing the crop production. Therefore the present study was undertaken to ascertain the impact of agromet advisory services on farmers' decisio...
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The attributes of innovation encompass the qualities, traits or characteristics inherent in an object reflecting the relative benefits of a novel idea. Assessing these attributes during the early stages of innovation within farmer management practices can offer valuable insights to the scientific community, enabling the formulation of policies to e...
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Impact of climate change on various sectors across the globe is quite evident and the dairy sector is no exemption to the threats of changing climate. Most of the activities in dairy farming are performed by women. Dairy farming is a source of sustainable income for the women in rural areas. Women are more vulnerable to the adverse effects of clima...
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Pastoral nomads of the Himalayan region are the least responsible but most threatened by climate change. Therefore, the present study was conducted to analyze vulnerability to climate change among the randomly selected 200 Changpa pastoral nomads of Leh-Ladakh. A vulnerability to climate change index was developed underlying the principle of IPCC b...
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Salinity has deleterious effects on both crops and livestock. The present study evaluated the impact of salinity and estimated the cost and return of different livestock-based farming systems in saline and normal areas of West Bengal. The study suggested the farmers the best farming system to be adopted based on output-input ratio. Saline areas are...
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Integrated farming (IF) by temporal and spatial mixing of crops, livestock, fishery, and allied activities in a single farm, is considered a critical multifunctional option for smallholder farmers, who form the backbone of Indian agriculture, to ensure sustainable livelihoods, the productivity of agricultural enterprises, stability of farm income,...
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The management of weather and climate risks in agriculture has become an important issue. Application of weather forecast and related advisories offer a great potential to make better-informed decisions and help farmers in adapting climate change. In the present study, weekly forecast-based crop advisories were prepared and disseminated among the f...
The study was carried out to evaluate the risk perception and perceived effect on the environment among dairy farmers in the National Capital Region (NCR) of India. The study conducted in seven districts across four sub-regions of NCR during 2018-19 included the development of a psychometric scale with four dimensions and standardization to measure...
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Climate variability and extremities have been increasing and are projected to rise further with time, adversely impacting agriculture and livestock sectors in the country's coastal regions due to higher fluctuations in the temperature-humidity index. The livestock sector is affected by climatic fluctuations directly in terms of the performance and...
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The impacts and risks of climate change were first noticed and discussions on these started The impacts and risks of climate change were first noticed and discussions on these started around 1980s. It was followed by the large-scale manifestation of global environmental problems around 1980s. It was followed by the large-scale manifestation of glob...
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Changes in climatic parameters like rainfall, temperature, and humidity have drastically Changes in climatic parameters like rainfall, temperature, and humidity have drastically increased in the last few decades. Also, the changes have aggravated in the last decade (Krishnan increased in the last few decades. Also, the changes have aggravated in th...
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In the realm of agriculture, the concept of climate risk has garnered increasing attention due to In the realm of agriculture, the concept of climate risk has garnered increasing attention due to its profound implications for decision-making processes. Climate risk, in the context of agriculture, its profound implications for decision-making proces...
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In the contemporary era, climate change has emerged as a paramount concern with profound In the contemporary era, climate change has emerged as a paramount concern with profound implications for the agricultural sector. Climate change denotes the enduring alterations in implications for the agricultural sector. Climate change denotes the enduring a...
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Accelerated Climate Change is being observed across the globe during past century and it Accelerated Climate Change is being observed across the globe during past century and it is expected to increase further by the end of 21 is expected to increase further by the end of 21 st st century. These changes in climate have adverse century. These change...
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Climate change, a global phenomenon of our time, has emerged as one of humanity’s most pressing challenges. As the earth’s climate undergoes significant transformations, its impacts are felt across various sectors, affecting ecosystems, economies, and societies. While scientific research has predominantly focused on understanding climate change’s p...
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Impact assessments are part of a broader agenda of evidence-based policy making. Impact Impact assessments are part of a broader agenda of evidence-based policy making. Impact evaluations are a kind of evaluation that aims to answer a specific cause-and-effect question: What evaluations are a kind of evaluation that aims to answer a specific cause-...
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The application of ICTs has emerged as an important pillar of agriculture extension focusing on enhancement of agricultural development through improved information and communication processes. Despite impressive advancements in ICT tools, Indian farmers lack the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively use such tools to improve their farming...
Background: The present study was conducted to study the resilience capacity towards changing climate of a farming community who reared specifically Murrah buffaloes in their livestock production system for their livelihood. As the study area was breeding tract of Murrah buffalo, hence in-depth study of resilience was performed in frequent changing...
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The benefits associated with Geographical Indications (GI) are largely underutilized by most of the registered goods in India, with few exceptions. Therefore, an exploratory study was conducted with experts in the field of GI and also with producers of the GI registered agricultural and food products of Tamil Nadu in order to find reasons for poor...
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An ability to prepare, recover and adapt to frequent climatic variation is called “climate resilience.” Climate change now places additional pressure on the cattle industry, particularly in developing nations, which threatens the livelihood of small farmers. In 2013 “Food and Agriculture Organization” reported that the livestock sector accounts for...
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The dairy sector in West Bengal is an integral aspect of the state's economy. West Bengal is home of the highest cattle population in the country and is the twelfth largest milk-producing state. Therefore, there is a huge gap between per capita availability of milk in the state in comparison with the national average. State has one of the widest ne...
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The camel is practically symbolic for western arid region of Rajasthan. This animal has the immense contribution to livelihood of the Raika pastoral community who has a long relationship with this animal. Raikas followed their own traditional practices in all aspects of camel rearing including healthcare practices since time immemorial. Therefore,...
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Salinity has deleterious effects on both crops and livestock. An optimum farm plan is essential to adapt to this hazard. The present study made an effort to develop an optimum farm plan for the livestock-based farming systems in saline and normal areas of West Bengal. In the case of both saline and normal areas, farmers put the highest priority on...
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The development of different innovative feed resources for livestock is important to provide the essential nutrients and diminish the emission of greenhouse gases. The purpose of the present experiment was to study the response of replacing concentrate with Moringa oleifera leaves in terms of the nutrient intake, digestibility, enteric methane emis...
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The advent of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) revolution has a significant impact on agricultural extension, which is constantly being transformed from a mere process of technology transfer to a process of facilitating varied information and advisory services. Present study assessed the farmers' attitude towards ICT-based extension s...
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Climate change is a global phenomenon, but, its effect and impact are local as well as region-specific. Seasonal variations in rainfall and temperature have influenced the agro-climatic conditions as well as populations of pests, weeds, and diseases leading to a loss in livestock productivity. The present study was conducted in three districts of E...
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Highland pastoralism provides economic sustainability to the tribal livelihoods and is endemic to the yak-rearing tracts of India. Transhumant pastoralists of Arunachal Pradesh (in India) have centuries-old deep socio-religious and economic connections with this unique bovine species. As a result of their conservation efforts, Arunachali was recogn...
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There is often a tendency in Agricultural Extension Research to carry out quantitative analysis rather than qualitative research. One possible reason, out of many, for this could be lack of availability of easy to use methods for gathering data, based on which appropriate conclusions can be drawn and inferences made. While in quantitative research...
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Human-animal relationship dates back to the Harappan Civilization as evident by the cave arts. Since then, animals have been used as a source of food, draft-power, skin, games and recreation. Sheep and goat were the first domesticated animals in the Indian subcontinent. Cattle gained more importance during the Vedic period leading to initiation of...
Climate factors has an impact on numerous aspects of productivity, reproduction, health, and adaptation in dairy animals. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to assess the impact of the agromet advisory services on farmers' decision making for different farm operations related to dairy farming. The study was conducted in Thiruvananthapuram...
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India has shown high vulnerability towards the impact of climate change due to thedependency of 58 per cent of India’s population on agriculture. The study was carried on180 respondents in three districts selected randomly of eastern Uttar Pradesh to evaluatefarmer-led adaptation strategies to the impact of climate change, activities that arepredom...
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A study was conducted during October 2018 to January 2019 in Marwar region of Rajasthan to assess the adoption of improved goat husbandry practices among Raika pastoralists. A total of 79 goat rearers from Raika community were subjected to structured interview schedule. A total of 98.73% of Raika pastoralists were continuing the adoption of three p...
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Agromet advisory services is a vital tool which provides the valuable crop specifi c and livestock specifi c as well as location specifi c advices about all farm operations starting from land preparation to harvest and livestock management based on weather forecasting. Present study assessed the farmers’ perception towards agromet advisory services...
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Climate change affects all three aspects of food security: availability, access and absorption. Climate change has about 4-9% impact on agriculture each year. As agriculture contributes 15% to India's GDP, climate change presumably causes about 1.5% loss in GDP. Adaptation has become a national priority for many countries, where this supply of seam...
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The present study was conducted in farming community who reared specifically Murrah buffalo in their livestock production system for their livelihood. Total 320 Murrah buffalo farmers from 4 district of Trans-Gangetic Plain Region of India were identified and data collected through focused group discussion, PRA tools and face to face interview to m...
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Climate change combined with human activities poses significant risks to people’s livelihood especially in developing countries. Adaptation at the community level is crucial in enabling them to respond to the direct and indirect effects of changes in climate. The present study was designed to assess the adaptive capacity of the Chilika buffalo re...
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Uttar Pradesh is India's largest milk-producing state, with the eastern region highly susceptible to climate change compared to other regions of the state. Therefore, eastern Uttar Pradesh was selected purposely. Total fifteen farmers’-led adaptation strategies to climate change followed in livestock- rearing were documented and quantified by using...
Ticks are blood-sucking ectoparasites, a significant impediment to the dairy sector and implicated in diseases such as Babesiosis, Theileriosis, Anaplasmosis, etc., and deteriorate animal's health associated with welfare issues which have a drastic impact on the dairy farm economy and livestock productivity. Researchers's understanding of possible...
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Ticks are blood-sucking ectoparasites, a significant impediment to the dairy sector and implicated in diseases such as Babesiosis, Theileriosis, Anaplasmosis, etc., and deteriorate animal's health associated with welfare issues which have a drastic impact on the dairy farm economy and livestock productivity. Researchers's understanding of possible...
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Raika is the most important pastoralist of India which is inhabiting in Rajasthan and highest livestock herder in the India. They used to migrate up to nine month a year and covered almost 1200 km journey. They usually adopted traditionally practices for rearing of their animal keeping this in mind the present study was conducted in Marwar region o...