Sandra GordilloNational Scientific and Technical Research Council | conicet · IDACOR Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba
Sandra Gordillo
Doctora en Ciencias Biológicas, IDACOR-CONICET- Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
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Sandra Gordillo currently works at the IDACOR - Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba, National Scientific and Technical Research Council.
Sandra does research in Archaeomalacology and Paleobiology .
Additional affiliations
July 2019 - present
Publications (163)
En este trabajo se describe material arqueomalacológico recuperado en el sitio Inca Cueva-4, ubicado en la quebrada homónima en el extremo noroeste de Argentina. El conjunto se compone de 26 elementos, que conforman cuatro tipologías diferentes, y que fueron interpretados como bienes exóticos de tipo ornamental. Se destaca un elemento perforado que...
One of the areas of greatest archaeological interest is the evidence of interregional mobility and movement of goods. In the search for indicators of this cultural manifestation, the presence of allochthonous materialities in a region becomes an important research focus. In this context, and with the aim of providing malacological evidence, this wo...
El diminuto caracol Homalopoma habita en el océano Pacífico en los canales fueguinos y fiordos chilenos al sur de la isla Chiloé. Sin embargo, en el registro arqueológico se ha recuperado como artefactos perforados en áreas muy distantes a su área de procedencia, principalmente en el sector noroeste de la Patagonia argentina. En esta contribución,...
En este trabajo se presenta un conjunto de elementos malacológicos recuperados en dos sitios multicomponentes ubicados sobre las terrazas fluviales del río Anisacate, en la provincia de Córdoba. Se describen seis artefactos confeccionados a partir de moluscos terrestres, dos especímenes enteros (conchas) y fragmentos, todos pertenecientes al gaster...
En este trabajo se presenta el estudio zooarqueológico y tafonómico realizado sobre un conjunto malacológico recuperado del sitio Parque Natural Ongamira 5 (PNO5), ubicado en el valle homónimo, al noroeste de la provincia de Córdoba. El material analizado (N= 1946) fue recolectado en dos excavaciones sistemáticas realizadas entre los años 2019 y 20...
The Cerro Colorado Natural and Cultural Reserve, Córdoba, Argentina, is well known for its impressive rock paintings on
sandstone formations. While previous research in the area has focused mainly on archaeological sites, this study aims to pro
vide geomorphological data through an updated landform inventory and geomorphometric diversity index map...
Both present-day and fossil molluscan assemblages offer an opportunity for a better understanding of the structure and organization of both modern and past benthic communities. In this framework, drill holes are used widely to explore predator–prey interactions. This research focuses on predation marks, especially drill holes, recorded on modern mo...
Drilling predation plays an important role in the evolution and diversification of organisms, and is one of the most studied biotic interactions in fossil and modern records. Marks of drilling predation on mollusc shells are proof of food activity and the selective pressure of one taxon on another. In this study, we explore drilling predation on pr...
As a biotic interaction, drilling predation is affected by the evolutionary histories of the predator and prey, as well as the environment. A unique location with distinctive evolutionary histories and environmental conditions is the remote island of Rapa Nui. For mollusks, an evolutionary history in relative isolation has led to high rates of ende...
One of the most abundant species of bivalves found on modern beaches and Quaternary deposits in the San Matías Gulf (Argentinian Patagonia, SW Atlantic Ocean) is Glycymeris longior. Its high abundance and broad geographical distribution turn G. longior into a target species for taphonomical studies. Here, we described the taphonomic signature regis...
A tephra layer was recovered within the Holocene fluvial succession of
the Cerro Colorado Cultural and Natural Reserve in the Córdoba Province
(Argentina). Radiocarbon dating on organic matter preserved within the
paleosoil beneath the tephra layer indicate that the ash layer is younger
than ca. 4700 cal yr BP. Radiocarbon ages, Sr and Nd isoto...
El repertorio rupestre de Cerro Colorado presenta determinados motivos que le otorgan especificidad a la localidad arqueológica ubicada en las Sierras del Norte (Córdoba, Argentina). Uno de estos es el cóndor andino (Vultur gryphus), particular no solo porque no se registra en otros paisajes rupestres de la región de Sierras Centrales, sino también...
El caracol terrestre Megalobulimus spp. ha sido registrado con gran frecuencia en cementerios prehispánicos de los oasis de San Pedro de Atacama, Chile, a pesar de su carácter ajeno al entorno desértico de esta región. Efectivamente, su hábitat se
encuentra en el ambiente húmedo y tropical del noroeste de Argentina, por lo cual es señalado en la li...
Se presentan resultados de los análisis crono-estratigráficos y del material cerámico, lítico, arqueobotánico y zooarqueológico recuperado de un alero ubicado en la Cordillera Principal, sobre la traza del ramal transversal más meridional del Qhapaq Ñan. Este alero se emplaza en un área con características ambientales particulares que la hicieron u...
Environmental changes were reconstructed from a multiproxy synthesis of over 30 localities from the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego and Isla de los Estados, southernmost South America. At a local scale, the results from the mountain forest and gently undulating steppe areas were integrated as well as those from the marine environments of the Beagle...
The Caleta de Los Loros natural protected area, in the northern of the San Matías Gulf, on the Argentinian Atlantic coast, has
a developing ecosystem and presents extraordinary and distinctive coastal morphological features that preserve the paleoenvironmental history of the region. This study aims to develop a landform inventory and to characteri...
We report the results of bioarchaeological, genetic, malacological, and lithic analyses of a burial located in the Calamuchita Valley in the province of Córdoba in central Argentina. We discuss these findings from an osteobiographical perspective that considers the physical body from three spheres of analysis: biological, social, and political. The...
Since the impacts of climate change on marine benthic organisms are already detectable in many aspects, it is crucial to address the potential responses of marine organisms and their interactions with the environment. In particular, the study of phenotype traits along latitudinal gradients is a powerful tool for exploring species responses in a cha...
The analysis of predation traces on shelled taxa is a primary source of data for studying predator–prey interactions in both
modern and past ecosystems, and provides valuable information along ecological and evolutionary timescales. For Antarctica,
there is little information about predation traces on shelled taxa, and the available studies come al...
Los caracoles terrestres Megalobulimus habitan principalmente zonas tropicales y subtropicales de Sudamérica. Su presencia en contextos arqueológicos es relativamente común en su área de distribución natural, pero también se encuentran artefactos en diversas partes del Cono Sur. En este trabajo, a partir de un análisis de materiales y bibliográfico...
The Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) is a culturally iconic wildlife symbol for the South American Andes, but is naturally found at very low population densities, and is increasingly threatened. Using the Range Wide Priority Setting methodology, we (a group of 38 Andean Condor experts) updated the Andean Condor historical range (3,230,061 km2), syste...
In the central region of Argentina, there is a diverse land snail fauna dominated by endemic species. Among them, Austroborus cordillerae (Doering) is a little-known species that could be on the verge of extinction. This work therefore provides updated information on the records of shells by incorporating new field findings.
It is important to understand the historical precedents of current situations to be able to anticipate where the current global environmental and climatic change may lead. Geo-historical data provide information beyond the limitations of instrumental data. This study aims to reconstruct components of the palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental histo...
Registros arqueomalacológicos en el centro de Argentina: el uso de Megalobulimus y otros moluscos en cuentas y adornos personales Sandra Gordillo Recibido 06 de octubre 2020. Aceptado 11 de marzo 2021 RESUMEN Con la finalidad de comprender el uso de los moluscos dentro de la actual provincia de Córdoba, Argentina, el objetivo de este trabajo fue ge...
Drillholes on shells are one of the few predation marks preserved in fossil molluscs, providing an opportunity to study and quantify predator-prey interactions in the palaeontological record. Among these, reports of drilling predation on scaphopods are rare, and such information from Antarctica is non-existent. We describe the finding of drillholes...
The Cerro Colorado Cultural and Natural Reserve, Córdoba,
Argentina, is well known for its impressive rock paintings on sandstone formations. While previous research in the area has focused mainly on archaeological sites, this study describes the surface geology and focuses on the diversity and possible origins of the regional sandstone landforms....
We have performed electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments on a set of bivalves (Ameghinomya antiqua) collected from the Quaternary marine deposits of the Argentinean Patagonian coast. We have analyzed the EPR signal of these shells to carry out an exploratory study of the EPR absorption lines. We have observed absorptions associated to SO...
This study aims at synthesizing the recent invasion history of Carcinus maenas in the SW Atlantic (~20 years), particularly the northward expansion, based on available published papers, technical reports, and new field surveys. Our analyses extend the known distribution range northwards ca. 330 km. totaling ~1000 km along the Argentinean coast sinc...
Amiantis purpurata is a common warm-temperate water bivalve species distributed from southern Brazil to northern Patagonia, Argentina, which has a rich and well preserved fossil record in the San Matías Gulf (SMG) dating back to the late Quaternary. This study aims to establish A. purpurata shells as a new palaeoarchive of past marine conditions in...
En este trabajo se mencionan los moluscos hallados en la Reserva Cultural Natural Cerro Colorado (Provincia de Córdoba, Argentina) con el objetivo de contar con información de base dado su valor ecológico y paleoambiental. Se registraron 13 taxones específicos distribuidos en ocho familias: siete de gasterópodos (Cochliopidae, Planorbidae, Succinei...
Naticids and muricids are the main drilling gastropod families that leave a characteristic hole in their shelled prey. Drilling predation can be evaluated along spatial scales, and different lati-tudinal patterns (equatorward, poleward, mid-latitude peaks or no trend at all) have already been described. For Argentine Patagonia, most studies have an...
The Range-Wide Priority Setting Exercise aimed to assess the distribution and conservation status of the Andean condor, and consolidate all available information on the species, currently dispersed and scattered from all different sources, to be translated into a conservation strategy, including the participative def...
An axe head and a round bead were found at the burial site of an adult male (dated at 3770 ± 90 14C years BP) at Amboy, Córdoba (central Argentina). These artifacts were studied using electron microprobe, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, for a complete characterization of the materials and to infer the source. The axe head is car...
Knickpoints are an expression of disequilibrium in a fluvial system and they occur in both alluvial and bedrock rivers. A significant amount of research in the past decade around the globe demonstrated the usefulness of the knickpoints as geomorphic markers, specially in active margins, which due to its formation is related to tectonic, climatic an...
Environmental change, such as variation in upwelling and the consequent fluctuation in marine primary productivity, may have profound effects on organisms. Trophon geversianus shells from Caleta de Los Loros (San Matías Gulf, Northern Patagonia, Argentina) were analyzed in order to compare morphological variability at different spatio-temporal scal...
An analysis of a set of malacological fragments, belonging to the giant snail Megalobulimus lorentzianus (Doering 1876) or Borus from an excavation carried out in Cerro Colorado (province of Córdoba), is made. The results obtained suggest that the stratigraphic deposits from which these fragments were recovered would be of anthropic origin, since t...
El atractivo por las Ciencias de la Tierra en la sociedad se mantiene presente, aunque la información disponible es, en general, muy técnica o enfocada a otras regiones del planeta. Cicterránea surge para compartir los conocimientos generados en el Centro de Investigaciones en Ciencias de la Tierra (CICTERRA, CONICET, FCEFyN-UNC). Su objetivo es ap...
Although environmental variability generates differences in the preservation of shell assemblages, intrinsic variations in shell characteristics can confound the effects of environment on preservation. However, several studies proposed that the composition of shell supply only affects the intensity of alteration but not its preservation trend along...
La malacología en contextos arqueológicos tuvo, en los últimos años y a nivel mundial, un notable impulso con un aumento considerable del número de publicaciones en este campo multi e interdisciplinar donde convergen (a través de los moluscos como eje organizador) las ciencias naturales y sociales.
Se realiza el análisis de un conjunto de fragmentos malacológicos pertenecientes al caracol gigante Megalobulimus lorentzianus (Doering 1876) o Borus, procedente de una excavación efectuada en la localidad de Cerro Colorado (provincia de Córdoba). Los resultados obtenidos sugieren que los depósitos estratigráficos de los cuales fueron recuperados e...
There are only a few data concerning the Quaternary climate fluctuations in the marine environments of the Atlantic Patagonian coast. In this regard, the aragonitic shell of the Ameghinomya antiqua bivalve offers the possibility to study the climate variability and the seasonal cycles of sea water temperature in the region at different geological t...
Predation marks by drilling are indicators of the food activity of an organism and also helps to estimate the selective pressure of one species by another. Because this kind of interaction has not yet been described in Cuba, the aims of this work are identify and analyze the drilling predation marks in molluscs from
three localities on the north co...
The aim of this study was to analyze the distribution of foraminifera of surface sediments from South Shetland Islands (62 ∘ 0 ′ S 58 ∘ 0 ′ W) in relation to physical parameters. Three sites were analyzed: 1) North of South Shetland Island; 2) Deception Island, and 3) Potter Cove. We have identified 21 species, which were distributed in 13 genera,...
This work describes a stratigraphic profile associated with an archaeological site within the Reserva Natural Cultural Cerro Colorado (30°05' S 63°55' W, northwest of Córdoba Province, Argentina). This Cultural and natural reserve protects an important heritage of native people. The temporary opening of a gasoduct ditch, lead to an unprecedented fi...
Extant brachiopods have been very little studied, despite being abundant along the Argentine marine platform and southern areas of the Subantarctic region. In this survey, we examined brachiopod assemblages from the Namuncurá MPA/Burdwood Bank area, off southern South America. The material (n = 1203) was recovered from 43 stations ranging in depth...
In this work, a malacological group found in a funerary context
is morphologically, functionally and symbolically analyzed in the
Aquihuecó archaeological site, located in the Curi Leuvú River
Valley, Chos Malal Department, Neuquén Province, Northwest of
Patagonia, Argentina. The radiocarbon dating carried out on human
bone remains from the site in...
This paper analyzes a set of ornamental malacological artifacts (beads) recovered in association with human bone remains in the vicinity of Villa Santa Rosa (31° 12.9’ 56’’ S; 63° 21.8’ 66’’ W), Province of Córdoba. For each element, quantitative and qualitative morphological attributes (weight, shape, size, contour, and presence, position and size...
Coastal environments are being affected on a global scale by excessive
urbanization, industrial growth and tourism, which are causing erosion,
loss of biodiversity and ecosystem alteration, constituting potential risks
that entail negative environmental and socioeconomic consequences.
In this sense, the Uruguayan coast, characterized by extensive s...
The shells of several mollusks can provide environmental and climatic information on a seasonal scale. This variability is recorded within the stable oxygen isotope (δ18Oshell) composition of the biogenic shell carbonate. The δ18Oshell values depend on the composition of the sea water (δ18Owater) and changes in water temperature. The bivalve Amiant...
Broad-scale latitudinal morphological trends in gastropods along the southwestern Atlantic coast are scant, since the majority of studies have focused on local scales. Here, we evaluate biogeographic shell shape variation in the marine gastropod Trophon geversianus across most of its distributional range, covering 14 degrees of latitude. Samples co...
Palabras clave: resonancia paramagnética electrónica, bivalvos marinos, cuaternario
La geocronología es indudablemente una de las herramientas básicas para la adecuada
caracterización de depósitos marinos del Cuaternario, existiendo en la actualidad...
Introducción El conocimiento de la historia ambiental del pasado reciente, preservada en un entorno paisajístico natural, es de suma importancia para establecer un adecuado manejo de la gestión territorial y conservación del mismo. En este sentido, la localidad de Cerro Colorado, ubicada en la Sierra Norte (Sierras Pampeanas Orientales) de la provi...
The Patagonian Continental Shelf (PCS) is a dynamic region characterized by the confluence of two western boundary currents (the Brazil and Malvinas currents) and the presence of several oceanographic fronts, giving rise to a large and rich biological area. In this study we analyze the distribution pattern of brachiopod assemblages along a latitudi...
Rumina decollata (Linnaeus 1758) is native to the Mediterranean region of Europe and north Africa. The first report in Argentina was in 1988 in Buenos Aires. In 2007, it was found in La Pampa and Mendoza. Here, we report its presence in Córdoba, extending its distributional range northwards more than 600 km. This finding is significant given that R...
Mollusk shells have shown to be useful as biological proxies for palaeo environmental reconstructions. In this study we perform an integral assessment of geometric morphometrics of Ameghinomya antiqua shells from San Matías Gulf (SMG) (Patagonia, Argentina) with special attention on the protected natural area Caleta de Los Loros. In order to relate...
Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la composición mineralógica y la microestructura del gasterópodo "Borus" (Megalobulimus lorentzianus) que habita en la provincia de Córdoba y compararla con una cuenta ornamental procedente de un sitio arqueológico de cazadores-recolectores del noroeste de la misma provincia y de esta manera contar co...
The snail Megalobulimus lorentzianus (Doering 1876) is the largest native land mollusk in the province of Córdoba. It is of nocturnal summer habits, extending to diurnal in rainy days, and happening great part of the annual cycle buried, which makes difficult its observation and study in natural conditions. From the point of view of its conservatio...
In this study we analyze the predator-prey relationship between muricid gastropods (mainly Trophon geversianus) and the limpets Nacella magellanica, Fissurella radiosa, Diodora patagonica and Siphonaria lessoni from recent mollusk death assemblages at Puerto Lobos (41°59’54.2’’ S), on the Atlantic coast of northern Patagonia. The majority of the dr...
The results of an investigation
of an initial Late Holocene (c. 3900 years BP) archaeomalacological context from Punilla valley (Córdoba,
Argentina) are presented in this paper. The context was discovered in a restricted space at an archaeological
site defined as an open air base camp, which was partly used for funerary practices. The context consi...
is the association between two or more living organisms
belonging to the same or different species as a result of surface limitation. Besides the ecological significance
, epibiosis
is of interest in paleoecological studies
of both recent and fossil organisms
. Brachiopods
provide an ideal biogenic substrate
for studying paleoecological q...
Although different studies in Antarctica have dealt with benthic communities, few studies have focused on molluscan assemblages and their ecology. During the austral summer of 2011, 17 stations between depths of 68.5 and 754 m were sampled in West Antarctica using a demersal bottom trawl pilot net on board RV ARA Puerto Deseado. In all, 1848 specim...
The aim of this study is to describe and interpret the paleoenvironmental history of the San Matiás Gulf (SMG), in northern Patagonia, Argentina, which is associated with possible biotic and abiotic changes that occurred during the late Quaternary. In this regard, a taphonomic (disarticulation, right/left valve ratio, fragmentation, abrasion, teeth...
There is growing concern about the impact of contemporaneous ocean acidification on marine ecosystems, but strong evidence for predicting the consequences is still scant. We have used the gastropod Trophon geversianus as a study model for exploring the importance of oceanographic variables (sea surface temperature, chlorophyll a , oxygen, calcite a...
The modern Antarctic bivalve fauna has long been considered as unusually small-sized or 'dwarf'. However the validity of this pattern and the underlying causes remain little studied. We used a worldwide compilation of body sizes of 5185 bivalve species across 17 major biogeographic provinces to show that Antarctic species are statistically smaller...
The use of rocky intertidal assemblages in paleoecology and conservation paleobiology studies is limited because these environments have low preservation potential. Here, we evaluate the fidelity between living intertidal mussel bed communities (life assemblages or LAs) and mollusk shell accumulations (death assemblages or DAs) from the environment...
The Glacidorbidae, a family restricted to the Gondwanan realm (Tasmania, southeastern and southwestern Australia, and southern Argentina and Chile), previously included five genera with 20 identified species; 19 of them are Australian, with one genus and species, Gondwanorbis magallanicus (Meier-Brook & Smith, 1976), from South America. Here we des...
Amiantis purpurata shells from the San Matı´as Gulf (SMG) were analysed in order to compare both morphology and size throughout the late Quaternary in relation to environmental changes. Shells from modern beaches, Holocene marine assemblages (late Holocene, 3630 +100 years BP) and interglacial Pleistocene marine assemblages (MIS 5, 100 ka years BP)...
The most recent Quaternary marine transgressions are well represented along the South Atlantic coast. In the Colorado River delta (39°15′S-39°55′S), south of Buenos Aires Province these deposits are mostly littoral ridges and tidal plains with abundant fossil marine fauna. Seventeen localities were analyzed (five Pleistocene, seven Holocene and fiv...
Little is known about the effects of Holocene climate variability on marine environments and their biota in southern South America. Fossil shells of the aragonitic bivalve Retrotapes exalbidus (Dillwyn) offer the possibility of investigating climate variability and particularly the seasonal dynamics of sea-water temperature in the Beagle Channel du...