Sandie le conte

Sandie le conte
Institut national du patrimoine | INP · Laboratoire de recherche



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Non destructive method application and developpement to the mechanical characterization of Cultural heritage Object


Publications (60)
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Vibrations of cultural objects due to different sources (transport, exhibitions, local works) have recently been raising more and more interest from the heritage community. Consequently, the development of anti-vibration protection systems has become a major issue. However, most of the proposed solutions suffer from a lack of adaptability, practica...
Au cours de sa vie, un objet du patrimoine est amené à être déplacé à de nombreuses reprises. Pendant le trajet, l’œuvre est soumise aux vibrations créées par son moyen de transport, ce qui peut l’endommager. Cette situation à l’origine de vibrations n’est qu’un exemple parmi d’autres comme des travaux, de la musique, ou les pas de visiteurs. Des d...
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Vu de loin, quoi de plus ressemblant à un violoncelle qu’un autre violoncelle ? Cependant, à y regarder de plus près, dimensions et courbes plus ou moins élancées, couleurs des vernis, surfaces des ouïes sont autant de descripteurs qui pourraient permettre l’attribution d’un instrument à une école de facture historique, et l’association d’un instru...
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Quel est l’état mécanique d’un objet conservé dans les collections patrimoniales ? Cet état mécanique est-il compatible avec la valeur d’usage que les musées d’instruments de musique ont pour mission de conserver ? Afin de garantir des modalités déontologiques de conservation des instruments de musique à cordes, une plateforme numérique d’aide à la...
Conference Paper
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CFA 2018-Le Havre 685 Pour les instruments de musique à vent, les fréquences de jeu se situent à proximité des pics d'impédance d'entrée. Pour les instruments en bois, le choix de l'essence ainsi que le polissage et l'huilage de la paroi interne tendent à réduire la dissipation acoustique dans la perce et par conséquent la largeur de pics d'impédan...
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The way harpsichord strings are plucked depends on the mechanical and geometrical properties of the plectrum, which influence is expected on the sound (initial conditions of string vibration) and touch (mechanical reaction of the key). In harpsichord making and setup, the “voicing process” consists in selecting and shaping the plectra in order to p...
Most heritage musical instruments are not played anymore for conservation reasons. Most of the time, each instrument is the only representation left of a style or a historical period. This is coherent with the museums’ task, which is to present diversity in makers, making processes, materials, etc. It is thus interesting to study not only an instru...
The plectrum/string interaction appears to be the main phase during which harpsichord players control the instrument's sound quality. This is why both harpsichord players and makers commit themselves to the “voicing process,” a necessary work prior to performance, where the plectra are shaped in order to provide the instrument with a good sound qua...
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In this study, the acoustic dissipation is investigated experimentally in wooden pipes of different species commonly used in woodwind instrument making: maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), pear wood (Pyrus communis L.), boxwood (Buxus sempervirens), and African Blackwood (Dalbergia melanoxylon). The pipes are parallel to the grain, except one which forms...
This Action (WoodMusICK - WOODen MUSical Instrument Conservation and Knowledge) aims to combine forces and to foster research on wooden musical instruments in order to preserve and develop the dissemination of knowledge on musical instruments in Europe through inter disciplinary research. This program involves curators and conservators on the one s...
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When a harpsichord player presses a key with his/her finger, a jack is raised toward the string, and a plectrum, which is attached to the jack, plucks a string. The string/plectrum interaction depends on the mechanical and geometrical properties of the plectrum, which are thus expected to have an influence on a) the initial conditions of the string...
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The Musée du Quai Branly in Paris keeps a large collection of non-occidental long-neck lutes, showing a variety of geometry and wood species, due to different making strategies. Some of them have been scarcely documented and present missing parts or pieces. Most of them are not in playing conditions. 14 instruments of this collection have been sele...
For conservation reasons, wind musical instruments kept in most of the museums cannot be played. Indeed the musician, blowing into the instrument, causes a violent thermo-hygro gradient that could damage this cultural heritage. Nevertheless, it is interesting to still be able to collect acoustical information about playing techniques or tuning with...
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In 2006, a project of instrument making was proposed by the Musée de la Musique in Paris, in order to make a facsimile of a basset-horn d’amour. The original instrument underwent several repairs and modifications between its manufacture, estimated at the last third of the 18th century, and 1840, so that its initial condition is not known. Examinin...
Conference Paper
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Woodwind players typically play next to the bore resonances. The playability and the quality of woodwind instruments strongly depend on the frequencies, amplitudes and bandwidths of the bore resonances. The input impedance of woodwind instruments, which allows estimations of these characteristics, has been extensively studied [e.g. Backus, 1974; Wo...
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Dans les registres bas et medium, la jouabilité des instruments à vent dépend des caractéristiques des résonances de la colonne d'air. Dans le cas des instruments en bois, ces caractéristiques sont liées à l'état de surface de la perce sur lequel le facteur et le musicien peuvent agir par le choix de l'essence, de la direction du fil de coupe et le...
Acoustic emission monitoring was applied for the detection of xylophagous insects and more specifically oligomerus and relative species in wooden cultural heritage musical instruments kept in European museums where the temperature and hygrometry are controlled according to International Council of Museums (ICOM) rules. Using broadband high frequenc...
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This article describes how the input impedance is used as a descriptor to classify and characterise the corpus of serpents from the Musée de la Musique. The study focuses on the products of a family of craftsmen (Baudouin father and son) with the objective to find a trace of the knowhow transmission. Input impedance measurements highlight small dif...
Conference Paper
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This paper describes a study of string plucking for the harpsichord. Its aim is to provide an experimentally-based analysis of the plectrum-string interaction and to propose some refinements of an existing model. An experimental setup has been designed using a high-speed camera combined with a laser doppler vibrometer and classical audio recordings...
Conference Paper
This paper describes an acoustical measurement technique to characterize wind instruments: the acoustic input impedance. Applied to the Serpent corpus of the Musée de la musique, the input impedance will be used as an additional descriptor to classify musical instruments. Non-intrusive and non-destructive technique which require no musician, this m...
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Selon l'invention, le procédé de détection est remarquable par le fait que l'on effectue les étapes suivantes : - on identifie préalablement un intervalle de fréquences d'intérêt, dans lequel sont comprises des fréquences inaudibles représentatives des ondes de choc acoustique engendrées par la rupture des fibres du matériau de la structure (S) rés...
The Musée de la musique in Paris keeps a collection of more than 4500 musical instruments. Many of them are subject to investigations aiming at improving their conservation conditions. The approach to study these cultural heritage objects is pluridisciplinary, combining material analysis, research of historical context, and mechanical aspects. This...
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The Music Museum in Paris recently acquired a harpsichord made by Ioannes Couchet in Antwerp in 1652. This instrument is considered to be a masterpiece and is protected as a "National Treasure." It was restored with the aim to be played again in concert. An experimental and numerical study of the vibraoacoustic behavior of this harpsichord is prese...
Some of our museum collection musical instruments belong to the strings instrument family and are made of wood. The aim of this study is to measure the viscoelasticity properties of wood under a strain field in the audio frequency range knowing that viscoelasticity seems to be deeply involved in the quality of sound and structure stability. We want...
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Among the Musee de la musique collection of non-Western musical instruments are some rare and delicate ones from India, which have been the subject of acoustical investigation for a greater understanding, and hence a better conservation. In the case of the vina-s, the vibration of the string (exciter) plucked by the musician is transmitted to the r...
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The Music Museum in Paris recently acquired a harpsichord made by Ioannes Couchet in 1652 in Anvers. As a masterpiece this instrument is considered as a "National Treasure" and therefore protected. A challenging problematic has risen when its restoration was decided since the aim was to play this instrument again in concert. In the objectives of in...
Conference Paper
The Musée de la musique in Paris includes within its ethnographic collections some ancient musical instruments from India. Scientific investigations have been undertaken on these little-known and rare objects. A major temporary exhibition dedicated in 2003 to the musical heritage of North India, displayed precious manuscripts and paintings along wi...
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The viscoelasticity (damping) property of spruce wood was measured for the audio frequency range 20 Hz to 20 kHz and as a function of time when vibrated at 1 kHz. After less than one hour of vibration, the loss tangent of the spruce decreased by 6%.
Museums keep in their collections musical instruments maintained in playable conditions. Some of them belong to the strings instrument family. A main conservation difficulty comes from the unpredictable behavior of these instruments on a long period, considering that they are mainly made of wood and subject to considerable stresses due to string te...
The aim of this study is to understand the variations of acoustic reflectivity values, obtained with differents geophysical tools (different frequency bandwidth), through the same surface. According to Eckart's model, a plane wave echo reflected from a rough surface is reduced in amplitude compared to the one issued from a smooth surface. The diffe...
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The Storegga slides, off Norway, are among the largest submarine slides ever known on a continental slope. The HYDRATECH cruise on N/O Le Suroît aimed at a high-resolution survey of an area at the northern boundary of the slides. This survey images in great detail the bottom simulating reflector (BSR) extent and properties, the various fluid escape...
Cette note présente les résultats technologiques et les premières mesures issus du développement d'une méthode de reconnaissance sismique marine haute résolution 3D à destination de la communauté scientifique. Une attention particulière a été portée à la réalisation d'un système opérationnel en adéquation avec les objectifs visés en termes de mise...
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The Storegga slides, off Norway, are among the largest submarine slides ever known on a continental slope. The HYDRATECH cruise on N/O Le Suro (i) over capt aimed at a high-resolution survey of an area at the northern boundary of the slides. This survey images in great detail the bottom simulating reflector (BSR) extent and properties, the various...
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The Indian stick and tube zithers exerted a prominent influence in South Asia over instrumental music from the 6th century till the end of the 18th century [1]. The earliest known evidence of a stick zither appears in Ajanta at the end of the Gupta period. The evolution of the organological features are clearly traceable through centuries in a rich...
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The Impact Planar Nearfield Acoustic Holography implements the inverse method NAH on the basis of the acoustic impulse response field. It is well adapted to modal analysis and can be used in non anechoic environment. Compared to classical modal analysis methods, IPNAH has some interesting advantages, especially in case of fragile structures like an...
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We are now able to measure the loss angle variation according to the water content through the whole audio frequency range (20 Hz-20 kHz), when the wood sample is excited with a continue vibration (simulation of the playing effect). But its disadvantage is that it's a destructive technique since we need a sample. So, in addition, we use holographic...
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La mesure de l'angle de perte est obtenue par le déphasage du signal au travers du montage dont la structure est analogue à une ligne à retard. La conception anirésonnante autorise une mesure sur la gamme audio via l'émission d'un chirp. De plus, la variation de l'angle de perte au cours du temps, pour une fréquence d'excitation maintenue, est iden...


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