Samer AlnasirNational University of Distance Education | UNED · Department of Philosophy and Moral and Political Philosophy
Samer Alnasir
Doctor of Philosophy
Working into eastern-western narratives; belief and belonging problematic and intergroup dynamics. Looking for fellow an
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Samer Alnasir currently works at the Department of Public Law, University Carlos III de Madrid. Samer does research in Legal Philosophy, Law, Religions, Comparative Religion and Abrahamic Religions, Secularity into Jewish and Islamic traditions& NeoOrientalism.
Profile in Academia: https://zzn.academia.edu/SamerALNASIR
Profile in SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=988728
Additional affiliations
March 2010 - December 2018
SipCel Telecom
September 2008 - September 2009
October 2005 - June 2011
vLex Networking
- Business Development Manager
October 2019 - May 2021
October 2018 - June 2023
October 2018 - June 2023
Publications (75)
Este trabajo explora los complejos procesos de trasplantación del derecho y los valores en las sociedades poscoloniales, centrándose en los desafíos y dinámicas de adaptación, resistencia y resiliencia del Sur Global. A través de una deconstrucción de la teoría del trasplantismo legal de Watson y el universalismo masivo de Huntington, se analiza el...
Modernity is one of the most contentious paradigms in intellectual history, evolving across various ages. For instance, Romanization represented modernity in its era, contrasting Greek and Celtic traditions. The most common contemporary notion, however, is post-structuralist modernity, which questions the structural foundations of other identities,...
(Post)Structuralist colonialism, often regarded as the epitome of autocratic insemination, is a classic manifestation of colonial models. Foreign interference has never inseminated prosperous democracies. Worldwide evidence suggests that post-structuralist colonialism is the epitome of cruel autocracy, but why? The reasons for this vary depending o...
La emergente voz del protocolo se ha percibido como una jerga de extranjerismo entre los juristas (Alnasir, 2023). Algo del derecho diplomático, de la sociología, o de lo que se ha ocupado hasta ahora las relaciones públicas. No obstante, el protocolo igualmente engloba la simbología institucional, apenas hoy relegada a la vexilología, también de t...
In the early 21st century, Iraq underwent a Western-imposed democratization following the 2003 invasion, culminating in the 2005 top-down implemented Constitution (Istrabadi, 2009; Alnasir, 2022). Since then, the country has experienced persistent calamities, drawing substantive parallels such as Afghanistan among others. Reports shown staggering f...
Occidente ha mantenido una visión distorsionada de Oriente, principalmente como una ficción, y desde el punto de vista del cinismo espectaculario, que rápidamente se ha convertido en una perspectiva perpetua de esa realidad. Esta ficción y espectáculo han convertido a los dramaturgos en estrategas, inculcando la ficción como anclajes estereotipados...
The West maintained a perverse view of the East, primarily as fiction from and through the cynic spectacle, which quickly became a perpetual outlook of that reality. That fiction and spectacle transformed playwrights into strategists, thus inculcating fiction as a stereotypical epistemic-cognitive anchor and a priori, a game of crossed mirrors. In...
L’Occident a entretenu une vision pervertie de l’Orient, principalement en tant que fiction, et à partir du cynisme et le spectacle, qui est activement devenu une perspective perpétuelle de cette réalité. Cette fiction et ce spectacle, transformant les dramaturges en stratèges, ont ainsi inculqué à la fiction des ancrages épistémico-cognitifs stéré...
إستحوَذَ على الفِكر الغربي وجهة نظرٍ مَهولة الانحراف عن الشرق، بُنيت أساساً عن طريق الخُرافات الاستعراضية، التي سَرعان ما ترعرعت في شتى مناظر الفكر على أنها حقائق حتمية. من هنا تطورت الصورة الخُرافية الاستعراضية إلى وجهات نظر نمطية، مجتمعية، بل تحول مُهرِّجوا الاستعراض الخُرافي إلى مُحللين إستراتيجيين، فترعرعت الخُرافة في صورة نمطية لتتواتر منها أف...
Many postcolonial identities have been built around the idea of sovereignty, but a distinction between postcolonialism in the Global North and the Global South must be clearly established. Most European postcolonial entities have been ritualistically, sacredly forged by reconstructing the history surrounding the ideas of othering and demonisation:...
El protocolo se ha afianzado ambiguamente como materia de la costumbre palatina, o diplomática, sin embargo ahora se está proponiendo atraer al centro del derecho administrativo, en cuanto a aquellas (neo)actuaciones administrativas en vía de hecho, que deben tener un cobijo teórico, y normativo en un Estado de derecho. Pues hoy día la administraci...
Desde la perspectiva del derecho administrativo, se postula esbozar, interdisciplinarmente, el protocolo como noción descuidada por los juristas, por lo que se intenta examinar y definir como actuación administrativa anormalizada en vía de hecho cuya definición, normalización e impulso hacia el centro del derecho público se persigue. Para ello, se...
من منظور القانون الإداري تقدم هذه الدراسة معايرة متعددة التخصصات لمفهومٍ تقاعس القانون الإداري عن فهمه، بل وفشل الفكر القانوني العربي عن فهم معناه. لذا فتحاول الدراسة معايرة المراسم كتصرفات إدارية غير اعتباطية يستوجب على رجال القانون النهوض بدراستها وتنظيمها، بل وإحلالها نواة القانون الإداري. وعليه فيتقدم التحليل من معايير التخصصات التي اعتنت به إل...
Throughout history, the fusion of national identities has been more contrived than genuine. Many scholars, when referring to artificial states or political entities, understand this in the context of Belgium or, mainly, the Arab world. The Spanish national identity, conversely, is based on an established historical holy falsehood that is significan...
El presente estudio tiene por objeto hablar de la sociolingüística del protocolo, como un eje poco desarrollado del estilo de la comunicación institucional, dimensionado interdisciplinarmente desde el aspecto socio-lingüístico hasta una perspectiva jurídica. Se refiere primero a la violación de la comunicación de las normas lingüísticas, o cuando é...
Soberanía y laicismo son dos conceptos que están adquiriendo protagonismo en los debates públicos de su país nativo, Francia. Este artículo propone abordar ambos desde dos perspectivas. La primera, etimológica, que intenta indagar el origen del concepto de «laicismo» desde el siglo XV y construir una definición conforme a su uso dado durante el Ant...
El presente artículo se propone para analizar interdisciplinarmente el entramado de la historia y su representación, no como un relato narrado ni vestigios hallados, sino como melancolía poscolonial recalcada alegóricamene para halagar y auto ensalzar el pasado, impuesta a las generaciones posteriores como vínculo e instrumento de identidad y nosta...
Post-colonial coagulation is the dilemma of many societies in endless formation due to the aftermath of colonialism and the dominance of coloniality, and even more so when this aftermath has been converted into a never-ending labyrinth for political-Islamic anthropology, particularly in the Arab case. The present study primarily aims to analyze the...
Constructing identity has been, and still is, a continuous political and populist duty. Throughout history, societies have been established based not on anthropological factors, nor on conventional social contracts, but on fear of the other, which makes fear and othering substantive elements of society, social memory and identity.
When these elemen...
Por los discursos orientalistas, domina en Occidente un estereotipo generalizador de que el mundo árabe es homogéneo. El presente ar-
tículo se proyecta para negar empíricamente esta banalidad. Para ello, se analizan profundas divergencias socioculturales y, más bien, antropológicas entre sus colectividades, que en gran medida persisten como secuel...
Applying populist standards uniformly across countries seems impossible, as characteristics of populism are specific to each society. Arab societies are no exception; each represents a distinct political identity.
The Iraqi movement, called the movement of October 2019, emerged from a reformist and anti-corruption resistance, as reported by interna...
Introspección psicosocial en el laberinto de las revueltas.
The Arab narrative is suffering a chronic descent into a delusional and historical laundering of its narrative methods, reaching the level of recent postulates claiming the Islamisation of Napoleon Bonaparte and lauding his reforms and achievements in Egypt. This narrative has arrived at the French arena through the dissemination of academic articl...
The constitutional principle introduced in article 16.2 of the Spanish Constitution of 1978, which forbids compelling one to declare their own religion, ideology, or beliefs, does not exist in other legal systems, as religious and ethnic belonging is considered to be part of the civil and/or national identity. In cases such as Iraq and Egypt, the l...
The recent sociopolitical movements regarding laicism in France are as concerning to constitutionalists as they are exciting to populist opportunists. They seek to modify the rights described in the republican constitutional order and bring the laicism into the heart of public debate in France and other European countries which becomes the most pop...
Presentation at the ReCast Training School on Democratic Constitutionalism and Rights
In many exogrupal terms, nostalgia of ones is calamities for others. War stories, written by victors as witness and imposed to defeaters as evils or even devils, thus muted. Whatever the human further cost of that stories, defeaters has to accept, into generations, the nostalgical stories written by victors, muting them and demonizing them with the...
The Majestic name of God hadn’t any specific celestial reference, but it’s anthropologically referred to as a linguistic cognitive designation. God, referred in English, is the same as Deu, Dios, Boże, or Бог in French, Spanish, Polish or Russian. But by the troika’s agreement between three of the Catholic Cardinals at 1453 they draw the rules to c...
Hermeneutic, as ἑρμηνευτικός hermēneutikós a Gregg Platonic concept referred to Hermēneus the dishonest imagined angel created by Plato to transmit the Zeus messages with its own freewill.
Has been combated by the Catholic Church as is, but developed by Augustin (430aC) by his contribution «De doctrinâ Christianâ libri quatuor» and implemented late...
Pragmatism as an old Greg word πραγματικός has been received into the Latin language as Pragmatĭcus to refer to the royal pragmatics as non-legislative bodies published as executive orders.
Into Catholic Church came to refer to that executive, non-dogmatic, charts to clarify an issue or a specific papal point of view or order toward the public.
The word Dogma, it's originally from Greg language as δόγμα, referring to all that which is metaphysical and related to metasensibility.
It passed through Catholic theology as that's who reserved exclusively to the Pope capacity to interpret it as part of the three elements constituting the Catholic Theology: Dogmas, History of the Church, and the...
The word icon, it's coming from Byzantine Greg as εἰκών, which is currently used in Russian as икона and in French as Icône, or ícono in Spanish. It's refer to the Orthodox iconographical theocracy, being forbidden in the Torah (Old Testament) exodus 20:4 uncarefully translated into English as «You shall not make for yourself an image in the form o...
كورونا والتداعيات الدستورية في إسبانيا وأوربا
La costosa inversión americana en sus guerras por la hegemonía desde el inicio del nuevo orden mundial superó 49 veces más de lo que fue el plan Marshall de la hipoteca europea. Sin embargo, ahora la emergencia China ha abatido los intereses americanos en Iraq y Afganistán, dejando todo el esfuerzo y la inversión americana en vano. Un razonable y s...
Shiism is something of a mystery in the Western world. Security and intelligence communities are often confused about how to identify the types of schools within Islam. In response to the recent German banning of Hezbollah, the international Iranian proxy, we try to identify and illustrate the expansion of Shia ideology and provide a short descript...
ثبت معرفة مرض عضال مماثل لجائحة زماننا هذا، الكورونا إبان سنة 462 للهجرة، نفس سنة زلزال مصر وفلسطين، وواقعة ملاذكر. على ما يبدو الداء كان معروفاً منذ القرن الآنف، فقد راح فيه من الملوك والأعيان، لكن أصاب أهل بغداد في سنة 462 للهجرة (1070 للميلاد) حتى راح فيه سبعون ألفاً في أسبوع واحد، وانتشر من بغداد إلى الموصل، والشام والبصرة، والأحواز. مات فيه أن...
Una propuesta de reflexión sobre para constituir la responsabilidad internacional por la propagación del Coronavirus.
Disponible versión española en mi blog personal en: https://www.alnasir.org/quien-propago-el-coronavirus/
English version available in my personal blog at: https://www.alnasir.org/who-how-and-why-propagate-the-pandemia/?lang=en
عرض محاظرة في المنتدى العربي التركي للتبادل اللغوي
Conference presentation in the Turc - Arabic of Language Exchange Forum
This case study aims to reveal the linguistic deficiencies in Spanish Embassies’ Facebook messaging in the Arab world.
Simple article available in SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3505855
Full issue of the PD Magazine at: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5be3439285ede1f05a46dafe/t/5dfae3847ada392db0913ad8/1576723768...
Un ensayo para reconstruir una acepción extensiva que abarque más componentes nucleares de la llamada amenaza híbrida, como amenaza alternante, excluyente de los elemento castrenses. Por medio de una demostración panorámica, pero empírica se pretende esbozar una tesis del fenómeno que se propone denominar neciocracia. Como resultado de varios compo...
Presentación Proyecto de investigación sobre Agentes perturbadores del Mundo Árabe y en el Norte de África.
A Research Project Presentation about Perturbators Agents of the Weakness of the Arab World and North Africa
This project aims to diagnostic the current Orientalism deficiencies in public diplomacy, taking in reference the Spanish Diplomatic Strategy in the Arab World1. The reason for this sample is the Spanish geodemographic position within the Arab world and the extension of its diplomatic missions in several Arabic countries, by showing significant def...
El mundo padece un tempestuoso problema de des-entendimiento, en el cual los intermediarios juegan importante papel de agudizar las confusiones y enturbiar el relato. No solamente los traductores, que por una razón u otra generaron graves confrontaciones a lo largo de la historia, pero además otros, ya haciendo uso de la cultura de masas, se aprove...
Nuestro presente es nuestro legado a las generaciones, que más tarde les pertenecerá como su historia. Para entonces, nos mirarán, y dirán "que des-entendimiento tan vertiginoso al que estaban abocados".
Hoy día, el tema de mayor peso al que se está dedicando recursos, financiación y esfuerzos es el Islam, oriente medio y el mundo árabe. Sin embarg...
La version espanola de este articulo se puede encontrar en: http://ssrn.com/abstract=2807007 ملخص باللغة العربية: هذا البحث مكتوب بالعربية، ومحلخصه متوفر بالاسبانية كورقة رقم 2807007، يتناول بحثاً نقدياً في ترجمة القرآن الكريم للغة الأسبانية، وربما للأخذ به كمعيار للغات اخرى، وما جاءت به تراجم تفسير معاني القرآن لغير العربية.كما سطى الأوربيون على ا...
Las nuevas generaciones hispanohablante están padeciendo un sinfín de dilemas, además de los psicosociales, lo esta siendo su perfilación ideológica y los recursos que la nutren. Tanto las generaciones descendientes como los nuevos conversos están siendo presa del utilitarismo. Por un lado los que pretenden imponer una ideología ajena, otros los qu...
Presidential Re-election in recent in weak and immature democracies are the must singular characteristic which you weak more and more new born democracies in the Third world, and one of the must notable reasons of democracies failing.Here we're going to expose all over experiences regulations, problematics and expose there eventual solutions into d...
This paper are deadlined in three issues. The first with descriptive method, taking on charge describe the situation legal-sociological of the law and religion in the south east Mediterranean& Meddle East, in reference to the Iraqi, Egyptian and israelian examples as secondaries. Exploring the religions and confessional regulations, the irruption i...
The inter-cultural dialogue are today the must relevant in such political, cultural and diplomatic scenarios. Meanwhile the deep distances are synthesized with theological criteria's and identities, removing the reasoning of dialogue methods. The dialogue with the Islam, as religion, with the south Mediterranean as complex of nations had been invol...
Este estudio pretende dibujar ideas generales para asentar un nuevo esquema dogmático del neopositivimo jurídico entre el Kelsenianismo y el Hartianismo, proponiendo una especulación cognitiva del Derecho. Es decir, una posición mixta, entre un positivismo imperante, y un hartianismo sociojurídico. Con ello se pretende alcanzar un esquema de valide...
تقدم هذه الورقة أفكاراً ومقترحات نظرية وعملية للمشرع الدستوري نابعة من التجربة الدستورية الإسبانية لسنة 1978 والفرنسية لسنة 1958. عن طريق طرح أفكار ومفاهيم للحقوق والحريات الفردية وكيفية غرسها في المحور الدستوري العربي بما يتلائم مع حاجات الفكر والمجتمع العربي. أي إنها مغايرة لمعايرة المفهوم الأوربي لمحاورة بلورته عربياً. من جانب آخر، تحاول الورقة...
تحاول هذه الدراسة معايرة الماضي الدستوري العراقي من وجهة نظر أوربية، سعياً لإستقبال المفهوم الأوربي لدولة القانون الى الفكر الدستوري العراقي والعربي عامة، عن طريق غرس مفهوم التغاير السياسي كمحرك فكري واسع المفهوم للديمقراطية الدستورية المزمع غرسها في العراق. المحاولة تتطرق الى الزعم بزرع مفهوم توازن السلطات الدستورية عن طريق معايرة القوى السياسية،...
Un estudio previo que demuestra ls dificultades teoricas para el futuro proyecto constitutional de Iraq, y las barraras que atrapan la posibilidad de digerir una misión constituyente a la occidental.
Disponible para su descarga desde: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1120183
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A creative and innovative book training to transmit Occidental Rule of Law and Rechtstaat to Arabic Legal culture with a ventured title submitting complete temptation to create an innovative adopted -occidental Rule of Law state in Iraq, as example, and Middle East in general. The book, part from multicultural occidental schools, first the Spanish...
Un projet constitutionnel de l'Irak soutenue au V congrès Français des Constitutionnaliste à Toulouse, June 2002.
Le projet consiste en un complète texte du proposition constitutionnelle pour l'Irak à base de ces nécessité sociopolitique, régionale et vers implémentation d'un fédéralisme asymétrique et un quatrième pouvoir public, le pouvoir confes...
Question (1)
The second decade of the 21st century has brought not only unprecedented global challenges but also a profound crisis in the Western-dominated system of values. The COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the international response to the dramatic situation in Gaza have revealed deep inconsistencies in the application of Western principles, revealing a supremacist and hegemonic double standard that has eroded moral authority. This panel examines the implications of this ‘crisis of values’ for global governance, particularly its impact on the Global South, which has been pressured to adopt massive Western modernity models.
Significantly, this time, value-based claims emerged from the last corner of the Global South and not from the Global North. A pivotal moment occurred when the South African legal challenge to Western support for Israel culminated in the International Court of Justice and bilaterally by the advisory opinion, qualifying the ongoing genocidal occupation and colonial settlement in Palestine. These events mark a critical turning point, as Western nations resisted legal accountability, signaling the breakdown of the humanist system of values that have shaped international law since the Enlightenment. The war not only involved a genocide in Gaza, as drawn by the ICJ, but also symbolized an ‘ideocide’—unmasking of the entire Western humanist paradigm as a monolithic ethnopolitical supremacist system of values.
Although critical thinkers such as Said ([1978] 2003), Hallaq (2011, 2018), and others anticipated the contradictions in Western modernity, the pandemic exposed massive threats and vulnerabilities to the entire Western system of values (Alnasir 2020). Even postcolonial critiques did not fully foresee such a rapid collapse of dialogue into academic ideology and practical theories as realistic weapons (Frangie 2011). From Dugin's ethnosociological approaches (Dugin 2009, 2017, 2019), to the Kyoto discourses on modernity overcoming (Harootunian 2000; Heisig 2013; Ichijo 2013, 2022), the global discourse now confronts an ‘auto-ideocide’, where Western humanist values face a profound crisis of legitimacy.
This panel would provide an empirical approach on what next of the controverted emergent Western ideocide (Appadurai 2006:I; Alnasir 2023:218 ff), as a legitimacy crisis shaped new global governance structures. It also explores the anxieties surrounding the stress of Western dominance, the theoretical implications of the global south as affected by schizophrenic anxiety caused by a lack of ability to maintain Western hegemonic ethno-supremacy, and the recovery implications of Western anxieties. The concept of ‘ideocide’ serves as a focal point to discuss the transformation of global governance in light of these events.
The panel will be part of S.18 endorsed by SG Critical Peace and Conflict Studies on "Critical Reflections on Modern Conflicts and their Implications for Political Struggles and Structures" of the ECPR General Conference 2025, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 26 – 29 August 2025.
Submissions: Please submit no more than 500 words of title and abstract to: samer@alnasir.org before 31 December 2024.