Salvatore CritelliUniversity of Calabria | Università della Calabria · Department of Environmental Engineering - DiAM
Salvatore Critelli
Geological Sciences
Full Professor; Section Editor at Marine and Petroleum Geology; Coordinator of PhD Course on Geology, Engineering and Sc
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Salvatore Critelli currently works at the Department of Environmental Engineering - DiAM, Università della Calabria. Salvatore does research in Geology. Their current project is 'Provenance of Mesozoic to Tertiary Circum-Mediterranean sandstones in relation to tectonic setting'.
Publications (269)
This study investigates the geomechanical behavior of five terrace orders in the Crotone Basin. The purpose is to understand the physical–mechanical parameters of these terraces to determine whether rock or soil mechanics principles should be applied for stability analysis. Samples were collected from each terrace following an extensive field surve...
This study investigates the subsidence phenomenon in the Capo Colonna area (Calabria, southern Italy) using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data from C and X bands, and Continuous Global Positioning System (CGPS) measurements collected between 2003 and 2018. Persistent Scatterer Pair Differential Interferometry Synthetic Aperture Radar (PSP-DIFSAR)...
This study aims to unravel the main diagenetic events featuring the eo-, meso- , and telo-diagenetic stages of the turbidite sandstones of the “San Mauro formation”, “Cilento group”, Southern Apennines Foreland Basin, Italy. Several diagenetic processes, such as compaction, dissolution, and cementation occurred. Framework grains are compacted, show...
An interactive 3D visualization of stratigraphic and structural architecture of the Crotone Basin, has been tested by using an open-source Python libraries for machine learning KNN and linear interpolation algorithms, together with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). A preliminary test was performed within the onshore-offshore Crotone area (south...
The strong 1980 M6.81 Irpinia earthquake in Southern Italy critically damaged the Pavoncelli hydraulic tunnel. Based on geological, petrophysical and geomechanical investigations and seismological data, a multi-scale geological model was inferred. The detrital mode and key petrophysical properties (porosity, permeability, and nanopore volumes) data...
Serpentine-bearing sediment, a rare sediment type that is formed and deposited in divergent, convergent, transform, and collisional plate-tectonic settings, carries important evidence of sediment provenance. Specific sources of serpentine-rich sediment display grain assemblages of distinct character that can be used to infer the serpentinization co...
The 3D modeling and representation of geological data have experienced significant growth within last years, due to the use of new technologies derived from advancements in land representation methods. These technologies enable interactive, intuitive and clear geological visualizations. This paper shows how, by using the open-source Python software...
The Butano Sandstone forms part of an Eocene submarine fan deposited in the La Honda basin in central California. The Butano submarine fan has been subdivided into three main facies associations: southern inner-fan deposits, central middle-fan deposits, and northern outer-fan deposits. In spite of homogeneous quartzofeldspathic sandstone compositio...
It is reported a multi-proxy palaeoclimatic study conducted on a MIS 5e calcarenite from the Mar Piccolo Basin (MP), Gulf of Taranto (GT) (Central Mediterranean). The calcarenite returned a rich malacofauna consisting of 120 extant species, including four of the tropical Senegalese Fauna, today absent in the Mediterranean. The biogeographic-climati...
This study aims to determine the interdependence of deposition, tectonics and diagenesis in a prolific hydrocarbon reservoir. This has been achieved through an integrated field study, petrography, scanning electron microscope (SEM), zircon microscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) in the fluvio-deltaic sandstone of the Lower Cambrian Khewra Sandstone....
Seismic reflection (2D/3D), borehole and bathymetric data are used to recognize a new gravitational complex in the Gulf of Squillace, Southern Italy, named the Squillace Complex. The complex has a NE-striking headwall connected to a basal detachment formed between Messinian evaporites and Tortonian shales. Its sense of movement changes to a W–E dir...
A synthesis of Cenozoic detrital suites from the Internal Betic-Rif Cordilleras is discussed in relations with major
paleotectonic phases during growth of orogenic belts. The discussion has been focused on the Malaguide and
Ghomaride complexes that have a Cenozoic sedimentary detritic cover. The heterogeneous petrographic
composition of coarse detr...
Seismic reflection (2D/3D), borehole and bathymetric data have led to the recognition of a new gravitational complex in the Squillace Embayment. Named as Squillace Complex, it has a NE-striking headwall connected to a basal detachment zone formed between Messinian evaporites and Tortonian shales. Its geometry changes to a W to E predominant movemen...
This work addresses the tectonic significance of a NW-SE strike-slip fault zone in the Calabrian Arc of Southern Italy, the Rossano-San Nicola Fault Zone (RSFZ). High-quality seismic reflection and 1D forward models of exploration boreholes and pseudo-wells show that the RSFZ experienced multiple Miocene phases of contractional/transpressional tect...
The Cirò Basin is located in the north-eastern partion of Calabria, between the
Ionian Sea and the Sila slopes. In this area, basin successions of the Neogene and
Quaternary age overlap the Paleozoic metamorphic basement of the Sila Unit.
In particular, there are units consisting of continental clastic facies and coastal
facies that are the basis o...
Rock samples from two cores within the Triassic interval of the Puglia 1 well, were studied to reveal the sedimentary facies and diagenesis. The Core 1 (5.048-5.056 m deep) is characterized by laminated dolomudstones with thinly microbial laminae alternated to lenticular/tabular shaped anhydrite crystal levels, suggesting an intertidal/sabkha-type...
The study of some selected key geological areas around the world, allows to investigate the effects of source rock lithology, transport, depositional environment, and sampling scale on sand composition of complex systems. This provides insights regarding petrofacies models that represent a useful tool to evaluate the sediment generation and managem...
This paper deals with the geotechnical and the minero-chemical characterization of Plio-Pleistocene fine-grained deposits from the coastal area of the Crotone Basin (Calabria Region, Southern Italy). Eleven representative surface samples from the Cutro Clay Formation were investigated by means of geotechnical laboratory tests and geochemical and mi...
The present work deals with the application of subsidence analysis to the Crotone Basin through the application of a software written ad-hoc by using the. NET framework. The application of this software called Decompaction Glorious Trend (DeGloT) has been tested on a case study along the Ionian coastal plain of Calabria, in the Crotone Basin, South...
The Cenozoic sedimentary cover from the Ghomaride Complex (Internal Rif Belt) has been studied in the Tetuan area (N Morocco) where a suite of sedimentary successions from shallow-marine to deep-marine environments crops out. For that purpose stratigraphic relations and petrological and geochemical signatures have been analyzed. Sandstone suites of...
The changing nature of detrital signatures in clastic wedges of the Circum-Mediterranean orogenic systems reflect the provenance relations from different source rocks of evolving geo-puzzle terranes, including ophiolite bearing, uplifted continental crust (both shallow to deep crust terranes), volcanic and sedimentary source rocks. We selected here...
Volcanic particles have particular geodynamic significance. Despite abundant datasets on volcanic-derived sand(stone), the distinction between spatial and temporal distribution of volcanic particles within the sedimentary record is poorly documented. One of the most intricate tasks in optical analysis of volcaniclastic sand(stone) is the distinctio...
The Cirò Basin is a Neogene-Quaternary sedimentary basin developed along the Ionian margin of Calabria, southern Italy within the northern sector of the Calabrian thrust-belt. Unconformably over the crystalline basement of the Sila Unit and the Oligogene-Miocene Paludi Formation, a Serravallian-Pliocene siliciclastic and carbonate succession consti...
The development of Punta Stilo Swell (PSS), a submerged lobate-shaped promontory located in the Crotone-Spartivento Basin, is inferred to be closely linked to the Calabrian Arc kinematics since mid-Miocene onward. The latter consists of an alternation between long-term phases of subsidence related to forward migration of the Calabrian accretionary...
UePb spot ages on detrital zircons from turbidite quartzarenites, quartz-feldspathic and volca-niclastic sandstones of the Tufiti di Tusa (TTF), Numidian Flysch (NF), Bifurto (BF), Gorgoglione (GF) and Serra Palazzo (SPF) formations, exposed in southern Italy, were detected to define their provenance signatures aiming to contribute to reconstructin...
Petrography and geochemistry of sandstone for the lower Oligocene volcanic-related sandstones of Abbasabad-
Kahak area, NE Iran, are detected to decipher provenance, tectonic setting and paleo-weathering of source areas.
Lower Oligocene sandstones are grey in colour and host copper mineralization as bedded and lenticular, veinveinlets
and dissemina...
The Rossano and Crotone basins in North Calabria represent key areas for the study of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) in the central Mediterranean. The integrated analysis of the outcropping successions coupled with well-borehole stratigraphies and seismic profiles permitted the stratigraphic and paleogeographic reconstruction of the MSC as fol...
A new geological-structural map of the southern Serre Massif (SM), in the south-central part of the Calabrian-Peloritani-Orogen (CPO), is provided. CPO is a ribbon-like microplates puzzle, originally belonging to the southern European Variscan Belt and, later involved into the Alpine geodynamics of the central Mediterranean Area. The SM represents...
Petrography and geochemistry of sandstone for the lower Oligocene volcanic-related sandstones of Abbasabad-Kahak area, NE Iran, are detected to decipher provenance, tectonic setting and paleo-weathering of source areas. Lower Oligocene sandstones are grey in colour and host copper mineralization as bedded and lenticular, vein-veinlets and dissemina...
Geochemical, geological, and hydrological data suggest, for the Cotronei-Caccuri thermal area (Northern Calabria – Southern Italy), the presence of a deep primary geothermal aquifer hosted in the crystalline basement (at Ponte Coniglio) and two secondary aquifers (at Bruciarello and Repole) developed in the Miocene sedimentary succession. Despite t...
The Crotone-Spartivento Basin is a fore-arc basin located on the Ionian side of the Calabria region and was generated as a result of the Calabrian Arc kinematics since Serravallian. Due to a large presence of geohazard-related seabed features, such as slide scars, canyon headscarps and gravity-flow deposits that seriously endanger coastal infrastru...
The Crotone Province (Calabria - South Italy) extends for a total surface of circa 1.736 km² in which a wide spectrum of geological, geomorphological and tectonic configurations alternate from the mountainous hinterland portions towards the coastal plain settings. Through the integrated collection of data coming from separated databases such as Geo...
Chemical and mineralogical signatures of mudstones from the Agnone Flysch turbidite successions (late Tortonian to early Messinian) deposited in the Lagonegro-Molise foredeep basin reveal new insight for the sedimentary evolution of the southern Apennines during late Miocene. Geochemical and mineralogical signatures of the Verrino and Poggio Villan...
Clastic wedges deposited in deep-marine turbidite systems along the circum-Mediterranean region represent key tectonic elements that record the structural growing of the Apennine orogenic belt over the Adria margin. One of these clastic wedges is represented by the Agnone Flysch turbidite succession deposited in the Lagonegro-Molise foredeep basin...
The sandstone composition of foreland basin has a wide range of provenance signatures, reflecting the interplay between flexed underplate region and abrupt growth of the accreted upper plate region. The combination of contrasting detrital signatures reflects these dual plate interactions; indeed, several cases figure out that the earliest history o...
The Calcare di Base is a carbonate/evaporitic unit formed before the deposition of the massive halite bodies in the main depozones of the Mediterranean region, and has been at the centre of a fiery debate between different ‘schools of thought’ about its genesis, environmental conditions and timing of deposition. It crops out extensively in Southern...
The Cenozoic sedimentary cover of the Malaguide Complex (Internal Betic Cordillera, Spain), in the Almería and Málaga areas, consists of a suite of sedimentary successions from continental and shallow-marine to deep-marine environments. Structural and stratigraphic relations, and petrological and geochemical signatures reveal the sedimentary evolut...
The Asara Shale Member of the Karaj Formation, Middle to Upper Eocene in age, includes mixed volcaniclastic, siliciclastic and carbonate strata, in the Alborz Mountains, northern Iran. These strata have been geochemically analyzed to constrain their source area provenance. Most of the major and trace element contents of Asara Shale samples are gene...
After the seismic event of Irpinia (Southern Apennines), occurred on November 23rd 1980, the Pavoncelli tunnel, that used
to supply with water the Puglia Region, was seriously damaged. Because of the strategic importance of this civil engineering
work, a new water tunnel named Pavoncelli-bis that should substitute the previous one, was built and fi...
The geology of the epicentral area of the 1980 earthquake (Irpinia-Lucania, Italy) is described with new stratigraphic, petrographic and structural data. Subsurface geological data have been collected during the studies for the excavation works of the Pavoncelli bis hydraulic tunnel, developing between Caposele and Conza della Campania in an area t...
The paper focuses on the weathering processes affecting gneissic rocks of the western Sila Grande Massif (Calabria, Italy) through the development of an interdisciplinary research based on field studies and investigations, minero-petrographical analyses and geochemical modeling. Both physical and chemical weathering affect gneissic rocks of the stu...
The Crotone Basin is a Neogene-Quaternary depocenter developed along the Ionian margin of Calabria, southern Italy. The basin opening was concomitant with the onset of spreading of the Tyrrhenian backarc Basin during late Serravallian and the subduction of the Ionian lithosphere below the Calabrian Arc. The adoption of modern sequence stratigraphic...
The sea-level variations during the Messinian Salinity Crisis, and their role in the origin of
evaporites, are object of a long-term debate. The main schools of thinks account for a huge
sea-level fall (circa 1500 m) and/or several minor fluctuations, or propose that any significant
variation took place. The Rossano Basin developed in the fore-arc...
The Calcare di Base Formation (CdB) mostly represents a microbial-mediated carbonate
body formed, during the Upper Messinian, along the accretionary wedges of Calabria and
Sicily Apennine chain. The microbial carbonates, frequently associated with evaporites, are
stratigraphically positioned at the onset of the Messinian Salinity Crisis, which subs...
The northern Calabria Norian-Rhaetian carbonate platform system is characterized by three depositional units: early-middle Norian Corvino Unit (CU), middle-late Norian Vaccuta Unit (VU) and late Norian-Rhaetian Grisolia Unit (GU). The CU presents a deep barrier reef consisting of an oligotypic framebuilder community of sponges, serpulids, algae, an...
A multidisciplinary approach adopting new geological, hydro-geochemical and isotopic data has been used to assess the genesis of hot and cold waters of the Galatro and Antonimina thermal areas. In these systems, waters come from two different hydrogeological circuits, which are chiefly hosted in the Palaeozoic crystalline-methamorphic rocks of the...
This paper presents a detailed map (Main Map) showing geology, tectonics, weathering intensity and spatial distribution of landslides in the San Pietro in Guarano study area (about 7.5 km²), located in the north-western sector of Calabria (southern Italy). In this area, deeply weathered high-grade metamorphic rocks and different types/categories of...
Wedge-top basins can provide highly sensitive information on the uplift and erosion history of an evolving collisional belt, but their burial and thermal history has generally been neglected because their siliciclastic infill records the very low temperature history, which is difficult to detect. This paper provides an integrated approach for defin...
The composition and stratigraphic relations of clastic strata in diverse sedimentary basins of the circum-Mediterranean region reflect a complete record of provenance relations since break-up of Pangea, neo-Tethyan taphrogenesis, and subsequent plate convergence between the two major plates of Europe and Africa, and other related microplates of Ibe...
Triassic dolostones of the northern Calabria have proven to be influenced by complex diagenetic and depositional processes that led to the formation and preservation of micro- and especially nano-scale porous networks (Perri et al., 2017). As the characterization of nanopores has become a major challenge in the reservoir modeling field (Słowakiewic...
The aim of this study is the reconstruction of the late Pleistocene-Holocene stratigraphy of the Sibari Plain (southern Italy) aimed to obtain information about hydrogeological framework. A multidisciplinary approach combining boreholes data and Electrical Resistivity Tomography, allowed us to recognize three electro-stratigraphic units, which cons...
The Southern Apennines preserve deep-marine clastic wedges that record the main tectonic events during structural growing over the Adria margin. In fact, the regional tectonic transition from thickskinned Calabrian accretion and deformation (during Late Paleogene-to-middle Miocene) to thinskinned Southern Apennines thrusting (since early-middle Mio...
Large-scale submarine gravitational land movements involving even more than 1,000 m thick sedimentary successions are known as megalandslides. We prove the existence of large-scale gravitational phenomena off the Crotone Basin, a forearc basin located on the Ionian side of Calabria (southern Italy), by seismic, morpho-bathymetric and well data. Our...
The Calabria Arc presents the highest probability of occurrence of major earthquakes in the Italian peninsula. Several destructive historical earthquakes (i.e. 1638, 1659, 1783, 1905 and 1908) affected, in particular, the Catanzaro Trough and its neighbouring areas. These events have been tentatively related to the activity of NE-SW trending normal...
The role of tectonics in the Neogene-Quaternary evolution of the forearc basin, between the Serre and Aspromonte Massifs, located in the southern Calabria, is widely documented in the exposed sedimentary successions. The structuration of these different basins is due to the southeastward migration of the Calabrian Terranes, which led to the subduct...
Subaerial erosion and continental sedimentation interbedded with shallow-water carbonates are unequivocal stratigraphic records to evaluate paleoenvironmental and paleoclimate evolution of emerged landmass. Stratigraphic analysis of the Cretaceous Monte Gallo section of the Mesozoic Panormide carbonate platform, in the northern side of the Palermo...
The early Messinian Laga Formation represents a turbidite complex deposited in the Late Neogene foreland basin system of the growing Apenninic chain. While the stratigraphy and physiography of the Laga Basin are well known, the source of its sediments is contentiously claimed to be either recycled Apenninic or primary Alpine. Furthermore, a shift i...
The pore system of two dolomitized Triassic carbonate platforms, named Lower and Upper Unit and cropping out in Southern Italy, has been investigated through mercury porosimetry and electron microscopy. Despite their variability, all facies show micro-to nano-pores systems composed of intra- and inter-crystal pore types; this is due to the prevalen...
Along the northern Ionian margin of Calabria, three Neogene basins comprise wedge-top depozones containing syntectonic deposits which cover the frontal part of the fold-thrust belt. One of the best exposed onshore allochthonous siliciclastic successions is represented by the Cariati Nappe, cropping out in the Cirò Basin. Field geological mapping an...
The Malaguide Complex (Betic Cordillera) occurs in the Sierra Espuña area (SE Spain) providing a favorable setting to study a sedimentary successions from continental and shallow-marine to deep-marine environments using structural and stratigraphic relations, and petrological and geochemical signatures. The aim of this work is to outline the sedime...
The Catanzaro Trough is a Neogene-Quaternary basin developed in the central Calabrian Arc, between the Serre and the Sila Massifs, and filled by up to 2000 m of continental to marine deposits. It extends from the Sant’Eufemia Basin (SE Tyrrhenian Sea), offshore, to the Catanzaro Basin, onshore. Here, onshore structural data have been integrated wit...
The Crati Graben is a depression of Plio-Holocene age mainly controlled by extensional N–S striking faults and WNW–ESE transcurrent faults, in its northern and southern extremity. It is characterized by high landslide susceptibility due to the particular geo-structural pattern and seismotectonic characters. Landslides involve many villages, infrast...