Saliha Karadayi-UstaIstinye University · Industrial Engineering
Saliha Karadayi-Usta
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Field of study: Sustainability, Sustainable supply chains, Servizicing business models, Servicization, Service networks, Service supply chains, Risk analysis, Fuzzy logic and modeling
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February 2013 - July 2020
September 2014 - July 2020
June 2012 - August 2014
September 2008 - August 2010
Publications (85)
The Additive Manufacturing (AM) industry is of paramount importance as means of personalized design capabilities by rapid prototyping, using exact amount of required materials avoiding waste, and applying Industry 4.0 technologies with digital transformation ability. The characteristics of AM are regarded as the prerequisites for sustainability in...
The fashion industry negatively impacts air and water quality and contributes to landfill through its toxic chemical use, over-production of goods and inefficient shipping practices. Consumers' improper consumption of fashion exacerbates these environmental impacts. Post-consumer textile can be managed by consumers via deciding on the particular pr...
The ride-sharing business model derived from the digital sharing economy offers promise as a sustainable transportation possibility. This study analyzes the factors affecting ride-sharing services to propose a novel decision support framework, conduct a comparative study, evaluate the findings’ resilience, and validate the constructed model via sen...
The digital transformation age introduces cybersecurity threats into the hospitality industry by increasing the exposure and vulnerability of hospitality firms’ data and systems to hackers. The hospitality industry is a diverse segment of the service sector dedicated to the provision of services in areas such as accommodation, food and beverage, tr...
The purpose of this study is to extract factors enabling the digital car sharing enterprises' supply chain resilience (SCR), to interpret different factor prioritizations in terms of industry representatives’ assessments and specialties, and to discuss the results by applying and comparing different ranking techniques.
With the intensifying impacts of the climate crisis becoming more severe day by day, the industries have been compelled to accelerate the implementation of sustainable practices, especially in the fashion industry, as a motivation behind this study. Although, the utilization of digitalization and artificial intelligence as a means of sustainable ap...
Recently, the multimodal last-mile e-mobility concept has been at the center of attention for cleaner, greener, and more accessible urban deliveries. As part of sustainable transportation systems, multimodal e-mobility is proper for a variety of logistics operations as well as medical applications. This work tries to address a novel application of...
The significance of sustainability efforts has been reaffirmed by negative circumstances, such as the escalating visible consequences of climate change, floods resulting from erratic weather patterns in certain areas, and fires and extreme droughts in other regions. The logical rationale behind employing digital tools for sustainability purposes li...
Along with the challenges and disruptions faced in the COVID-19 outbreak, medical tourism is an emergent field of business bringing multiple sources of service providers to provide cross-border medical treatment with affordable costs and touristic activity opportunities. The sustainability of medical tourism is of paramount importance in terms of e...
The pharmaceutical industry, a vital stakeholder in the global market, places a high priority on research and development, and the COVID-19 pandemic led to concerns in April 2020 about possible disruptions in the supply chain of medicines. The pharmaceutical industry must prioritize resilient green supply chain operations in order to mitigate poten...
The transportation models are of paramount importance as a powerful tool for health institutions with resource allocation abilities. Movement of patients, medical supplies, employees, and other individuals across various locations are all covered in this field of study to enhance efficiency and reduce costs. However, there are limited number of pap...
Following The Paris Agreement and United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a significant number of nations globally have pledged to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. The goal is to lower emissions while emphasizing economically and socially sustainable practices. To meet these sustainable development targets, some countries have intro...
Sağlık hizmetlerinin sürdürülebilirliği açısından kullanılmayan ve atık ilaçların geri dönüşümü önemli bir hamledir. Son kullanım tarihi geçen atık ilaçların doğru yöntemlerle imha edilmesi bu ilaçların yanlış kullanımını ve çevreye vereceği zararı önlemekle kalmayıp ilaç üreticilerinin ekolojik ayak izini de azaltacaktır. Bununla birlikte, son kul...
The mandatory or voluntary migration of people can occur due to economic, social and environmental effects, and it is paramount of importance owing to the individuals' need of reaching higher standards of living. Sustainability is the ability/capability of being sustained, and it is based on the effort of people to maintain their lives in better ec...
The fashion industry represents a significant source of consumerism within the global economy and requires substantial funding, eco-friendly practices, and ethical attitudes towards human capital, which are the triple bottom line of sustainability. Conscious customers are the key to reshaping the fashion industry by shopping and supporting fashion...
Medical tourism refers to people traveling abroad to benefit from both medical and tourism services. The delivery of medical tourism services requires the simultaneous participation of multiple service providers. This study focuses on the tactical decision level of supply chain planning and aims to evaluate and select the providers of the services...
The purpose of this study is proposing a novel neutrosophical stakeholders' analysis approach for sustainable fashion supply chain (SFSC), presenting a supply chain members and objectives in order to conduct a sustainable business, investigating the roles and positions of these stakeholders, determining the contribution levels of these stak...
Dijitalleşmenin ve e-ticaret uygulamalarının geniş kitlelerce benimsenmesi, sosyal medyada görünür ve beğenilir olma kaygısı gibi sebepler, moda endüstrisinde neredeyse her hafta yeni koleksiyon tanıtmaya kadar giden bir hızlı üretim ve tüketim çılgınlığına sebep olmuştur. Hızlı moda akımının getirdiği en endişe verici sonuçlar arasında; kullanılan...
İlaç endüstrisi, atık ilaçların çevre ve insan sağlığına verdiği zararların günümüzde daha sık ve net şekilde vurgulanması ile atık yönetimi konusuna gerekli önemin verilmesi konusunda çeşitli uygulamalar ve yönetmelikler sunmaktadır. Bu kapsamda kullanılmayan ve atık ilaçların uygun şekilde ve uygun zaman diliminde toplanması, bilinçli tüketiciler...
Providing a sustainable distance education is paramouth of importance as a highly complex process requieing the involvement of various stakeholders. The purpose of this study is to investigate the criteria affecting the sustainability of distance education (DE) in higher education institutions, and to understand the differences in several internal...
Sürdürülebilirlik, dijitalleşme ve hizmetleştirme kavramları günümüz küresel salgın ve iklim krizi koşulları ile birlikte önem kazanmış, girişimcilik anlamında yeni iş modellerinin ortaya çıkmasına ortam hazırlamıştır. Bu çalışma ile sürdürülebilir dijital hizmetleştirme iş şekillerinden biri olarak ön plana çıkan araç paylaşımı iş modelinde etkili...
Today's rising cutting-edge technology requirements and competitive environment in telecommunication industry has gained a remarkable importance due to the COVID-19 pandemics in terms of high need of information sharing and remote communication necessity. Telecommunication companies conduct significant analyses by highlighting that the customer dat...
Dijitalleşmenin ve e-ticaret uygulamalarının geniş kitlelerce benimsenmesi, sosyal medyada görünür ve beğenilir olma kaygısı gibi sebepler, moda endüstrisinde neredeyse her hafta yeni koleksiyon tanıtmaya kadar giden bir hızlı üretim ve tüketim çılgınlığına sebep olmuştur. Hızlı moda akımının getirdiği en endişe verici sonuçlar arasında; kullanılan...
Moda endüstrisi, odağında insan olan emek-yoğun yapısıyla, hızlı moda akımı ve fazlasıyla artan e-ticaret hacminin getirdiği olumsuz koşullar sebebiyle önemli bir konumdadır. Tekstil boyalarının ve sentetik kumaşların doğaya verdiği zararın yanında, tasarım-kesim-dikim gibi süreçlerde aktif rol olan insan kaynağının çalışma koşullarındaki olumsuz d...
Interpretive Structural Modeling is of paramount importance in barrier / risk / challenge analysis as a hierarchical visual map by emphasizing the root-cause of the problems. It asks expert opinions to evaluate the causal relationships of identified variables. However, in many cases experts cannot determine a relationship, or can be doubtful about...
The circular economy movement has paved the way for the sustainable supply chains with its nature-friendly structure via recycling and repeated use of products. Hence, this study aims to determine the factors affecting the paper packaging industry in the circular economy in order to provide a conceptual model of the cause-and-effect relationships t...
Sürdürülebilir moda, tüketicinin gerçek ihtiyaçlarını sorguladığı, doğal içerikli kumaşların seçildiği, çalışanlarına etik çalışma koşulları sağlayan markaların tercih edildiği, edinilen kıyafetin uzun süre kullanıldığı, gerektiğinde tamir edildiği, ömrü bittiğinde geri dönüşüm yoluyla yeniden ipliğe çevrildiği veya işlevinin değiştirilmesiyle yeni...
The new normal of the world has been shaped by the COVID-19 outbreak by avoiding public transportation in order to prevent the spread of the disease. Due to the high financial burden of purchasing a car, new business models have been developed in order to make possible of utilizing vehicles to meet the transportation needs in pay-per-use base conce...
Servicization as a part of circular economy has a prominent role in operations management research by emphasizing the functionality of the products. Servicizing business model is a phenomenon that the products are converted into services for sale, or process of transforming the consumers into users. This newly introduced way of business is defined...
Endüstri 4.0, dijital dönüşüm vasıtasıyla ileri teknoloji altyapı ve nitelikli insan kaynağı kullanarak geleceğin üretim sistemlerini şekillendirecek bir fırsat konumundadır. Küresel anlamda popüler hale gelen dijital dönüşüm, yüksek rekabet ortamında yer alan veya yer almayı hedefleyen ülkeler için kaçınılmaz olup yerine getirilmesi gereken bir va...
Risk management in supply chains is of growing importance and has been studied extensively in manufacturing supply chains. However, risk in service supply chains (SSCs) is largely neglected. Since SSCs are not immune to disruptions, there is a need to study and understand supply chain risks from a service perspective. This paper sets out to identif...
Tekstil lojistiği ülkemizde yoğun şekilde hizmet göstermekte olup, kullanılan hammaddelerin ve hazır giyimin depolandığı, paketlendiği ve taşındığı bütünleşik bir süreçtir. Hızlı moda akımının ve dijitalleşmenin ivmelenmesi ile birlikte talepte ciddi bir yükseliş gerçekleşmiş, kıyafet üretimini de aynı doğrultuda tetiklemiştir. Hızlı moda akımı ile...
Döngüsel ekonomi hareketi, trilyonlarca dolarlık finansal potansiyeli bulunan, ürünlerin geri dönüşümüne ve tekrar tekrar kullanımına vurgu yapan doğa dostu yapısı ile sürdürülebilir tedarik zincirlerinin oluşmasına ortam hazırlamaktadır. Küresel anlamda iş dünyası ve siyaset üzerinde önemli bir etki yaratmakta, çok uluslu firmalar tarafından başar...
Hızlı moda akımı ve dijitalleşmenin yüksek ivme kazandığı günümüzde, moda endüstrisinde yapay zekâ ve makine öğrenmesi alanlarında önemli gelişmeler kaydedilmiştir. Doğal kaynak kullanımının en aza indirilmesi ve tüketicinin gerçek ihtiyacının anlaşılması adına dijital mecralar yoluyla müşterilerden geri bildirim alınması, tüketicinin satıştaki ürü...
Sürdürülebilir tedarik zinciri (STZ) kapsamında COVID-19 küresel salgınına kadarki dönemde döngüsel ekonomi, yeşil tedarik zinciri, tersine akış, kapalı-döngü gibi kavramlar, modeller ve uygulamalar literatürde geniş yer alırken, pandemi döneminde STZ çalışmalarının odağına tedarik zinciri risk yönetimi, beklenmedik durum planlama, aksama ve kesint...
Kişilerin ikamet ettikleri ülke dışında tedavi / rehabilitasyon görmek için tıbbi kurumlara erişimlerini sağlayan medikal turizm, hem iş hem de araştırma alanı olarak son yıllarda gittikçe artan bir şekilde dikkat çekmektedir. Uluslararası tıbbi seyahatlerin COVID-19 salgınına yönelik önlemler kapsamında kesintiye uğramasıyla, medikal turizm kapsam...
Cyber-physical systems provide an environment that can operate automatically by the sensors’ functioning, and that can be controlled remotely. This infrastructure potential has revealed the digital transformation supported industrial revolution of our age. Therefore, the responsibilities of top managers and industrial engineers have also increased...
Industry 4.0 is an opportunity to shape the future production systems via digital transformation by utilizing advanced technologies and qualified human resources. The Industry 4.0 concept enabling smart systems that can operate on their own with digital infrastructure, has been referred as “the 2020 advanced technology target” of Germany in 2011. T...
Industry 4.0 where industrial revolutions gain a new dimension with digital transformation; forms the basis for integrated systems that can communicate with each other, verify through sensors, exchange and analyze data, and make decisions with artificial intelligence. Smart factories of the future are an opportunity to minimize costs and human erro...
Industry 4.0 is the new digital transformation-based industrial revolution, where human mind and talent specialization are used in skilled jobs, and automation systems are for repetitive tasks. It is a well-planned organization that all production units operate in a harmony by ensuring the digital data, software and information technologies work in...
The new normal of the world has been shaped by the COVID-19 pandemics. It has made compulsory to avoid public transportation and to provide individual transportation in order to prevent the spread of the disease. Due to the high financial burden of purchasing a car, new business models have been developed in order to make possible of utilizing vehi...
Medical tourism service offers a professional healthcare opportunity by travelling abroad with the chance of touristic and cultural activities at the destination country. Medical travelers prefer a foreign country for treatment due to long waiting periods, high costs, excessive number of patients, inadequate number of healthcare professionals and i...
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) adoption provides an opportunity for high-technology-based, value-added processes and requires an infrastructural transformation and more qualified employee involvement. The I4.0 literature contains researches presenting an awareness, guidance, and complementary activities for an I4.0 concept. However, there is no detailed study...
Kurumsal Kaynak Planlama (KKP), kurumların tüm iş süreçlerinin bütünleşik bir veri tabanından yönetilmesini sağlamaktadır. Kurulum sürecinde, kurulum yapılan firmanın iş süreçleri ve ilgili KKP sistemi üzerinde karmaşık ve uygulaması zorlu birçok değişiklik yapılması gerekmektedir. KKP yazılımlarının kurulumu esnasında karşılaşılan engeller kurulum...
Medikal turizm, düşük bekleme süreleri, düşük maliyetler, alanında uzman sağlık görevlileri ve yeni ülkeleri keşfetme olanağı gibi avantajlarıyla hastalar için cazip bir turizm hizmetidir. Çok sayıda hizmet sağlayıcının dâhil olduğu bu hizmetin sunumu ve gerçekleştirilmesi için hizmet sağlayıcılar ve hastalar arasındaki etkileşim önemlidir. Bu çalı...
Purpose: Medical tourism service requires involvement of multiple parties from the service network, however a supply chain management perspective is not so prominent in medical tourism. This study suggests a conceptual model of medical tourism service supply chain (MTSSC), and defines its business processes.
Design/methodology/approach: Triangula...
There is an emerging need in understanding the trends and determinants of the medical tourism industry, which have a significant impact on the host country’s economy. Turkey’s popularity as an international tourism destination combined with the expertise of Turkish medical professionals and advanced technology available in the leading medical facil...
Customer to customer (C2C) e-commerce has gained a remarkable importance in recent years. Individuals can reach what they desire to obtain as a buyer in an easy way, and also can sell their properties by using mobile applications and websites as e-commerce platforms rapidly. However, high human involvement and internet infrastructure establishes ri...
Conference tourism is a significant service system with a supply chain structure including academicians as service providers, accommodation and transportation facilitators, visa services, touristic activity providers, equipment and material suppliers, tourism agencies and catering services. High level of service supply chain member participation pu...
Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) reference model is a key guideline to manage a supply chain with a high level of coordination and integration. Although there are well-defined steps of CPFR model, the adoption of this reference model has many challenges at the implementation phase. In this study, the CPFR implementation...
Medical tourism service offers a professional healthcare opportunity by travelling abroad with the chance of touristic and cultural activities at the destination country. Medical travelers prefer a foreign country for treatment due to long waiting periods, high costs, excessive number of patients, inadequate number of healthcare professionals and i...
Medical tourism is a combination of medical and tourism services that attracts medical travelers to destination countries. Collaboration between the members of the medical tourism service supply chain (MTSSC) is important to maintain a sustainable business. Thus, in this chapter, the authors use Collaborative Planning Forecasting Replenishment (CPF...
Endüstri 4.0’ın hayatımıza girişiyle iş yapış şekillerinin değişiminin gerekliliği ortaya çıkmış ve buna paralel olarak lojistik
faaliyetlerin de bu değişime ayak uyduracak ve destek olacak şekilde uyarlanması söz konusu olmuştur. Öğrenen robotik
sistemler, büyük veri ve veri analitiği, bulut bilişim, artırılmış gerçeklik, eklemeli üretim gibi tekn...
Endüstri 4.0’ın hayatımıza girişiyle iş yapış şekillerinin değişiminin gerekliliği ortaya çıkmış ve buna paralel olarak lojistik faaliyetlerin de bu değişime ayak uyduracak ve destek olacak şekilde uyarlanması söz konusu olmuştur. Öğrenen robotik sistemler, büyük veri ve veri analitiği, bulut bilişim, artırılmış gerçeklik, eklemeli üretim gibi tekn...
Medical tourism service offers a professional healthcare opportunity by travelling abroad with the chance of touristic and cultural activities at the destination country. Medical travelers prefer a foreign country for treatment due to long waiting periods, high costs, excessive number of patients, inadequate number of healthcare professionals and i...
Conference tourism is a significant service system with a supply chain structure including academicians as service providers, accommodation and transportation facilitators, visa services, touristic activity providers, equipment and material suppliers, tourism agencies and catering services. High level of service supply chain member participation pu...
Collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment (CPFR) reference
model is a key guideline to manage a supply chain with a high level of
coordination and integration. Although there are well-defined steps of CPFR
model, the adoption of this reference model has many challenges at the
implementation phase. In this study, the CPFR implementation...
Customer to customer (C2C) e-commerce has gained a remarkable
importance in recent years. Individuals can reach what they desire to obtain as a
buyer in an easy way, and also can sell their properties by using mobile
applications and websites as e-commerce platforms rapidly. However, high
human involvement and internet infrastructure establishes ri...
Industry 4.0 (I4.0) adoption provides an opportunity for high technology based value added processes and requires an infrastructural transformation and more qualified employee involvement. I4.0 literature contains researches presenting an awareness, guidance and complementary activities for I4.0 concept. However, there is no detailed study focusing...
Medical tourism supply chain (MTSC) is a network including multiple members that plan medical services, supply the necessary funds, deliver medical services and manage the information flow and financial elements from service provider to patients. Collaborative Planning Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR) is a business practice joining multiple bus...
Most of the industrial products are produced by assembling different parts. In internal logistics activities, the delivery of a product's parts to their relevant assembly line and then to workstations is of great importance and also parts feeding system directly affects the time required to produce the product. This time varies depending on the var...
Performance of the part feeding systems has a great importance on assembly systems especially in lean manufacturing environment. The part feeding policy is influenced by many factors such as design and variety of products and conditions in production area, and for the part feeding systems there are two main methods which are line side stocking (con...
While the specific constraints may vary over time and by location, urban planners essentially execute the same function, namely to create effective urban areas subject to the constraints of land, resources, finance and time. Thereby, it should be emphasized that planned urban forms cannot be excluded from organic growth processes. Land-use planning...
Purpose – This paper aims to propose a combined methodology to help decision makers in evaluating and selecting the most effective part feeding system.
Design/methodology/approach – As a first step of the methodology, a hierarchical clustering analysis is applied to design a kitting or hybrid feeding system. Second, activity-based costing methodolo...
Günümüz temel gıda tüketim ihtiyaçlarını karşılamada meyve - sebze kap ve ambalajlarının koruyucu özelliğinden kaynaklanan öneminin yanında, bu kap ve ambalajların depolanması ve lojistiği de önem arz etmektedir. Yetiştirici, işçi, üretici/işleyici, dağıtıcı/toptancı/aracı, restoran/süpermarket/yerel pazar ve tüketici sırasıyla şekillenmiş olan mey...
Lean practices are implemented both in manufacturing and service companies in order to find the hidden wastes and improve continuously. However, many organizations experienced failure in lean implementation. Beside the application of appropriate lean tools and techniques, there are many other factors that affect the success of the lean implementati...
The overall shift in emphasis in the economy from manufacturing to service industries has also received research attention in the last decades. Not surprisingly, there is a burgeoning literature on Service Supply Chains attempting to understand, explain, and model Service Supply Chains (SSC). This study conducts a systematic review of literature on...
The purpose of this article is to investigate the role of personal characteristics and category involvement of consumers in the evaluation process of product failures. To test the research model, a questionnaire was conducted with 195 consumers who had electronic product failure experiences. Findings of the research reveal significant relationships...