Safet KapoUniversity of Sarajevo | UNSA · Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
Safet Kapo
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Publications (106)
A research has been conducted on a sample of 80 competitors in 40 fights. The objective of this research was to determine the level of use of technical and tactical elements in boxing based on situational efficiency of boxers participating in the “15th B&H INDIVIDUAL BOXING CHAMPIONSHIP BANOVIĆI 2007. Based on video records, an analysis of fights w...
“Without changing our patterns of thought, we will not be able to solve the
problems that we created with our current patterns of thought.”
Albert Einstein
I is obvious, from the first encounter with this book, that the outstanding
master Kapo and his students, in this pictorial demonstration of practical
knowledge and...
Understanding sport development in this day and age can- not be but directed towards mathematical models of situ- ational parameters identification, on which the placing of top athletes at world-level tournaments depends. For the abovementioned reasons the analyses are primarily con- cerned with the identification of fighter successfulness pa- rame...
Main purpose is determination of the latent dimensions of fight that are
derived from the specific situational conditions, ie Kickboxing competitions,
on sample of 78 examinees, participants on the Balkan’s championship
in kickboxing from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, aged from 18 to 33 years,...
“Čovjek koji pravilno vlada svojim srcem, vlada pravilno svojim domom. Čovjek koji pravilno vlada svojim domom, pravilno vlada svojom državom. Čovjek koji pravilno vlada svojom državom, pravilno vlada cijelim svijetom.”
Yi Hwang (Toegye)
Na Fakultetu sporta i tjelesnog odgoja Univerziteta u Sarajevu školuju se visoko kvalificirani stručnjaci za po...
Background and Study Aim: Even today, sport is essential in human development, so it is necessary to constantly remind ourselves of this fact and use it to educate children and young people. Martial arts and combat sports are recognized worldwide for their educational aspect and the moral values they instil, as their principles serve as inputs for...
Attacks by dogs, primarily stray dogs, are a very common problem faced by both underdeveloped and developed local goverments. The damage caused by attacks from stray dogs has multiple, and often long-lasting, harmful consequences for their victims, which are also reflected on members of their families. This manuscript provides a veterinary-epidemio...
Cilj ovog istraživanja je dati pregled relevantne literature u vezi s fenomenom interpersonalne traume, relevantnih psiholoških teorija u vezi s liječenjem traume, literature o odnosu između treninga u borilačkim vještinama i tretmana simptoma povezanih s interpersonalnom traumom, te alternativne percepcije treninga u borilačkim veštinama. Traumats...
This research aimed to compare individual penalties by gender and weight categories in judo from the Judo World Championships (WC): Budapest-2017, Baku-2018, Tokyo-2019 and Budapest-2021 in all individual weight categories for females and males.
Data were collected by notational analysis of 2041 penalty videos for females an...
The aim of this research is to determine the effects of programme contents on body composition, functional abilities and speed of performing technical elements in karate. The sample on which the research was carried out consists of 15 male subjects aged between 15 and 18 years, with at least three years of practicing karate. The sample of variables...
The development of functional abilities in children is extremely important for primarily health reasons, as a kind of prevention of the increasing incidence of obesity, diabetes and deformities of the locomotors system, which carries a modern, sedentary lifestyle. Ventilation values in childhood and puberty change in parallel with changes in anthro...
Penalties in judo result from negative actions that are not in line with judo combat regulations. The aim of the research was to determine the differences in penalties between winner and non-winner competitors in judo. A total of 1799 (men=1133 and women=666) matches with penalties were evaluated during 2017, 2018 and 2019 World Judo Championships....
Athletes who train in public places in urban and rural areas are just as attacked and injured by dogs of known owners as they are by dogs with no owners, in a relatively equal proportion. The largest number of bites occurs in the summer, what makes up half of all bites, just when sports activity is most pronounced. Athletes who are most often expos...
National boxing championships represent the first step in discovering potential top performing boxers who could achieve good results at higher competition levels. The aim of this research is to compare performances of winning and losingelite maleamateur boxers competing in the National Championship of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The sample consists of...
Athletes who train in public places in urban and rural areas are just as attacked and injured by dogs of known owners as they are by dogs with no owners, in a relatively equal proportion. The largest number of bites occurs in the summer, what makes up half of all bites, just when sports activity is most pronounced. Athletes who are most often expos...
The aim of this research is to determine the effects of the implemented teaching of K-1 subject to body composition and muscle performance of first-year students. The sample (n=39) consists of male (n=32) and female (n=7) fist –year students of the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education from Sarajevo. They all attended K-1 theoretical and practic...
This article summarizes systematic reviews of the literature related to foot deformities. The aim of this review is to analyze the feet of preschool children and to identify the factors that lead to the accommodation of this deformity. All data sources have been selected from relevant sources from websites, journals and original scientific articles...
Abstract: The main objective of this research is about to compare the attacking efficiency index (AEI) derived from younger male and female U-23 seniors, participated at The National Judo Championship of Bosnia and Herzegovina held in 2015 at Ilidza-Sarajevo. The sample of respondents consists (n=60) combats of younger male seniors and (n= 22) comb...
Judo and karate are polystructural acyclic sports, which require development of a great number of human abilities and characteristics. Although both are martial arts, they differ greatly in the requirements and quality of performance of individual movements. The aim of this study was to determine the differences in the quality of performing movemen...
This research aimed to determine the isokinetic strength differences between two groups of athletes (karate and track-and-field athletics) and to analyse factors that possibly contribute to the differences. We examined possible differences in peak power output and power ratio between agonist and antagonist thigh muscles of the knee. The sample cons...
INTRODUCTION AND AIM:Judo fights are comprised of elements such as a Grip (Kumi Kata) and a throwing technique, whose successfulness at the competition are evaluated by a referee who scores its efficiency based on specific criteria. The aim of this research is to compare the attack efficiency index in female contestants among different age groups c...
Freestyle wrestling for women is characterised as complex polystructural acyclic movement activity of high intensity. The aim of this research is to determine the differences in performance between winners and defeated female cadet freestyle wrestlers at European championship for Cadets, held in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) in 2010. The resear...
It is well known that regular physical activity can induce changes in body composition and overall body power of skeletal muscles. Aim of the study was to evaluate effects of regular physical education classes on changes in body composition and muscular fitness in primary school children. Overall 38 school age male and female children (age: 13± 0.3...
It is well known that regular physical activity can induce changes in body composition and overall body power of skeletal muscles. Aim of the study was to evaluate effects of regular physical education classes on changes in body composition and muscular fitness in primary school children. Overall 38 school age male and female children (age: 13± 0.3...
Aim of this research was to determine the effects of specific
rogrammed training on morphological characteristics, motoric and functional abilities of elite judokas. Seven judo athletes (24.71±3.35 years), that have won at least one medal in the European Judo
hampionship or in the World or European Judo Cup during previous two years participated...
The aim of the study was to analyse the deviations of the body posture and to assess the occurrence of spine deformities. Additionally, Body Mass Index in school children was related to the trend in postural deformities for different age groups (5-8 years old, n=112; 9-11 years old, n=205; 12-14 years old, n=212) as part of the project...
The aim of the study was to analyse the deviations of the body posture and to assess the occurrence of spine deformities. Additionally, Body Mass Index in school children was related to the trend in postural deformities for different age groups (5-8 years old, n=112; 9-11 years old, n=205; 12-14 years old, n=212) as part of the project...
The aim of this research is to analyze n=81 unsuccessfully performed throwing techniques by seniors on
Bosnia and Herzegovina State Championship in judo, held in 2017. One third is related to successful throws while two thirds are unsuccessful throws. The largest number of unsuccessful throwing techniques is in leg (Ashi), hand (Te), side sacrifice...
Nešto vrijedno
Kad su drevni Kinezi odlučili živjeti u miru, napravili su Kineski zid. Mislili
su da ga niko neće preći zbog njegove visine, dužine i čvrstoće. Tokom prvih 100
godina postojanja zida, Kinezi su napadnuti tri puta. I svaki put neprijateljske
snage su podmitile čuvare zida i svaki put prešli zid bez ikakve muke. Gre...
For female competitors, judo is a very challenging sport both from physical and psychological aspect, and in order to win one of the medals, female competitors need to beat down multiple rivals. Both competitors fighting in finals for first and second place, and competitors fighting for the bronze medal are in top level female competitors on the le...
Purpose: Warm up in combat sports increases speed of muscle contraction and transmission of neuronal impulses, stimulates movement economy improving the muscle power and kinetic energy output when kicking (Costa et al., 2011; Chaabene et al., 2012). Main aim was to compare different warm up procedures and its effects on peak power output of tight m...
PURPOSE: Wrestling is very intense polystructural acyclic activity in which female wrestlers have the possibility to win or be defeated based on their current performances. For this reasons, athletes and coaches must understand the demands of wrestling in competition as well as the significance of the informations collected by notation analysis at...
Rules in boxing are important because of they provide the same conditions to boxers to show their best performances at competitions. World Boxing Federation (AIBA) changed rules in duration of combat. Therefore since 1997.year rules 3x3 minutes altered to 5x2 minutes and in 1999.year 5x2 minutes altered to 4x2 minutes and since 2009. 4x2 minutes re...
Kapo, S., Rađo, I., Čović, N., Kajmović, H., Ivor, D.
Universitiy of Sarajevo, Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
Aim of the study was to determine relationship between the obesity indicators and postural status
including shoulder obliquity (ShOb - degrees), pelvi...
The aim of this research was to determine the differences in the rate of development of ventilation capabilities in 12 to 15-year-old boys who systematically train football, and boys in the same age group who are not involved in any sports. The research included 40 football players and 40 non-players, divided into chronological age groups...
The aim of this research is to determine correlation between functional movement of female
cadet with the success of the throwing techniques Uchi Mata in the right and left side. A sample
of (n=20) female cadet who actively practice judo, analyzed seven variable quality functional
movements such as: Deep squat, Hurdle Step, Inline lunge, Shoulder m...
Purpose of the research was to compare the effects of dynamic and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching on knee isokinetic strength and power parameters. Sample size of 50 male athletes is represented as male athletes divided into sub-samples of 10 athletes at competitive level in karate (19 ± 2,4), taekwondo (20 ± 3,6), boxing...
The aim of research was analyzing of the practical aspects of application of skilled pedagogical practice in the proces of education of kinesiologists to be through interactive work with children of elementary school age. The research had been conducted on a sample comprising od 60 examinees of both sexes (students of master study in the field of k...
Background & Study Aim: Karate is sport who has high demands for energy consumption due to constant dynamic movements in training and fights. Transformation process in sport is ability to change body physiology using training methods. The aim of this research are the effects of a three month programmed training on body composition indicators in fem...
Dear friends, colleagues, students and athletes,
It’s our honor to invite you to the conference:
“First South-East Europe Conference of Martial Arts and Combat Sports; ESP-
Education, Science and Practice”- Sarajevo, November, 27-28 2015.”
Conference is conceptualized as a scientific and expert conference of national and
international experts...
Necessity for organizing this type of conference came from a desire that martial arts and combat
sports are presented in other ways other than usual, and that they can have positive impact on
society. Martial arts and combat sports are observed as an educational aspect and moral values
and principles of martial arts are used as inputs for qualit...
IN KARATE DEPENDING ON THE BASIC MOTOR ABILITIES the intensity of correlation between two tested areas and defining of impacts of the basic-motor abilities to performance efficiency related to complex motor structures of karate.
The sample consists 60 male karate athletes of...
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of karate training in
performing defence and offense tactic and technique elements reflecting as
peak torque (Pt) and total work (TW) alterations of knee and elbow extensor
and flexor muscles. The conducted programme lasted for 12 weeks, with 3
training sessions per week. The subjects were...
Sprint is characterized as movement of highest running velocity and it is highly genetically conditioned. Early detection of genetic resources can help create a superior sprinter. Maximum running velocity is expressed through the structure of kinematic and dynamic parameters. Prediction of maximum gained speed (KVmax) using dynamic running...
Aim of the research was to compare balance ability of karate athletes to taekwondo and boxing athletes. It is hypothesized that due to movement structure karatekas should perform better in balance tests. Thirty athletes performed balance ability test protocol on Byodex Balance system. Byodex balance system is apparatus made interlay as stationary p...
The aim of this study was to determineeffects of proprioceptive and strength training on improving precision in student population. A prospective randomised study with repeated measures design was conductedat the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Sarajevo and consisted 39 units of training during a 15-week period. The stu...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of sport & recreation management in the implementation of programs of physical exercise of third age population (above 65 years of age). Management task was focused on organization, promotion, distribution and direct realization of sport & recreation exercise program in the water (aqua aerobics a...
Essential Values of Olympism are as applicable in sport as they arein community. The importance of
being the first brings forth great temptation of breaking the rules or using them to one's own
advantage. A question of sport ethics is a relevant one for the prevention of socially undesirable forms
of conduct, a question to which all th...
This research was conducted with the aim of determining the effects of the sports elements of the military training on qualitative changes of morphological characteristics, in soldiers - conscripts of the Armed Forces, and which is not only designed to achieve scientific results that would be academically defended, but also it should represent a wa...
Abstract Body composition plays a very important role for the competition success. Elite Karate athletes are characterized as ectomorph and mesomorph somatotypes with a low level of adipose tissue, while the morphological profile of young female athletes is unknown to authors. The research was conducted on a sample of nineteen (n = 19) female subje...
This research was conducted with the aim of determining the effects of the sports elements of the military training on qualitative changes of morphological characteristics, in soldiers - conscripts of the Armed Forces, and which is not only designed to achieve scientific results that would be academically defended, but also it should repre...
Sprint is characterized as movement of highest running velocity and it is highly genetically conditioned. Early detection of genetic resources can help create a superior sprinter. Maximum running velocity is expressed through the structure of kinematic and dynamic parameters. Prediction of maximum gained speed (KVmax) using dynamic running paramete...
The purpose of this study, which was conducted at the Institute of sport on Faculty of sport and physical education University of Sarajevo, within the project “Gold badge”, was to investigate the acute effects of 2 types of warm-up protocols on peak torque of dominant leg extensor muscles. Concentric knee extension power was measured isokinetically...
The purpose of this study, which was conducted at the Institute of sport on Faculty of sport and physical education University of Sarajevo, within the project “Gold badge”, was to investigate the acute effects of 2 types of warm-up protocols on peak torque of dominant leg extensor muscles. Concentric knee extension power was measured isokinetically...
This research has been carried out on a sample of 96 top level super heavyweight (over 91 kg)
male fighters participating in final K-1 tournaments in Japan from 1993 to 2004 (in 84 matches and 205
rounds). The age of the subjects varied from 21 to 39 years. The aim of the study was to evaluate the application of kicks by the most successful K-1 f...
The Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Novi Sad and Faculty of Sport and Physical Education of the University of Sarajevo together have implemented the project "Improving testing abilities on postural and spinal column status-SpineLab" financed by the European Union within the IPA Cross-border cooperation programme Serbia-...
Various observations and analysis, live fights, match recording details by various profiles of experts led us to the expansion and consolidation of knowledge on different possibilities of action and to concretizing of components that are important for success in K-1 sport (Kapo 2006). This article focuses to identify the parameters of K-1 fighters...
This research has been conducted in order to determine the effects of the military training recreational elements on qualitative changes anthropological soldier‟s characteristics within the armed forces. This dissertation is not only designed to achieve scientific results that would be defended during my dissertation presentation, but also represen...
Characteristics and principles of some of today's sports disciplines (karate , judo , taekwondo , K-1), indicating their genesis and the necessity in the time of their creation and their necessity nowadays, in the modern world (Kapo , Cikatić 2009) .
Researches of the influence of the program content on functional abilities and performance velocity are of particular importance, as the karate is a very complex sport, in which facts mentioned here are important for efficacy of the results achieved at the competition (Kapo, 1999.
In the reasearch, conducted on Balkan's championship in kickboxing (Krupalija 2010) on sample of 78
examinees, 14 varimax factors were separated, described as a specific activities in real fight. The goal of this
research was to determine to what extent those 14 varimax factors, described as a specific activities in real
fight, have influenced the...
Analysis of competitions of top K–1 fighters who were finalists of the K-1 Final, aims at determining the technical and tactical elements which are dominant in K-1 based on the situational efficiency of finalists of the K-1 WGP Final, Japan, 1993.
In the creative application of quality system and achieved effects in organizations, it is very important to consider this issue from several angles. The most common way of viewing it is from the point of view of the organization, but we must not forget those who have participated in the overall process of introduction and certification of quality...