Sadiye KeleşBülent Ecevit University · early childhood education
Sadiye Keleş
Doctor of Philosophy
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I’m associative professor at Bülent Ecevit University in Turkey, in Early Childhood Education Department. I completed my PhD and investigated the self-regulation development in preschool children. I am particularly interested in early childhood educational contexts, building positive and supportive classroom climate and the effect of environmental quality on children’s self-regulation
September 2009 - October 2012
Publications (27)
Çalışmanın amacı okul öncesi öğretmenlerinin toplama ve çıkarma kavramlarına ait pedagojik alan bilgilerinin incelenmesidir. Nitel araştırma yönteminin benimsendiği bu çalışma, fenomenoloji çalışmasıdır. Çalışmanın araştırma grubunu farklı anaokullarında görev yapmakta olan üç okul öncesi öğretmeni oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmanın verileri görüşme yoluy...
ZET Bu araştırmanın temel amacı, uygulanan Düşünme Rutinleri Eğitim Programı'nın okul öncesi öğretmen adaylarının düşünme dili kullanımları üzerindeki etkililiğinin incelenmesidir. Çalışmada tek gruplu ön test-son test modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya 24 okul öncesi öğretmen adayı dahil olmuştur. Eğitim programı kapsamında erken çocukluk dönemind...
The aim of this research was to
analyze preschool teachers’ types of science
talks and the variety of concept-related
words they used during these talks in class.
A picture storybook with a light related
concept as the main theme, was chosen as
a data collection tool. Teachers were asked
to analyze this wordless picture storybook
and children were...
The aim of the study is to evaluate the relationship between early childhood teachers’ risky play experiences, their injury histories in their childhood and risky play management strategies they used as a teacher. 190 early childhood teachers participated in this study. Data were collected through a semi- structured interview form. Only play with g...
The aim of this study was to investigate the risk levels desired by children aged 4–5 years and their perceived status of mother monitoring. One hundred and three children aged 4–5 years were participated in the study. For the purpose of collecting data, a set of 12 drawings based on the interview method set out by the researchers and the questions...
Efforts to teach thinking have been continuing for many years. In recent years, the findings from scientific research have proved that especially the various characteristics of teachers have a critical value in teaching thinking. These features; it is possible to list teachers' approaches to teaching activities, instructional strategies (individual...
z: Nitelikli bir okul öncesi eğitimin göstergeleri arasında yer alan eğitim programı ve eğitim ortamı gibi temel boyutları en üst düzeyde kullanarak, eğitim sürecini etkili uygulamalarla gerçekleştirecek kişiler okul öncesi öğretmenleridir. Diğer tüm öğretmenlik branşlarında olduğu gibi, okul öncesi öğretmenliğinde de öğretmenlerin taşıması gereken...
There are a lot of contextual factors presenting reminders, clues and external supports in educational settings. Undoubtedly, teachers, children and physical environment are the leading contextual factors. In this respect, it has been proven by some researches that teachers vary in their speech, behaviors and roles during plays. The aim of the stud...
Eğitim ortamında hatırlatıcıları, ipuçlarını ve dışsal desteği sunan birçok bağlamsal faktör bulunmaktadır. Hiç kuşkusuz bu bağlamsal faktörlerin başında öğretmenler, çocuklar ve fiziksel çevre gelmektedir. Bu açıdan önemli bir bağlamsal aktör olan öğretmenlerin, çocukların -mış gibi oyunları sırasındaki konuşmalarının, davranışlarının ve üstlendik...
Objectives: Throughout history, unintentional injuries have posed a threat to human life and the quality of life. In the context of developmental phases, injuries are known to occur mostly in childhood. In the light of this, the present study aims to consider 4-5 yearold children's injury-risk behaviours in terms of gender, injury type, and context...
z AraĢtırmanın amacı, Kültürel-Tarihsel Kuram Bağlamında Hazırlanan Öz-Düzenleme Eğitim Programı'nın okul öncesi eğitime devam eden 48-60 aylık çocukların öz-düzenleme geliĢimleri üzerine etkisinin incelenmesidir. AraĢtırmada-Kültürel-Tarihsel Kuram Bağlamında Hazırlanan Eğitim Programı‖nın 48-60 aylık çocukların öz-düzenleme geliĢimleri üzerindeki...
z AraĢtırmanın amacı, Kültürel-Tarihsel Kuram Bağlamında Hazırlanan Öz-Düzenleme Eğitim Programı'nın okul öncesi eğitime devam eden 48-60 aylık çocukların öz-düzenleme geliĢimleri üzerine etkisinin incelenmesidir. AraĢtırmada-Kültürel-Tarihsel Kuram Bağlamında Hazırlanan Eğitim Programı‖nın 48-60 aylık çocukların öz-düzenleme geliĢimleri üzerindeki...
Keleş S. & Yurt Ö. (2017) Characteristics of preschool teachers: A Vignette study. 27th EECERA Annual Conference ‘Social Justice, Solidarity And Children’s Rights’, (29th August – 1 st September 2017) Bologna, Italy, s.252.
Yurt Ö. & Keleş S. (2017) Risky play behaviours: To determine the approaches of preschool teacher. 27th EECERA Annual Conference ‘Social Justice, Solidarity And Children’s Rights’, (29th August – 1 st September 2017) Bologna, Italy, s.240.
The first aim of this study is to examine the validity and reliability of the Children’s Playfulness Scale (CPS), which was developed to determine pre-school children’s disposition towards play. The second aim is to test the effects of some variables on playfulness and whether such variables affect playfulness levels of children. About 196 children...
The first aim of this study is to examine the validity and reliability of the Children’s Playfulness Scale (CPS), which was developed to determine pre-school children’s disposition towards play. The second aim is to test the effects of some variables on playfulness and whether such variables affect playfulness levels of children. About 196 children...
Adult playfulness helps children to reduce their
negative feelings and go through more smooth
transitions for new experiences, and this
propounds the importance of examining the
playfulness of teachers. The aim of this study is
to examine the psychometric properties of
Adult Playfulness Trait Scale (APTS)-Turkish
Form in terms of teacher candidates...
The objective of this research is to examine the observations and views of preschool teachers on private speech. Research was performed within the framework of phenomenological pattern out of qualitative research patterns. This data was collected through a semi-structured interview form designed by the researchers with 44 pre-school teachers. Raw d...
The objective of this research is to examine the observations and views of preschool teachers on private speech. Research was performed within the framework of phenomenological pattern out of qualitative research patterns. This data was collected through a semi-structured interview form designed by the researchers with 44 preschool teachers. Raw da...
The aim of the study is to determine the approaches of preschool teacher candidates to the embedded rules in the sociodramatic plays. The qualitative research pattern was used in the study and the work group was determined within the limits of the criteria specified by the researcher. 44 preschool teacher candidates participated in the research. 3...
Given the importance of teachers’ role in creating positive social – emotional climate, it is surprising that very
few studies have investigated teacher’s practice on peer conflict resolution strategies. The aim of this study is to examine the use of peer conflict resolution strategies by preschool teacher candidates. Qualitative method was preferr...
Rationale of the study: Gender has been a (research) interest for social psychology
as it investigates people's social lives and every aspect of their social behaviors; and for
educational sciences because of classification period and its relationship with social learning
(Dökmen, 2004, s.31). For this reason, there are a lot of different approache...
When the parents “within the bound of their possibility” attend the course of education of school not only they help themselves but also their children and the education programs of school. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of parent involvement program on cognitive learning levels of 5-6 age groups of children. The research was p...