Sabrija Čadro

Sabrija Čadro
Sabrija verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Sabrija verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
University of Sarajevo | UNSA · Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science

Associate professor
Be free, use both sides of your brain, do what you love, spend your time wisely and protect your health and nature


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Hello, I am currently serving as a faculty member at the University of Sarajevo's Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science. My academic journey has led me to specialize in various fields, including geodesy, hydrology, erosion, soil conservation, amelioration, drainage, and irrigation. At present, my primary focus revolves around two key areas: climate change projections and the utilization of remote sensing technologies.
Additional affiliations
May 2008 - February 2020
University of Sarajevo
  • Professor (Assistant)
  • Scientific research especially in fields: sustainable agriculture, climate change, drought, evapotranspiration, irrigation, soil physics, remote sensing, UAVs


Publications (83)
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In Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), the number of weather stations (WS) that are monitoring all climatic parameters required for FAO-56 Penman-Monteith (FAO-PM) equation is limited. In fact, it is of great need and importance to achieve the possibility of calculating reference evapotranspiration (ET0) for every WS in BiH (around 150), regardless of th...
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There are three major challenges for climatic data availability for Reference Evapotranspiration (ET0) calculations in Bosnia and Herzegovina: limited data availability, discontinuity of data records, and low station density. The main objective of this study was to apply reliable methods to calculate and spatially distribute ET0, while considering...
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The air temperature in Bosnia and Herzegovina is increasing (0.3-0.6 °C per decade), while rainfall events are more extreme. Additionally, there is an increased variability in weather conditions across all seasons, marked by rapid shifts from extremely cold to warm weather, as well as transitions from periods of exceptionally high rainfall to excee...
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A two-year experiment was conducted with a local maize hybrid under full (F) and deficit (D) drip irrigation and rainfed conditions (R) to estimate maize evapotranspiration in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Three approaches, namely, A&P, SIMDualKc (SD), and vegetation index (VI), to estimate the actual crop coefficient (Kc act), the actual basal cro...
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A two-year experiment was conducted with a local maize hybrid under full irrigation (F), deficit irrigation (D) and rainfed conditions (R) to estimate maize evapotranspiration in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Three approaches (Allen & Pereira (A&P), SIMDualKc (SD), and Vegetation Index (VI)) were used to estimate the actual crop coefficient (Kc act), act...
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Aim of study: A two-year experiment (2021-2022) was conducted to assess the response of a local maize hybrid BL-43 to different water regimes (full irrigation, deficit irrigation and rainfed) at two distinguished pedo-climatic locations (Aleksandrovac and Butmir) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). Area of study: The field experiment was located in Al...
Conference Paper
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The increased need for smart management of agricultural resources resulted in the preparation and implementation of H2020 project SMARTWATER. This publication aims to present the main outcomes of SMARTWATER in three years of implementation (2021-2023), to encourage relevant target groups to participate in the action in 2024 and to promote smart man...
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Uzimajući u obzir ograničenost vodnih resursa i njihov značaj za biljnu proizvodnju, jasno je da tačno i precizno određivanje potreba za navodnjavanjem u savremenoj poljoprivrednoj praksi postaje imperativ, naročito u kontekstu sve izraženijih klimatskih promjena i učestalijih suša. Danas postoje brojni načini mjerenja i procjene stanja vlažnosti t...
Chloride ion (Cl−) is one of the most abundant inorganic anions in water. In the soil, it originates from many chlorine minerals. Chlorides in soil can be released also as constituent of fertilizers. Fertilizers in greenhouses are used in high amount, where salinization of soil often happens. Increased chloride content on arable land can significan...
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Given that global climate change affects the agricultural sector, often negatively affecting yields and food quality, it is essential to understand these impacts at the local level. The area of Sanski Most belongs to the Peripannon macroregion and it is located in the northwestern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where agriculture represents one of...
Conference Paper
Agricultural practices in Bosnia and Hercegovina demand different improvements, including smart management of land and water resources. A new H2020 project started in 2021 in this regard. The objective of this publication is to spread knowledge about SMARTWATER project by describing different achievements in two years of implementation (2021-2022),...
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Ovo je modul Univerziteta u Sarajevu, Bosna i Hercegovina. Baziran je na EU praksama koje je tiču održive poljoprivrede, očuvanja okoliša, smanjenja rizika od prirodnih katastrofa i klimatskih promjena. Modul koristi savremene tehnike za prenos znanja i iskustava, podstiče učesnike da rade u interkulturalnom okruženju i daje svojim polaznicima pril...
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1. Značaj vode. Voda u tlu. Instrumentalne tehnike i metode praćenja kretanja vode u tlu. 2. Korištenje različitih senzora za praćenje mikroklimatskih parametara i vlažnosti tla. 3. Korištenje daljinskog istraživanja i računarskih tehnika u upravljanju vodama. Upotreba bespilotnih letjelica (UAV) i fotogrametrijeu poljoprivredi. Softverski alati za...
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Bosnia and Herzegovina is strategically committed to agriculture. Although it has adequate natural resources to engage in modern agriculture, it is also an area that faces a number of problems, such as small landholdings, low technological level of production, abandonment of rural areas, low yields, high exposure and poor adaptability to climate ch...
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U uslovima klimatskih promjena koje su prisutne na području Bosne i Hercegovine (BiH) sve prisutnije su ekstreme padavine često visokog intenziteta koje rezultirao degradacijom tla, erozijom, klizišnima pa i poplavama. Poplave u Bosni i Hercegovini dogodile su se se ističu one iz 2014. godine kada je u pojedinim područjima za tri dana palo i preko...
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In Bosnia and Herzegovina, greenhouses and polytunnels are often exposed to excessive snowfall during the winter period. In order to prevent the side-effect of retaining large amounts of snow (greenhouses, polytunnels), it is necessary to implement preventive measures. The objective of this study is aimed at determining the rate of snow melting thr...
Technical Report
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This report refers to the research agreed upon through the Cooperation Agreement signed on November 28, 2019, between Caritas Switzerland in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Travnička 1, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH) and University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences Sarajevo (Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH). This scientific/research collabo...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this study is to assess the intensity of erosion processes (Z) in the Brka River Basin (Bosnia and Herzegovina). At the same time, the paper takes into account the current conditions of climate, soil, hydrology, using modern hardware and software solutions. The method being used is erosion potential method (EPM) or Gavrilović's method su...
Conference Paper
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The adoption of smart agricultural water management in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is becoming a priority due to overall increase of water demand by different sectors, pollution of the resources and impact of climate change, which resulted higher frequency and intensity of extreme weather events and loss of agricultural production. Therefore, the...
Conference Paper
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Rainfall is the main source of water for crops, yet not all of the rain water is actually available to the plants due to the losses that occur, i.e. evaporation, surface runoff, deep percolation, etc. Of particular importance is to choose the right method for estimation of Effective Rainfall (Re) especially during the climate variability, frequent...
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Significant global warming occurred in the twentieth century and especially in the most recent decades. Climate change is a complex phenomenon, accompanied by a wide variety of effects. Rapid alternation, between severe heat wave/drought and abundant rainfall/ flooding, is more and more obvious. The article presents the annual and vegetation season...
Danas se poljoprivredni proizvođači diljem Bosne i Hercegovine skoro svakodnevno susreću sa problemima uzrokovanim klimatskim promjenama. Prijetnje kao što su kasni proljetni mraz, ekstremne temperature ili količine padavina, suša, poplave i grad postaju sve učestaliji i intenzivniji. Kako bi postigli održivu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju i racionaliz...
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Danas se poljoprivredni proizvođači diljem Bosne i Hercegovine skoro svakodnevno susreću sa problemima uzrokovanim klimatskim promjenama. Prijetnje kao što su kasni proljetni mraz, ekstremne temperature ili količine padavina, suša, poplave i grad postaju sve učestaliji i intenzivniji. Kako bi postigli održivu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju i racionaliz...
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The Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) erosion map was made in 1985, however, over a period of 35 years, there has been a substantial change in the values of most erosion factors, resulting in the change of the erosion intensity. Changes relate to demographics, urbanization and land use as well as climate. The increase in temperature and the occurrence o...
Posavina region represents the area with the most favorable natural conditions for agricultural production in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Increase in the air temperature and changes in the amount of rainfall results in changes in evapotranspiration and the values of main water balance elements indicating the need for a precise determination...
Conference Paper
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Increasing global climate change requires the application of modern methods in irrigation of agricultural crops. In this context, the research in this paper was based on the application of modern hardware and software solutions in determining the corn water requirements. Research was carried out at three locations: Srebrenik, Kalesija and Kakanj in...
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The analysis of meteorological data from the period 1961-2014 show the rise in the mean annual temperature in the entire territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The changes are more pronounced in the central-hilly part of the country. The increase in annual air temperature ranges from 0.4 to 1.0°C per decade, whereas temperature increases during veget...
Conference Paper
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Agriculture has always been an important element of the economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). With noteworthy trend of urbanization, urban and peri-urban areas become more important and represent a huge opportunity for business development, production of high-value products, products for niches markets, development of short supply c...
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The Cucumber downy mildew, caused by pseudo fungus Pseudoperonospora cubensis (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Rostovzev is one of the economically most significant diseases. Current plant protection programs for this disease are based almost exclusively on the use of fungicides which, considering the ever stricter market criteria in regards to pesticide resi...
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software models, irrigation, evapotranspiration, soil moisture deficit, unmanned aerial vehicle, photogrammetry, agriculture, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) is an annual plant from Polygonaceae family which is well known as pseudocereal with high nutritional value. The yield and quality of the buckwheat`s kernel depend on weather conditions, mainly due to variations in the air temperatures and precipitation during the growing period. The aim of this study...
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Lithuania and Bosnia and Herzegovina are considered as countries with high vulnerability and low adaptive capacity to cope with climate change. The entire territory of these countries is characterized by the warming trend, with positive trends in both the maximum and the minimum temperatures throughout the year. The increase in air temperature has...
Conference Paper
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Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum L., Gaertn) is an annual plant from Polygonaceae family. This species is mostly grown in Asia where it is used as a traditional food. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tartary buckwheat is grown sporadically and mostly in a mixture with Common buckwheat. In some plant species, increasing the planting density may be u...
Conference Paper
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Significant global warming occurred in the twentieth century and especially in the most recent decades. Climate change is a complex phenomenon, accompanied by a wide variety of effects. Rapid alternation, between severe heat wave/drought and abundant rainfall/ flooding, is more and more obvious. The article presents the annual and vegetation season...
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Original scientific paper Rezime Erozija tla vodom je jedan od najznačajnijih uzroka degradacije tla u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH). Posebno je prisutna na malim farmama koje su često nalaze u rubnim područjima gdje je kvalitet tla loš, a topografija vrlo izražena, kao što je to slučaj i sa Željeznim Poljem na kome su vršena istraživanja predstavljena...
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Originalan naučni rad – Original scientific paper Sažetak Zbog specifičnih klimatskih i zemljišnih uslova, područje Hercegovine je oduvijek predstavljalo atraktivan prostor za proizvodnju mladog (ranog) krompira. Sve učestalija pojava dužih sušnih proljetnih perioda značajno utiče na smanjenje prinosa ove kulture, koja postaje ovisna o navodnjavanj...
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Drought in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is mostly analyzed using water deficit obtained from agro-hydrological balance; a ratio between precipitation or actual evapotranspiration (AET) to potential evapotranspiration (PET); and more recently using Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). The main objective of this research is to use the relatively n...
The rural population in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH), which constitutes more than half of the total population, experienced serious incidences of extreme weather events in the past two decades. This part of the population is vulnerable to climate change due to significant dependence on agriculture as a climate-sensitive livelihood option. However, t...
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The rural population in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH), which constitutes more than half of the total population, experienced serious incidences of extreme weather events in the past two decades. This part of the population is vulnerable to climate change due to significant dependence on agriculture as a climate-sensitive livelihood option. However, t...
Excel sheet for Potential Evapotranspiration (PET) and soil water balance Calculation based on Thornthwaite Method (1948).
Conference Paper
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The main characteristic of agro-hydrological balance (AHB) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) is the occurrence of surplus water during the cold months and water deficit during the warmer months. In the southern regions, surpluses and deficits of water are significantly more pronounced than in the central and northern regions of B&H. Among other thing...
Conference Paper
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The majority of smallholders in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H), who are engaged in fruit production,have a lack of experience regarding irrigation in general.Irrigation systems are usually installed without proper guidelines, design, operation and maintenance practices and farmers are not familiar with scheduling techniques and proper management. Thi...
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It is GIF. file! To work it needs to be downloaded. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, mean monthly temperature change from 1901 to 2015. Reference period used: 1901-1950. Source of the data: Federal Hydrometeorological Institute, Sarajevo
The soil water budget according to the Wayne C. Palmer (Meteorological Drought, Research paper No. 45, 1965). To use excel sheet, monthly precipitation and evapotranspiration (potential evapotranspiration or reference evapotranspiration, calculated with any available method: Thornth...
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SOIL WATER BALANCE AND ITS INFLUENCE TO AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION IN AREA OF TUZLA CANTON Tuzla canton is an area rich in water, but also an area with a wide range of water issues, especially in agriculture. For the analysis of the water balance and better understanding of the climate characteristics in the agriculture area of Tuzla canton, data from...
Conference Paper
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The present study aimed at reinforcing an existing methodological framework for Diagnostic Performance Assessment (DPA) of large-scale irrigation systems with an analytical procedure for evaluating the hydraulic response of pipe delivery networks to changes in flow conditions. This framework is named Mapping System and Service for Pressurized Irrig...
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TEMPUS project Lifelong learning for sustainable agriculture in Alps-Danube-Adriatic Region
Conference Paper
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The sustainable use of water in agriculture is one of a priority questions for not only arid and drought prone areas, but also in regions where rainfall is relatively abundant, as is the case of the Spreča valley region. This paper deals with drought severity and soil moisture temporal variability in the three main arable soils (Luvisol, Pseudogley...
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About 78% of soil in Tuzla Canton predominantly belongs to IVa, IVb, V and VI quality group. These soils are mostly heavy-textured, with poor soil water and physical properties. Knowledge of their soil-water characteristics and possibility for water retention plays a critical role in water management of these soils, especially within agriculture. C...
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Potpunije sagledavanje vodno – fizičkih osobina i meliorativne problematike analiziranih zemljišta i davanje odgovarajućih preporuka za njihovo racionalnije korištenje, što je osnovni cilj ovoga rada, podrazumijevao je slijedeće: Analizu agroklimatskih uslova i vodnog bilansa zemljišta; Analizu osnovnih hemijskih i fizičkih svojstava odabranih ti...
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Manual for Santiago Beguería and Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano software Package ‘SPEI’ in R. Set of functions for computation of: Penman-Monteith, Thornthwaite and Hargreaves evapotranspiration, Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), the Standardised Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI).
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About 39% of the Bosnian population is urban. The main objective of this work is to get an insight into urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) in Bosnia with a focus on legal and regulatory framework, governance, and advisory services’ role. Information were collected by a literature review and semi-structured interviews of 30 urban gardeners as we...
Conference Paper
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Damage related to the 1990s war in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) to the agricultural sector totalled approximately US$ 4.54 billion. About 70% of the business infrastructure and 60% of livestock were destroyed. The paper aims at providing an overview of foreign aid and assistance to BiH in the post-war period with a special focus on agriculture, for...
Conference Paper
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Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH); due to its geographical position, natural capital, and the socio-economic relevance of climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture and forestry; is highly vulnerable to climate change (CC). Using the EH5OM model, temperature is projected to increase (+0.7-1.6°C during 2031-2060) and average net precipitation to decre...
Conference Paper
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Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has a big agro-ecological potential for organic farming (OF). However, OF is less developed than in other European countries. Nevertheless, during the last decade the organic movement experienced new dynamics. The paper analyses the state-of-the-art of Bosnian OF with a special focus on governance, legal framework and m...
Conference Paper
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Bosnian agriculture employs about 20% of the labour force. Around 61% of the population is rural. The global crisis spread to Bosnia in the last quarter 2008. Real GDP dropped of 3.1% and unemployment increased to 41.6% in 2009. The work aims at analysing the impacts of the crisis on the Bosnian agro-food sector and rural communities. The paper is...
Technical Report
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Innovations in sustainable agriculture are often made by smallholder farmers as a result of their adaptation to certain problems. In Bosnia and Herzegovina a majority of people work in the agriculture sector that is characterised by smallholder family farms. The objective of this study at first was to identify and characterize 3 smallholders‟ agric...
Conference Paper
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In 2010, agriculture share in GDP of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) was 8.60%. About 39% of the total population is urban. The paper aims at providing an overview of urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) in BiH especially in terms of legal, legislative and regulatory framework, governance and actors as well as the role of extension and advisory serv...
Conference Paper
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Around 40% of Montenegrin population is rural. Agriculture is still the main source of income for tens thousands of rural households. The paper aims at analysing the effectiveness of agricultural and rural development (ARD) policy coordination in Montenegro. The work is based on primary information collected by questionnaires and semi-structured in...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents the research carried out in order to assess the influence of agroclimatic conditions to yield reduction of maize, soybean and potato. Climate data from two meteorological stations were used: Tuzla and Bijeljina for the period 1961-2008. Data were processed with the aid of the CROPWAT computer program. It was found that the yield...
Conference Paper
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U radu su predstavljena istraživanja koja su na području sjeveroistočne Bosne provedena s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja agroklimatskih uvjeta na smanjenje prinosa kukuruza, soje i krumpira. Analizirani su klimatski podaci s dvije meteorološke stanice: Tuzla i Bijeljina (razdoblje 1961-2008. god.). U obradi podataka korišten je kompjuterski program CR...
Conference Paper
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In three-year experiments (2008, 2009. and for 2010) carried out in two localities: Butmir (elevation around 500 m) and Glamoč (elevation around 900 m) the Dutch early potato variety Monaco was analyzed. Variety Adora was used as a standard. The subject of this study was the yield and quality of tubers. During the vegetation, the other characterist...
Conference Paper
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Drought in general term is the result of rainfall deficiency from its normal value in a particular area. This is a temporary deficiency, unlike aridity, which is a permanent character of the climate. Agriculture is often the first sector to be affected by the onset of drought due to dependence of precipitation and soil moisture reserve during vario...