Sabina Asins

Sabina Asins
Spanish National Research Council | CSIC · Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación-Environmental Quality and Soils Departament. Valencia(Spain)



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September 2011 - July 2020
University of Valencia
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (37)
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El CSIC tiene entre sus funciones la de informar, asistir y asesorar en materia de ciencia y tecnología a entidades públicas y privadas, según recoge el artículo 5 de su estatuto. Enmarcado en esta función, el informe Patrimonio cultural en riesgo. Retos de adaptación al cambio climático, de la colección Ciencia para las Políticas Públicas, se pre...
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This article presents a dataset on 71 pesticide levels and the identification of additional synthetic organic chemicals, including pharmaceuticals and industrial compounds, in L'Albufera Natural Park (Valencia, Spain). Sampling was conducted during May–June (spring) and end of September–October (autumn) 2019, timed to the rice cultivation cycle, th...
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European soils are under increasing pressure, making it difficult to maintain the provision of soil ecosystem services (SESs). A better understanding of soil processes is needed to counteract soil threats (STs) and to promote sustainable soil management. The EJP SOIL programme of the EU provides a framework for the necessary research. However, diff...
Conference Paper
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A group of researchers participating in the SERENA project of the EJP Soil program conducted a meta-analysis to study the methods used in existing prospective studies focusing on six soil ES (e.g. biomass production, habitat for biodiversity, hydrological control, environmental pollution control, greenhouse gas and climate regulation, pest and dise...
Conference Paper
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The Peña Cortada aqueduct was (and is) one of the most importantexamples of ancient hydraulic engineering preserved in the Valencian Community (Spain). Built in Roman times, between the end of the 1st century AD and the beginning of the 2nd century AD, its creation meant a real transformation of the landscape, through the construction of vast kilom...
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Revaluation of agricultural, natural and cultural resources of the terraced agricultural landscape.
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The sheer diversity of approaches and the volume of scientific output underscore the growing social and policy interest in these landscapes. Recognition of their productive, environmental and cultural functions—and of the grave problems arising from their mismanagement or abandonment—shows the need to allocate resources to their study at both the n...
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Drip irrigation is widely promoted in Spain to increase agricultural production and to save water. In the Cànyoles watershed, Valencia, we analysed the consequences of change from surface irrigation to drip irrigation over the past 25 years. There were a number of transformations resulting from, or accelerated by, this change including the 1) inten...
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Compilation of References on Agricultural Terraces in Spain, by the Spanish members of the International Terraced Landscape Alliance
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The paper highlights the important environmental, productive, social and cultural functions of agricultural terraced landscapes with a view to seeking special protection under the CAP for these areas, regardless their slope, size and so forth. We present the methodological diffi culties facing policy-makers if slope is considered the only biophysic...
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Les directives européennes qui traitent des espaces cultivés en terrasses sont assez nombreuses. Cependant, l’expérience sur le terrain montre que leur efficacité est très inégale et dépend du contexte environnemental, social et économique du pays. Nous examinerons le contenu des normes européennes d’application en zone de terrasses qui relèvent es...
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal,...
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Since the 1930s there has been worldwide concern about the effects of land degradation. After the problems experienced in the Dust Bowl in the USA, much attention was paid to soil and water conservation in both developed and developing countries. Initially Governments have stimulated the establishment of physical control measures, such as terraces...
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Given the topography and relief features of the Comunidad Valenciana (Spain), historically, farmers have used techniques that have enabled them to make terraces on the steep slopes in order to plant crops. Currently, these terraces or ¿bancales¿ give the Comunidad Valenciana a very special and fragile landscape which urgently needs management, plan...
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Hasta el día de hoy, han sido diversos los historiadores y geográfos que se han interesado por estimar el número de habitantes moriscos con que contaría el reino de Valencia en los mo-mentos anteriores a su expulsión. Clásicos aparte, como el recuento del marqués de Caracena y las obras de G. Escolano, J. Bleda, M. Danvila y P. Boronat, entre otras...
Terracing slopes have played an important role in land use and space organization. Enlarged and maintained generation after generation, this technique and the hydraulic structures associated with it have shown their effectiveness throughout the centuries, shaping a cultural system. Farmers altered the morphology of the Mediterranean mountains, anth...


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