S. K. Konovalov

S. K. Konovalov
Marine Hydrophysical Institute RAS

Dr. Sci., Ph. D.


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Additional affiliations
May 2015 - September 2015
Marine Hydrophysical Institute RAS
  • Managing Director
February 2009 - March 2014
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Head of Department
  • EC 7thFP Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries: Preparatory actions for European Marine Observation and Data Network –Lot 3 – Chemistry (2013-2016, EMODNET Chemistry 2, MARE/2012/10-lot 4 –chemistry) - Partner.
March 2014 - September 2015
Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Field of study
  • Oceanography
April 2002 - March 2014
Marine Hydrophysical Institute, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Field of study
  • Oceanography
September 1986 - December 1990
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Field of study
  • Chemistry


Publications (190)
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Field observations have been used to analyze changes in chemical properties (distribution of nutrients and sulfide) of the Black Sea anoxic layer from 1960 to 1995. The results reveal notable changes (increase in the inventories of nutrient and sulfide) in the chemical structure of the anoxic zone, which has been considered for a long time as a con...
New and published data on the distribution and speciation of manganese and iron in seawater are analyzed to identify and parameterize major biogeochemical processes of their cycling within the suboxic (∼15.6⩽σt⩽∼16.2) and anoxic layers (σt⩾∼16.2) of the Black Sea. A steady-state transport-reaction model is applied to reveal layering and parameteriz...
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Using new data for the concentrations and δ15N of the main nitrogen species of NO3−, NH4+, PON (particulate organic nitrogen) and N2 in the Black Sea, we studied the distributions of concentrations and δ15N using a coupled physical–biogeochemical model including known biogeochemical processes and nitrogen isotopic fractionation. In the deep anoxic...
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Wet atmospheric depositions have been collected in a rural (Katsiveli) and urban (Sevastopol) location at the Crimean coast of the Black Sea from 2003 to 2008. Samples, 217 from Katsiveli and 228 from Sevastopol, have been analysed for inorganic fixed nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium). Data have revealed almost equal contributions of ammoni...
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Information on the depth of the sulfide onset in the Black Sea has been analyzed for the period 1910–1995. Correlation between the depth of the sulfide onset and the density structure of the layer of the main pycnocline is significant for the entire period covered. Correlation coefficients (R) between the depth of the sulfide onset and the position...
The paper presents the results of studying the spatial distribution of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, Sr, Co, Fe, Mn) in the bottom sediments of the bays of the Sevastopol region. The data obtained during the 2003 to 2018 expeditions are analyzed. The spatial distribution and accumulation of heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the Sevastopol, Ka...
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The carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere has progressively risen since pre-industrial times. About one-third of the anthropogenically generated CO2 is absorbed by the waters of the World Ocean, whereas the waters of the Southern Ocean take up about 40% of this CO2. The concentrations of oxygen and carbon dioxide dissolved in seawater are...
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Coastal zones are extremely vulnerable and, at the same time, anthropogenically pressed. Excessive enrichment of marine waters with nutrients and organic matter can lead to “red tides”, oxygen deficits, decreasing assimilation capacity, etc. The purpose of this work is to study atmospheric precipitations as a source of nutrients directly affecting...
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Purpose. The paper is aimed at studying the features of hydrological and hydrochemical structure of the bottom water layer and the distribution of geochemical parameters in the bottom sediments, and also at evaluating the basic factors in formation of the redox conditions in the bottom sediments of the Kerch Strait. Methods and Results. The Kerch...
Variability of ⁷Ве activity in the near-surface atmosphere of Sevastopol, Crimea, was recorded from August 2011 to December 2020. Monthly mean values of ⁷Be activity varied from 1.6 to 6.7 mBq m⁻³ around the average value of 3.9 ± 1.3 mBq m⁻³. Higher values of ⁷Be activity were typical of the period from May to August (4.8–5.0 mBq m⁻³), while lower...
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Purpose. The paper is aimed to analyze (i) peculiarities of the oxygen content and distribution in the Black Sea waters and (ii) the ratio of the observed changes in the oxygen distribution, the total primary production level and changes in the cold intermediate layer ventilation. Methods and Results. The expedition data (2015–2019) as well as the...
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Atmospheric depositions have been recently recognized as an important source of nutrients for off-shore marine systems, in line with the coastal input and physical exchange. The input of nutrients with atmospheric depositions can change their inventory and ratio in the euphotic zone, thus increase the rate of primary production and the type of pred...
Conference Paper
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Анализ полученных данных показал, что прибрежные воды Черного моря вблизи крупных индустриальных городов, таких как г. Севастополь, подвержены высокому антропогенному давлению. При этом атмосферные осадки играют существенную роль в поступлении биогенных элементов в прибрежные воды. Особенно явно это проявляется на небольших масштабах времени, когда...
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Purpose. Assessing changes in the oxygen regime of the deep-water part of the Black Sea under the influence of climatic and anthropogenic factors over the past 40 years is the goal of the work. Methods and Results. For the analysis, the expedition data (2015–2019) and those from the Databank of the Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy o...
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Purpose. Assessing changes in the oxygen regime of the deep-water part of the Black Sea under the influence of climatic and anthropogenic factors over the past 40 years is the goal of the work. Methods and Results. For the analysis, the expedition data (2015–2019) and those from the Databank of the Marine Hydrophysical Institute, Russian Academy of...
The Southern Ocean, being a major sink of CO2, has a crucial role in mediating the global climate. Moreover, this ocean plays an equally important role in the budget of oxygen in the World Ocean. It is one of two major areas where downwelling of cold and oxygen-saturated waters transports oxygen to the deepest layers of the ocean. Thus, the dynamic...
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In 2016-2017, the yearly long measurements of the current velocities were carried out at 100 m depth below the thermocline and at 1700 m depth for the first time, which was about 100 m above the seabed using the mooring station in the deep central part of the Black Sea. The analysis of this new dataset allowed us to uncover the following. In the ne...
Conference Paper
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Appearance and spread of severe oxygen deficiency, “dead zones”, have become usual for coastal areas of the World Ocean. Consequences of these phenomena are always extremely negative. Redox conditions in bottom sediments and water greatly depend on oxygen, which is the key factor for benthic communities. This work is aimed to study biogeochemical p...
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In 2016-2017, for the first time, nearly year-long measurements of the current velocities were carried out below the thermocline at a depth of 100 m and at a depth of 1700 m that was about 100 m above the seabed by using the mooring station in the deep central part of the Black Sea. Analysis of the new data set allowed us to uncover the followings....
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Глобальные изменения биогеохимической структуры Мирового океана, наиболее проявляющиеся в региональном масштабе, вызванные ростом потока углерода в водные экосистемы в результате увеличения поступления из атмосферы, береговых источников, первично-продукционных и деструкционных процессов в морской среде, делают актуальными вопросы разделения влияния...
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Global changes in the ocean biogeochemical structure, most revealed on a regional scale, caused by an increase in carbon flux to aquatic ecosystems as a result of an atmospheric emissions expansion, emission from coastal sinks, primary production and degradation processes in the marine environment. All these sources raise a question of division of...
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Purpose. Global changes in the ocean biogeochemical structure are mostly pronounced on a regional scale. They are caused by the increased carbon flux to the aquatic ecosystems that is a result of its growing emission from the atmosphere, coastal sinks as well as and the primary production and degradation processes taking place in marine environment...
Conference Paper
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В работе рассматриваются вопросы количественной оценки поступления неорганического азота, фосфора и кремния с атмосферными осадками и их влияние на биохимические характеристики поверхностного слоя прибрежных морских вод.
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Выполнен анализ пространственной изменчивости распределения и потоков кислорода и сульфидов донных отложений б. Омега и Севастопольской бухты. Установлено, что распределение кисло-рода и сульфидов в поровых водах донных отложений в наибольшей степени зависело от сезонных изменений содержания кислорода в придонных водах, гранулометрического состава...
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Spatial variations in the distribution and fluxes of dissolved oxygen and sulfide in bottom sediments of Omega and Sevastopol bays have been studied. The results of analysis reveal that the distribution of dissolved oxygen and sulfide in pore water depends mostly on seasonal variations in the oxygen concentration in bottom water, grain size, the or...
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The features of seasonal changes in physical (moisture, granulometric composition) and chemical (organic carbon content and carbonate content) characteristics of the bottom sediments in the region of the coastal methane seeps in the southern sector of the Tarkhankut Peninsula are investigated. It is shown that the bottom sediments of the region und...
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A numerical model simulating the distribution of 7Ве in the Black Sea was developed and applied to study the spatial and temporal variations in the content of 7Be in the surface waters. Variations in the distribution of 7Ве were analyzed for the period from January to December of 2012. The average seasonal content of 7Ве in the surface layer ranges...
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Continuous increase in CO2 inventory in the ocean results in dramatic changes in marine biogeochemistry, e.g. acidification. That is why temporal and spatial variabilities in atmospheric pCO2 and dissolved inorganic carbon, including CO2, pH and alkalinity in water, as well as organic and inorganic carbon in bottom sediments have to be studied toge...
Conference Paper
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Atmospheric precipitations can be an important source of nutrients to open and coastal zones of marine ecosystem. Jickells [1] has published that atmospheric depositions can sup-port 5-25% of nitrogen required to primary production. Bulk atmospheric precipitations have been collected in a rural location at the Black Sea Crimean coast – Katsiveli se...
Conference Paper
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A 20% increase of the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere during the last century and a dramatic increase in nutrient load to marine systems due to human activity have resulted in pronounced carbon cycle transformation in coastal areas. Acidification and carbon dioxide increasing in the water column and appearance of oxygen minimum zones...
Conference Paper
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This work is a multi-disciplinary research aimed to develop common approaches to estimating the current state and forecasting evolution of coastal geosystems. From 2010 to now, the state of coastal zone geosystems of the Crimean and Caucasian Russian coast has been studied. The research tasks are solved using up-to-date IT based integrated analysis...
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Based on the data of the expeditionary researches of Marine Hydrophysical Institute in 2010-2011, the total alkalinity TA and pH distributions in the Black Sea waters including the Danube estuary region and the changes in the TA vertical distribution since 1988 are analyzed. It is shown that the coastal and deep-sea water TA is strongly influenced...
We studied organic matter in the central Black Sea and its northeastern and northwestern shelf break within three weeks in November 2013 to test the hypothesis that in situ production could explain lateral and vertical variability in its composition and distribution. The wide spatial coverage over a short period of time achieved during this study r...
Conference Paper
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Coastal zone dynamics is especially interesting for interdisciplinary researchers. This is due to general retreat of the coast of the Western Crimea and the fast response in the beach ar-ea. This justifies the need for monitoring of morphodynamic processes in the coastal zone of Crimea with the aim of qualitative and quantitative assessments of mod...
Conference Paper
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Coastal zone dynamics is especially interesting for interdisciplinary researchers. This is due to general retreat of the coast of the Western Crimea and the fast response in the beach ar-ea. This justifies the need for monitoring of morphodynamic processes in the coastal zone of Crimea with the aim of qualitative and quantitative assessments of mod...
Conference Paper
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This work is a multi-disciplinary research aimed to develop common approaches to estimating the current state and forecasting evolution of coastal geosystems. From 2010 to now, the state of coastal zone geosystems of the Crimean and Caucasian Russian coast has been studied. The research tasks are solved using up-to-date IT based integrated analysis...
Conference Paper
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A 20% increase of the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere during the last century and a dramatic increase in nutrient load to marine systems due to human activity have resulted in pronounced carbon cycle transformation in coastal areas. Acidification and carbon dioxide increasing in the water column and appearance of oxygen minimum zones...
A model describing the evolution and transformation of the 7Be concentration field in the Black Sea was built. The time-spatial 7Be structure in upper layer was analyzed according to the results of numerical experiments.
Conference Paper
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Atmospheric precipitations can be an important source of nutrients to open and coastal zones of marine ecosystem. Jickells [1] has published that atmospheric depositions can support 5-25% of nitrogen required to primary production. Bulk atmospheric precipitations have been collected in a rural location at the Black Sea Crimean coast – Katsiveli set...
Conference Paper
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Atmospheric precipitations can be an important source of nutrients to open and coastal zones of marine ecosystem. Jickells [1] has published that atmospheric depositions can support 5-25% of nitrogen required to primary production. Bulk atmospheric precipitations have been collected in a rural location at the Black Sea Crimean coast – Katsiveli set...
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В данной работе представлены результаты изучения неорганической составляющей цикла уг- лерода и его трансформации в Севастопольской бухте (Черное море) на основе экспедицион- ных данных за 2009 – 2015 гг. Полученные результаты показывают незначительную тенден- цию к увеличению общего растворенного неорганического углерода (~1%), что может указы- ва...
Представлены результаты анализа пространственного распределения гидрохимических характеристик (элементов главного биогенного цикла и цикла углерода) в водах Голубого залива, выполненного по данным экспедиционных исследований, проведенных Морским гидрофизическим институтом в 2002 – 2014 гг. Показано, что этот район и расположенная в его юго-западной...
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Results of analysis of hydrochemical characteristics (main elements of nutrient and carbon cycles) spatial distribution in the Blue Bay waters based on the expeditionary research (carried out by Marine Hydrophysical Institute in 2002 – 2014) data are represented. It is shown that this area and the oceanographic platform located in its southwestern...
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Results of analysis of hydrochemical characteristics (main elements of nutrient and carbon cycles) spatial distribution in the Blue Bay waters based on the expeditionary research (carried out by Marine Hydrophysical Institute in 2002 – 2014) data are represented. It is shown that this area and the oceanographic platform located in its southwestern...
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Представлены результаты анализа пространственного распределения гидрохимических характеристик (элементов главного биогенного цикла и цикла углерода) в водах Голубого залива, выполненного по данным экспедиционных исследований, проведенных Морским гидрофизическим институтом в 2002 – 2014 гг. Показано, что этот район и расположенная в его юго-западной...
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Data on the abundance and distribution of organic carbon and carbonates in the recent bottom sediments of the Kerch Strait were analyzed. It was shown that the content of organic carbon in the bottom sediments of the navigable part of the strait adjacent to the Kerch Peninsula is currently 1.5–2.0 times higher than the values obtained in the 1970s...
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Physical and chemical characteristics of bottom sediments in the Balaklava Bay, namely, granulometric and fractional compositions, and organic and inorganic carbon content are considered. Spatial distribution of the main fractions of granulometric composition, and content of organic carbon (TOC) and calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) are investigated. Corr...
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Physical and chemical characteristics of bottom sediments in the Balaklava Bay, namely, granulometric and fractional compositions, and organic and inorganic carbon content are considered. Spatial distribution of the main fractions of granulometric composition, and content of organic carbon (TOC) and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) are investigated. Corre...
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Wet atmospheric depositions have been collected in a rural (Katsiveli) and urban (Sevastopol) location at the Crimean coast of the Black Sea from 2003 to 2008. Samples, 217 from Katsiveli and 228 from Sevastopol, have been analysed for inorganic fixed nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite, and ammonium). Data have revealed almost equal contributions of ammoni...
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To support the assessment of the state of marine environment and the degree of its transformation under the climate changes and the anthropogenic impact a set of normalized indices and indicators of the environmental state of an offshore water area was developed and tested within the Sebastopol Bay. Water masses and bottom sediments are two princip...
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Main geochemical characteristics (humidity, granulometric size distribution, organic carbon content, carbonate content, as well as content of Pb, Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, Cr, V, As, Sr, Ti, Fe, Mn) of bottom sediments in the Kalamita Bay water area are examined. Unlike the seaward part of the bay, sediments in the coastal zone are notable for greater variet...
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In this paper we provide an overview of new knowledge on oxygen depletion (hypoxia) and related phenomena in aquatic systems resulting from the EU-FP7 project HYPOX ("In situ monitoring of oxygen depletion in hypoxic ecosystems of coastal and open seas, and landlocked water bodies", http://www.hypox.net). In view of the anticipated oxygen loss in a...
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Regularities of diurnal and inter-diurnal variations of carbonic acid (pCO2) equilibrium partial pressure and concentration of total dissolved inorganic carbon (TCO2) in the surface layer of the Black Sea coastal waters are analyzed based on in situ research in May and July, 2010, and in May, 2011. Influence of water hydrological characteristics (t...