Ruud Jongedijk

Ruud Jongedijk
ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre / ARQ Centrum'45/ ARQ Academy

Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET): teaching, writing, research; Diagnostic models of PTSD; History of Psychotrauma.


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Psychiatrist / Psychotherapist at ARQ National Psychotrauma Centre. Former Clinical and Medical Director of ARQ Centrum'45, the Netherlands. Writing, lecturing, training and supervision on Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET). Research on psychotrauma diagnostics; especially about conceptualization of posttraumatic stress syndromes. History of psychotrauma. See also:
Additional affiliations
January 2019 - present
Utrecht University
  • PhD
June 2004 - present
Arq Psychotrauma Expert Group
  • Managing Director
June 1993 - August 2004
Reinier de Graaf Groep
  • Medical Director / Psychiatrist


Publications (65)
Background: Western countries are facing many challenges hosting refugees from several regions in the world. Many of them are severely traumatized and suffer from a variety of mental health symptoms, which complicates the identification and treatment of refugees at risk. This study examined subgroups based on a broad range of psychopathology, and s...
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Background Patients with severe mental illness with repeated interpersonal trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have a negative illness progression. Traumas are often not treated because of their vulnerability. Narrative exposure therapy (NET) is an effective trauma therapy. It is unknown whether NET is effective and tolerable in these...
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How traumatic events (TEs) should be defined, and how specific TEs are for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) were examined in a general mental health care population. Three definitions of TEs were defined, according to the PTSD criteria of DSM-IV. Half of the sample reported any TE, with a high prevalence of TEs among non-PTSD disorders. Previo...
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The field of traumatic stress is often referred to as being in a state of controversy and lack of continuity. Throughout history, disputes repeatedly centered on defining the psychological consequences of severe adverse events and on their causes. Even to this day this is current. To understand these controversies, an extensive historical literatur...
Full-text available The concepts of psychotrauma and post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD have become increasingly popular in recent decades, not only in scientific literature and in therapy rooms, but also in the media and in everyday language. Yet the c...
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In 2012 blikte psychotherapeut Erik Romme in Cogiscope, de voorganger van Impact Magazine, terug op zijn 25-jarige carrière bij ARQ Centrum'45 onder de titel 'Van Bastiaans tot nu'. Hij was getuige van verschillende stromingen binnen de traumatherapie. Impact Magazine vroeg Ruud Jongedijk, psychiater/ psychotherapeut en tot 2021 directeur behandelz...
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Narratieve Exposure Therapie (NET) is gericht op meervoudig getraumatiseerde patiënten met een posttraumatische stress stoornis (PTSS). Door het levensloopperspectief, waarin niet alleen de nare maar ook de positieve gebeurtenissen een plaats krijgen, is NET een waardevolle en aanspreekbare traumatherapie. (Narrative...
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Devastating and persisting traumatic memories are a central symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Sleep problems are highly co-occurrent with PTSD and intertwined with its etiology. Notably, sleep hosts memory consolidation processes, supported by sleep spindles (11-16 Hz). Here we assess the hypothesis that intrusive memory symptoms in...
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Background Prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in refugees is reportedly higher in comparison to the general population. Refugee children specifically are often coping with trauma and loss and are at risk for mental health difficulties. With staggering numbers of people seeking refuge around the world and 50% being 18 years or younge...
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Devastating and persisting traumatic memories are a central symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Sleep problems are highly co-occurrent with PTSD and intertwined with its etiology. Notably, sleep hosts memory consolidation processes, supported by sleep spindles (11-16 Hz). Here we assess the hypothesis that intrusive memory symptoms in...
Current international guidelines recommend Trauma-Focused Therapies (TFT) to treat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). However, non-response and dropout rates have shown to be substantial. TFT, delivered in a highly intensive dose may lead to a more efficacious symptom reduction and lower dropout rates. This article describes an inpatient treatm...
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Interpersonal trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in severe mentally ill (SMI) patients negatively affect the illness course. Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) is effective in vulnerable patient groups, but its efficacy and applicability has not been studied in SMI outpatients. Aims Evaluating efficacy and applicability of NET in SMI on...
This chapter gives a theoretical and step by step practical overview of Narrative Exposure Therapy (in Dutch). See
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STUDY OBJECTIVES Sleep problems are a core feature of post-traumatic stress disorder. The aim of this study was to find a robust objective measure for the sleep disturbance in PTSD patients. METHODS The current study assessed EEG power across a wide frequency range and multiple scalp locations, in matched trauma-exposed individuals with and withou...
Conference Paper
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Background: Severe mentally ill patients with repeated interpersonal trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have a negative illness progression. Traumas are often not treated because of their vulnerability. Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) is an effective trauma therapy. It is unknown whether NET is effective and tolerable in these patien...
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Background: Narrative exposure therapy (NET) is a short-term psychological treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that has been investigated in various contexts among traumatized refugees and other trauma survivors. Sustained treatment results have been reported, but the methodological quality of the trials needs a more thorough examin...
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Background: In 2013, the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale, the golden standard to assess PTSD, was adapted to the DSM-5 (CAPS-5). Objective: This project aimed to develop a clinically relevant Dutch translation of the CAPS-5 and to investigate its psychometric properties. Method: We conducted a stepped translation including Delphi rounds with a...
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BACKGROUND Sleep problems are a core feature of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, a robust objective measure for the sleep disturbance in patients has yet to be found. METHODS The current study assessed EEG power across a wide frequency range and multiple scalp locations, in matched trauma-exposed individuals with and without PTSD, d...
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Besides fight and flight responses, animals and humans may respond to threat with freezing, a response characterized by bradycardia and physical immobility. Risk assessment is proposed to be enhanced during freezing to promote optimal decision making. Indeed, healthy participants showed freezing-like responses to threat cues. Posttraumatic stress d...
Background Tonic immobility (TI) is a state of physical immobility associated with extreme stress and the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, it is unknown whether TI is associated with a distinct actual stress response, i.e., objective immobility measured by a stabilometric platform. This study made a first step in explor...
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Background: In the Netherlands, most patients with severe mental illness (SMI) receive flexible assertive community treatment (FACT) provided by multidisciplinary community mental health teams. SMI patients with comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are sometimes offered evidence-based trauma-focused treatment like eye movement desensitiza...
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Background Tonic immobility ( TI ) is a state of physical immobility associated with extreme stress and the development of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, it is unknown whether TI is associated with a distinct actual stress response, i.e., objective immobility measured by a stabilometric platform. This study made a first step in expl...
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Welke invloed heeft oorlog op gezinnen en volgende generaties? Welke impact hebben individuele en familieverhalen op de collectieve herinnering? Welke impact heeft geschiedenis op individuele en familieherinneringen? Op het internationale symposium Family, Generations and War kwamen historici, psychologen, sociologen, museumprofessionals, journalis...
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Narrative exposure therapy (NET) is a recently developed, short-term treatment for patients with a posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a result of multiple trauma. NET can be applied very successfully in patients with complex trauma complaints (Jongedijk, 2014; Schauer, Neuner, & Elbert, 2011). An important feature of NET is that trauma process...
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The emotional film fragment induced a shift towards a negative mood (GMS; t(9)=-4.02, p=0.003), which could be reactivated 24 hours later at cueing (t(7)=-2,83, p=0.022).  No difference in memory or sleepiness between the emotional and neutral condition. SLEEP QUALITY: PTSD (n=12) versus no-PTSD (n=6) (neutral condition)  Significantly lower subj...
Conference Paper
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In maart verschijnt het eerste Nederlandstalige handboek over NET, Levensverhalen en Psychotrauma. Ter gelegenheid hiervan organiseert Stichting Centrum '45 een symposium over NET. Op het symposium zullen nationale en internationale experts het thema levensverhalen en psychotrauma van diverse kanten belichten in lezingen en workshops. Sprekers o.a....
This is the Dutch NET-book; the book about Narrative Exposure Therapy. Besides all about NET, the book also contains several chapters about eg Lifestories, Oral History, Life Review with the elderly, NET in Uganda. See: Narratieve Exposure Therapie (NET) is speciaal ontwikk...
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Narratieve Exposure Therapie (NET) is speciaal ontwikkeld voor patiënten met een complexe psychotraumaklachten. Dit eerste Nederlandstalige handboek beschrijft de achtergrond en de praktijk van deze kortdurende, evidence-based behandelvorm. Diverse narratieve invalshoeken, zoals oral history, zwijgen als coping, NET bij ouderen en NET in Uganda, wo...
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with the occurrence of secondary psychotic features, complicating treatment and resulting in negative outcomes. Some authors have suggested that PTSD with secondary psychotic features (PTSD-SP) is a diagnostic subtype of PTSD or even a separate diagnostic entity. However, other studies suggest that...
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Iedere arts heeft zeker tientallen, misschien zelfs honderden patiënten in zijn praktijk die psychotraumatische ervaringen hebben meegemaakt in een, soms ver verleden. Heel plotseling kunnen dergelijke ervaringen weer opnieuw worden herleefd. Dit kan bij de patiënt thuis zijn, maar ook in de spreekkamer van de arts, of in het ziekenhuis of verpleeg...
Article Achtergrond: Bij de behandeling van complexe ptss-patiënten wordt niet altijd de evidence-based behandeling toegepast, zoals die wordt beschreven in de richtlijnen. Doorgaans is de mening, dat stabilisatie het enige mogelijke is vanwege gevaar voor psychische decompensatie. Inmiddels is voldoen...
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In een vorig artikel werd de diagnostiek van het psychotrauma en van de posttraumatische stress-stoornis pTSS beschreven. Huisartsen worden zeer regelmatig geconfronteerd met ernstige ingrijpende gebeur-tenissen bij hun patiënten en zeker ook met de gevolgen ervan, zoals de psychische stoornis PTSS. Naast een snelle en juiste herkenning en diagnose...
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Cogiscope vroeg Ruud Jongedijk te reageren op het proefschrift van Bram Enning, De oorlog van Bastiaans: de LSD behandeling van het kampsyndroom. Jongedijk dingt niet af op Ennings beschrijving en analyse van de verdiensten en erfenis van Bastiaans, maar vindt sommige conclusies te subjectief en weet een aantal invalshoeken te noemen die ontbreken...
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Hoe effectief is medicatie bij de posttraumatische stressstoornis? Een kort overzicht voor de praktijk Inleiding Om de gevolgen van psychotraumatische ervaringen te behandelen wordt in de praktijk vaak de voorkeur gegeven aan psychologische behandeling. Het trauma kan zo worden verwerkt, 'krijgt een plaats' in het leven van de patiënt en de klachte...
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BACKGROUND: It is only in the last few years that there has been a marked increase in the quality and quantity of placebo-controlled pharmacotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Because in clinical practice a considerable amount of medication is prescribed for patients with PTSD it is very important that those administering the treatm...
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Over the last few years there has been increasing interest in the fact that health professionals in primary care and in secondary care often collaborate in the treatment of psychiatric patients. Psychiatric nurses, psychologists and psychiatrists working in secondary care find themselves acting as consultants for their counterparts in primary care....
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The effects of cognitive behavioural treatment on a 47-year-old man who has paranoid schizophrenia that is resistant to medication are described. The case study demonstrates how successful this type of therapy can be in reducing positive and negative symptoms even in schizophrenia that is resistant to medication.
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The recently developed concept Disorder of Extreme Stress Not Otherwise Specified (DES NOS) or complex posttraumatic stress disorder (complex PTSD) is designed to encompass long-standing symptoms not present in PTSD. An exploratory investigation of PTSD and DES NOS was performed with the Structured Clinical Interview for PTSD and for DES NOS in a s...
The Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) possibly inadequately represents the symptomatology of severely traumatized patients. In this article this is pointed out from the historic perspective. Also in the more recent literature there are several propositions for a diagnostic category besides PTSD. Attention is placed at the recently developed conc...
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Sleutelen aan een concept De diagnose posttraumatische stress stoornis, kortweg PTSS, is uitermate populair. Maar wat houdt PTSS eigenlijk in en is het wel toereikend om de klachten van trauma-getroffenen te beschrijven? Hier raken we de basis van de psychiatrische diagnostiek en vooral van het DSM-systeem. Binnen de geestelijke gezondheidszorg is...


Question (1)
I am looking for recent figures about prevalence of trauma and PTSD in the different levels of populations, but especially among general mental health populations, like out-patients clinics. Does anyone have some most recent literature references about this?


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