Rustem Davletgildeev

Rustem Davletgildeev
Kazan Federal University · Faculty of Law

Doctor of International and European Law


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Theory of Legal Integration, International Labour Law, International and National Migration Law, Human Rights, History of Law, Regionalism in International Law


Publications (41)
The article is devoted to the analysis of the reflection of the provisions of Art. 5 of the 1998 World Declaration on Higher Education for the 21st Century on the need to advance knowledge through scientific research in the fields of natural sciences, humanities and the arts and disseminate their results using the example of the science of internat...
The article reveals the history of the formation of the Faculty of Law of Kazan University, characterizes the current state of legal education and science, as well as plans for further development.
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INTRODUCTION. The right to fair remuneration is one of the fundamental human rights. Legal norms on the establishment of a sufficient minimum wage are enshrined in the provisions of important international acts of the universal and regional levels. Currently, the Russian Federation bears international legal obligations under the International Coven...
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The article examines the role of science and its mechanisms, including science diplomacy, for establishing a constructive dialogue between the EU and the EAEU. The authors highlight the regulatory and organizational obstacles to cooperation of the regional integration organizations in the field of science and innovation. Proposals for the developme...
Scientific, technical and innovative cooperation is gradually becoming one of the priorities of the current stage of the functioning of the Eurasian Economic Union. Taking into account the ongoing widespread deepening of the processes of globalization and integration, cooperation with external partners, in particular, with the European Union, which...
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Первый том коллективной монографии «Трудовое право: национальное и международное измерение», подготовленный ведущими специалистами по российскому и международному трудовому праву, экономике труда, философии права, посвящен общим проблемам современного трудового права. В первом разделе тома рассматриваются общетеоретические вопросы современного труд...
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Авторами изучено правовое регулирование исследовательской мобильности в рамках Европейского исследовательского пространства, созданного в Европейском союзе, и Европейского пространства высшего образования, имеющего более широкий круг государств–участников Болонского процесса. Подчеркивается взаимосвязь правовых политик Евросоюза в научно-техническо...
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The paper analyses the activities of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which, as a result of the transformation of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), has become one of the main elements of the European security architecture. The subject of interest is the international legal cooperation of the...
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На фоне изменений геополитической ситуации смена вектора активности России в сторону усиления интеграции в Евразийском регионе актуализирует необходимость развития международного научно-технического сотрудничества со странами постсоветского пространства. Статья посвящена анализу новых политик и механизмов МНТС РФ в рамках СНГ, ЕАЭС и Союзного госуд...
The review is dedicated to the international scientific and practical conference «International law in regional integration processes implementation» held at the Faculty of Law of Kazan Federal University in autumn 2019. The conference was attended by leading international law scholars from the Moscow State University n.a. M.V. Lomonosov, Moscow St...
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15th and 27th May 2020 International Roundtables themed “Compliance with International Labour Standards by EU and EAEU Member-States in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic” has taken the place. The events were jointly organised by Research and Educational Centre for Human Rights, International Law and Problems of Integration, Department of Interna...
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The experience and prospects of Russia's participation in the European research area are of particular interest in the context of the analysis of international research, technology and innovation (RTI) cooperation of the Russian Federation as a whole. It is especially necessary while developing various models of regional RTI integrations with Russi...
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The wetlands of the Republic of Iraq, being a natural area of protection, have unique environmental, historical and cultural characteristics and are significantly different from the existing wetlands of the world. However, despite this status, they are exposed to numerous negative influences. The authors point to the most important international le...
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Purposes: Russian Federation as many other States experience the growth of the "gig economy". The number of people working via platforms grows with every year. As a result, it brings up a new form of employment. Consequently, national law and social security systems have to adapt to new challenges in order to provide from one hand, efficient regula...
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Проблемы и перспективы региональной интеграции в Европейском союзе и на Евразийском пространстве, а также вопросы границ и идентичности, социальной политики, миграции в Европейском союзе, России и на Евразийском пространстве представлены в настоящей коллективной монографии в редком сочетании гуманитарных наук, включая право, социологию, международн...
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We trace the history of forming the legal framework for the regulation of academic mobility within the European Union in the paper. We also consider the documents that are the legal basis for popular academic programs implemented by the European Union. We analyze the main regional agreements regulating the implementation of academic migration withi...
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This paper analyzes the activities of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (formerly the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe), the largest regional organization to date, which includes 57 sovereign states. The Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) was conceived as a major geopolitical project, the p...
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Рустем Шамилевич Давлетгильдеев – д. ю.н., доцент, академический координатор центра Жана Монне в области европейских исследований VOICES+, заместитель декана юридического факультета, Казанский федеральный университет, Казань, Россия. Электронная почта: Международно-правовое регулирование трудовой миграции в рамках рег...
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The development of integration processes in the Eurasian space, the creation of new international interstate organizations leads to an increase in mobility among people, capitals, and services. In this regard, the number of so-called "mobile patients" [1] is also increasing in the transboundary health care: 1 in this case it is a question of planne...
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Курс «Международно-правовая защита трудовых прав человека» представляет собой введение в теоретические и практические проблемы международного права прав человека и международного трудового права в их взаимодействии. Международно-правовая защита трудовых прав человека является учебной дисциплиной международно-правовой специализации, которая знакомит...
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В учебнике освещаются система, основные понятия, институты и отрасли современного международного права. Характеристика ме- ждународного права дана на новой концептуальной основе и в свя-зи с функцией международного права XXI в. При написании учебни-ка наряду с ранее принятыми международно-правовыми актами ис-пользованы новейшие источники. Для подго...
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Глава в учебнике посвящена рассмотрению вопросов правового регулирования добровольной миграции в международном праве на универсальном (ООН, МОТ и ВТО) и региональном (СНГ, ЕАЭС, ЕС, АСЕАН, ЛАГ, АС, ЭКОВАС, EAC) уровнях
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Монография продолжает опыт кафедры международного и европейского права УрГЮУ по подготовке и изданию тематических межвузовских сборников по проблемам международного права. В ней рассмотрены различные аспекты соотношения и взаимодействия международного и внутригосударственного права с учетом правоприменительной активности правоохранительных и судебн...
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Fragmentation of international law is an issue that has been actively discussed in the scientific community, as well as is reflected in the positions of practitioners in the field of international law. The paper discusses the main components of fragmentation, which have, in my opinion, essential to understanding it: normative, institutional and reg...
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Настоящий учебник соответствует актуальным требованиям Федерального госу-дарственного образовательного стандарта высшего образования по направлению под-готовки бакалавров «Юриспруденция». Учебник раскрывает понимание и структуру европейского правопорядка, основанного в первую очередь и в большинстве своем на праве Европейского Союза. Содержит полож...
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Одной из тенденций современного международного права является сочетание стремления международного сообщества к универсализации, с одной стороны, и движение к регионализации, с другой. Эта тенденция нашла свое отражение и в области международно-правового регулирования труда: помимо Международной организации труда и ООН сотрудничество в трудовой сфер...
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This article is devoted to the analysis of international and legal cooperation in the area of labour migration in the Eurasian Economic Community and the Eurasian Economic Union. The authors study background for the creation and history of the Common Economic Space and the Customs Union, one of the main purposes of which is the creation and operati...
The present article is devoted to the analysis of the Agreement on the Legal Status of Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, signed in St. Petersburg in 2010 in comparison with the recently signed Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union. The subject of analysis is the legal regime for migrant workers from the states of the Common Economic Sp...
Conference Paper
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Cooperation among ASEAN members at work bears the stamp of a special Asian civilizational approach to international law. For the regional community ASEAN is important to combine the ideal and optimal, legal and social values and practices that will help protect the interests and rights of workers, including migrant workers. Feature of the internati...
Conference Paper
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This presentation shows formation of the concept of the European social model in European Union, which appeared much later and actively discussed, factors influencing the modern international legal regulation of labour in Europe, the development of the European social idea in the first half of the XX century, analyses evolution of the notion “Europ...


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