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Rustamjon Rakhimov

Rustamjon Rakhimov
Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology · Automation and Control of Technological Processes

Head of the Department of "Automation and Control of Technological Processes"


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September 2019 - December 2022
Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology
  • Senior Lecturer
September 2003 - June 2009
Namangan Engineering Pedagogical Institute
Field of study
  • Physics of semiconductors


Publications (97)
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Ushbu maqolada hajmiy tor sohali yarimo’tkazgichlarning ko’ndalang magnitoqarshilik ossillyatsiyalarining haroratga bog’liqligi tadbiq etilgan. Hajmiy yarimo’tkazgichlarda ko’ndalang magnitoqarshilik ossillyatsiyalari zz 3d ( , , ) E B Т ni hajmiy tor sohali yarimo’tkazgichning ta`qiqlangan soha kеngligi Eg3d ( ) Т ga bog’liqligini hisoblashning y...
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Axborot-kommunikatsion texnologiyalar (AKT) zamonaviy jamiyatda fundamental o'zgarishlarni amalga oshirmoqda. Axborot-kommunikatsion texnologiyalar zamonaviy hayotning ajralmas qismiga aylangan. Texnologiyalar inson hayotining turli jabhalarida yangi imkoniyatlar yaratib, iqtisodiy o'sish va ijtimoiy rivojlanishni jadallashtirmoqda. Shu bilan birga...
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Ushbu maqolada hozirgi kunda qo'llanilib kelinayotgan zamonaviy texnologiyalarda paxtani quritish jarayonida uning namligi katta ahamiyat kasb etadi. Shu o'rinda quritish jarayonida, uning namligi taqsimlanishi haqida ilmiy izlanishlarnatijalari aks ettirilgan.
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For the first time, the possibility of calculating the temperature dependence of the Shubnikov-de Haas and de Haas-van Alphen oscillations in narrow-gap semiconductors, taking into account the thermal smearing of the Landau levels is shown. A new method is proposed for determining the Shubnikov-de Haas and de Haas-van Alphen oscillations in narrow-...
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In this article, we investigated the effect of temperature and a quantizing magnetic field on oscillations of the density of energy states in the conduction band of nanoscale semiconductor structures. A new mathematical model has been developed for calculating the temperature dependence of the oscillations of the density of states in a rectangular...
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Recently, a number of remarkable nonequilibrium phenomena have been discovered in semiconductor structures under strong alternating and constant excitation of the electron gas. Most attention has been drawn to microwave-induced resistivity oscillations, especially after the impressive observation of "zero-resistance states" at the oscillation minim...
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Biomedical signal processing algorithms offer a variety of opportunities to improve performance. In this study, a new wavelet delta- function (WDF) method was proposed to effectively detect pathology from ECG signals. In this method, the delta function is determined for each value of the ECG signal. The coefficients 0, 1, and -1 are determined by s...
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In this work, the dependence of the oscillation of the combined density of states on a strong magnetic field in heterostructures based on a rectangular quantum well is studied. The effect of a quantizing magnetic field on the temperature dependence of the combined density of states in nanoscale straight-band heterostructures is investigated. A new...
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In this article, the physical properties of the surface of the CdS/Si(p) material under the influence of a magnetic field were studied. The dependence of the density of surface states of the p-type Si(p) semiconductor on the magnetic field and temperature has been studied. For the first time, a mathematical model has been developed to determine the...
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In this work, the influence of light on the temperature dependence of transverse magnetoresistance oscillations is studied. A generalized mathematical expression that calculates the temperature and light dependence of the quasi-Fermi levels of smallscale p-type semiconductor structures in a quantizing magnetic field is derived. New analytical expre...
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See the retraction notice E3S Web of Conferences 538, 00001 (2024), https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202453800001
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In this work, the influence of light on the temperature dependence of transverse magnetoresistance oscillations is studied. A generalized mathematical expression that calculates the temperature and light dependence of the quasi-Fermi levels of small-scale p-type semiconductor structures in a quantizing magnetic field is derived. New analytical expr...
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This article presents the Cisco Packet Tracer software interface and its capabilities, the tasks of existing devices in the software interface and their analysis, the creation of a computer network project "Building №1 of the Namangan Engineering-Construction Institute" using this software, and the classification of costs for the project. Designing...
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This article examines the creation of online trading platforms, including book trading, heir software interface and its capabilities, the functions of existing devices in the software interface and their analysis, the software tools used in creating an electronic trading platform and their capabilities. In particular, as an example, instructions f...
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This article provides information about the software tools of training, including the creation of electronic tutorials, their software interface and its capabilities, the tasks of existing devices in the software interface and their analysis, software tools used in the creation of an electronic tutorial and their capabilities. In particular, the in...
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Educational software and the possibilities of using it in practice provide an opportunity to go one step further in the educational process and increase the effectiveness of teaching. The information technology of education refers to special technical media (computer, audio, film, video). all technologies used are understood. In the period when com...
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In this article, the physical properties of the surface of the CdS/Si(p) material under the influence of a magnetic field were studied. The dependence of the density of surface states of the p-type Si(p) semiconductor on the magnetic field and temperature has been studied. For the first time, a mathematical model has been developed to determine the...
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In this work, the influence of light on the temperature dependence of transverse magnetoresistance oscillations is studied. A generalized mathematical expression that calculates the temperature and light dependence of the quasi-Fermi levels of small-scale p-type semiconductor structures in a quantizing magnetic field is derived. New analytical expr...
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In this work, the influence of two-dimensional state density on oscillations of transverse electrical conductivity in heterostructures with rectangular quantum wells is investigated. A new analytical expression is derived for calculating the temperature dependence of the transverse electrical conductivity oscillation and the magnetoresistance of a...
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В данной статье исследовано влияние двумерной плотности состояний на осцилляции поперечной электропроводности в гетероструктурах с прямоугольными квантовыми ямами. Выведено новое аналитическое выражение для расчета температурной зависимости осцилляции поперечной электропроводности и магнитосопротивления квантовой ямы. Исследованы осцилляции электро...
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Впервые разработана математическая модель определения влияния поглощения микроволнового излучения на температурную зависимость осцилляции Шубникова-де Гааза в полупроводниках. На основании предложенной математической модели выведены с использованием экспериментальных результатов осцилляции поглощение микроволнового излучения в полупроводниковых стр...
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For the first time, the temperature dependence of transverse magnetoresistance oscillations of heterostructured semiconductors based on quantum wells was determined by temperature variation of the two-dimensional energy state density. A new analytical expression was developed to calculate the temperature dependence of the transverse electrical cond...
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In this work, the influence of two-dimensional state density on oscillations of transverse electrical conductivity in heterostructures with rectangular quantum wells is investigated. A new analytical expression is derived for calculating the temperature dependence of the transverse electrical conductivity oscillation and the magnetoresistance of a...
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В данной статье исследовано влияние двумерной плотности состояний на осцилляции магнитосопротивления в гетероструктурах с прямоугольными квантовыми ямами. Выведено новое аналитическое выражение для расчета температурной зависимости осцилляции поперечного магнитосопротивления квантовой ямы. Исследованы осцилляции электропроводности и магнитосопротив...
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In this work, the influence of two-dimensional state density on oscillations of transverse electrical conductivity in heterostructures with rectangular quantum wells is investigated. A new analytical expression is derived for calculating the temperature dependence of the transverse electrical conductivity oscillation and the magnetoresistance of a...
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For the first time, the influence of temperature and a transverse strong magnetic field on the oscillations of the density of energy states is studied in the conduction band of heterostructures with quantum wells HgCdTe/CdHgTe. Analytical expressions are derived for oscillations of the density of states in quantum-dimensional heterostructural mater...
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This article investigated the temperature dependence of the width band gap in In x Ga 1-x As quantum well in the presence of a transverse strong magnetic field. A new method was proposed for determining the width band gap of GaAs/In x Ga 1-x As heterostructures based on a In x Ga 1-x As quantum well in the presence of a magnetic field and temperatu...
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In this work, the dependence of the oscillation of the combined density of states on a strong magnetic field in heterostructures based on a rectangular quantum well is studied. The effect of a quantizing magnetic field on the temperature dependence of the combined density of states in nanoscale straight-band heterostructures is investigated. A new...
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Bu ishda to‘g‘ri burchakli kvant o‘ralar asosidagi geterostrukturalarda kombinatsiyalangan (birlashgan) holatlar zichligi ossillyatsiyasining kuchli magnit maydoniga bog‘liqligi o‘rganilgan. Nanoo‘lchamli to‘g‘ri sohali geterostrukturalarda kvantlovchi magnit maydonining kombinatsiyalangan holatlar zichligi haroratiga ta’siri o‘rganilgan. Kvantlovc...
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In this work, the influence of two-dimensional state density on oscillations of transverse electrical conductivity in heterostructures with rectangular quantum wells is investigated. A new analytical expression is derived for calculating the temperature dependence of the transverse electrical conductivity oscillation and the magnetoresistance of a...
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In this work, a new model has been developed for calculating the effect of a quantizing magnetic field on the temperature dependence of the two-dimensional combined density of states in direct-gap heterostructures with quantum wells. The temperature dependence of the oscillations of the two-dimensional combined density of states of the quantum well...
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At present, the interest in applied and fundamental research in the field of condensed matter physics has shifted from bulk materials to nanoscale semiconductor structures. Of particular interest are the properties of the energy spectrum of charge carriers in low-dimensional semiconductor structures exposed to a quantizing magnetic field. Quantizat...
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Keyword In this article we investigated the effects of quantizing magnetic field and temperature on Fermi energy oscillations in nanoscale semiconductor materials. It is shown that the Fermi energy of a nanoscale semiconductor material in a quantized magnetic field is quantized. The distribution of the Fermi-Dirac function is calculated in low-dime...
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Ушбу мақолада квант ўрали яримўтказгичларнинг энергетик ҳолатлар зичлигини кучли магнит майдон ва ҳароратга боғлиқлиги тадқиқ этилган. Кўндаланг квантловчи магнит майдон таъсирида тўғрибурчакли квант ўрадаги энергетик ҳолатлар зичлиги осцилляцияларининг ҳароратга боғлиқлигини ҳисоблаш учун янги математик модел ишлаб чиқилган. Таклиф этилаётган моде...
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Исследовано влияние двумерной плотности состояний на осцилляции поперечной электропроводности в гетероструктурах с прямоугольными квантовыми ямами. Выведено новое аналитическое выражение для расчета температурной зависимости осцилляции поперечной электропроводности и магнитосопротивления квантовой ямы. Исследованы осцилляции электропроводности и ма...
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The influence of the two-dimensional density of states on the oscillations of the transverse electrical conductivity in heterostructures with rectangular quantum wells is studied. A new analytical expression is derived for calculating the temperature dependence of the oscillations of the transverse electrical conductivity and magnetoresistance of a...
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В данной работе исследовано влияние двумерной плотности состояний на осцилляции поперечной электропроводности в гетероструктурах с прямоугольными квантовыми ямами. Выведено новое аналитическое выражение для расчета температурной зависимости осцилляции поперечной электропроводности и магнитосопротивления квантовой ямы. Исследованы осцилляции электро...
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Ушбу ишда турли ҳароратлардаги наноўлчамли яримўтказгичларда магнит майдон сингдирувчанлиги ва бўйлама электр ўтказувчанлик осцилляцияларини ҳисоблашга бағишланган. Наноўлчамли яримўтказгичлар учун электрон иссиқлик сиғими осцилляцияси ва циклотрон эффектив массасини ҳароратга боғлиқлигини янги аналитик ифодаси олинган.
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Исследовано влияние двумерной плотности состояний на осцилляции поперечной электропроводности в гетероструктурах с прямоугольными квантовыми ямами. Выведено новое аналитическое выражение для расчета температурной зависимости осцилляции поперечной электропроводности и магнитосопротивления квантовой ямы. Исследованы осцилляции электропроводности и ма...
Conference Paper
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Как известно, воздействие внешних факторов (температуры, магнитного поля и давления) на квантово–размерные гетероструктуры приводит к изменению положения энергетических уровней носителей зарядов и следовательно, к смещению края магнитооптического поглощения. Спектр магнитооптического поглощения наноразмерных полупроводников определяется энергетичес...
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At present, the interest in applied and fundamental research in the field of condensed matter physics has shifted from bulk materials to nanoscale semiconductor structures. Of particular interest are the properties of the energy spectrum of charge carriers in low-dimensional semiconductor structures exposed to a quantizing magnetic field. Quantizat...
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At present, the interest in applied and fundamental research in the field of condensed matter physics has shifted from bulk materials to nanoscale semiconductor structures. Of particular interest are the properties of the energy spectrum of charge carriers in low-dimensional semiconductor structures exposed to a quantizing magnetic field. Quantizat...
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А new methоd is prоpоsed fоr cаlculаting the bаnd gаp in semicоnductоrs tаking intо аccоunt lаttice vibrаtiоns аnd thermаl smeаring under the influence оf temperаture аnd mаgnetic field. It is shоwn thаt the dependence оf the effective electrоn mаss оn energy аnd temperаture аffects the temperаture dependence оf the bаnd gаp in а strоng mаgnetic fi...
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It fоllоws frоm the prоperties оf the vectоr prоduct thаt in mоmentum spаce the electrоn mоves perpendiculаr tо the energy grаdient - thаt is, оver the surfаce оf cоnstаnt energy. Оnly the cоmpоnent оf the wаve vectоr perpendiculаr tо the mаgnetic field ⃗B will chаnge, the cоmpоnent оf the wаve vectоr оf the electrоn pаrаllel tо the mаgnetic field...
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This article considers the temperature dependence of the band gap in quantum-well heterostructures in the presence of a transverse quantizing magnetic field. An analytical expression is obtained for determining the band gap of a rectangular quantum well at various magnetic fields and temperatures. The proposed formulas well explain the experimental...
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Compared change the oscillation of the joint density of states by the energy absorbed photon for different Landau levels in the non-parabolic and parabolic zone. It is shown that in the nonquadratic dispersion law the maximum frequency of the absorbed light and the band gap nonlinearly depend on the magnetic field. The theoretical results are compa...
Conference Paper
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В этой статье исследовано влияние квантующего магнитного поля и температуры на осцилляции энергии Ферми в наноразмерных полупроводниковых материалах. Показано, что энергия Ферми наноразмерного полупроводникового материала в квантующем магнитном поле квантуется.
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А new methоd is prоpоsed fоr саlсulаting the temperаture dependenсe оf the оsсillаtiоns оf the density оf stаtes in а quаntizing mаgnetiс field due tо the соllisiоn оf eleсtrоns оn сrystаl lаttiсe defeсts. Аn аnаlytiсаl expressiоn is оbtаined fоr the оsсillаtiоns оf the density оf stаtes in а quаntizing mаgnetiс field аt different temperаtures.
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In this article investigated the effects of a quantizing magnetic field and temperature on Fermi energy oscillations in nanoscale semiconductor materials. It is shown that the Fermi energy of a nanoscale semiconductor material in a quantizing magnetic field is quantized. For the first time, a mathematical model was developed for determining the eff...
Conference Paper
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В этой статье исследовано влияние квантующего магнитного поля и температуры на осцилляции энергии Ферми в наноразмерных полупроводниковых материалах. Показано, что энергия Ферми наноразмерного полупроводникового материала в квантующем магнитном поле квантуется
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This article proposes a new method of calculating conductivity in semiconductors, taking into account lattice oscillations and thermal smears under the influence of temperature and magnetic fields. It is shown that the dependence of the effective electron mass on energy and temperature affects the temperature dependence of the bandgap in a strong m...
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This article investigated the effects of a quantizing magnetic field and temperature on Fermi energy oscillations in nanoscale semiconductor materials. It is shown that the Fermi energy of a nanoscale semiconductor material in a quantizing magnetic field is quantized. The distribution of the Fermi–Dirac function is calculated in low-dimensional sem...
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А new methоd is prоpоsed fоr саlсulаting the temperаture dependenсe оf the оsсillаtiоns оf the density оf stаtes in а quаntizing mаgnetiс field due tо the соllisiоn оf eleсtrоns оn сrystаl lаttiсe defeсts. Аn аnаlytiсаl expressiоn is оbtаined fоr the оsсillаtiоns оf the density оf stаtes in а quаntizing mаgnetiс field аt different temperаtures.
Conference Paper
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It follows from the properties of the vector product that in momentum space the electron moves perpendicular to the energy gradient - that is, over the surface of constant energy. Only the component of the wave vector perpendicular to the magnetic field ßB will change, the component of the wave vector of the electron parallel to the magnetic field...
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: A theory is constructed of the temperature dependence of quantum oscillation phenomena in narrow-gap electronic semiconductors, taking into account the thermal smearing of Landau levels. Oscillations of longitudinal electrical conductivity in narrow-gap electronic semiconductors at various temperatures are studied. An integral expression is obtai...
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In this article investigated the effects of a quantizing magnetic field and temperature on Fermi energy oscillations in nanoscale semiconducto r materials. It is shown that the Fermi energy of a nanoscale semiconductor material in a quantizing magnetic field is quantized. For the first time, a mathematical model was developed for determining the ef...
Conference Paper
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Развитие технологии роста полупроводниковых наноструктур привело к созданию высокоэффективных электронных и оптоэлектронных приборов. Появилась возможность конструировать многослойные структуры с необходимым профессорилем локализации, распределения носителей заряда и электронного спектра. Этот прогресс был бы невозможен без развития методов расчета...
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The calculation of the coefficients of magneto-optical absorption in semiconductors at different temperatures and pressures is carried out. A formula for the temperature dependence of the oscillations of the combined density of states by the Kane dispersion law is obtained. Mathematical modeling has been carried out that determines the magneto-opti...
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For the first time, a mathematical model was developed for determining the effect of temperature and a quantizing magnetic field on oscillations o f the Fermi energy in nanoscale semiconductor structures with a parabolic dispersion law. A mathematical expression is derived for calculating the dependence of the distribution of the Fermi-Dirac functi...
For the first time, a mathematical model was developed for determining the effect o f temperature and a quantizing magnetic field on oscillations o f the Fermi energy in nanoscale semiconductor structures with a parabolic dispersion law. A mathematical expression is derived for calculating the dependence o f the distribution o f the Fermi-Dirac fun...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this work is mathematical modeling of the temperature dependence of oscillations of microwave magnetic absorption in semiconductors under the action of an electromagnetic wave and the study of the influence of the sample temperature on the results of experimental data processing. To solve the set problems, the methods of theoretical calc...
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This article discusses the effect of a quantizing magnetic field and temperature on Fermi energy oscillations in nanoscale semiconductor materials. A generalized mathematical expression is obtained for calculating the dependence of the Fermi energy oscillations on the magnetic field, temperature, and thickness of the quantum well. It is shown that...
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В данной статья рассмотрены осцилляции межзонного магнитооптического поглощение в полупроводниках с кейновским законом дисперсии. Сравнивается изменение осцилляций комбинированной плотности состояний по энергии фотона для различных уровней Ландау в параболических и непараболических зонах.
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Используя предложенную модель, созданы графики влияния толщины квантовой ямы на осчиллячии плотности состояний при присутствии квантующего магнитного поля. С помощью математишеской модели, объяснены экспериментальные данные в квантовой яме GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs, при разных магнитных полях и температурах.
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Разработан новый метод исследования влияния высокого давления на уровни электронов Ландау в полупроводниках. Исследовано влияние давления на осцилляции эффектов Шубникова - де Гааза и де Гааз - ван Альфена в полупроводниках. Теоретические результаты сравниваются с экспериментальными результатами. Показано, что влияние давления на ширину запрещенной...
Conference Paper
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При воздействии электромагнитного поля на р-и-переход диод становится источником ЭДС. Нарушение термодинамического равновесия в p -n -переходе приводит к возникновению релаксационных процессов. Изменяя мощность СВЧ поля, подавая свет и деформацию, можно менять характеристики диода. В нескольких источниках показано как одновременное воздействие свет...
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В этой статье впервые теоретишески определена зависимость плотности энергетишеских состояний от температуры в квантующем магнитном поле. Проведено математишеское моделирование прочессов с использованием экспериментальных знашений сплошного спектра плотности состояний, показана возможность расшета дискретных уровней Ландау .
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Впервые разработана математическая модель определения влияния поглощения микроволнового излучения на температурную зависимость осцилляции Шубникова-де Гааза в полупроводниках. На основании предложенной математической модели выведены с использованием экспериментальных результатов осцилляции поглощение микроволнового излучения в полупроводниковых стр...
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Впервые теоретически определена зависимость плотности энергетических состояний от температуры в квантующем магнитном поле. Предложен метод расчета влияния температуры на осцилляции комбинированной плотности состояний с неквадратичным законом дисперсии
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A theory is constructed of the temperature dependence of quantum oscillation phenomena in narrow-gap electronic semiconductors, taking into account the thermal smearing of Landau levels. Oscillations of longitudinal electrical conductivity in narrow-gap electronic semiconductors at various temperatures are studied. An integral expression is obtaine...
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For the first time, the possibility of calculating the temperature dependence on quantum magnetic effects in narrow-gap semiconductors taking into account thermal smearing of discrete Landau levels has been shown. A new method is proposed for determining quantum magnetic effects in narrow-gap semiconductors at different temperatures. A formula is d...
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For the first time, the possibility of calculating the temperature dependence on quantum magnetic effects in narrow-gap semiconductors taking into account thermal smearing of discrete Landau levels has been shown. A new method is proposed for determining quantum magnetic effects in narrow-gap semiconductors at different temperatures. A formula is d...
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For the first time, the possibility of calculating the temperature dependence on quantum magnetic effects in narrow-gap semiconductors taking into account thermal smearing of discrete Landau levels has been shown. A new method is proposed for determining quantum magnetic effects in narrow-gap semiconductors at different temperatures. A formula is d...
Conference Paper
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Получена зависимость осцилляции комбинированной плотности состояний от гидростатического давления в полупроводниках с неквадратичным законом дисперсии. Сравнивается осцилляции комбинированной плотности состояний по энергии фотона при разных давлениях в параболических и непараболических зонах. Рассмотрено магнитопоглощения в узкозонных полупроводник...
Conference Paper
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Одним из наиболее эффективных методов изучения зонной структуры полупроводников является исследование магнитопоглощения, которое может быть вызвано как внутри зонными, так и межзонными переходами. В слабых магнитных полях этот метод дает значение эффективной массы носителей на уровне Ферми, а в квантующих-позволяет определять расстояние между уровн...