Ruslan Stefanov

Ruslan Stefanov
Center for the Study of Democracy · Economic Program

Master of Business Administration


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Publications (55)
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Addressing complex challenges requires different tools, mindsets and approaches from those traditionally used, which contributed to create some of these challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, raising inequalities. Focusing on one is not sufficient and understanding their interlinkages and feedback effects is essential. Innovation p...
Technical Report
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Germany has emerged as one of the most vulnerable EU countries in terms of energy and climate security risks. The geopolitical risks have markedly increased since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 due to the growing dependence on Russia and on the consumption of natural gas. The energy security has deteriorated also on the back of glaring gover...
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България, държавата с най-нисък БВП на човек от населението в Европейския съюз (ЕС), е изправена пред редица нерешени социално-икономически предизвикателства след три десетилетия демократичен преход към пазарна икономика. Чрез Механизма за възстановяване и устойчивост на ЕС, страната получава безпрецедентна възможност да реши редица структурни проб...
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Bulgaria, the country with the lowest GDP per capita in the European Union (EU), faces a number of protracted socio-economic challenges. The EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) provides the country with the largest ever public funding instrument to address these challenges up to 2027. However, to achieve lasting change the Bulgarian governm...
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This report documents the findings of a review of the industrial transition of Bulgaria launched in 2019 in partnership with the Bulgarian Council of Ministers, which follows the POINT (Projecting Opportunities for INdustrial Transitions) methodology of the JRC. The review explores some of the policy pathways Bulgaria might take as it seeks to digi...
Technical Report
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Effective cross-border inspections require national and EU-wide support. Given the current challenges to organise cross border inspections, this toolkit offers guidance on how to prepare, implement, and follow up effective cross-border inspections to ensure that EU rules on labour mobility are enforced fairly, coherently and effectively.
Technical Report
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The European Platform Tackling Undeclared Work organised a Thematic Review Workshop in Portugal on ‘Cross-border concerted and joint inspections’ between 28 February and 1 March 2019 (see Executive Summary here). It was hosted by the Authority for Working Conditions (Autoridade para as Condições do Trabalho [ACT]). The aim was to share knowledge an...
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The undeclared work is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has been present in all countries, regardless of its social and political establishment. Notwithstanding, the empirical evidence suggests that informal economy is more prevalent in countries with lower levels of GDP. Furthermore, the informal economy is present in sectors with lower...
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Undeclared work is socially accepted and widely practiced in Bulgaria, Croatia, and the FYR of Macedonia. More than 1 in 5 adults in these countries acknowledge that they have bought goods and services on the undeclared economy in the prior year. More than 1 in 12 report that they have undertaken undeclared work, and more than 1 in 10 declared empl...
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Undeclared work is socially accepted and widely practiced in Bulgaria. The undeclared economy is estimated at roughly a third of GDP. Nearly one in ten people do some undeclared work. Undeclared work is motivated primarily by lack of trust between the people and the authorities. It involves mostly people who voluntarily exit the declared economy bu...
Technical Report
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Undeclared work is socially accepted and widely practiced in Bulgaria, Croatia, and the FYR of Macedonia. More than 1 in 5 adults in these countries acknowledge that they have bought goods and services on the undeclared economy in the prior year. More than 1 in 12 report that they have undertaken undeclared work, and more than 1 in 10 declared empl...
Technical Report
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KEY POINTS  Undeclared work is socially accepted and widely practiced in Bulgaria. The undeclared economy is estimated at roughly a third of GDP. Nearly one in ten people do some undeclared work.  Undeclared work is motivated primarily by lack of trust between the people and the authorities. It involves mostly people who voluntarily exit the decl...
Technical Report
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KEY POINTS  Undeclared work has deep roots in Croatia. One in eleven declare to have done some fully undeclared work. Six out of ten though believe at least 20% of their compatriots violate tax and labour laws.  The perception of the widespread nature of undeclared work and the lack of trust in formal institutions seem to be the main incentives f...
Technical Report
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KEY POINTS  Undeclared work has deep roots in FYR of Macedonia. 1 in 16 adults and 1 in 8 of the employed engage in undeclared work. The use of informal connections to circumvent formal institutions is practiced by 35% of Macedonians.  Formal institutions in the country are underdeveloped. Unemployment also remains unusually high compared with t...
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Undeclared work has deep roots in FYR of Macedonia. 1 in 16 adults and 1 in 8 of the employed engage in undeclared work. The use of informal connections to circumvent formal institutions is practiced by 35% of Macedonians. Formal institutions in the country are underdeveloped. Unemployment also remains unusually high compared with the EU average. T...
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Undeclared work has deep roots in Croatia. One in eleven declare to have done some fully undeclared work. Six out of ten though believe at least 20% of their compatriots violate tax and labour laws. The perception of the widespread nature of undeclared work and the lack of trust in formal institutions seem to be the main incentives for people to en...
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The book provides a comprehensive study of hidden economy and in particular - hidden employment in Southeast Europe. It looks into the official imputed unobserved economy in the system of national accounts, various estimates of hidden economy, tax gaps, tax revenues and factors, which might contribute or explain hidden economy. The first chapter pr...
Russia has cultivated an opaque web of economic and political patronage across the Central and Eastern European region that the Kremlin uses to influence and direct decisionmaking. This report from the CSIS Europe Program, in partnership with the Bulgarian Center for the Study of Democracy, is the result of a 16-month study on the nature of Russian...
Russia has cultivated an opaque web of economic and political patronage across the Central and Eastern European region that the Kremlin uses to influence and direct decisionmaking. This report from the CSIS Europe Program, in partnership with the Bulgarian Center for the Study of Democracy, is the result of a 16-month study on the nature of Russian...
Russia has cultivated an opaque web of economic and political patronage across the Central and Eastern European region that the Kremlin uses to influence and direct decisionmaking. This report from the CSIS Europe Program, in partnership with the Bulgarian Center for the Study of Democracy, is the result of a 16-month study on the nature of Russian...
Russia has cultivated an opaque web of economic and political patronage across the Central and Eastern European region that the Kremlin uses to influence and direct decisionmaking. This report from the CSIS Europe Program, in partnership with the Bulgarian Center for the Study of Democracy, is the result of a 16-month study on the nature of Russian...
Russia has cultivated an opaque web of economic and political patronage across the Central and Eastern European region that the Kremlin uses to influence and direct decisionmaking. This report from the CSIS Europe Program, in partnership with the Bulgarian Center for the Study of Democracy, is the result of a 16-month study on the nature of Russian...
Russia has cultivated an opaque web of economic and political patronage across the Central and Eastern European region that the Kremlin uses to influence and direct decisionmaking. This report from the CSIS Europe Program, in partnership with the Bulgarian Center for the Study of Democracy, is the result of a 16-month study on the nature of Russian...
Russia has cultivated an opaque web of economic and political patronage across the Central and Eastern European region that the Kremlin uses to influence and direct decisionmaking. This report from the CSIS Europe Program, in partnership with the Bulgarian Center for the Study of Democracy, is the result of a 16-month study on the nature of Russian...
Russia has cultivated an opaque web of economic and political patronage across the Central and Eastern European region that the Kremlin uses to influence and direct decisionmaking. This report from the CSIS Europe Program, in partnership with the Bulgarian Center for the Study of Democracy, is the result of a 16-month study on the nature of Russian...
Russia has cultivated an opaque web of economic and political patronage across the Central and Eastern European region that the Kremlin uses to influence and direct decisionmaking. This report from the CSIS Europe Program, in partnership with the Bulgarian Center for the Study of Democracy, is the result of a 16-month study on the nature of Russian...
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The Bulgarian public procurement market constituted 9% of national GDP on average between 2009 and 2013, making it a key public resource for allocation and an object of corruption pressure. Approximately a third of the total construction sector and half of the Top 40 companies’ turnover in 2013 came from public procurement. Similar concentration is...
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The Corruption and Organized Crime Threat Monitoring Report is an overview of the state and dynamics of corruption and organized crime in the Republic of Macedonia. The basis of this report is the Corruption Monitoring System (CMS) developed by the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) from Bulgaria. The CMS relies on diverse sources of informati...
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The Worldwide Governance Indicators show that Bulgaria has made significant progress in the area of “control of corruption” since 1996. This finding contrasts with the general opinion of the Bulgarian population who perceive Bulgarian institutions as corrupt, and contradicts the decision of the European Commission to continue monitoring Bulgaria’s...
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Книгата е изготвена от екип на Проект 1 ЕООД, част от групата на Центъра за изследване на демокрацията по идея и задание на Българската минно-геоложка камара. Направен е анализ на конкурентоспособността на българската икономика към 2014 г. Анализирани са факторите, които оказват влияние върху националната икономика и онези, които засягат развитието...
Technical Report
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This report provided “Inputs to Bulgaria’s Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialization. It presents a comprehensive assessment of the country’s governance structure, innovation facilitating instruments, and key innovation assets –research and human capital. It proposes a stronger monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework and provide...
Technical Report
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Настоящият доклад е изготвен като компонент от Програмата за аналитични услуги и обмен на знания в областта на иновациите. Програмата е координирана от отдел „Развитие на частния и финансовия сектор” за региона на Европа и Централна Азия (EЦA) на Световната банка. Екипът е ръководен от Джон Габриел Годард (старши икономист и ръководител екип, ECSPF...
Regardless of the wide range of anti-corruption measures proposed across the region during the past decade, corruption in South East Europe (SEE) is still endemic, including in the new EU member states Bulgaria and Romania. Corruption remains one of the major obstacles for sustainable development in the South East European countries. Together with...
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Research and innovation can help Bulgaria to move up the value chain in industries that enjoy a comparative advantage as well as to increase the share of high-tech exports, reinforcing the country’s competitiveness. Bulgaria’s competitiveness has improved in recent years, but not quickly enough to catch up with EU peers, nor to keep pace with emerg...
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Изследванията и иновациите могат да помогнат на България да надгражда по веригата на стойността в сектори, в които страната е със сравнително предимство, както и за увеличаване на дела на високотехнологични продукти за износ, като така се укрепва конкурентоспособността на страната. Конкурентоспособността на България се е повишила през последните го...
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The report provides a reliable annual assessment of the innovation potential of the Bulgarian economy and the conditions and opportunities for development of the Bulgarian innovation system. It makes recommendations for the improvement of public policy on innovation by drawing on the latest theoretical and empirical studies worldwide...
Technical Report
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Докладът си поставя целта да анализира изпълнението и да направи оценка на политиката на България в областта на иновациите през 2007 г.
Technical Report
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The report aims to analyse Bulgaria’s innovation policy in 2007 and evaluate its implementation.
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This analysis aims to present the structure and specific features of Bulgaria’s research and innovation system on the eve of the country’s accession to the European Union in 2007, and to outline ways in which participation in the EU’s Framework Programmes for research, technological development and demonstration can improve the way in which the sys...
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Подписаният през април 2005 г. Договор за присйединяване на България към Европейския съюз постави страната пред нови, сериозни предизвикателства - интензифициране на интеграционните процеси, оценка на капацитета за усвояване на европейски фондове, подготовка за присъединяване към еврозоната, разработка на стратегия за ускорено икономическо развитие...
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This report provides a comprehensive analysis of Bulgaria’s state of preparedness for the Information Society (e-readiness) over the period 2002-2004. It traces the progress in ICT infrastructure deployment and the availability and use of Internet and ICT-related services in Bulgarian society, economy, government and education. The report is divide...
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Публикацията обсъжда ключовото значение на знанието за производителността, конкурентоспособността и растежа. Текстът е структуриран по аналитичен модел, разработен от Института на Световната банка, който дефинира четири основни стълба на икономиката на знанието, а именно: благоприятна институционална и икономическа среда; национална иновационна сис...


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