Rully Afrita HarliantyUniversitas Esa Unggul · Faculty of Psychology
Rully Afrita Harlianty
Master of Arts
I'm currently a lecturer in Psychology Faculty at Esa Unggul University
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August 2019 - January 2023
Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu
- Lecturer
August 2016 - December 2018
August 2011 - April 2016
Publications (21)
Quality of life plays a crucial role in enhancing employee productivity. This study aimed to assess the relationship between job stress and quality of life among university staff, identifying types of stress that positively or negatively impact well-being. A total of 88 university employees participated, with data collected using the New Job Stress...
Periode prasekolah merupakan periode optimal bagi anak untuk menunjukkan minat dan perkembangan mereka dalam bahasa, interaksi sosial, maupun eksplorasi lingkungan. Pentingnya mengenali perkembangan dan pertumbuhan anak untuk optimalisasi potensi, karakter, dan tumbuh kembangnya. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan untuk memfasilitasi pihak...
The aims of this study are to examine the structure factor of Indonesian version of Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ) and to test the construct of IWPQ by correlating with Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) as criterion. A total of 609 data from employees across Indonesia were involved in the research (Study 1 = 231, and Study 2 =...
This study examines the relationship between spiritual well-being, stress, and life satisfaction among healthcare workers and determines which domains of spiritual well-being can contribute to life satisfaction. Respondents in this study are 173 healthcare workers who completed the research questionnaire. The results of the multiple regression show...
Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah sebagai wadah mahasiswa di Universitas Aisyah Pringsewu dalam menyampaikan emosi yang mereka rasakan baik yang dipengaruhi bidang akademik, sosial maupun lingkungan yang terealisasikan melalui pohon impian dimana setiap mahasiswa diberikan kebebasan dalam mengekspresikan emosi yang dirasakan. Di...
The purpose of this training activity is to provide an understanding of accounting information systems so that owners and employees can make good records and bookkeeping and also increase the motivation of owners and employees to run their businesses better and more advanced. The results of this activity can be described in the following indicators...
This study aims to determine the factors that influence the application of accounting information systems in UMKM Dimsum Seceng Pajaresuk, Pringsewu. The research was conducted using qualitative methods, the researchers analyzed the data and information obtained from interviews and observations. The subject of this research is UMKM Dimsum Seceng Pa...
Sincerity (narimo ing pandum) and gratitude can improve psychological well-being. However, the role of gratitude as a moderator in the relationship between the feeling of sincerity and psychological well-being is not widely studied yet. This study aimed to determine the role of sincerity and psychological well-being with gratitude as a moderator fo...
Quality of life is one of important aspects to boost productivity at work among employees. However, some employees might feel job stress due to some work pressures leading to an impact on the quality of their life. This study aimed to investigate the quality of life and the job-stress level and which type of stress could either positivel...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana koping religius pada caregiver kanker payudara mampu membantu caregiver menghadapi permasalahan psikologis yang berkaitan dengan pengasuhan keluarga yang menderita kanker payudara. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologi interpretif. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini...
Tujuan kegiatan pelatihan ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman atas sistem pencatatan keuangan dan pembukuan sederhana kepada siswa dan siswi SMK KH GHALIB, sehingga setelah mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan siswa dan siswi akan memiliki kemampuan pencatatan dan pembukuan sederhana untuk usaha UMKM yang akan mereka lakukan. Kegiatan pengabdiankepada ma...
Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk mempersiapkan para siswa dalam menentukan karir ketika mereka memilih untuk melanjutkan studi ke perguruan tinggi setelah lulus sekolah. Persiapan karir khususnya dalam pengenalan minat, pengenalan karir dan perencanaan serta penentuan karir para siswa/i kelas XII SMK Gholib. Sasaran Penga...
The objective of this community service activity is to reduce juvenile delinquency through training for the Millennial Youth Self-Control Progressive Movement so that students who have good self-control tend not to do things that violate the rules. The subject of this community service is MTS YPPTQMH Ambarawa students, with 16 participants. Overcom...
Public compliance with social distancing policy is necessary to slow down the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19). One of the factors that contribute to compliance with social distancing policy is awareness of COVID‐19. This study aimed to examine the relationship between awareness of COVID‐19 and compliance with social distancing policy....
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) merupakan penyakit yang menyerang sistem pernafasan yang disebabkan oleh coronavirus. Sejak terjadinya wabah coronavirus pertama kali di Wuhan, China, COVID-19 telah menyebar hampir di seluruh dunia sehingga pada tanggal 11 Maret 2020 WHO (World Health Organization) menetapkan COVID-19 sebagai pandemik dengan tot...
Factors Influencing Parents Doing Verbal Abuse on Their Children in West Fajar Agung Village, Pringsewu, Lampung. Parental verbal abuse is all forms of speech by parents to children that are threatening, frightening, insulting, and rejecting. This was committed because of knowledge, experience, family, economic, socio-cultural, and environmental fa...
To slow down the spread of COVID-19 public compliance on social distancing policy is required. One of the factors that contribute to compliance on social distancing policy is awareness on COVID-19. This study aimed to examine the relationship between awareness on COVID-19 and compliance with social distancing policy. This study used an online surve...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara beban psikologis dengan kualitas hidup yang dimoderatori oleh koping religius pada caregiver wanita dengan kanker payudara. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 70 responden yang merupakan caregiver keluarga wanita dengan kanker payudara di Ruang Instalasi Kanker Terpadu “Tulip” RSUP Dr. Sardjito...
The psychological problem that can arise due to uncertain conditions to the spread of COVID-19 is anxiety. One of the essential behaviors that contribute to the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 is awareness related to COVID-19 and the behavior of community adherence to the appeal of Social Distancing. The research objective was to determine whe...
The aim of this study is to determine the role of religious coping as a moderator of the relationship between psychological burden and quality of life among caregiver of women with breast cancer. Total of subjects in this study were 70 family caregivers of women with breast cancer in Intensive Cancer Center "Tulip" Dr. Sardjito Hospital. Data were...