Ruliyanta RuliyantaNational University · Electrical Engineering
Ruliyanta Ruliyanta
Doctor of Philosophy
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My research interests focus on power systems, antenna design, algorithms, wireless propagation, and the implementation of modern technologies such as centralized PLC systems and IoT.
I have been actively involved in various research projects, including developing solutions to enhance industrial operational efficiency and accuracy, conducting literature reviews on 6G technology, and applying artificial neural networks for energy consumption analysis.
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September 1999 - present
Publications (46)
Jakarta International Stadium is a multi-function stadium which has a building area of 222,940 m2 consisting of nine floors and can accommodate 82,000 spectators. In this study, the optimization level of the power flow (load flow) with the Newton Raphson method will be seen and calculate the short circuit current referring to the IEC International...
Currently, Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is essential for communication in everyday life. Even though cellular subscribers have internet access, they generally still access Wi-Fi or Wi-Fi offloading. Wi-Fi development is currently on Wi-FI version 6, which uses two frequencies, 2.4 GHz & 5 GHz. 5.2 GHz frequency is a new frequency. In Indonesia, it is...
Based on gender grouping, internet use in the office is 3.82 hours per day for women and 2.53 hours per day for men. The amount of data accessed by female users is 255.61 MB, while for males, it is smaller at 221.35 MB. The research results show that the average user of offloading Wi-Fi is a Medium User. In the Male group, 2.53% of users are classi...
At present, the need for data traffic is experiencing tremendous growth. The growth of smartphone technology offers new applications. On the other hand, the growth in cellular network access infrastructure has not been able to keep up with the increasing demand for data package services. For this reason, Wi-Fi offloading is needed, namely for cellu...
The television industry in Indonesia is currently in a transition phase from analog broadcasts to digital broadcasts. This study aims to design and manufacture directional flat panel antennas that optimize digital broadcast reception at frequencies in the 450-700 MHz range and produce optimal gain, return loss, bandwidth, and VSWR (voltage standing...
Electric vehicles (EVs) are rapidly advancing as a sustainable transportation solution in the global effort to reduce carbon emissions. There are four main types of EVs: battery electric vehicles (BEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), and fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). This article reviews each EV t...
Advanced Metering Infrastructure is a technology that will be implemented in Indonesia along with the current growth of information technology. Indonesia has natural conditions consisting of mountains and oceans. The problem of selecting an appropriate network to support AMI conditions in Indonesia is significant. This research will examine the ben...
Even though the government of the Republic of Indonesia has banned the use of R22, it is still widely found in industry. The problem is that the industry is reluctant to replace the current R22 because it will result in high initial investment costs. This research investigates the use of catalytic refrigerants to overcome high costs. This research...
Baku mutu air sungai dipengaruhi oleh air yang masuk kedalamnya. Pada bangunan tinggi, sebelum air bilas atau air bekas dibuang ke sungai atau saluran kota, wajib diolah. Permasalahan yang ditemui pada mitra adalah belum dilakukan pelaporan atas kegiatan ini selama periode 2023. Tujuan kegiatan ini menyusun laporan pembuangan air limbah periode Sem...
ABSTRAK Abstrak: Pelatihan ISO 17025:2017 penting untuk standardisasi kinerja dan kualitas laboratorium pengujian dan kalibrasi. Standar ini memberikan panduan untuk memastikan bahwa laboratorium dapat melakukan pengujian atau kalibrasi yang konsisten, akurat, dan dapat dipercaya. Laboratorium Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tadulako belum berstandar I...
The high number of disabled people in Indonesia, which reaches more than 22 million people, requires special transportation facilities. Three-wheeled electric bicycles are an alternative to overcome this problem. Our bicycle design results of the displacement error presentation are n = 2.17%. Based on the calculation above, the presentation shows a...
ABSTRAK Abstrak: Ancaman nyata dampak ekplorasi air bersih di Indonesia adalah menurunnya permukaan tanah utamanya di sekitar Pantai. Kota Jakarta, Semarang dan kota-kota besar di pesisir utara pulau Jawa sudah merasakan dampaknya. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini perlu dilakukan upaya konservasi lingkungan melalui pengendalian penggunaan air tanah...
Total harmonic distortion and a low power factor are critical issues affecting power quality in modern high-rise buildings. Non-linear loads generated by highly efficient electrical equipment cause total harmonic distortion. On the other hand, low power factor is caused by induction machines, excessively long cables, and inefficient equipment. This...
Weather radars are essential for detecting rainfall, calculating movement, and estimating the object type (rain, snow, or hail). For such applications, the C-Band frequency range of 3.7 GHz to 4.2 GHz is typically utilized. A key challenge lies in improving antenna gain for better system performance. This research aims to design a C-Band downlink m...
We measure the quality-of-service level of the existing Wi-Fi network on the office in Indonesia. Next, the user is asked to measure the level of network experience. We compare the results of our experience assessment survey with the system's quality of service. The method we use is to group volunteers into two socioeconomic groups. The assessment...
ABSTRAK Abstrak: Panel surya memanfaatkan photovoltaic dan merupakann sumber pembangkit listrik terbarukan. Efisiensi panel surya tergantung pada kondisi permukaan panel tersebut. Benda yang menghalangi sinar matahari dapat mengganggu efisiensi listrik yang dihasilkan. Salah satu gedung yang memiliki pembangkit listrik tenaga surya adalah gedung In...
ARTICLE INFO A fire alarm is an early warning system for the danger of Fire. If early warning of the danger of Fire is active, officers immediately look for fire spots to extinguish. If the Fire is still small or medium, the Fire can be extinguished with a light fire extinguisher. If the Fire is big, it is extinguished with a sprinkler or water fro...
The fire alarm system is an early warning system for fire hazards in buildings and must be owned by large buildings. The Inalum building is a new building with a green building concept. The building will be operational in 2021 and inaugurated by the Minister of BUMN of the Republic of Indonesia. The partner's problem is that not all employees in ch...
The growth of electricity meter reading technology is growing with current telecommunications technology. It developed into Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) from conventional meter reading and continued with Advanced Measurement Infrastructure (AMI). AMI utilizes currently developing telecommunications technology. With the data mining method, state el...
Energy conservation in Indonesia is the primary choice made by the government of the Republic of Indonesia. It is undeniable that the highest consumption of a building is air conditioning energy, especially in a tropical environment like Indonesia. Air conditioning consumes between 40% and 80% of power in a high-rise building. The problem is how to...
The need for buildings with the concept of green building is now very important for environmental conservation. The smart building concept is to do efficiency to get better governance in optimizing a building. However, the combination of green and smart buildings is still very rare. We researched a new building belonging to the government of the Re...
The current development of the cellular communication system has ushered in the 5G telecommunications era. The government has provided a 2.3 GHz frequency spectrum for 5G implementation in Indonesia. The frequency value used in the implementation of 5G technology in Indonesia which has just started can be said to have a high impact with a high atte...
ABSTRAK Abstrak: Kegiatan ini dilakukan pasca Pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia. Dampak Pandemi COVID-19 di Indonesia secara signifikan sangat mengganggu ekonomi di Indonesia, pusat belanja banyak ditinggalkan konsumen dalam hal ini penyewa toko. Saat ini, gedung mulai beroperasi secara normal. Tentunya terjadi perubahan profile energi sebelum dan pasc...
ABSTRAK Abstrak: Dampak Pemberlakuan Pembatasan Kegiatan Masyarakat di Indonesia mempengaruhi tingkat hunian apartemen. Ketidakmerataan hunian berakibat beban listrik di apartemen tidak seimbang. Ketidakseimbangan beban listrik akan menghasilkan arus listrik yang mengalir pada kabel netral. Ini merupakan kerugian besar yang harus dibayar oleh pelan...
The COVID-19 pandemic has hit all over the world, including Indonesia. The Indonesian government has adopted a policy in the form of Large-Scale Social Restrictions. Implementation is in the form of rules for carrying out activities from home, both work and school activities. Problems that arise to support online activities require data traffic. Th...
This Community Service activity was carried out at the PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Persero) Head Office Building, Batubara Regency, North Sumatra. This building has a green building concept. The green building concept requires workers to come from residents around the building. The building, which the Minister of SOEs inaugurated on January 6, 20...
Abstrak: Pandemi COVID-19 berdampak pada diberlakukannya Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar atau PSBB. Salah satu implementasi dari PSBB adalah dengan dilaksanakannya proses belajar mengajar secara Online atau daring. Sekolah secara daring memang cukup efektif dalam masa pandemi ini. Permasalahan yang timbul adalah dibutuhkan sarana trafik data untuk...
Gedung Inalum Kuala Tanjung adalah gedung termegah di kabupaten Batubara, Sumatera Utara. Gedung diresmikan pada 6 Januari 2021 oleh menteri BUMN. Dengan mengusung Smart and Green Building, pimpinan Inalum memiliki komitmen tinggi atas nilai-nilai keramahan lokal. Tenaga kerja yang diserap memprioritaskan warga lokal. Permasalahan timbul ketika ten...
p class="Abstract"> Using crewless aircraft or Unmanned Aerial vehicles (UAV) is rife in the civil and military world. The problem that often occurs is that the UAV has disconnected from the control center. One of the reasons was that the aircraft was operating outside the radio control center's range. This study aims to design a control antenna wi...
Currently, global mobile data traffic is booming and shows no sign of slowing down as increasing speed impacts more use of mobile data in the future. The consideration of speed rates mobile communication is due to the growing use of very large amounts of data traffic, which this is a major obstacle faced by the telecommunication service providers t...
Gedung Inalum Kuala Tanjung adalah gedung termegah di Kabupaten Batubara dan merupakan icon bagi kabupaten ini. Sejak diresmikan pada 6 Januari 2021 oleh menteri BUMN, gedung mulai beroperasi. Gedung ini merupakan kantor pusat dari PT Inalum (Persero) sebuah BUMN ternama di Indonesia. Dengan mengusung Smart and Green Building, pimpinan Inalum memil...
Large buildings use lots of electrical equipment. The equipment includes air conditioning systems, building transportation, pumps, and others. One of the problems often encountered is the emergence of a decrease in power factor due to inductive loads. These induction machines cause this inductive load. One way to overcome this problem, Capacitor Ba...
The need for a building with a green building concept is now very important for environmental conservation. The concept of green building is to design a building that has a more efficient consumption of electrical energy. The Energy Consumption Intensity (ECI) of a building in Indonesia with a tropical climate is regulated in INS no 03-0196: 2010....
The COVID-19 pandemic has been going on for more than 2 years. The policy of restricting public movement issued by the government of the Republic of Indonesia changed its term during the COVID-19 pandemic. Several national and international researchers have examined the effect of electrical energy consumption during the implementation of restrictio...
Indonesia, which has a geographical area consisting of islands, uses microwave communication as the backbone. One of the islands in Indonesia is Sangihe Island. Construction of a communication network between Manado-Sangihe which crosses several islands using a microwave radio communication system with SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) technology...
4G network is a technology that is currently being developed, known as LTE or 4G. An antenna microstrip for 4G technology is used in this paper. The antenna is designed to resonate at a frequency of 1800 MHz-2300 MHz. The antenna design use FR-4 for its substrate which functions as a dielectric for the antenna. The design is done using the help of...
The Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), also known as COVID-19, has brought a worldwide threat to the living. The whole world is making extraordinary efforts to combat the spread of this deadly disease in terms of infrastructure, finances, data sources, protective equipment, life risk treatment, and several other resources. Artificial intelligence researcher...
The growing popularity and proliferation of mobile devices has resulted in an exponential growth of mobile data traffic or also known as mobile data explosion. Cellular network providers are struggling to address the challenges of bandwidth scarcity and also to meet end user's expectation of high network capacity. Due to the abundance of existing W...
Sistem komunikasi bergerak masa depan yang menawarkan berbagai macam aplikasi layanan membutuhkan efisiensi bandwith yang tinggi dan kecepatan data yang berbeda. Kecepatan data berbeda dalam sistem MC-DS-CDMA yang memiliki efisiensi bandwith tinggi dapat dicapai dengan mengubah teknik modulasi atau menggunakan kode OVSF dengan panjang kode yang ber...
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) adalah salah satu sistem yang digunakan untuk mentransmisikan siaran TV digital hingga ke end-user. Dengan teknologi digital, DVB dapat memanfaatkan penggunaan bandwidth secara lebih efisien. Salah satunya adalah DVB-C (Digital Video Broadcasting-cable). Dalam simulasi ini membandingkan performa antara sistem DVB-C...
ABSTRAK. Merancang aplikasi teknologi komunikasi wireless berbasis zigbee pada sistem kontrol dan monitoring ruangan kelas. Dapat memanfaatkan fungsi dari jaringan kabel wireless sebagai media untuk mengontrol peralatan listrik jarak jauh. Idenya muncul setelah melihat pemanfaatan masalah ini terjadi dalam mengendalikan peralatan listrik dengan man...